Great post. Would you please post some comparable 10-year death data with vaccination rates for nearby countries like New Zealand? It seems like Papua-New Guinea has had a declining death rate for some time, leading me to suspect that it is affected by many Third-World problems and may be higher than First-World death rates. Nevertheless by using ivermectin and declining the Covid-19 injections, Papua-New Guinea avoided the excess deaths that have become the new normal around the world.

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ALSO - Widespread pre-existing immunity to covid caused by a virulence inhibited early sars-cov-2 which, in the March 2018 time frame, began to spread across China, through Asia Pacific and into areas of Africa. This pre-existing immunity to covid remained until overcome by the "enhanced" infectiousness, virulence and immune escape properties built into the Delta variant and other variants.

I observed the substantial initial lower infection rates / less severe covid? effect of this prior immunity in those areas of the world without understanding the "why". I had thought this was the effect of using more effective N95 masking but most all the news video I watched from these areas showed the mass of the people were wearing the common "bogus" type masking as used in the "west", though with perhaps a bit less below the nose "mask" wearing. Or more effective social distancing which did not seem to be feasible or early treatment which may well have been a factor in some areas.

Then I read the well organized, large compilation of evidence demonstrating widespread prior immunity. here: The Ethical Skeptic, “China’s CCP Concealed SARS-CoV-2 Presence in China as Far Back as March 2018” link https://theethicalskeptic.com/tag/ccp/

I also noted, from a number of other sources, that by 2017 the final necessary ACE2 binding affinity enhancement of "spike" had been found and joined all the other component parts that were on the bioweapon lab shelves of the chinese communist party / people's liberation army ready to be "recombined" to "create" sars-cov-2

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Has anyone seen a recent study on autoimmunity among the people of Papua New Guinea? Physicians in Europe have widely neglected the fact that SARS-CoV-2 infection is linked to hyperinflammation in multiple organs, potentially leading to autoimmunity.

There have been many reports of inflammatory complications following COVID-19, including sarcoidosis. https://mattioli1885journals.com/index.php/sarcoidosis/article/view/15027

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Dr. McMCllan, is there an expiration date on petcin?

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