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Health and Wellness Pt 2 – Navigating COVID and Beyond

Unlocking the COVID Storm: Insights for Health and Wellness

Let’s dive straight into what I believe is a continuation of a critical health and wellness journey. You need to understand this is part of a broader process. I’m in a unique position to see patterns that others might miss because I’ve been deeply involved in both research and clinical care since the early stages of the pandemic. My focus goes back to April 2020, when I first noticed autoimmune responses tied to COVID. Since then, I've observed how these conditions evolved, particularly with the introduction of vaccines.

One of the most eye-opening aspects for me has been the changing nature of respiratory diseases and chest infections. These shifts are what led me to investigate the "COVID storm," a term I use to describe a spike-triggered autoimmune response. While this doesn’t happen to everyone, even a small percentage of the population experiencing this can put immense pressure on healthcare systems.

Being on the frontline during this time has made it essential for me to develop strategies to minimize exposure. Despite not always being consistent with protective measures like masks—due to a sense of isolation when others around me weren’t wearing them—I’ve had to find other ways to safeguard myself.

My goal now is to share what has worked for me, hoping it will help you and your loved ones protect your health in this ongoing situation. I’ve been focused on sourcing the best quality information and solutions because when it comes to COVID, every opportunity to strengthen our health counts.

This is just the beginning of a larger effort to deliver helpful and accurate health insights. Soon, there will be more opportunities for closer interactions, like Q&A sessions, where I’ll be able to guide you on your health journey. While I can’t offer specific medical advice, I can provide valuable information to help you make informed decisions alongside your healthcare provider.

Questions covered

  1. How to manage the COVID storm you're concerned about?

  2. I was harmed by a single mRNA vaccine and feel devastated. How do I deal with this long-term?

  3. How to clear the lungs after a persistent cough that won’t go away?

  4. What do you think about Budesonide nebulizers for a productive cough?

  5. How should I deal with low cortisol and kidney issues post-COVID?

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Vejon COVID-19 Review
Vejon COVID-19 Review Podcast
Comprehensive overview of COVID-19 looking at the research from Dr Philip McMillan delineating autoimmunity in the disease.