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Self-Replicating mRNA Vaccines: Should You Be Worried? - CENSORED!

A Review into Emerging mRNA Technologies and the Questions We Need to Ask

Over the past few years, the pharmaceutical industry and regulators have pushed forward with mRNA technology, and now, it seems, they’re moving on to a new frontier: self-replicating mRNA. This new development is being hailed as the next big step in vaccine technology, but I’m left with a host of questions—questions that, in today’s climate, are difficult, if not impossible, to ask without facing accusations of spreading misinformation. Sadly, the video was censored on YouTube!

I’ve reviewed a paper from Cell titled The Rise of the RNA Machines: Self-Amplification in mRNA Vaccine Design, and it raises significant concerns. Before diving in, let me share some of my initial thoughts on this technology and why I believe it's essential we approach it with caution.

Comes, Jerome DG, Gorben P. Pijlman, and Tessy AH Hick. "Rise of the RNA machines–self-amplification in mRNA vaccine design." Trends in Biotechnology 41.11 (2023): 1417-1429.

If you want to delve deeper into the details of my concerns, I invite you to join me for an in-depth discussion in my upcoming session, The Ugly Truth. Let’s explore the science together and ensure we’re making decisions based on all the facts—not just the ones we’re allowed to see.

The Ugly Truth: Poor Long-Term Covid Vax Immunity
Webinar: Thursday 10th October at 7PM UK time

Register here >

What troubles me most is the rush to adopt these new technologies without fully understanding the implications of the original mRNA vaccines. We still have so many unanswered questions about immune responses, long-term side effects, and the rise of conditions such as cardiovascular issues and cancers. The industry seems focused on moving forward rather than thoroughly assessing the past.

In this article, I challenge the current narrative and advocate for more transparency. We must continue to ask tough questions, no matter how inconvenient they are for the industry. It’s crucial that we stay informed and maintain an open dialogue about these rapidly advancing technologies.

Please support my research efforts by subscribing to Vejon Health Substack. Your support allows me to continue bringing you my insights in a timely and effective way.

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Vejon COVID-19 Review
Vejon COVID-19 Review Podcast
Comprehensive overview of COVID-19 looking at the research from Dr Philip McMillan delineating autoimmunity in the disease.