Agreed, but malicious intent by whom? ALL of the verifiable evidence points to the NIH being the culprit in the entire Covid disaster, from Fauci and EcoHealth gain-of-function all the way through to the vaxx and the coverup.
ALL of it was done at the behest of Anthony Fauci and the criminal cabal at NIH.
Agreed, but malicious intent by whom? ALL of the verifiable evidence points to the NIH being the culprit in the entire Covid disaster, from Fauci and EcoHealth gain-of-function all the way through to the vaxx and the coverup.
ALL of it was done at the behest of Anthony Fauci and the criminal cabal at NIH.
I don't know. What I think is that the criminal fauci and the criminal cabal NIH are willing accomplices. Something far worse and more sinister is behind this. What I think is that the world we thought we were in and the world we thought we knew is being destroyed in detail from multiple directions using multiple methods.
I find it incredibly easy to believe that this mess STARTED with an out of control NIAID and Dr Fauci. He personally controlled an organization with access to huge amounts of taxpayer money….and he, his wife, and his sycophants had their own little kingdom… with Fauci as the King. He gave favors and expected loyalty from those receiving them.
He was a “well respected “ long-time government apparatchik who knows everyone of importance, especially those who can help him out if he gets in a jam. That explains his ‘secret’ visits to the FBI and CIA, he went to them to ask for help with the coverup.
I also have no doubt that there were many people and organizations who used (and are still using)the “pandemic“ as an excuse to advance their agendas, including the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security. I’m sure that there are many others.
The people in government saw how easily they could sway public opinion and now they’re pushing the envelope to get as much power for themselves as possible…..
I don’t think that this began with evil intentions (except to violate the GoF regulations, unless the virus was released the Chinese), but I do believe that every corrupt and evil person and organization that could benefit from the ‘pandemic’ is trying to do so.
Add to that the incompetence and corruption of the Biden government and their radical leftist policies, and the result is what we have seen over the last four years.
The old saying about never attributing to evil that which can be explained by incompetence is only partially correct in this case. It started off with incompetence and is now a witch’s brew of both evil and incompetence…. But mostly Evil….
consider that the arch enemy of the West is China. They have the tech means, resources and motives to infiltrate the bio-warefare-vaccine industries in the West to slip in duped up genetic tampering with codes and get it into the batches. This is a global bioware from China who has the intent to destroy the West.
I certainly haven’t dismissed that possibility, especially when the Chinese military was watching (and learning from ) everything that Fauci’s people were doing .
yes, thanks Mark. I editted my hastily written comment to correct it--thanks. We are looking at all the big globalist boogie men and women who have made it clear between the lines, that they want to cull the globes population...but perhaps did not want to get their hands dirty themselves. I believe these powers are likely working with the chinese or perhaps maybe more accurate is just the opposite--the CCP is the initiator on this entire operation.
Agreed, but malicious intent by whom? ALL of the verifiable evidence points to the NIH being the culprit in the entire Covid disaster, from Fauci and EcoHealth gain-of-function all the way through to the vaxx and the coverup.
ALL of it was done at the behest of Anthony Fauci and the criminal cabal at NIH.
I don't know. What I think is that the criminal fauci and the criminal cabal NIH are willing accomplices. Something far worse and more sinister is behind this. What I think is that the world we thought we were in and the world we thought we knew is being destroyed in detail from multiple directions using multiple methods.
I find it incredibly easy to believe that this mess STARTED with an out of control NIAID and Dr Fauci. He personally controlled an organization with access to huge amounts of taxpayer money….and he, his wife, and his sycophants had their own little kingdom… with Fauci as the King. He gave favors and expected loyalty from those receiving them.
He was a “well respected “ long-time government apparatchik who knows everyone of importance, especially those who can help him out if he gets in a jam. That explains his ‘secret’ visits to the FBI and CIA, he went to them to ask for help with the coverup.
I also have no doubt that there were many people and organizations who used (and are still using)the “pandemic“ as an excuse to advance their agendas, including the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security. I’m sure that there are many others.
The people in government saw how easily they could sway public opinion and now they’re pushing the envelope to get as much power for themselves as possible…..
I don’t think that this began with evil intentions (except to violate the GoF regulations, unless the virus was released the Chinese), but I do believe that every corrupt and evil person and organization that could benefit from the ‘pandemic’ is trying to do so.
Add to that the incompetence and corruption of the Biden government and their radical leftist policies, and the result is what we have seen over the last four years.
The old saying about never attributing to evil that which can be explained by incompetence is only partially correct in this case. It started off with incompetence and is now a witch’s brew of both evil and incompetence…. But mostly Evil….
consider that the arch enemy of the West is China. They have the tech means, resources and motives to infiltrate the bio-warefare-vaccine industries in the West to slip in duped up genetic tampering with codes and get it into the batches. This is a global bioware from China who has the intent to destroy the West.
I certainly haven’t dismissed that possibility, especially when the Chinese military was watching (and learning from ) everything that Fauci’s people were doing .
yes, thanks Mark. I editted my hastily written comment to correct it--thanks. We are looking at all the big globalist boogie men and women who have made it clear between the lines, that they want to cull the globes population...but perhaps did not want to get their hands dirty themselves. I believe these powers are likely working with the chinese or perhaps maybe more accurate is just the opposite--the CCP is the initiator on this entire operation.