Oct 10, 2022Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

The science was already well known. Previous attempts to bring a SARS-CoV vaccine to market failed as had previous mRNA attempts - all due to safety concerns. Pathology studies have been done in Germany and reported - see https://odysee.com/@en:a5/Pathology-Conference_Burkhardt_Presentation_EN_20220311:7

Why any Dr/scientist is still supportive of ongoing jabs in any form beggars belief and can only be ascribed to deliberately ignoring their Hippocratic Oath to "first do no harm".

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Why was a ‘vaccine solution’ to SARS-CoV-2 ever initiated?

It was known from the beginning that ‘the virus’/Covid-19 wasn’t a serious threat to most people, so how did we end up with this INSANE plan to jab the entire world population?

Why was the scientific and medical establishment so willing to go along with this plan to exploit the entire population with this medical intervention that wasn’t needed for most people, and was unlikely to work in the vulnerable due to immunosenescence?

This is a massive crime - innocent members of the global community, including children, have been pressured, coerced and manipulated to sacrifice their natural immune response to defective ‘leaky vaccines’.

Time for accountability.

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

No, they don't want to know. Many discourage autopsies. Here in Quebec, like in Italy, they were cremating bodies before they ever got a chance to do it. I believe in some places (including here) they may have even forbidden autopsies. Then they wonder why trust in public and private health institutions is collapsing. There's going to be fallout to all this.

In any event, they knew. They knew all along. If we know, they know. There's something going on and they're not telling the public. More and more is coming out that the U.S. military had a hand in this. And no good can come of that.

I happen to think this is the greatest fabricated mass hysteria and medical crime in human history.

We have a lot of work ahead of us if we're to fix this. If at all.

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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Thanks Philip. I haven't seen many people tackle this important lesson. Can you dive a bit deeper into the biology involved with the hypersensitivity response?

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Oct 10, 2022·edited Oct 10, 2022Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Good one Philip!

It has become obvious that this mRNA vaccines were destructive agents and were no remedy for the supposed novel virus.

No sane scientist who know the history of past failed attempts to develope a Corona virus vaccine would have recommended this not to talk of using it en mass on global population.

This a dreadful , sinister and diabolic crime commited against humanity and needs to be viewed in this light.

The proponents of mRNA vaccines knew very well the consequences and were not blind to their fatal side effects.

Mass genocide has been committed on global population and the perpetrators needs to account for their inhuman crimes.

We warned, cried loud at onset of the pandemic not to use any form of mass vaccination on the global population because of unintended consequences but no one listened.


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I don’t think the scientific community, or at least the movers and the shakers within the approved narrative, want to know the answer. Are we facing a massive die-off of humanity from ADE of disease just around the corner? Newer variants appear to be being spawned at an alarmingly high rate of speed, partly due to the immense selective pressure being put on the virus caused by this mass experiment on humanity. When will a variant surface that allows ADE to fully flourish in all its horror? It can’t be long, if it is not already happening. Like you pointed out, no one in charge appears to have the faintest interest in finding out via autopsies on the many vaccinated dying right now. What a world. Between nuclear Armageddon being threatened by Demented Joe Biden and his handlers to this Covid catastrophe, what next- locusts, famine, and a Black Death plague? “Stop the world, I want to get off!”

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

My friend is retired Dean of Nursing @ Columbia university . She wants to read your peer review can post please . I follow you daily u make so easy

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One would expect that medical associations always follow the science. For example, if you had one or more COVID courses, or are just young +healthy and understand the risk, & find a vaccine unnecessary, they want your doctor to prescribe some DRUG to treat your "vaccine anxiety".


The College of Physicians and Surgeons in Ontario is basically telling doctors to prescribe drugs or refer patients to a psychiatrist if they don’t want the vaccine. This is horrific.


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Oct 10, 2022Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Thank you for delving into this for the benefit of all humans.

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Vaccine against SARS-Cov wasnt necessary because the virus had short incubation and the symptoms were easily visible and detectable: high temperature and dry cough. Thus it was easy to quarantine people and control the epidemics. As we saw, the epidemic and the scare quickly disappeared.

Some doctors also speculated that the virus wasnt as deadly as initially claimed and that many people had mild infections and never went for treatment so didnt show up in statistics.

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May be totally unconnected but anyone remember the farmed mink culls?

In more than one country. Preceded the lurgy outbreak by some months.

Lot of reports creeping out from under the blanket of silence over the jab early testing. All were killing the animal test subjects.

Then the megapharmas evil billion dollar profit ethos kicked in.

The bought & paid for handsomely govtards all over.

Rushed through, mainly without due democratic process being followed, the now evil, Emergency Use BS.

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Dr. McMillan, Have you ever wondered if there is a correlation between the severity of Covid and the number of times a patient has been prescribed antibiotics?

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Not being an immunologist, I'd like to ask if it is theoretically possible to create an intramuscular vaccine against a virus that enters the body via the upper airways. Would the circulating antibodies and immune cells access the upper airways adequately?

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This is off message I’m in Buffalo Ny . Thank God for Phillip Mc Millan readings his Piercing insights .As I said before I’m retired & tired nurse . Gluathione & NAC are my go to at present But I’m seeing people with rages is there a connection to it & vaccine . I’ve asked if HIV Or ever diagnosed with Herpes.. pharmacist friend said they need Valtrex

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Elevated ATG13 in serum of patients with ME/CFS stimulates oxidative stress response in microglial cells via activation of receptor for advanced glycation end products (RAGE) - PubMed

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