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Could COVID Cause MEGA CLOTS?! New Study Reveals SHOCKING Findings

Understanding the science of Megaclots and the Hidden Threats of COVID-19

Now we are discussing a critical issue: MEGACLOTS! These are not the microclots associated with long COVID; I'm talking about the big clots that cause serious thromboembolic events—pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, arterial blockages to the heart, and strokes. These larger clots have been observed since 2021, with embalmers like Richard Hirschman noticing them during their routine work. This phenomenon gained attention, especially after the documentary "Died Suddenly," but then it seemed to fade from public focus. However, thanks to the persistent efforts of people like Thomas Haviland, the topic hasn't entirely disappeared.

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The Connection to COVID-19

Today, I will draw connections between these megaclots and COVID-19, particularly in the context of prior immune stimulation. We must remember that we are still experiencing high circulation of COVID-19, as evidenced by recent news reports. The New York Times recently highlighted the current approach towards COVID-19, which involves no isolation, tests, or masks. I will discuss this, along with an important paper on thrombosis of the vaso vasorum of large and medium-sized pulmonary arteries after Covid infection.

Embalmers and the Rise of Unusual Clots

Let's not ignore the reports from embalmers who have been seeing unusual clotting patterns in their daily work. This isn't limited to those working with the deceased; these clots are occurring in living patients as well, raising significant concerns. The question we need to address is, what is causing these embalmers to see such unusual patterns? The science behind this is critical to understanding the broader implications for public health.

Recent Findings: The Science of Megaclots

A paper published in May 2024, featuring authors from the West Indies, provides valuable insight. It discusses thrombosis of the vaso vasorum—tiny blood vessels that supply the walls of larger arteries and veins.

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Vejon COVID-19 Review
Vejon COVID-19 Review Podcast
Comprehensive overview of COVID-19 looking at the research from Dr Philip McMillan delineating autoimmunity in the disease.