Science looks at outcomes, not expectations. In circumstances where the "known" science seems flawed, always go back to real world observations.
“As Papua New Guinea's COVID-19 cases surge and health services are stretched doctors at the country's main hospital are prescribing an anti-worm medicine to treat COVID-19 patients, despite the WHO warning against its use.
Ivermectin is used to treat parasitic infections but has gained popularity on social media as a COVID-19 cure despite warnings from health experts.”

Thus, there was no increased incidence of severe AEs or SAEs after community-wide treatment with IDA in PNG. The types of AEs reported were similar across treatment arms and similar to those observed in other settings [22]. AEs associated with inguinal or scrotal swelling or pain were uncommon and no more common after IDA.
Tavul, Livingstone, et al. "Safety and efficacy of mass drug administration with a single-dose triple-drug regimen of albendazole+ diethylcarbamazine+ ivermectin for lymphatic filariasis in Papua New Guinea: An open-label, cluster-randomised trial." PLoS neglected tropical diseases 16.2 (2022): e0010096.
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Great post. Would you please post some comparable 10-year death data with vaccination rates for nearby countries like New Zealand? It seems like Papua-New Guinea has had a declining death rate for some time, leading me to suspect that it is affected by many Third-World problems and may be higher than First-World death rates. Nevertheless by using ivermectin and declining the Covid-19 injections, Papua-New Guinea avoided the excess deaths that have become the new normal around the world.
ALSO - Widespread pre-existing immunity to covid caused by a virulence inhibited early sars-cov-2 which, in the March 2018 time frame, began to spread across China, through Asia Pacific and into areas of Africa. This pre-existing immunity to covid remained until overcome by the "enhanced" infectiousness, virulence and immune escape properties built into the Delta variant and other variants.
I observed the substantial initial lower infection rates / less severe covid? effect of this prior immunity in those areas of the world without understanding the "why". I had thought this was the effect of using more effective N95 masking but most all the news video I watched from these areas showed the mass of the people were wearing the common "bogus" type masking as used in the "west", though with perhaps a bit less below the nose "mask" wearing. Or more effective social distancing which did not seem to be feasible or early treatment which may well have been a factor in some areas.
Then I read the well organized, large compilation of evidence demonstrating widespread prior immunity. here: The Ethical Skeptic, “China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018” link
I also noted, from a number of other sources, that by 2017 the final necessary ACE2 binding affinity enhancement of "spike" had been found and joined all the other component parts that were on the bioweapon lab shelves of the chinese communist party / people's liberation army ready to be "recombined" to "create" sars-cov-2
Hi James Kringlee
Did you read the link on X:
Very telling.
Thank You Sieglinde Alexander for the link, Yes it is a glimpse in time that opens the door to many things "they" have been up to.
I gumshoed a bit with duck duck go and located a group of "before and after" emails here
PDF of the before and after emails here
Page 2 of 23 in this group is a graphic of the "Nanoparticle slide from Ralph" i.e. state of the art aerosolizable dry powder for encapsulation and delivery of bioweapons and genetic manipulation products. But not much more about the "sars-cov glycoproteins he's making for a DARPA grant and they're trying to get them into bats"
This from DRASTIC RESEARCH explains some of what the emails were about - Project DEFUSE DARPA - PREEMPT (HR001118S0017)
This helps with redacted names "The emails involve four people – Ralph Baric, Toni Baric, Peter Daszak, and Tonie Rocke,"
"On Thu, Mar 15, 2018 at 8:30 PM, Baric, Ralph S Wrote Hi Tonie, | was definitely planning on testing whatever | could in mice, nanoparticles no problem but my understanding was that RCN doesn't work well in mice."
This may help explain "RCN" - "Impact of Molecular Modifications on the Immunogenicity and Efficacy of Recombinant Raccoon Poxvirus-Vectored Rabies Vaccine Candidates in Mice" Abstract ".... ... We previously developed a recombinant raccoonpox virus (RCN) vaccine candidate expressing a mosaic glycoprotein (MoG) gene that protected mice and big brown bats when challenged with RABV. In this study, we developed two new recombinant RCN candidates expressing ... ..."
The sum total of all I have read, seen and heard tells me that when baric first put his furin cleavage site into a sars-cov(1) he created the first sars-cov-2.
A chinese communist party/people's liberation army, ccp/pla, bioweapon lab used this US/baric created bioweapon technology and the baric created humanized mice and "the" moderna patented sequence and the chinese sars-cov parts they had searched for and found, specifically a 2013 bat sars-cov "backbone" and a 2017 pangolin sars-cov spike receptor binding motif (RBM) in the receptor-binding domain (RBD) of its spike with exceptional binding to human ACE2 to "create" via recombination the sars-cov-2 that initiated the covid-19 pandemic.
a ccp/pla 2 front , stealth, "unlimited war", "economic war", bioweapon attack on the west. Front #1) sars-cov-2 + "developed" immune escape variants, front #2) ccp/pla tradecraft + fear-inducing showmanship inducing the west to use ccp/pla slow kill bioweapon spike for its countermeasure mRNA and viral vector produced vaccine antigen
I originally posted this comment to a substack page discussing "DEFUSE" last month.
DEFUSE does provides additional evidence of highly developed PREEXISTING bioweapon development work to enhance sars-cov via the addition of a furin cleavage site undertaken prior to 2018 by the US bioweapon / bioweapon and pandemic countermeasure "complex".
"The exact furin cleavage site found in SARS-CoV-2 is found in another protein, a protein called alpha-ENaC found in humans and studied heavily at the same university (UNC) as one of the PI’s of DEFUSE. "
UNC - University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill home of bioweapon baric and the bioweapon baric gain of function gang.
and then DEFUSE, based on prior knowledge, writes its proposal showing that "it" has prior knowledge of the location to place the furin cleavage site to weaponize sars-cov thereby "creating" sars-cov-2. "SARS-CoV-2 has its furin cleavage site at exactly the location proposed in these grants."
It is made obvious by the outworking of events that this US developed furin cleave site and specific technology to insert it and humanized mice etc were "transferred" to china during the time such research was temporally banned in the US and ongoing and given/taken/stolen and PRIOR to 2018 effectively delivered to the bioweapon / bioweapon and pandemic countermeasure "complex" of the "chinese" communist party/people's liberation army - ccp/pla.
note: When the cia was founded in 1947 its first charge was to round up the japanese and german bioweapon expert war criminals and move them into the US bioweapon program. From then on it's been spies working within bioweapons programs spying on other spies working in these programs. The wuhan lab was obviously a honey trap for this type of research - "no questions asked, cheap we do, to woo you, to the wuhan lab" and, no doubt, they developed innovations of their own. The ccp/pla was obviously able to obtain bioweapon applicable research from a number of sources. A "bioweapon baric" and his UNC gain of function gang developed furin cleavage site, even a moderna patented genetic sequence showed up in sars-cov-2. I remember something that a principal figure in the french outfit that helped to build the wuhan lab wound up at moderna.
From the Abstract of "SARS-CoV-2 and the Secret of the Furin Site" "Here we show genomic fingerprints which are specific of Pangolin-CoVs, Bat-SARS-like (CoVZC45, CoVZXC21), bat RatG13 and human SARS-CoV-2 coronaviruses. This, along with phylogenetic analysis, we found that these species have the same evolutionary origin in the bat, including a genetic recombination of S gene between Pangolin-CoV (2017) and RatG13 ancestors." RatG13 "isolated in 2013".
The following from the the March 22, 2020 US bioweapon/bioweapon countermeasure "complex" "hide in plain sight" limited hangout, zoonotic origin / wet market infection epicenter, mis/dis/mal information propaganda piece "Emergence of SARS-CoV-2 through recombination and strong purifying selection" with its original, preprint server published, now deleted, "too revealing", supplementary data. Here they carefully tell some truth, always make mention of zoonotic evolution while never actually saying sars-cov-2 was zoonotic (plausible deniability) and never mention lab origin. This article actually spelled out the lab creation of sars-cov-2 with the US created furin cleavage site,never mentioned as US developed bioweapon technology, and the ccp/pla sars-cov backbone and high ACE2 binding affinity sars-cov spike parts, known to be 2013 and 2017 additions to stock on the ccp/pla bioweapon lab shelves. The the numbers of virulence increasing and "slow kill" bioweapon "inserts" added to the "spike" of sars-cov-2 are not mentioned here.
"We show evidence of strong purifying selection around the receptor binding motif (RBM) in the spike gene and in other genes among bat, pangolin and human coronaviruses, indicating similar strong evolutionary constraints in different host species. We also demonstrate that SARS-CoV-2’s entire RBM was introduced through recombination with coronaviruses from pangolins, possibly a critical step in the evolution of SARS-CoV-2’s ability to infect humans. " "we find significant recombination breakpoints before and after the ACE2 binding site (fig. S2A)," "Specifically, amino acid sequences of the receptor binding motif (RBM) in the C terminal of the S1 subunit are nearly identical to those in two Pan_SL-CoV_GD viruses, with only one amino acid difference (Q498H)—although the RBM region has not been fully sequenced in one of Guangdong pangolin virus (Pan_SL-CoV_GD/P2S)
"Thus, a functional RBM nearly identical to the one in SARS-CoV-2 is naturally present in Pan_SL-CoV_GD viruses. The very distinctive RaTG13 RBM suggests that this virus is unlikely to infect human cells, and that the acquisition of a complete functional RBM (my note; with exceptional human ACE 2 binding ability) by a RaTG13-like CoV through a recombination event with a Pan_SL-CoV_GD-like virus enabled it to use ACE2 for human infection.
note; As this "Research Article" was originally posted to the preprint? server, the supplementary data initially contained a Chinese research spreadsheet, subsequently removed, too revealing?, showing on the vertical, line by line, 3533 individual tissue samples taken from a number of sick pangolins. Virus types found in each tissue sample, averaging close to 10 per sample, were listed horizontally - sars-cov was found in sick pangolin #7 and more in sick pangolin #8, more likely the "guilty party" supplying the "spike" identified to have evolved to, or to have been "evolved" to, gain the human ACE 2 binding affinity enhancement in the spike identified in sars-cov-2.
"Furthermore, SARS-CoV-2 has a unique furin cleavage site insertion (PRRA) not found in any other CoVs in the Sarbecovirus group (24), although similar motifs are also found in MERS and more divergent bat CoVs (25) (Fig. S3). This PRRA motif makes the S1/S2 cleavage in SARS-CoV-2 much more efficiently than in SARS-CoV and may expand its tropism and/or enhance its transmissibility (23)"
Sars-cov backbone and sars-cov components were on the bioweapon lab shelves of the "chinese" communist party/people's liberation army (ccp/pla) bioweapon / bioweapon and pandemic countermeasure "complex" from 2013 - a sars-cov virus with a 50% fatality rate when transfected in aerosolized bat feces, this cov-2 supplied the "backbone" for sars-cov-2, and from 2017 a pangolin sars-cov spike component with exceptional binding to human ACE 2.
Recombination and Strong Purifying Selection using these and using "US" furin cleavage site technology that was used to put the "2" into sars-cov, created the "pandemic" level of human to human transmission shown in sars-cov-"2".
continued below as a reply
Then this ccp/pla bioweapon complex did what it would do - develop a countermeasure vaccine and do human testing while continuing to bio weaponize their sars-cov-2, most particularly the spike*, with various bioweapon toxin inserts and virulence inhibited toxin inserts and continue to do countermeasure vaccine testing on humans. *note; Whole spike which was by that time well "noised abroad" as the choice coronavirus antigen for coding countermeasure agent mRNA.
From events we may see that during this ccp/pla bioweapon/bioweapon countermeasure development process*, in the March 2018 time frame, a virulence inhibited early sars-cov-2 began to spread across China, Asia Pacific and into areas of Chinese contact in Africa developing widespread immunity to sars-cov-2 in the population of those areas which lasted until the immunity breakthrough and increased virulence changes developed into sars-cov-2 seen in the Delta variant. see The Ethical Skeptic "China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018
*note; The modus operandi MO of a bioweapon/bioweapon countermeasure complex is FIRST DEVELOP THE BIOWEAPON
Then a breakdown of virulence inhibition? or a leak or breakthrough infection? or a DELIBERATE DECISION to release a virulent sars-cov-2 as a stealth bioweapon attack on the west with a "pandemic" in china "GO player" cover story and THE DELIBERATE DECISION made by the ccp/pla to use all means necessary to suppress and stop the spread of covid-19 in China and THE DELIBERATE DECISION made by the ccp/pla to use all means necessary, then, to insure that that initial release sars-cov-2 spread to the world and that certain subsequent variants developed and released in "coincidental" conjunction with ccp/pla vaccine testing in foreign countries also spread, quite possibly, initially via bioweapon encapsulation to produce airborne aerosols particles , South African variant, most virulent Gamma P1 in Brazil, or spread across the world and such as Delta and then the case of Omicron. Omicron with the prion creating spike insert toxin reportedly somehow now removed. The prion creating spike insert toxin present in prior variants and replicated by mRNA in the whole spike "vaccine " antigen.
This OMICRON with prion initiating spike insert removed ALLOWED TO SPREAD THROUGH CHINA reportedly doing relatively little damage to the people of China who received REAL TREATMENT for covid and whose immune systems, it appears, were mostly protected from repeated infections and repeated injections and who did not receive mRMA injections creating toxic whole spike and doing other immune system damage damage which made Omicron reportedly much more debilitating and killing in the multiple infection / multiple injection "west". And now, in the west, a new omicron with a prion initiating site "insert" reported.
imo - All Total, fact + fact + fact, shows a ccp/pla 2 front , stealth, "unlimited war", "economic war", bioweapon attack on the west. Front #1) sars-cov-2 + "developed" immune escape variants, front #2) ccp/pla tradecraft + fear-inducing showmanship inducing the west to use ccp/pla slow kill bioweapon spike for its countermeasure mRNA and viral vector produced vaccine antigen. Induced with terrible deaths for the most vulnerable elderly and co-morbid, people filmed dropping dead, staged?,on China streets. Where else in the world did we see this happening before "vaccines"? Apartment doors welded shut, massive spraying and fogging of the streets and public spaces and the phenomenal construction of hospitals in weeks which were shortly to be closed down.. Quite the show. Quite the FEAR FEAR FEAR producing show inducing the west to use "their" long planned "countermeasure" Mrna to now generate the ccp/pla bio-engineered toxic "slow kill" "spike" for its "vaccine" antigen. Infection, injection, infection, injection, infection, injection death and debilitation in the west, China largely protected with widespread prior immunity until delta with actual lock downs and conventional vaccines. "chinese" Go players vs complicit "western" checkers players.
The facts that the surveillance state ccp/pla "china" 100% knew what was circulating person to person in wuhan and 100% deliberately worked to conceal this while working to keep travel open from wuhan to the world and while they looted the "west's" stocks of N95 shows ccp/pla intent, at best, to "never let a good crisis go to waste" if the release was somehow not deliberate, while providing "pandemic explanation" cover with 2 "red herring" (ethical skeptic) trails 1) zoonotic origin with wet market outbreak center, to be supported by the west's complicit US bioweapon / bioweapon countermeasure / military / industrial / pharma complex, with full knowledge as to the origin of sars-cov-2, as a cover for their own complicit gain of function (gain of effect) "contribution" the furin cleavage site, the "2", the pandemic level of human to human transmission, in sars-cov-2 and other technology transferred to and taken by the ccp/pla and used by the ccp/pla for the lab recombination "creation" of sars-cov-2. Effective zoonotic "cover" for 3 years yet still being debunked leading to
"red herring" (ethical skeptic) trail 2) "ACCIDENTAL" lab release. How long for this to be debunked?
.... . evil here evil there - evil won round "covid"
Has anyone seen a recent study on autoimmunity among the people of Papua New Guinea? Physicians in Europe have widely neglected the fact that SARS-CoV-2 infection is linked to hyperinflammation in multiple organs, potentially leading to autoimmunity.
There have been many reports of inflammatory complications following COVID-19, including sarcoidosis.
Dr. McMCllan, is there an expiration date on petcin?