they claimed it was safe and effective and if they admit there's a problem they are opening themselves up to being liable.
if they act like they didn't know, they avoid lawsuits. Its called a cover up. These things happen when you are dealing with world leaders in govt and multinational corporations with agendas of global depopulation. Ga…
they claimed it was safe and effective and if they admit there's a problem they are opening themselves up to being liable.
if they act like they didn't know, they avoid lawsuits. Its called a cover up. These things happen when you are dealing with world leaders in govt and multinational corporations with agendas of global depopulation. Gates and Fauci need to be Nuremburged first, then the rest behind this. High crimes against humanity. Then China needs to be addressed. Thats what they are ALL afraid of.
I’m not yet convinced about the planned depopulation aspect of this, but the rest of your comment is spot on… is a coverup and it past time to take the covers off and find out the who, what, where, when and why of the whole thing.
And then severe punishments for the perpetrators….
I am reminded of the attack of the rattlesnake on its prey. First it bites and then it pulls back to watch the inevitable results of that bite before it goes ahead and consumes its victim. So many have been bitten and now the serpent waits for people to Begin to Fall. This image springs to my mind constantly. Having bitten so many of us, they are not afraid at all of any potential fight back from among us. Those who are bitten will be dead Soon and those who were not will be busy taking care of those dying and hurting or perhaps catching the vaccine from shedding. They are fully confident in the outcome. They have no cares or concerns.
Ironic comment, given the jabs have snake venom in them. And, no, that's not just a wild conspiracy theory. They spent 20+ yrs perfecting this bioweapon... contains HIV, SV40, snake venom, the deadly mRNA delivery tech... and it all kills slowly...
So true. It’s literally in the research papers of the MRNA inventors that they use snake venom phosphodiesterase to cleave/cut the RNA and DNA, to insert the MRNA for their gene therapy.
It’s so very provable, yet this information is shunned and squashed. Why? Because it’s truth and in fact points to the very heart of the whole truth of it all - that it’s a snake bite in both the physical and spiritual sense.
This isn't OUR gvnm. This is a group of puppets who have sold their souls to their puppet masters. It's a long line of psychopaths and it's been going on for centuries.
Right - because if we were dead, they wouldn't have billions of extra dollars that they would have paid out in benefits, right? We would then use less resources and they could control us better. It's ugly.
I notice Dr Mc Millan liked your comment. But I just had a peak at those links that Lioness3 shared. And if Dr McMillan has really not seen any of these stories, and doesnt believe there could be an agenda.. well, then just maybe he should be sitting and watching all those videos just as we are. Sometimes Telegram groups etc are ahead of YouTube influencers. All news is there. Like those white clots. I saw them long ago. Just could not believe they were true. Just couldn't believe.
I saw the white clots long ago, and I had no trouble at all believing about them.
I saw the pictures and the embalmer interviews.
There was physical proof and expert witnesses testimony, so it was clear that these new blood clots exist, are killing people (or at least significantly contributing to their deaths), and that they are probably caused by the vaxx.
The ‘planned depopulation’ scenario is a different story.
I can personally entertain the idea that such a scheme exists and was implemented, however I don’t believe that there is enough evidence to claim it as a certainty.
There is a lot of circumstantial evidence (patents, timelines, organizational goals, quotes from people who may be involved, motivations, etc) and speculation that has been used to create a compelling narrative….that may not be true.
One can easily use the same facts to generate several different plausible scenarios, which is why we need investigations asap, so we can find out what ACTUALLY happened and take the necessary actions to punish those responsible (not those who we think MAY be responsible) and prevent it from ever happening again.
The order followers, the mind controlled, the greedy and the useful tools aren't the subject here. Some group or some entity is behind this. They don't want to be exposed. So every doubt that can be instilled, every misinformation, obfuscation, misdirection, denial and lie will be used. Since they control the MSM and most of everything else they think they won't ever be held to account.
the injections injure and kill people. there is indisputable proof. That the injections haven't been summarily halted is absolute proof of malicious intent.
Agreed, but malicious intent by whom? ALL of the verifiable evidence points to the NIH being the culprit in the entire Covid disaster, from Fauci and EcoHealth gain-of-function all the way through to the vaxx and the coverup.
ALL of it was done at the behest of Anthony Fauci and the criminal cabal at NIH.
I don't know. What I think is that the criminal fauci and the criminal cabal NIH are willing accomplices. Something far worse and more sinister is behind this. What I think is that the world we thought we were in and the world we thought we knew is being destroyed in detail from multiple directions using multiple methods.
I find it incredibly easy to believe that this mess STARTED with an out of control NIAID and Dr Fauci. He personally controlled an organization with access to huge amounts of taxpayer money….and he, his wife, and his sycophants had their own little kingdom… with Fauci as the King. He gave favors and expected loyalty from those receiving them.
He was a “well respected “ long-time government apparatchik who knows everyone of importance, especially those who can help him out if he gets in a jam. That explains his ‘secret’ visits to the FBI and CIA, he went to them to ask for help with the coverup.
I also have no doubt that there were many people and organizations who used (and are still using)the “pandemic“ as an excuse to advance their agendas, including the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security. I’m sure that there are many others.
The people in government saw how easily they could sway public opinion and now they’re pushing the envelope to get as much power for themselves as possible…..
I don’t think that this began with evil intentions (except to violate the GoF regulations, unless the virus was released the Chinese), but I do believe that every corrupt and evil person and organization that could benefit from the ‘pandemic’ is trying to do so.
Add to that the incompetence and corruption of the Biden government and their radical leftist policies, and the result is what we have seen over the last four years.
The old saying about never attributing to evil that which can be explained by incompetence is only partially correct in this case. It started off with incompetence and is now a witch’s brew of both evil and incompetence…. But mostly Evil….
consider that the arch enemy of the West is China. They have the tech means, resources and motives to infiltrate the bio-warefare-vaccine industries in the West to slip in duped up genetic tampering with codes and get it into the batches. This is a global bioware from China who has the intent to destroy the West.
I certainly haven’t dismissed that possibility, especially when the Chinese military was watching (and learning from ) everything that Fauci’s people were doing .
yes, thanks Mark. I editted my hastily written comment to correct it--thanks. We are looking at all the big globalist boogie men and women who have made it clear between the lines, that they want to cull the globes population...but perhaps did not want to get their hands dirty themselves. I believe these powers are likely working with the chinese or perhaps maybe more accurate is just the opposite--the CCP is the initiator on this entire operation.
True. But also I think all evidence is so suspicious that people should not be blamed if they are in their right mind, not exaggerating their thoughts, and still want to express their consern to say: at the moment it looks as if there was a uniform agenda behind this. People have right to say, what the evidence brings into their minds, right?
It is difficult to say, for most people, what is exaggeration. Thats why they hesitate to say what they really think. And thats why what they finally end up saying, is just mostly defences and excuses for what they are saying. Thats how it looks to me.
The topic of vaccine and possible depopulation agendas and white clots etc is so new and overwhelming that people easily blame themselves for exaggerating. One should allow oneself permission to say for example.. "One can draw MANY theories out of this evidence, but ONE theory that conserns me is depopulation agenda, thats the picture that keeps just forming in my eyes, that consern me." How does that sound?
The question in my mind is also, how can one express that they are not one of the exaggeraters. Healthy people should find a way to signal each other that they are not unhealthy agitators. But that they are really conserned instead. And the healthy ones should not waste another word to engage in UNPLANNED exhausting arguments with those who are agitators.
I appreciate your points. Personally, I'm not concerned how I look to others. The fact that not one whiff of an apology, any show of concern or anything at all to give me a hint that an entity might have remorse or recognize something happening on a colossal scale that may be accidental or even plain stupidity. The silence of responsible entities points the finger to malicious intent, in my book.
Ah, that’s the problem. Is it malicious intent to cover up a mistake (or, more likely, a series of illegal activities), or is it a pre-planned, intentional, multinational effort to kill off a large percentage of the world’s population?
So far, I haven’t seen the “smoking gun” evidence needed to prove the latter proposition.
When you find the patents that the DoD took out to contract for the poison shots to kill everyone, then maybe you'll come around to the latter. Look back at David Martin, Karen Kingston and others and you will find your evidence. This is genocide.
More evidence that that the whole Covid disaster, from Fauci and EcoHealth gain-of-function through to the vaxx and coverup was primarily a NIH conspiracy:
Fauci and the NIH paid to create Covid, and they provided Pfizer and Moderna the technology for the vaxx. They orchestrated the coverup and now they are suing to get their royalty checks.
It goes even deeper. The DoD contracted these bioweapons from Pfizer. The "3 Letter Agencies" are complicit in the crime. Here is the audacious crime evidence via Dr. David Martin.
I’m not ignoring you, I just haven’t had time to watch your link. I haven’t seen anything from him for a while, it was getting hard for me to keep up with his allegations and I want to check some of his claims. I will check it out…
I agree with Mark. To me this looks like greed and excitement to sell a new technology that will make trillions of dollars for the biopharmaceutical syndicate. They saw green and created red. There need to be military tribunals and massive arrests. Apparently the movement to military tribunal in the US is gaining steam.
Holy Cow! How is it I never heard of this guy before? Not for nothing, If I was a woman, I would want him to have my children. The guy is brilliant, successful, honest, caring and a stud. Clint Eastwood has got nothing on this guy. I can't believe in all my research on the pandemic, I never even heard of this guy. And I have seen some powerful presentations like,... Del's PANDEMIC OF LIES,...
Dr. David Martin's two parter is right up there and perhaps even better, delving deep into the history. His background on patents, really gave us an inside look into their devious road map. Thank you for bringing him to my attention. I can't believe I missed him. I have to do a substack on him and what he has uncovered. This guy is a treasure.
I am where you are on this. Can't help thinking the spike proteins and antibodies in the bloodstream are causing this.
The body has no mechanism to regulate spike protein production. It could very well be the body's system is being overwhealmed and this is a tangle of spike protein and the body's defense proteins. Like boiled egg albumen only tougher.
Namaste Mark: As for, "not yet convinced about the planned depopulation," please consider just two things: [1] Virtually the entire federal tax revenue goes into paying the the interest on the unpayable debt. There is really no need of the taxpayer. [2] Fraudulent elections have made the voter irrelevant. Therefore, there is no need for the voter and taxpayer. He/she can be eliminated.
Georgia Guidestones before being blown up said to keep the world population in harmony with nature at 500,000,000 = half a billion.
World population approx 7-8 billion.
They have a cunning plan 😈
Covid 1984 is just the Flu re-branded so that the Evil Luciferian FreeMasons WEF New World Order can murder the masses for the Depopulation Agenda!
Jacques Attali, 1981, then adviser to François Mitterrand wrote this:
"In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he exceeds 60-65 years man lives longer than it produces and it costs society dearly.
Then the weak and then the useless ones who bring nothing to society because there will be more and more of them, and especially finally the most stupid. Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in any case.
We will of course not be able to execute people or make camps. We will get rid of it by making them believe that it is for their good.
Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating.
We won't be able to pass intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!
We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn't matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.
The selection of idiots will thus be done on its own: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. "
[The future of life - Jacques Attali, 1981]
Interviews with Michel Salomon, collection Faces of the future, editions Seghers.
Scientists challenge fundamental precepts of virology. Do viruses even exist?
A good place for you to start, is go to the rockerfeller web site. Right on their mission or purpose page it states plain and clear their depopulation agenda!!
Who are the rockafellers??? One of the richest people. Who owns the medias, papers etc.....THE CABAL!!!!
I also find it difficult to believe it is an agenda. And I hold all different scenarios in my mind at the same time. But strangely everything fits that worst scenario. All different stories, well known and unknown people. Here is one example. A bit low quality Finnish interview, but the person interviewed is credible professional. Mosquitoes being spread to make an excuse to a - surprise - vaccine. Who is behind it, Bill Gates. How is this not agenda. The mosquitoes being spread are more dangerouse than the original ones I understod. Original spread denque and the new ones spread ..was is japanese brain fever..
I don't buy the depopulation agenda either but this whole elephant project reminds me of the enthusiasm a historic political group had for cleaning up the gene pool by eliminating the weak and old. They wanted a strong people not no people.
The virus doesn't affect the young very much. The vaccine does, but even at 1 in a 1000 AE, that's not going to "depopulate" the planet. It DOES create a dependent, sick population, good for milking. ($$)
Removing a population is one thing. Removing a population with horrific pain and suffering is another. This looks like punishment . This looks like extreme suffering to prove a point. It pops up every so often.
they claimed it was safe and effective and if they admit there's a problem they are opening themselves up to being liable.
if they act like they didn't know, they avoid lawsuits. Its called a cover up. These things happen when you are dealing with world leaders in govt and multinational corporations with agendas of global depopulation. Gates and Fauci need to be Nuremburged first, then the rest behind this. High crimes against humanity. Then China needs to be addressed. Thats what they are ALL afraid of.
I’m not yet convinced about the planned depopulation aspect of this, but the rest of your comment is spot on… is a coverup and it past time to take the covers off and find out the who, what, where, when and why of the whole thing.
And then severe punishments for the perpetrators….
It is hard to believe that our governments could want us dead. But it is a fact. Keep digging. You'll see soon enough.
I am reminded of the attack of the rattlesnake on its prey. First it bites and then it pulls back to watch the inevitable results of that bite before it goes ahead and consumes its victim. So many have been bitten and now the serpent waits for people to Begin to Fall. This image springs to my mind constantly. Having bitten so many of us, they are not afraid at all of any potential fight back from among us. Those who are bitten will be dead Soon and those who were not will be busy taking care of those dying and hurting or perhaps catching the vaccine from shedding. They are fully confident in the outcome. They have no cares or concerns.
Ironic comment, given the jabs have snake venom in them. And, no, that's not just a wild conspiracy theory. They spent 20+ yrs perfecting this bioweapon... contains HIV, SV40, snake venom, the deadly mRNA delivery tech... and it all kills slowly...
So true. It’s literally in the research papers of the MRNA inventors that they use snake venom phosphodiesterase to cleave/cut the RNA and DNA, to insert the MRNA for their gene therapy.
It’s so very provable, yet this information is shunned and squashed. Why? Because it’s truth and in fact points to the very heart of the whole truth of it all - that it’s a snake bite in both the physical and spiritual sense.
This isn't OUR gvnm. This is a group of puppets who have sold their souls to their puppet masters. It's a long line of psychopaths and it's been going on for centuries.
Right - because if we were dead, they wouldn't have billions of extra dollars that they would have paid out in benefits, right? We would then use less resources and they could control us better. It's ugly.
The Useless Eaters Club!
I notice Dr Mc Millan liked your comment. But I just had a peak at those links that Lioness3 shared. And if Dr McMillan has really not seen any of these stories, and doesnt believe there could be an agenda.. well, then just maybe he should be sitting and watching all those videos just as we are. Sometimes Telegram groups etc are ahead of YouTube influencers. All news is there. Like those white clots. I saw them long ago. Just could not believe they were true. Just couldn't believe.
I saw the white clots long ago, and I had no trouble at all believing about them.
I saw the pictures and the embalmer interviews.
There was physical proof and expert witnesses testimony, so it was clear that these new blood clots exist, are killing people (or at least significantly contributing to their deaths), and that they are probably caused by the vaxx.
The ‘planned depopulation’ scenario is a different story.
I can personally entertain the idea that such a scheme exists and was implemented, however I don’t believe that there is enough evidence to claim it as a certainty.
There is a lot of circumstantial evidence (patents, timelines, organizational goals, quotes from people who may be involved, motivations, etc) and speculation that has been used to create a compelling narrative….that may not be true.
One can easily use the same facts to generate several different plausible scenarios, which is why we need investigations asap, so we can find out what ACTUALLY happened and take the necessary actions to punish those responsible (not those who we think MAY be responsible) and prevent it from ever happening again.
The order followers, the mind controlled, the greedy and the useful tools aren't the subject here. Some group or some entity is behind this. They don't want to be exposed. So every doubt that can be instilled, every misinformation, obfuscation, misdirection, denial and lie will be used. Since they control the MSM and most of everything else they think they won't ever be held to account.
the injections injure and kill people. there is indisputable proof. That the injections haven't been summarily halted is absolute proof of malicious intent.
Agreed, but malicious intent by whom? ALL of the verifiable evidence points to the NIH being the culprit in the entire Covid disaster, from Fauci and EcoHealth gain-of-function all the way through to the vaxx and the coverup.
ALL of it was done at the behest of Anthony Fauci and the criminal cabal at NIH.
I don't know. What I think is that the criminal fauci and the criminal cabal NIH are willing accomplices. Something far worse and more sinister is behind this. What I think is that the world we thought we were in and the world we thought we knew is being destroyed in detail from multiple directions using multiple methods.
I find it incredibly easy to believe that this mess STARTED with an out of control NIAID and Dr Fauci. He personally controlled an organization with access to huge amounts of taxpayer money….and he, his wife, and his sycophants had their own little kingdom… with Fauci as the King. He gave favors and expected loyalty from those receiving them.
He was a “well respected “ long-time government apparatchik who knows everyone of importance, especially those who can help him out if he gets in a jam. That explains his ‘secret’ visits to the FBI and CIA, he went to them to ask for help with the coverup.
I also have no doubt that there were many people and organizations who used (and are still using)the “pandemic“ as an excuse to advance their agendas, including the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security. I’m sure that there are many others.
The people in government saw how easily they could sway public opinion and now they’re pushing the envelope to get as much power for themselves as possible…..
I don’t think that this began with evil intentions (except to violate the GoF regulations, unless the virus was released the Chinese), but I do believe that every corrupt and evil person and organization that could benefit from the ‘pandemic’ is trying to do so.
Add to that the incompetence and corruption of the Biden government and their radical leftist policies, and the result is what we have seen over the last four years.
The old saying about never attributing to evil that which can be explained by incompetence is only partially correct in this case. It started off with incompetence and is now a witch’s brew of both evil and incompetence…. But mostly Evil….
consider that the arch enemy of the West is China. They have the tech means, resources and motives to infiltrate the bio-warefare-vaccine industries in the West to slip in duped up genetic tampering with codes and get it into the batches. This is a global bioware from China who has the intent to destroy the West.
I certainly haven’t dismissed that possibility, especially when the Chinese military was watching (and learning from ) everything that Fauci’s people were doing .
yes, thanks Mark. I editted my hastily written comment to correct it--thanks. We are looking at all the big globalist boogie men and women who have made it clear between the lines, that they want to cull the globes population...but perhaps did not want to get their hands dirty themselves. I believe these powers are likely working with the chinese or perhaps maybe more accurate is just the opposite--the CCP is the initiator on this entire operation.
True. But also I think all evidence is so suspicious that people should not be blamed if they are in their right mind, not exaggerating their thoughts, and still want to express their consern to say: at the moment it looks as if there was a uniform agenda behind this. People have right to say, what the evidence brings into their minds, right?
It is difficult to say, for most people, what is exaggeration. Thats why they hesitate to say what they really think. And thats why what they finally end up saying, is just mostly defences and excuses for what they are saying. Thats how it looks to me.
The topic of vaccine and possible depopulation agendas and white clots etc is so new and overwhelming that people easily blame themselves for exaggerating. One should allow oneself permission to say for example.. "One can draw MANY theories out of this evidence, but ONE theory that conserns me is depopulation agenda, thats the picture that keeps just forming in my eyes, that consern me." How does that sound?
The question in my mind is also, how can one express that they are not one of the exaggeraters. Healthy people should find a way to signal each other that they are not unhealthy agitators. But that they are really conserned instead. And the healthy ones should not waste another word to engage in UNPLANNED exhausting arguments with those who are agitators.
I appreciate your points. Personally, I'm not concerned how I look to others. The fact that not one whiff of an apology, any show of concern or anything at all to give me a hint that an entity might have remorse or recognize something happening on a colossal scale that may be accidental or even plain stupidity. The silence of responsible entities points the finger to malicious intent, in my book.
You nailed it! I could not say it any better.
There is no question it's malicious intent. None whatsoever.
everything you said points to malicious intent. if it walks like a duck .....
Ah, that’s the problem. Is it malicious intent to cover up a mistake (or, more likely, a series of illegal activities), or is it a pre-planned, intentional, multinational effort to kill off a large percentage of the world’s population?
So far, I haven’t seen the “smoking gun” evidence needed to prove the latter proposition.
There’s plenty of hard evidence for the former…..
When you find the patents that the DoD took out to contract for the poison shots to kill everyone, then maybe you'll come around to the latter. Look back at David Martin, Karen Kingston and others and you will find your evidence. This is genocide.
More evidence that that the whole Covid disaster, from Fauci and EcoHealth gain-of-function through to the vaxx and coverup was primarily a NIH conspiracy:
Fauci and the NIH paid to create Covid, and they provided Pfizer and Moderna the technology for the vaxx. They orchestrated the coverup and now they are suing to get their royalty checks.
It goes even deeper. The DoD contracted these bioweapons from Pfizer. The "3 Letter Agencies" are complicit in the crime. Here is the audacious crime evidence via Dr. David Martin.
I’m not ignoring you, I just haven’t had time to watch your link. I haven’t seen anything from him for a while, it was getting hard for me to keep up with his allegations and I want to check some of his claims. I will check it out…
The Georgia Guidestones???
Yes and way back decades ago ,Melinda gates was listed on the board of the Club of Rome under the heading of population control.
I agree with Mark. To me this looks like greed and excitement to sell a new technology that will make trillions of dollars for the biopharmaceutical syndicate. They saw green and created red. There need to be military tribunals and massive arrests. Apparently the movement to military tribunal in the US is gaining steam.
Covid injection is DARPA bioweapon
I just want to make sure that the real perpetrators are punished for what actually happened.
I don’t want “them” to get away with throwing a few ‘sacrificial lambs’ at us to appease the public and then back to business as usual.
Heads should roll, but they need to be the right heads….
Both objectives were met; a win-win for the planners.
Here is your proof.
Holy Cow! How is it I never heard of this guy before? Not for nothing, If I was a woman, I would want him to have my children. The guy is brilliant, successful, honest, caring and a stud. Clint Eastwood has got nothing on this guy. I can't believe in all my research on the pandemic, I never even heard of this guy. And I have seen some powerful presentations like,... Del's PANDEMIC OF LIES,...
RFK Jr.'s The Real Anthony Fauci...
and Filmmaker Mikki Willis' Ivermectin: The Truth...
Dr. David Martin's two parter is right up there and perhaps even better, delving deep into the history. His background on patents, really gave us an inside look into their devious road map. Thank you for bringing him to my attention. I can't believe I missed him. I have to do a substack on him and what he has uncovered. This guy is a treasure.
Here are a couple of links with Dr. Martin's investigative work:
I am where you are on this. Can't help thinking the spike proteins and antibodies in the bloodstream are causing this.
The body has no mechanism to regulate spike protein production. It could very well be the body's system is being overwhealmed and this is a tangle of spike protein and the body's defense proteins. Like boiled egg albumen only tougher.
Namaste Mark: As for, "not yet convinced about the planned depopulation," please consider just two things: [1] Virtually the entire federal tax revenue goes into paying the the interest on the unpayable debt. There is really no need of the taxpayer. [2] Fraudulent elections have made the voter irrelevant. Therefore, there is no need for the voter and taxpayer. He/she can be eliminated.
@everyone A chilling read!
Depopulation Jab
Georgia Guidestones before being blown up said to keep the world population in harmony with nature at 500,000,000 = half a billion.
World population approx 7-8 billion.
They have a cunning plan 😈
Covid 1984 is just the Flu re-branded so that the Evil Luciferian FreeMasons WEF New World Order can murder the masses for the Depopulation Agenda!
Jacques Attali, 1981, then adviser to François Mitterrand wrote this:
"In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he exceeds 60-65 years man lives longer than it produces and it costs society dearly.
Then the weak and then the useless ones who bring nothing to society because there will be more and more of them, and especially finally the most stupid. Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in any case.
We will of course not be able to execute people or make camps. We will get rid of it by making them believe that it is for their good.
Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating.
We won't be able to pass intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!
We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn't matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.
The selection of idiots will thus be done on its own: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. "
[The future of life - Jacques Attali, 1981]
Interviews with Michel Salomon, collection Faces of the future, editions Seghers.
Scientists challenge fundamental precepts of virology. Do viruses even exist?
I am more than convinced. the Georgia Gidestone explosion was the big clue that the depopulation events were coming in earnest.
A good place for you to start, is go to the rockerfeller web site. Right on their mission or purpose page it states plain and clear their depopulation agenda!!
Who are the rockafellers??? One of the richest people. Who owns the medias, papers etc.....THE CABAL!!!!
I also find it difficult to believe it is an agenda. And I hold all different scenarios in my mind at the same time. But strangely everything fits that worst scenario. All different stories, well known and unknown people. Here is one example. A bit low quality Finnish interview, but the person interviewed is credible professional. Mosquitoes being spread to make an excuse to a - surprise - vaccine. Who is behind it, Bill Gates. How is this not agenda. The mosquitoes being spread are more dangerouse than the original ones I understod. Original spread denque and the new ones spread ..was is japanese brain fever.. this should explain a lot.
Lots of film and video about depopulation….just open your eyes and look.👀
I don't buy the depopulation agenda either but this whole elephant project reminds me of the enthusiasm a historic political group had for cleaning up the gene pool by eliminating the weak and old. They wanted a strong people not no people.
if that's true, why are the injections killing the young and children and pregnant women and their babies as well?
The virus doesn't affect the young very much. The vaccine does, but even at 1 in a 1000 AE, that's not going to "depopulate" the planet. It DOES create a dependent, sick population, good for milking. ($$)
16 minutes Katherine Watt In Her Own Words
(For people who prefer video.)
Why did you think it was "piffle"? Vox showed you the doc on screen.
It's worse... they don't care
Namaste Bryan S.: You have answered correctly: "if they act like they didn't know, they avoid lawsuits."
There is legal immunity "available" as they are all in it together. All one might get is a slap on the wrist.
Removing a population is one thing. Removing a population with horrific pain and suffering is another. This looks like punishment . This looks like extreme suffering to prove a point. It pops up every so often.