After receiving the BioNTech vaccine, I struggled to persuade doctors to perform an ELISA test, despite DVT and visible symptoms of SJS. My requests were repeatedly denied. Finally, in December 2021, I received lab results confirming diagnoses of SJS, APS, and Lupus. Over the past three years, I have been asking doctors and researchers w…
After receiving the BioNTech vaccine, I struggled to persuade doctors to perform an ELISA test, despite DVT and visible symptoms of SJS. My requests were repeatedly denied. Finally, in December 2021, I received lab results confirming diagnoses of SJS, APS, and Lupus. Over the past three years, I have been asking doctors and researchers whether there could be a connection between these conditions and mRNA. Unfortunately, I still haven’t received any clear answers. Citing Dr. Burkhard’s work has only led to rejection, misdiagnoses, incorrect treatments, and even personal insults.
1 Lupus... Systemic Lupus Erythamtosis. Is the cytotoxic T cells attacking self.
Cytotoxic T cells attack cells expressing foreign proteins. It's their job.
mRNA makes cells express foreign proteins.
Therefore.. the me hnasi mod harm of mRNA is essentially "vaccine induced lupus". Auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes.
I am glad you are here communicating on Dr Phil's sybstack. This is very important. ..
I've been reporting since before Dr bhakdi that the lymphocytes would attack. It's actually obvious, and all of this was predictable. All doctors should have considered the "immune response" for a year before jabs.
1. B cells and antibodies.
2. T helper cells and inflammation
3. T killer cd8+ cells .cellular DESTRUCTION.
Instead. No humans "thought" of T cells. This entire time. 99% of everyone involved, had only considered antibodies. Something beyond explanation, some mass form of hypnosis..what I call "global concept specific dementia" had been effecting almost everyone the entire time. And I do mean everyone.
I've seen reports where the doctors found the T cell lymphocyte infiltrates, and concluded that the person had life long lupus asymptomatically, but the jab had triggered it.. INSANE... The mRNAs very me hanism of action is to provoke an immune response. And the cd8+ lymphocytes infiltrate and destroy. It's not (natural) lupus. It's vaccine induced lupus! Systemic.
When you comfort almost everyone with this information .it does something strange to their brain. They go into a form of nasty denial. They ignore, refuse, critisice, and become toxic and narcissistic. They stop treating you like a human, and lose compassion in their denial.
So when you try to confront doctors alone with Dr burkharts evidence, all you will get is denial and insults.
I'm a scientist with 2 science degrees. But I have to report on how something insane and paranormal or supernatural is keeping humanity in the dark on this very subject. The good news is, Dr Phil has started communicating, and I'm hoping beyond hope we can start to grow to grow a team, and expose this issue once and for all.
Although I don’t have a PhD, I learned the basics of the immune system and the pituitary/endocrine system back in 1988. Sadly, this fundamental knowledge still seems to elude many doctors today.
I just watched Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen on German TV (ARD) interviewing a coroner who dismissively explained the presence of white, rubbery, calamari-like blood clots in deceased individuals. Laughing flippantly, the coroner claimed that blood clots are present in all dead bodies.
This kind of public denial feels like a way to avoid accountability and responsibility.
Indeed it is absolutely most of the doctors way of denying and avoiding accountability.
We are in a very sad horrific state of societal affairs. A planet of experts got everything wrong on mass, when it came to jams stopping transmission, mRNA staying in the arm, and the immune response being damaging.
They all had to make a choice between speaking out for others and risking their own careers. They were all threatened. 99% went along with the carrot and the stick. And clearly the fact that 99% of them took the injection meant they obviously couldn't understand the immunology, didn't comprehend the basics, and genuinely thought the injections were safe.
As for clots. We had tom Havilland exposing all of that along with Dr Phil's help. Hirshman too. And the whistleblowers. Most of the world knows the clots are real. We've seen all the samples. From John O'Looney too. Tom havilands survey. And we know how and why most embalmers are staying silent. Collective criminal deceipt to save themselves from the biggest mass mistakes in history, driven by propaganda, fear and confusion .
And so now, any doctors now are essentially stuck in denial, being for ed to deny and gaslight. As long as the all stick together and collectively deny, they get away with it. But the truth is always the last thing standing.
What I have managed to prove is that collectively, the whole world was suffering from a form of mass hypnosis, somehow, that explains how 99% of experts where so incredibly short sighted and essentially selfish. Something intelligent and evil is doing this to humanity.
Most doctors who have spoken out on topics have been vilified and harrased, lost career and work. Some have been institutionalised. They don't get public support.
And then most of the jab injured are too afraid to admit they were wrong, and speak out. It's a collective misery and sorry state of affairs.
I noticed's like everybodies smart, courage, compassion , logic all just vanished overnight. The whole planet went delusional. Everybody was wrong. Every tribe...
Turned everyone against each other. Everyone GASlighting about reality.
And now the dust has settled and the carnage unfolds it's clear everything went horribly wrong. All based on what everybody believed to be correct information, was wrong.
Information was hidden from the world.
So now most doctors are "captured" like stormtroopers. Forced to do the bidding of the masters. The medical boards, and big pharma interests. If they speak out, they admit their guilt and mistakes and risk their career. To cowardly. So they must all have self justified , keep themselves on congitive dissonance to justify what is by all accounts. Criminal dereliction of duty. Murder. Not giving informed consent. Acting out of self interest.
And yes, they continue to do so despite knowing their patients are at risk. Cowardly. Evil. .how they justify it to themselves , I don't know.
Bit what I do know is, all of them forgot the same obvious concepts , all on mass, and so did 99.99% of the rest of the planet.
Something bigger, did this to humanity. Everyone was deceived .
I hope it is a test of sorts. I hope it's spiritual and religious in nature what's happening..
Speaking the truth for the sake of others.
Vs lying to save their own skins.
However it's not just doctors.
For example, all the conspiracy "tribe" spent the first year and a half, screaming about 5g , and microchips, then snake venom.. all nonsense and wrong. But they claim now that they were right. ..!
And the religious. They all said jesus was coming to stop the pandemic, and that god gave out natural immunity. They were all delusionally and dangerously wrong too!
And the spiritualists. They all said you could meditate to make reality better. While millions were genocided with ventilator protocol and rjemdesivier.
Nobody wants to admit what they actually said in 2020.
Something evil hid the truth from everyone.
Almost everyone.
It's all very biblical.
Will RFKennedy and Trump be able to help expose reality, and get all doctors to admit they were dangerously wrong and selfish ? Will they repent? Pay back the money they took from injecting, and give it to a victims fund? Will they join in to ban mRNA?
What about the public. ? Really everyone should have learned Dr bhakdi and Dr burkharts work. Smoking gun pathology evidence, and being constantly sharing that everyday, everywhere .and taking it to police and politicians and demanding that any doctor still injecting people is a murderer. Dr burkharts proof is irrefutable basic immunology science no docotrs can deny.
But they do deny, because nobody confronts them on mass.
It's up to everybody.
More mRNA is coming.
It could keep getting worse.
Even without spike protein. The immune response will still be immune killer t lymphocytes. The "forgotten worriors of the immune system" .
I was expecting hundreds of millions to die. It is fortunate it's only been 20 or 30 million, in that respect.
The whole situation is a sad paradox of mistakes and short sightedness. Division and gaslighting. No trust anymore.
It's very few of us who can tell the truth for the sake of others. And our voices fall on death ears, because on mass, everybody wants to ignore and hide their past mistakes.
After receiving the BioNTech vaccine, I struggled to persuade doctors to perform an ELISA test, despite DVT and visible symptoms of SJS. My requests were repeatedly denied. Finally, in December 2021, I received lab results confirming diagnoses of SJS, APS, and Lupus. Over the past three years, I have been asking doctors and researchers whether there could be a connection between these conditions and mRNA. Unfortunately, I still haven’t received any clear answers. Citing Dr. Burkhard’s work has only led to rejection, misdiagnoses, incorrect treatments, and even personal insults.
I understand and sympathise complelty.
1 Lupus... Systemic Lupus Erythamtosis. Is the cytotoxic T cells attacking self.
Cytotoxic T cells attack cells expressing foreign proteins. It's their job.
mRNA makes cells express foreign proteins.
Therefore.. the me hnasi mod harm of mRNA is essentially "vaccine induced lupus". Auto immune attack by killer T lymphocytes.
I am glad you are here communicating on Dr Phil's sybstack. This is very important. ..
I've been reporting since before Dr bhakdi that the lymphocytes would attack. It's actually obvious, and all of this was predictable. All doctors should have considered the "immune response" for a year before jabs.
1. B cells and antibodies.
2. T helper cells and inflammation
3. T killer cd8+ cells .cellular DESTRUCTION.
Instead. No humans "thought" of T cells. This entire time. 99% of everyone involved, had only considered antibodies. Something beyond explanation, some mass form of hypnosis..what I call "global concept specific dementia" had been effecting almost everyone the entire time. And I do mean everyone.
I've seen reports where the doctors found the T cell lymphocyte infiltrates, and concluded that the person had life long lupus asymptomatically, but the jab had triggered it.. INSANE... The mRNAs very me hanism of action is to provoke an immune response. And the cd8+ lymphocytes infiltrate and destroy. It's not (natural) lupus. It's vaccine induced lupus! Systemic.
When you comfort almost everyone with this information .it does something strange to their brain. They go into a form of nasty denial. They ignore, refuse, critisice, and become toxic and narcissistic. They stop treating you like a human, and lose compassion in their denial.
So when you try to confront doctors alone with Dr burkharts evidence, all you will get is denial and insults.
I'm a scientist with 2 science degrees. But I have to report on how something insane and paranormal or supernatural is keeping humanity in the dark on this very subject. The good news is, Dr Phil has started communicating, and I'm hoping beyond hope we can start to grow to grow a team, and expose this issue once and for all.
Although I don’t have a PhD, I learned the basics of the immune system and the pituitary/endocrine system back in 1988. Sadly, this fundamental knowledge still seems to elude many doctors today.
I just watched Dr. Eckart von Hirschhausen on German TV (ARD) interviewing a coroner who dismissively explained the presence of white, rubbery, calamari-like blood clots in deceased individuals. Laughing flippantly, the coroner claimed that blood clots are present in all dead bodies.
This kind of public denial feels like a way to avoid accountability and responsibility.
Indeed it is absolutely most of the doctors way of denying and avoiding accountability.
We are in a very sad horrific state of societal affairs. A planet of experts got everything wrong on mass, when it came to jams stopping transmission, mRNA staying in the arm, and the immune response being damaging.
They all had to make a choice between speaking out for others and risking their own careers. They were all threatened. 99% went along with the carrot and the stick. And clearly the fact that 99% of them took the injection meant they obviously couldn't understand the immunology, didn't comprehend the basics, and genuinely thought the injections were safe.
As for clots. We had tom Havilland exposing all of that along with Dr Phil's help. Hirshman too. And the whistleblowers. Most of the world knows the clots are real. We've seen all the samples. From John O'Looney too. Tom havilands survey. And we know how and why most embalmers are staying silent. Collective criminal deceipt to save themselves from the biggest mass mistakes in history, driven by propaganda, fear and confusion .
And so now, any doctors now are essentially stuck in denial, being for ed to deny and gaslight. As long as the all stick together and collectively deny, they get away with it. But the truth is always the last thing standing.
What I have managed to prove is that collectively, the whole world was suffering from a form of mass hypnosis, somehow, that explains how 99% of experts where so incredibly short sighted and essentially selfish. Something intelligent and evil is doing this to humanity.
Most doctors who have spoken out on topics have been vilified and harrased, lost career and work. Some have been institutionalised. They don't get public support.
And then most of the jab injured are too afraid to admit they were wrong, and speak out. It's a collective misery and sorry state of affairs.
I agree with you; however, patients continue to suffer needlessly due to willful ignorance or an unwavering loyalty to profit over care.
The Hippocratic Oath seems to fade away quietly, unnoticed.
I noticed's like everybodies smart, courage, compassion , logic all just vanished overnight. The whole planet went delusional. Everybody was wrong. Every tribe...
Turned everyone against each other. Everyone GASlighting about reality.
And now the dust has settled and the carnage unfolds it's clear everything went horribly wrong. All based on what everybody believed to be correct information, was wrong.
Information was hidden from the world.
So now most doctors are "captured" like stormtroopers. Forced to do the bidding of the masters. The medical boards, and big pharma interests. If they speak out, they admit their guilt and mistakes and risk their career. To cowardly. So they must all have self justified , keep themselves on congitive dissonance to justify what is by all accounts. Criminal dereliction of duty. Murder. Not giving informed consent. Acting out of self interest.
And yes, they continue to do so despite knowing their patients are at risk. Cowardly. Evil. .how they justify it to themselves , I don't know.
Bit what I do know is, all of them forgot the same obvious concepts , all on mass, and so did 99.99% of the rest of the planet.
Something bigger, did this to humanity. Everyone was deceived .
I hope it is a test of sorts. I hope it's spiritual and religious in nature what's happening..
Speaking the truth for the sake of others.
Vs lying to save their own skins.
However it's not just doctors.
For example, all the conspiracy "tribe" spent the first year and a half, screaming about 5g , and microchips, then snake venom.. all nonsense and wrong. But they claim now that they were right. ..!
And the religious. They all said jesus was coming to stop the pandemic, and that god gave out natural immunity. They were all delusionally and dangerously wrong too!
And the spiritualists. They all said you could meditate to make reality better. While millions were genocided with ventilator protocol and rjemdesivier.
Nobody wants to admit what they actually said in 2020.
Something evil hid the truth from everyone.
Almost everyone.
It's all very biblical.
Will RFKennedy and Trump be able to help expose reality, and get all doctors to admit they were dangerously wrong and selfish ? Will they repent? Pay back the money they took from injecting, and give it to a victims fund? Will they join in to ban mRNA?
What about the public. ? Really everyone should have learned Dr bhakdi and Dr burkharts work. Smoking gun pathology evidence, and being constantly sharing that everyday, everywhere .and taking it to police and politicians and demanding that any doctor still injecting people is a murderer. Dr burkharts proof is irrefutable basic immunology science no docotrs can deny.
But they do deny, because nobody confronts them on mass.
It's up to everybody.
More mRNA is coming.
It could keep getting worse.
Even without spike protein. The immune response will still be immune killer t lymphocytes. The "forgotten worriors of the immune system" .
I was expecting hundreds of millions to die. It is fortunate it's only been 20 or 30 million, in that respect.
The whole situation is a sad paradox of mistakes and short sightedness. Division and gaslighting. No trust anymore.
It's very few of us who can tell the truth for the sake of others. And our voices fall on death ears, because on mass, everybody wants to ignore and hide their past mistakes.