
Are Excess Deaths Being Statistically Covered Up?

Is everything fine, or are we just imagining the problem?

Great news! All those reports you've heard about people dying—your family, your friends, and the increased obituaries in the papers—apparently, they’re all a figment of your imagination. The UK is even reporting a 14% drop in excess deaths. Isn’t that incredible?

If you aren’t comfortable with some level of skepticism or critical thinking, I’d suggest stopping here. But I can’t help but share my thoughts on what seems like a massive contradiction in the numbers we’re seeing.

Before I delve into the data, let me bring up an interesting story. One of the most vocal figures in the UK regarding excess deaths was Andrew Bridgen, a Member of Parliament. He recently lost his seat, despite having held it since 2010. He saw his vote count drop from 63% to just 3.2%. After the election, many people told him they voted for him—so what happened? It makes you wonder: Was he asking too many difficult questions? Perhaps his stance on excess deaths didn’t sit well with the political class.

Mystery of Andrew Bridgen’s vanishing votes
Read Article here >

But let's get back to the question at hand—excess deaths. Why does it seem like some in power are reluctant to investigate them? Could it be because there’s something they’d rather not acknowledge?

The Elephant in the Room

I’ve been tracking the data on excess deaths since January 2022. From the Euromomo statistics, it was clear to me that something was off. Too many people were dying, and we needed to figure out why. But what could have caused such a dramatic rise in deaths over the past few years?

Two major events have occurred in the past four years that could explain this spike: COVID-19 and something I’ll refer to as the “elephant in the room.” No one wants to acknowledge the elephant, yet it’s hard to ignore its presence. We need an investigation to understand the connection.

Now, here’s the good news, according to the latest UK statistics. In the week ending September 13, 2024, the number of deaths was reported as 14% lower than expected. If that’s true, does that mean we’re in the clear? Or is this a case of statistical manipulation? It’s important to note that the methodology used to calculate these figures recently changed. And somehow, with a new method in place, we’ve suddenly solved the excess deaths problem. How convenient.

Are We Really Out of the Woods?

When I look at the data from 2023 and compare it to 2024, the numbers don’t seem to match up. The same number of people are dying this year as last year—so where’s this miraculous 14% drop coming from?

Here’s the issue: Many people who were vulnerable to severe COVID-19 or had comorbidities have already passed away. They can’t die twice, so the death rate should have naturally declined. But it hasn’t. The reality is that new people are dying, and at rates that should be alarming to anyone paying attention.

In countries like Bulgaria, where vaccination rates were low, many died during the pandemic. But after the population gained herd immunity, excess deaths dropped significantly. In the UK, we haven’t seen the same drop, despite our higher vaccination rates. Something isn’t adding up.

The Younger Generation: Why Are They Dying?

One of the most disturbing trends in the data involves children and young people. According to Euromomo, excess deaths among those aged 0 to 14 have risen in 2024. Why are children dying at higher rates than expected? This trend demands urgent investigation, yet it’s being ignored.

The data is clear, and it raises a critical question: Why aren’t we looking into the causes of these excess deaths? There are potential political and financial motivations behind this avoidance, but the health of the population should always come first.

The Road Ahead: An Uncertain Future

From my perspective, we are entering a dangerous phase. I’ve been saying this since the beginning of the pandemic: I believe we are on the brink of an autoimmune epidemic. With a highly circulating virus and immune priming, this situation is the worst-case scenario. Even though the vaccine had its benefits in reducing severe disease, the long-term impact of a constantly circulating virus is deeply concerning.

If this virus had disappeared, we could have gradually moved on. But with 14 billion doses administered and the virus still circulating, what does that mean for the future? The data suggests we are heading toward a public health crisis, with excess deaths rising and no clear plan to stop it.

What Now?

I’ve raised these flags because I believe we need to address these issues head-on. We need our leaders—politicians and public health officials alike—to take responsibility and investigate the causes behind this disturbing trend.

I’ll continue to share my insights in upcoming health and wellness webinars. If you want to join me, there are still a few slots left. We’ll dive deeper into how to navigate these ongoing health challenges, particularly as we face what I call Disease X—the viral threat that continues to loom over us.

Stay informed, stay vigilant, and demand answers. The health of our society depends on it.

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