Many of the people who died suddenly were cremated.

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Phillip, you are 100% on target unfortunately. We need operation wrap speed on autopsies as in four years ago!

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What is the target? What WERE Dr burkharts findings?

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It is now hate to create vaccine hesitancy. Canada has life in prison for hate speech it is not defined. In an authoritarian world our voices are criminalized.

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Sadly truth.

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Thank you Philip. Dr. Burkhardt, last interview is well worth the watch, for the world to see. Keep up the good work!

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A young child recently outright stated "It Is The Time Of Truth!" The conviction in their voice was like Thunder 🌩.

UkColunm.org and Doctors for Covid Ethics (search SYMPOSIUM) and Dr. Arne Burkhardt, RIP, following Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi at 17 minutes. December 12, 2021 ~ https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/doctors-for-covid-ethics-an-interdisciplinary-symposium-ii-sounding-the-call

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„Hateful speech“? Observating and stating what you‘ve observed? Ridiculous! It‘s just stirring up emotions against people like you. Silence and when that doesn‘t work make you be perceived as hateful or a conspiracy theorist by the public. Unbelievable. Some few powerful ones must be mad!! Fear of a cover being lifted??

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If there is an active attempt to hide the pathological outcomes, autopsy data is the worst possible research.

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Psalm 11 :3 when the foundations are being destroyed, what can the righteous do?

I stand with you, Dr McMillan. You say "But how can we remain silent when lives are at stake?"

We cannot. The cost is more than the immediate consequences. The weight of your questions must impede the 'going forward without answers ".

So immune to the ugliness of death by violence due to overexposure through media, may your investigative research uncover the festering, deliberate wounds in our morality; no longer bandaged in the vainglorious rags of dishonor to life, expose to the Light and let healing and wholeness once more be the bebefits of wisdom and justice

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Thank you very much.

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You know that Arne Burkhardt.did more than 15 autopsy re-studies. It were about 85 (including tissue samples taken by surgery). There are multiple videos showing him presenting his findings (most of them in German language, but some also in English). Meanwhile - as I told you via e-mail - a new diagnostic institute has been established in Germany, where they continue his work. I told you the website, I repeat it here, because tissue diagnostics have to be done. This I am trying to convince of many politicians (and journalists) around me. They still don‘t want to listen. But they will - in the end!


Sadly, it‘s not cheap to get these tissue studies done…

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Thank you.

I will be looking at this.

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Would you be able to tell me what Dr burkharts "findings" were, in a few short sentences. How do you interpret his findings? His, and Dr bhakdis , of course.

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The main issue is the following: Nearly in every histologic sample he examined he found lymphycte infiltrations, especially surrounding blood vessels. Further he saw break-ups in the cellullar linings inside the blood vessels, i.e. disruption of the intercellular connections between endothelial cells. This was often accompanied by microclots (microthrombi). In a second step (when the technique was available) he most often found spike protein via immunhistologic staining in these lesions. And in many cases there was no staining of the nucleocapsid antigen from which he concluded that these lesions of lymphocytic infiltration did not origin from viral infection. Otherwise the cause must have been viral infection.

In Germany there is a histologic atlas book being published by another pathologists, presenting some of Prof. Burkhardts cases - unfortunately only in German language. But in the just published book, edited by Naomi Wolf, „The Pfizer Papers“, there is a whole chapter about Arne Burkhardt‘s findings.

If you take these histologic findings and Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi‘s predictions together, it all fits perfectly together. Endothelial cells MUST present spike proteins when they are transfected via the template of the modRNA driven vaxgene. This foreign protein on the outer side of the cell wall will attract lymphocytes (T-lymphocytes, NK cells) whose task it is to destroy infected or - in this case - transfected cells. So, you might take Arne Burkhardt‘s findings as a first proof of Sucharit Bhakdi‘s predictions.

As Philip refers to over and over again, and I definitely agree with him, these findings have to be repeated by the medical and scientific community. This must be THE task for the near future.

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Fantastic answer. You know your stuff!!! Where have you been this whole four years?

Correct. The me hansi mfo harm is auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes. The proof. Lymphocyte infiltration in pathology.

Dr bhakdi directed to Dr burkhart to stain for T cells. Then proved it. The case should have solved then.

But instead. The whole world ignored. Everybody in their insanity refuses to share and care .they went back to speculating about spike inflammation, grapheme oxide and snake venom nonsense.

Dr burkhart died. But Dr bhakdi carried on repeating himself over and over "auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes"!!!!

But nobody (99.999% of everybody) ever repeats what Dr bhakdi said. Those few who do reference Dr burkharts patjolgy blame spike, not lymphocyte attack!

I'm really glad you are here too and can describe reality correctly. Almost everyone else, can't!!! Something paranormal has happened to us all. Globally.

All done otrs should have been able to predict that mRNA would cause destruction by the lymphocyte cytotoxic response. Instead. It's four years later and currently...only a few of us here now can talk about it, thankfully with Dr Phil now focused on it too.

In another part of he internet. Dr John Campbell keeps repeating "the cytotoxic T cells will destroy those cells". And nobody listens ! Everybody ingores.

Marc GIRARDOT also wrote his book the needles secret. He describes the cytotoxic lymphocytes "carpet bombing the endothelium".

Everybody ingores and refuses to repeat what he says too!

And lately, Dr Clare Craig has verbalised it at Jackie stones summit. And written an article on substack describing the T cells mediated attack.

In a normal world.. 100% of people should be repating what they say, and referencing Dr burkharts pathology.

But we are not in a normal world.

Instead. For four years. 99.99% of everybody REFUSES to repeat these specific terms.

I have been fighting to expose this daily for four years non stop. I've made thousands of videos , always talking about Dr bhakdi and burkhart.

I was in touch with Dr bhakdi for a while but he made excuses about not working together coperetavly.

Instead he just kept reacting himself over and over to a deaf audience for years.

And also, Bret Weinstein also for the last year. Kept repeating this mechanism of harm, and referencing Dr burkhart...and as with everyone else who tries... The entire audience just IGNORES. And changes the subject.

Some form of mass delusional concept specific hypnotic dementia??? Keeping the world from the most important facts to stop the curse of mRNA genocide..

We are in a fight against a great hidden evil..

Glad to find you here on Dr Phil's wall, and able to communicate the lymphocyte science. There are so few of us.

We have to work together to expose this..

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Could you post the reference of Clare Craig*s substack article? Looking through the headlines in her substack it cannot be found. Really would like to read it.

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Sure .. here you go.

If you check comments you will find me there heavily and sternly discussing and arguing the point she made about t cells mediated cells death. Aka lymphocyte infiltration. And as I always do,preference Dr burkhart and bhakdi .

Nobody else in comments even mentioned it, despite it being the most critical fact on planet earth in the last four years.

Dr Clare wasn't able to join in discussing science on her own comments section.

Then Dr yeadon turned up and told me that I was correct, but I should quit. Then failed to respond any further.

Getting these influencer experts to do open scientific discussion on the most important topic of all, in their own channels, is like getting blood out of a stone, from most of them. It's been a huge part of the problem all along.


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Thanks a lot. While listening to Philip‘s new video from today - just in this moment - he mentions your name. Crazy! Which medical or scientific background do you have? I am an Anesthetist and Intensive Care physician in the northwest of Germany. Since 4 years I am trying to educate myself and to teach collegues, friends. Tough task. I reached some people, not many. Nearly all vaccinated at least 3 times (very few only 2 times). Myself not vaxxed and going through hard times in 2022 when in Germany there was a coercion and obligation to get vaxxed.

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Great, thanks.

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Dr Phil. Myself and Cynthia tried to tell you in livechat for years that the answer was lymphocyte infiltration. Cytotoxic cd8+ killer cells ATTACKING and DESTROYING.


So Dr burkharts primary key work was done three years ago CONCUDING the investigation. And everyone "forgot" and YOU..."FORGOT"?? And had to be reminded by Dr Rory? Why are you all "forgetting" what you now say is the most important findings???

I suggest you stop saying "inflammation" because we are talking about DAMAGE AND DESTRUCTION of blood vessels. You say "perivascular vasculitis"? Marc GIRARDOT says "carpet bombing of the endothelium.

I suggest if you want autopsies, just Google "lymphocyte infiltration" to find ALL THE AUTOPSIES YOU WANT showing the lymphocytes destroying. 55% of vaccine myocarditis was "lymphocytic "!

And then you bloody well credit me for telling you that.

Oh, and every other commenter here, hasn't even mentioned the T lymphocytes. Or lymphocyte infiltration . Can't even discuss, Dr burkharts findings , which was actually "obliterative (DAMAGE) LYMPHOCYTIC. VASCULITIS.

NOTE 3. When talking about lymphocytes. Be sure to distinguish cd4 helper inflammation, and the more important cd8+ CYTOTOXIC.

Note 4. Stop "forgetting" Dr bhakdi . He directed Dr burkhart to look for killer T lymphocytes. Then he repeated "auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes".

Note5: when you do a video , watch your audience and note how NOBODY ever uses this language, the definitions and terms. Be abuse they are "retarded" by the Darkforce. The evil psychological phenomeon that made you all just "forget" Dr burkharts work for three years.

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Apologies Will, but you were verbally abusing the other guests.

Can you expand on why you think the CD8 T cells are central to ongoing autoimmune pathology?

My recent research took me away from CD8 cytotoxic to CD8 Mucosal Associated Invariate T-cells (MAIT) as the driver in long Covid.


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Sure, and thanks for replying.

For starters , you have recently reviewed Dr bhakdi and Dr Arne burkharts work. You said you sort of "forgot" and so did the rest of the planet. However that work is key!

Dr Arne Burkhart was directed by Dr bhakdi to stain for T cells, (90% of people referencing Dr burkhart only mentioned he stained for spike) cd8+ killer T lymphocytes. Destructive,NOT "inflammation".

Dr burkhart found (as Dr Rory told you last month) "lymphocyte amok" "obliterative LYMPHOCYTIC vasculitis.

In other words.. T cells DESTROYING the endothelium .

Or as Marc GIRARDOT puts it. "carpet bombing of the endothelium by cytotoxic T cells".

Or as Dr bhakdi put it "auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes".

In your latest effort, Dr Rory reminded you of "obliterative lymphocytic vasculitis". With the focus on "perivascular". Dr burkhart and bhakdi described "lymphocyte infiltrates....

You were right on top of the elephant THEN!!!

However instead of sticking with "lymphocyte infiltrates". (Killer T cells infiltrating and DESTROYING).

You veered off to "perivascular infiltrates". So location , without the casual element.

The key, is lymphocytes. Killer t cells..

If you want to find all your autopsies. Search for "COVID vaccine lymphocyte infiltration". Or "lymphocytic infiltrates" And you will find hundreds of autopsies or biopsies, where the examining doctors have FOUND lymphocytic infiltration. Do a video and go over each one.

Dr Burkhart did 70 odd histologies. Surely that's plenty! But you can find more. Lots more. Technically this investigation was conclusive over 3 years ago once Dr burkhart and bhakdi proved it.

Please take this bit seriously. It is CRUCIAL to clarify the difference between "inflammation" and "damage/destruction". Inflammation happens and can be caused by cd4 helper cells. But the cells don't die, and recover. Inflammation isnt the key problem.

Cd8+ cytotoxic t killer cells however, are serial killers which destroy cells after cell. DESTROY..Not inflamme!...

When cells are transfected, mostly in the vasculature. Killer T cells see the spike, or any foreign protein, and destroy that cell. That is the mechanism of harm. The proof is "lymphocyte infiltration".

It is important not to blame spike specifically, because it's the RESPONSE doing the damage, and the same response will happen with other mRNA..

Your "spike triggered auto immune response" is correct, but a little vague.

Foreign protein triggered, auto immune attack , BY killer T lymphocytes.

"Mystery clots" are Not a mystery!

The destruction of endothelium by killer T lymphocytes (not inflammation!) releases clotting factor. That is the trigger for the clots. The composition of clots, you have presented, and so did Dr Ryan Cole 3 years ago. Mostly fibrin, spike and neutrophils. Neutrophil elastase.

I specialised in cross reactive T cells immunity from the start. T cells are more important than antibodies. 99.99% of experts have complelty ignored T cells this entire time. That's why it's all been a mess.

It's critical to know that myself, Dr Sucharicht Bhakdi, Marc Girardot and Bret Weinstein have all been repeating ourselves over an over trying to explain it's the cd8 cytotoxic T cells causing most of the pathology. Everything we say, is informed by 99.99% of the audoence. It's bizzare. Something unexplainable is going on, on a mass psychological level. It is highly frustrating.. if you talk about the killer T cells, nobody ever shares or repeats.

This can be observed in comments on any of those doctors channels who repeatedly tried to explain the mechanism as T killer cells attack. EVERYBODY changes the subject and ignores. It's highly frustrating.

Almost like most of the planet has a mild form of "concept specific dementia".

About 4 months ago you did one video looking in pathology, looking for the elephant. And you found "lymphocyte infiltration" , and you explained "so that is immune cells mediated pathology. That is very serious". Yes indeed! Most of the pathology is lymphocytic destruction.

This is the answer to the four year mystery.

I've have focused on nothing else but this for four years.

I can do an interview and update you on all of it. All the doctors efforts to find this elusive answer...

Dr bhakdi and Dr burkharts work is reviewed in "COVID update: what is the truth 2021 (bmj). And it clearly states they found massive lymphocyte infiltration ... The whole world just "ignored" and forgot that. While fact he lets said "Dr bhakdi spreads misinformation and Dr burkhart didn't detail his methodology". Yet it remains the smoking gun proof.. so it's really good you are focused on it now.

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Send me an email to vejonhealth@outlook.com

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Ok. I have sent you an email with details and history regarding the mechanism of harm, Dr burkharts pathology and why the whole planet is struggling to find answers.

Includes screenshots of lymphocyte infiltration /vasculitis/damage from various autopsies.

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Ok. Great.

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Looked through some of the information and largely agree with the premise.

In my search to understand STORM, I realised that leaving out the lymphocytes to focus on macrophage activation was a mistake.

Still trying to understand what is the primary reactivation when there is reinfection.

Good work.

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"what is the primary activation during reinfection".

So your concerned about Geert's prediction, and concerned the injected will not have suitable immunity...

But we are not seeing Geerts prediction play out...

Like almost everyone else. Geert had been working on the premise that sterilising antibodies are 99% of the solution. When in fact, the robust T cells response and defence is actually what has really been keeping everyone safe.

It does seem like immune refocusing had played it's part, so that the injected have skewed immune response, Possibly often T cells exhaustion (making them prone to more infections) ..and the igg4 issue.

But I would argue against geert saying that the "CTL response will fail". The CTLs have been here keeping most people safe the entire time. After all. 90% of people never had antibodies at the time of infection in the first place. It was the T cells all along with memory, that kept everyone safe .

Also, the entire planet has forgotten to learn about the S2 half of the spike. No experts have yet done a video on the S2.

It is highly conserved me hanical winch containing syncytin. It is hard to mutate because it's such a complicated spring trigger mechanism. It's 70% homologous to common cold coronavirus spike. That part is more important because of its cross reactive and conserved nature, than the rbd.

So I think the injected are getting sick frequently because of the exhaustion, and immune refocusing. And no sterilising antibodies to the constantly changing rbd.

But I consider Geert incorrect because the CTLs are still eventually beating the infection ...

Based on memory to the S2, and nucleocapsid, that was here all along, but the planet just "forgot".

The key to T cells working good, had always been the nutrients , and vitamin D.. C zinc, potassium etc.

Vitamin D activates the T cells early.

And downregulates he inflammatory response. The cytokyne storm.

The S2 part of the spike is the most overlooked subject in this whole debacle. It kept everyone safe this entire time, yet at best , 99% of doctors just called it "the other half".

There are broad spectrum cross reactive antibodies to the triple stem helix base , that sterilise it by crippling the fusion mechanism .

They work against common colds and all sarscov2 variants.

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That's ok. It's like the whole world has been under a sort of brain muffling spell.. you've done better than 99.9% of doctors. And STORM is technically correct.

These are the most important terms.

Killer T lymphocytes.


Cytotoxic T cells.

In a world where 99.9% of doctors spent all their time talking about antibodies.

They all "forgot" cytotoxic T cells role.

That is not normal. It is beyond explanation. Like the whole world just "forgot" a core critical subject..

Funnily enough. Killer T cells are called "the forgotten worriors of the immune system ".

What a supernatural bizarre sounding coincidence.

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In case anybody is interested I have a PDF File. Dr. McMillan has my email address.






We are an internationally networked working group, with a core team of more than 60 doctors, physicians,

pharmacists, scientists, mathematicians, alternative health practitioners, lawyers and journalists. We have pooled

our skills and technical expertise to help shed light on what we believe to be the largest pharmacological

experiment ever carried out on the human race. Never in the history of science and medicine has anyone before

dared to subject an entire population, an almost entire species, to a medical – not to mention a genetic -

experiment. If this kind of experiment had been proposed for any other species it would most likely have been

rejected with the explanation that it violated the principle of the Species Conservation.

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I’m no longer posting on X, but I kept these very important links:

Dr. Thomas Binder, MD a Swiss doctor, also censored: https://x.com/Thomas_Binder

And the last video with Dr. Arne Burkhardt preserved on this website:

Pathologist Arne Burkhardt Final Interview – Revealing the Grave Dangers of mRNA Vaccines


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Could you tell me what Dr burkharts findings were, please, in a few short sentences? Thanks.

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In short: Pathologists Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt and Prof. Dr. Walter Lang and their team have succeeded in reliably detecting the vaccine spike protein in the vessels of a person who died 4 months after "vaccination" and who had vascular lesions and also vaccine-induced myocarditis.

In addition, thyroid and lung lymphocytic infiltration is also present.

See more in video in English: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/arne-burkhardt-interview-12-23-23/

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Thanks. I already know what they found and have been reporting on it for years. I was interested to know how you worded it. Wether you focused on spike as being the issue, or wether it was "lymphocyte amok" ...lymphocytic destruction of the cells. 99% of people talking about Dr burkharts work, think he found spike damaging.. he didn't. He found T cytotoxic cells destroying cells expressing spike.

Or Geoff pain for example, thinks Dr burkhart found endotoxins. Nobody can get the facts right.

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Thanks. I already know what they found and have been reporting on it for years. I was interested to know how you worded it. Wether you focused on spike as being the issue, or wether it was "lymphocyte amok" ...lymphocytic destruction of the cells. 99% of people talking about Dr burkharts work, think he found spike damaging.. he didn't. He found T cytotoxic cells destroying cells expressing spike.

Or Geoff pain for example, thinks Dr burkhart found endotoxins. Nobody can get the facts right.

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The best reference is Dr. Burkhardt's two-hour interview, where he clearly presents his findings and shares images that illustrate his research.

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I prefer Dr bhakdi' s conference in Athens , Greece in 2021 , when he presented Dr burkhart and his findings (dr bhakdi directed Dr burkhart to stain for cd8+ killer lymphocytes ). Dr bhakdi stood Infront of thousand of grek docotrs struck off by mandate refusal. And he said "I'm going to tell you what almost nobody knows, but what everybody needs to know". And "the answer is in 40 years of medical textbooks, if doctors don't know this, they need to be educated, and are criminally negligent".

He then explains how any cell expressing foreign proteins would obviously be destroyed by the T CD8+ lymphocyte response. Every doctor should have predicted this.

He showed Dr burkharts histology and described how this is clear proof how mRNA , ALL mrna is destroying the brains and hearts of millions, including children, the biggest humanitarian disaster ever. He described how the lymphocytes smash the blood brain barrier and cause the hemoraging , strokes , sudden deaths, MS etc. and he described how hundreds of millions are being left brain damaged , loss of motility, loss of personality...

So clearly his work and Dr burkharts messaged (lymphocyte amok/auto immune attack by killer T cells) was the single most important information ever in human history, in the biggest criminal investigation and humanitarian medical disaster in history, and therefore it was everybodies duty to share and repeat this evidence. Until EVERYBODY knows. .repeat and share everywhere, over and over again, until no jab pushing docotrs could hide and deny anymore.

That video was on rumble. It was barely shared. Nobody repeated the correct messege. Fact checkers called Dr bhakdi a conspiracy theorist.. and said Dr burkhart didn't describe his methodology properly.

Dr Reiner feullmich was with Dr bhakdi at the time. He passed on Dr bhakdis messege , but got it completely wrong. He said "Dr bhakdi had the most important evidence and amazing messege, he says "the injections are for controlling your mind".

Dr burkharts findings were written in "COVID update , what is the truth " (bmj2021". And nobody talked about or shared that.

I made hundreds of videos repeating Dr bhakdis work and showing Dr burkharts pathology. In all cases, 100% of people refused to discuss or share. There work was largely forgotten until this Lang and Ute doctors published this new histology atlas, and now Dr Phil had Dr Rory donnerman on the show to remind everybody that Dr burkhart and bhakdi found "lymphocyte amok" NOT "spike inflammation".

Elsewhere, Bret Weinstein in and Marc GIRARDOT also built on Dr burkharts histology, and kept repeating to their audience this most impiryant fact on earth. That the lymphocytes are attacking.

In all cases, all of their audience refused to repeat and share or discuss "lymphocytes" or "cytotoxic T cells damage". Nobody repeats. Nobody shares. Nobody cares.

Then Dr debunk Wilson did a video debunking Bret, and called Dr Burkhart "a quack" and "some guy with pictures" and made jokes about the fact that Dr burkhart talked about spike found in the testicles. Dr debunk Wilson used "quack" duck noises to slander Dr burkhart ... I was the only person there defending Dr burkhart and Bret. It was embarrassing.

There should be millions, including every famous influencer doctor, repeatedly talking about Dr burkharts proof. And all the people claiming to want to stop the mRNA genocide, should be constantly sharing and repeating, taking the evidence to police and their doctor.


Almost none of us even mention Dr burkhart. Dr bhakdi, or cytotoxic killer T lymphocytes.

The world remains in a baffled mess with most doctors now hiding from public because the injected people on mass and didnt consider the cytotoxic T lymphocyte response. And are still baffled as to the systemic harm..

But I'm hoping Dr Phil can help change that, now he is focused on Dr burkharts findings from 3 years ago. Obliterative lymphocytic vasculitis. Lymphocyte infiltration.

Auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes.

The mechanism of harm of mRNA.

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After receiving the BioNTech vaccine, I struggled to persuade doctors to perform an ELISA test, despite DVT and visible symptoms of SJS. My requests were repeatedly denied. Finally, in December 2021, I received lab results confirming diagnoses of SJS, APS, and Lupus. Over the past three years, I have been asking doctors and researchers whether there could be a connection between these conditions and mRNA. Unfortunately, I still haven’t received any clear answers. Citing Dr. Burkhard’s work has only led to rejection, misdiagnoses, incorrect treatments, and even personal insults.

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Good grief how stupid this is! This is serious health information why would any authority use underhand methods to stop this. So there might be a few heads to roll but PEOPLES LIVES ARE AT STAKE HERE.

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I wish I could be a paid subscriber but unfortunately I am living on the the bread-line I am a pensioner with bills going up all the time. My pension just about cover my direct debits so I have to live on my credit card for the rest of the month each month it gets worse I dread to think where it is going to end, I may become homeless. There are many people online I would support but I simply can't afford it.

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to accuse anyone of hate needs proof. Where there is no proof, there is false accusation, thus reason for a lawsuit. Look how the covid anti-injection employees who lost their jobs are NOW being rewarded, by non-corrupted judges... And that's just the begin.

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Great article, many thanks!

It is easy to suspect foul play re. Prof Arne Burkhardt’s passing. I did read that he drowned trying to rescue his son from deep water, end of May 2023. (His son survived). Like with so many vaxx/PCR critics, one automatically assumes that his death was not natural.

To honour Prof Burkhardt’s life and work, German/Swedish pathologist Dr U. Krueger has done an outstanding job, making a book of Prof. Burckhardt's (and also Prof Walter Lang) autopsies - 57 all up. It is called Histo-Patho Atlas “Geimpft - Gestorben = Inoculated -Died”

The link below shows an example of one case with microscopy illustrations. Primarily this book is aimed at medical specialists, but readers with a profound medical interest will certainly find the book of great value.

As far as I know an English version of the book is imminent .


Verlag Martin Z. Schroder, Berlin, Histo-Patho Atlas “Geimpft-gestorben” by Dr. Kruger and Prof. Lang. 3e Auflage/Edition is due in Nov 2024.)

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Could you tell me what Dr burkharts "findings" were, please. In a few short sentences?

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Thanks for your question. It is not easy for me to give a simple description of how Profs Burkhardt and Lang did their autopsy work, however in the German version you will find a free “Read” of F 13 = case 13, which I have translated to English.

Click on www.histo-atlas.com

Scroll down to page 13 and to F13 (F13 means Case 13. 63 yo male, 1xAstraZeneca, death 6 days after injection)

There are 57 of these case reports in the book with color illustrations. ¾ of the cases are declared as caused by the 'elephant' in the room.

If of interest:

F13 (Case no 13) (Translated from German.)

63y / m / 1x Astra / 6 = Male, 63 yoa, 1 jab - AstraZeneca, Died 6 days after the injection.

History of death and vaccination

The 63-year-old died on 25 MAY 2021 at 7:15 am at work, where he received approx. 10 minutes of layman resuscitation, continued by emergency doctor for approx. 90 minutes under thrombolytic therapy. According to his wife, he went to work without symptoms.

1st vaccination on 19.MAY 2021 with Astra Zeneca ABX5182, death 6 days later

Medical history

According to the daughter, she had not noticed any symptoms of her father's heart disease and was somewhat surprised by the results of the autopsy. He was in good health for his age and had played sport. The family doctor reported pre-existing high blood pressure, gout, elevated blood lipid levels, calcification of the aortic valve and increased curvature of the thoracic spine.

Autopsy (forensic medicine)

Cause of death:

- Acute left heart failure

- Reduced blood flow to the heart muscles due to coronary artery calcification

- Hypertensive heart disease. Myocardial infarction in the anterior descending branch with blood clot already in the process of breaking down. Acute left heart failure with pronounced congestion with pronounced coronary artery calcification and hypertensive heart disease, heart weight 517 g, (critical upper limit heart weight from 500 g), pericardium firmly fused to the heart.

Secondary patho-histological examination

Pre-existing pronounced general athero- and coronary sclerosis. Myocardial callosities. According to forensic findings, extensive acute myocardial infarctions. Dissection of the aorta and wall damage of larger vessels with inflammatory reactions are in the foreground. No perforations. Remarkable is the massive scattering of brownish fibrous particles in almost all body organs, but not in the two examined sections of the brain. In the lungs, features of lipid pneumonia with foreign body giant cells and lymphocytic infiltrates consistent with endogenous allergic pneumonitis. The spike protein produced by the body cells as a result of the corona vaccinations could not be detected immuno-histochemically. Clear vaccine-associated organ damage was found, which certainly contributed significantly to the death from a recent heart attack. The connection between the death and the vaccination seems very likely despite the fact that spike protein expression was not detectable.

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Thanks for that..

I'm glad you included "lymphocyte infiltrates" there. That is the answer the world can't do.

The infiltration of killer t lymphocytes to areas transfected and expressing spike.

The killer T cells then cytotoxic ally destroy those cells. Smashing holes on the blood vessels. Causing clotting.

Dr burkhart was told to look for the lymphocyte by Dr bhakdi..

This is the key mechanism harm, the world can't do.

I hope you stick around and communicate lots scientifically on Dr Phil's channel, now that he is focused on Dr burkharts pathology.

It would be great if we could get ute, Dr Lang, Dr bhakdi and Dr Robert Chandler here too.

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I canceled my LinkedIin back in 2021 after I brought up my plandemic info and my connections didn't like it. LinkedIn is owned by Microsoft (bill gates). It's controlled propaganda by the infiltators!

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