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The main issue is the following: Nearly in every histologic sample he examined he found lymphycte infiltrations, especially surrounding blood vessels. Further he saw break-ups in the cellullar linings inside the blood vessels, i.e. disruption of the intercellular connections between endothelial cells. This was often accompanied by microclots (microthrombi). In a second step (when the technique was available) he most often found spike protein via immunhistologic staining in these lesions. And in many cases there was no staining of the nucleocapsid antigen from which he concluded that these lesions of lymphocytic infiltration did not origin from viral infection. Otherwise the cause must have been viral infection.

In Germany there is a histologic atlas book being published by another pathologists, presenting some of Prof. Burkhardts cases - unfortunately only in German language. But in the just published book, edited by Naomi Wolf, „The Pfizer Papers“, there is a whole chapter about Arne Burkhardt‘s findings.

If you take these histologic findings and Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi‘s predictions together, it all fits perfectly together. Endothelial cells MUST present spike proteins when they are transfected via the template of the modRNA driven vaxgene. This foreign protein on the outer side of the cell wall will attract lymphocytes (T-lymphocytes, NK cells) whose task it is to destroy infected or - in this case - transfected cells. So, you might take Arne Burkhardt‘s findings as a first proof of Sucharit Bhakdi‘s predictions.

As Philip refers to over and over again, and I definitely agree with him, these findings have to be repeated by the medical and scientific community. This must be THE task for the near future.

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Fantastic answer. You know your stuff!!! Where have you been this whole four years?

Correct. The me hansi mfo harm is auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes. The proof. Lymphocyte infiltration in pathology.

Dr bhakdi directed to Dr burkhart to stain for T cells. Then proved it. The case should have solved then.

But instead. The whole world ignored. Everybody in their insanity refuses to share and care .they went back to speculating about spike inflammation, grapheme oxide and snake venom nonsense.

Dr burkhart died. But Dr bhakdi carried on repeating himself over and over "auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes"!!!!

But nobody (99.999% of everybody) ever repeats what Dr bhakdi said. Those few who do reference Dr burkharts patjolgy blame spike, not lymphocyte attack!

I'm really glad you are here too and can describe reality correctly. Almost everyone else, can't!!! Something paranormal has happened to us all. Globally.

All done otrs should have been able to predict that mRNA would cause destruction by the lymphocyte cytotoxic response. Instead. It's four years later and currently...only a few of us here now can talk about it, thankfully with Dr Phil now focused on it too.

In another part of he internet. Dr John Campbell keeps repeating "the cytotoxic T cells will destroy those cells". And nobody listens ! Everybody ingores.

Marc GIRARDOT also wrote his book the needles secret. He describes the cytotoxic lymphocytes "carpet bombing the endothelium".

Everybody ingores and refuses to repeat what he says too!

And lately, Dr Clare Craig has verbalised it at Jackie stones summit. And written an article on substack describing the T cells mediated attack.

In a normal world.. 100% of people should be repating what they say, and referencing Dr burkharts pathology.

But we are not in a normal world.

Instead. For four years. 99.99% of everybody REFUSES to repeat these specific terms.

I have been fighting to expose this daily for four years non stop. I've made thousands of videos , always talking about Dr bhakdi and burkhart.

I was in touch with Dr bhakdi for a while but he made excuses about not working together coperetavly.

Instead he just kept reacting himself over and over to a deaf audience for years.

And also, Bret Weinstein also for the last year. Kept repeating this mechanism of harm, and referencing Dr burkhart...and as with everyone else who tries... The entire audience just IGNORES. And changes the subject.

Some form of mass delusional concept specific hypnotic dementia??? Keeping the world from the most important facts to stop the curse of mRNA genocide..

We are in a fight against a great hidden evil..

Glad to find you here on Dr Phil's wall, and able to communicate the lymphocyte science. There are so few of us.

We have to work together to expose this..

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Could you post the reference of Clare Craig*s substack article? Looking through the headlines in her substack it cannot be found. Really would like to read it.

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Sure .. here you go.

If you check comments you will find me there heavily and sternly discussing and arguing the point she made about t cells mediated cells death. Aka lymphocyte infiltration. And as I always do,preference Dr burkhart and bhakdi .

Nobody else in comments even mentioned it, despite it being the most critical fact on planet earth in the last four years.

Dr Clare wasn't able to join in discussing science on her own comments section.

Then Dr yeadon turned up and told me that I was correct, but I should quit. Then failed to respond any further.

Getting these influencer experts to do open scientific discussion on the most important topic of all, in their own channels, is like getting blood out of a stone, from most of them. It's been a huge part of the problem all along.


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Thanks a lot. While listening to Philip‘s new video from today - just in this moment - he mentions your name. Crazy! Which medical or scientific background do you have? I am an Anesthetist and Intensive Care physician in the northwest of Germany. Since 4 years I am trying to educate myself and to teach collegues, friends. Tough task. I reached some people, not many. Nearly all vaccinated at least 3 times (very few only 2 times). Myself not vaxxed and going through hard times in 2022 when in Germany there was a coercion and obligation to get vaxxed.

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The subject of cd8 + killer lymphocytes is almost impossible to actually teach anyone .everybody finds it "too confusing" when it should be easy. Instead of learning. People ignore, or deny or gaslight to avoid the subject.

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I just saw Dr Phil mention me! I was glad he highlighted cd8 t cells in the video. Describes how they destroy endothelium.

Cd8 killer T cells are the lymphocyte in Dr burkharts patjolgy findings.

He unforinelty in the video talked about cd8 + attacking ace2.

But I hope he would discuss that in the jabbed, the T cells target the spike expressing cells. They can be any cells that mRNA transfected.

I'm an ecologist. Which covered physiology, microbiology, epidemiology, mutation and evulutionetc. Like Bret Weinstein .

I went on to do a bit of a career in wildlife disease management .a long time ago.

Through the last four years I was a full time investigative researcher and reporter on the COVID wars ...

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