Just sitting back here listening to doctors still calling this Department of Defense experimental gene therapy injection a vaccine, these doctors are naïve. The public were assaulted with a bioweapon, and I’m not just referring to the release of the Wuhan Virus. The five eye nations that have coerced their citizens into accepting these injections by removing their rights to travel and even earn a living, must be brought to justice.

Excess deaths in Australia are running at around 10 to 15% above normal and still our corrupt politicians refuse to have a Royal Commission into the COVID-19 debacle. These so-called vaccines will continue to kill people surreptitiously for decades to come, goodness they were even contaminated with DNA and a SV40 promoter.

I can understand why people that have taken the shots don't want to know the seriousness of what they have allowed themselves to be injected with, Cancer, Myocardial Infarction, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and other immune disorders and the list goes on even down to ligament damage.

This anti-vaxxer is crying out for justice, remember just because you got the Jab and you're OK, doesn't mean you won't have a problem further down the track. Time to wake up we have been assaulted with a bioweapon and our own government is complicit.

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I think you are correct to highlight the role of US security agencies in all this. People keep flogging Pfizer and claiming corporate greed was the key motivation, and it seems like this goes much deeper. However, it might be worth considering the possibility that the harms done in this COVID drama were just collateral damage in some noble rather than nefarious effort. People high-up in government are not just greedy and power-hungry - they care about ideologies too (such as preserving the post WW2 world order or whatever). Another thing to consider is that compartmentalizing information for secrecy probably limits the expertise available and can result in dumb strategies. Who knows, maybe there were good reasons for subjecting the world to all of this. Just musing I guess. I think we are in agreement that corporate greed is not an adequate explanation though.

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Pfizer has long been a murderous terrorist organisation, with convictions for multiple crimes of mass murder that cost them only a portion of their obscene profits in fines for crimes against humanity.

The whole "vaccine" crime against humanity has also always been pushed by fraudulent claims that fly in the face of reality that can be seen in Bureau of Statistic figures that show the claims of their effectiveness are entirely untrue.

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Pfizer has done some bad things, but why don't we flog Moderna a little bit too? Better yet, why don't we flog the FDA and CDC? Better still, why don't we flog the Dr. Strangelove types in the Western governments who designed this COVID response and the legislators who made it legal?

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We have met the enemy and he is us. Pogo ~1962

Plenty of blame to go around. How many died needlessly in the US? From COVID est >600,000 IIRC; how many from the kill shots? @ least that many when all added together.

So a million deaths conservative estimate.

Assign a miscreant to each of those deaths & extract the ultimate penalty : Pfizer & Moderna executives, scientists, marketers; Fauci and Brix & their lackeys ; CDC. FDA, NIH BIOWARFARE LABS, Every MSM Talking Heads, the late night Jimmy Fallons, the dispicable Don Lemon, the dyke bitch with the short dark hair, the now husband and blonde wife (previously slut & adulterer) team , faceless bureaucrats, the fug ugliest wannabe Admiral Dick Levine who should be hung for pedophilia AND COVID crimes.

I think we may run out of rope, may have to reuse some.

Redistributing their ill gotten gains might end poverty in America & cut the national debt in half.(It’s way too big to be completely eradicated.)

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Hello Bob L

America was not only sharing information with the Wuhan Lab to develop corona viruses it was also funding them. If you accept this first sentence as being correct you should accept that SARS-CoV-2 was a biological weapon. Whether this virus was accidentally or intentionally released America instigated the development of this biologic and collaborated with the Chinese regime.

There is no reason why the truth should not be told. Recent reports state that Pfizer used two manufacturing processes, the first one was used to obtain the emergency use authorization and the second one was designed to mass manufacture their product.

We now know that good manufacturing practises were not followed, and that the so-called vaccines were adulterated with DNA and an SV40 promoter linked to causing cancer. Pfizer has lied by representing their so-called vaccine product as being safe and effective when they knowingly knew that the process had changed.

Anthony Albanese the Prime Minister of Australia, recently apologised to thalidomide victims and it’s sad to me that lessons learned from the past make absolutely no difference to the decisions our leaders make in the present. Bob! They gave these COVID-19 shots to pregnant women with no safety concerns, and that includes the TGA and our Chief Health Officers.

I'm sure there is a good reason why our government withheld medication such as Ivermectin & Hydroxychloroquine when it had been proven to work and its chemistry was understood.

I could go on, but if you are unable to accept the truth that our governments are complicit in this whole COVID-19 debacle all I can do is thank you for your reply.

Cheers Bob

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Those are good points - particularly the hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin suppression. Incidentally, I heard one person (possibly Dr. McCullough) say that Merck was initially enthusiastic about ramping-up their production of ivermectin to save everybody from COVID, but then the enthusiasm suddenly disappeared. That is still more evidence that the pharmaceutical companies were not the ring-leaders in the COVID debacle - it was governments and probably the US national security bureaucracy in cahoots with allied nations such as NATO, ANZUS, Canada, Japan, S. Korea, etc.

On the question of malice, the people who designed and orchestrated the COVID response probably considered themselves to be patriots saving the world. For example, US special forces break international law frequently, but their purpose seems too important to be hindered by such niceties. I imagine this COVID response might be the same sort of thinking. There was some purpose that seemed to justify all the crimes and harms. Maybe it is just difficult for me to believe that their are sociopaths with this much power, but I imagine they think they did the right thing.

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Thanks again Bob for your comments, battling to keep up with the news these days, there is so much happening. Cheers

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I don’t know that absolves Merk, they had a newer ivermectin like product that they were gearing up for release, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Pfizer didn’t bribe or threaten them to curtail the marketing of ivermectin for COVID.

I don’t know that I buy the patriotism angle at all; these weren’t SEAL TEAM 6 types, but woke compromised Obama team pansies like Darth Vader installed with the express intent of undermining our national security by pushing trans ideology white frailty & racism narratives; mandating the death shots was just another tactic in the war on the USA.

Evil people in charge; treason and murder 1 : death penalty appropriate all around.

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Even the claims you couldn't travel were fraud that were being pushed by MSM, and even government websites made it difficult for people to confirm the fact our treasonous Federal Government couldn't stop you leaving. I was leaving to live in Spain at the end of 2021 and went through the expensive Translation process of proving I had property and a partner here in Spain. When I was forced to consent to use their website I stated that "I did so under duress", and would at my convenience take compensation in anyway I see fit.

It would have been my preference, had I not been on a tight schedule due to visa requirements, to have travelled from Brisbane to New Zealand on my Australian passport then flown from NZ to Europe on my English passport.. I would have very much liked to have flaunted their unlawful legal fiction. During those two years, except for a visit to the Doctor, I never wore masks, and when challenged I just stated I was exempt, which I was, as was absolutely everyone else.

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Hello aj hollis,

I'm pleased that everything worked out for you and that you were able to return home without receiving the jab. A very large percentage of the people in Australia have received at least two jabs, no doubt you were aware of the dangers of these gene therapy inoculations and had enough sense to avoid them.

The COVID-19 jabs are causing immune dysregulation and neurological damage, diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are running at 20 to 25% above normal levels here in Australia. A recent article on Substack by Dr. Phillip Altman stated that the Australian Bureau of Statistics were now rounding down all-cause mortality figures for ease of reading and adjusting the baseline up to show a lower death rate.

There is no doubt in my mind that the people of Australia are still not being told the truth regarding the damages these so-called vaccines have done. If you were lucky enough to avoid all the hurdles our government’s put in front of you to travel, and where able to return home you have done something special.

Thanks for your reply aj hollis

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Indeed I arrived home on Gold Coast to prepare my house for sale, just two days before Scumo closed the borders. The whole thing stank as a Fraud from the very beginning, the Spanish medical rejected the WHO's protocols almost immediately, and even then it was known that the age of death from this "cold" was older than the age of death from old age.

I soon got banned from commenting on the ABC's Facebook and YouTube posts, and shortly after banned from YouTube completely.

I told everyone I spoke to that the whole thing was a psyop, and not to take any jabs they brought out, but regardless of the push back from such as the Great Barrington Declaration few that believed, cared about any facts.

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Hello aj hollis

I totally agree, the population was coerced into accepting these vaccines and the icing on the cake was the “No Jab No Job” policy. Strangest thing that I witnessed here was the huge lineup of cars waiting for PCR tests to tell them if they were sick or not. The whole saga has opened my eyes to how easily people can be manipulated, even today after all the deaths and injuries they just go about their business as if nothing has happened.

There's no doubt in my mind that we have been assaulted with a biological weapon, thanks for your comments aj. All we can do is battle on and try and wake up the others.

Cheers mate

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Regarding your question, why do the public not appreciate what is happening around them.

A famous a Dutch psychologist, Matthias Desmet, can explain exactly how fear can prevent humans from accepting logic.

He did a great interview with Tucker Carlson explaining how Fearporn works.

One aspect very noticeable is that the higher the intelligence, the easier it is to brainwash people.

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Excellent discussion. True and brave! Janci I didn‘t know by now. But what she speaks out is both: true and brave. Let‘s hope that the legal action being kicked off in Texas will be the beginning of a series of multiple lawsuits around the world.

The other thing which is covered in this interview only more casual is the occurence of these multiple Omicron variants at the same time. After 3 years of „vaccination“. Philip is right: why is this happening? This was not supposed to be. And still nobody is speaking it out. No politician, no „expert“, no media guys. No collegue at my working place (hospital). They are getting Covid over and over - and they are answering: Well, it‘s just a new variant….

Brainwashing was very successful in these years. And I don‘t see a way out. Because most people have been indoctrinated. And they won‘t give in they were wrong in taking this stuff. You are right, Philip.

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Excellent podcast.

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Thank you.

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Thanks All,

It's like a beacon to me, let's hope others are tuning in.

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Thank you

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There are way too many "scientists" who really just paid lackeys of big money big pharma . They have turned out to be the BAD guys ! It is shocking ,disgusting and totally immoral. Praise to the few -like today's guests-who fight the good fight .

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Real prevention measures and real early treatment for covid was always the answer - and still is.

Simple, real, PREVENTION measures - N95, homemade low cost, antiviral fine mist sprays for oral, nasal, eye and eye area, from such as the "Snoot" brand nasal sprayer and simple homemade, low cost, antiviral, mouthwash gargle, nasal flush (with NeilMed 8 oz. nasal flush bottle for instance) and eye wash from palm of clean hand or eyewash cup with lots of blinking.

HomeMade simple formulas made with boiled sterile water, sea salt, baking soda, Xylitol, povidone-iodine solution 10%, and Johnson's baby shampoo Nebulization of a few ml of ethanol from regular vodka.

EARLY TREATMENT with the same antiviral sprays, washes and nebulization. with additions of the properly timed and dosed generic repurposed drugs and "herbs".

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Excellent points

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It is clear that those behind the Plandemic & massive move towards centralised (marshal) totalitarian control masked as decentralised, are far from finished with these crimes against humanity. Civil war is in progress, and our side for the most part, have their heads in the clouds.

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New bioweapons are still being developed!


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Roger S. Meacock BVSc., M.R.C.V.S.

Quantum Veterinary Medicine


If you have recognised behavioural and cognitive changes in people recently the following video might explain some of them...

Listening to Dr Kevin Mc Cain the reason for the neurodegeneration is primarily due to prion formation and amyloid. This would appear to be the primary aim of the spike protein bioweapon.




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For vaccine/m-RNA scientists, here are three points from this pandemic. Creating just one part of a part of the virus by m-RNA is not adequate. The body must face the whole virus ( live or inactivated) to make powerful antibodies. You don’t need m-RNA for it. Second, Omicron and its variants are a totally different virus from sars-cov 2. So these vaccines are total misfits. Third, this virus is a rapidly shifting target. So, have technologies that can take care of this property or wait until the virus has fully stabilised and still remains a long term public threat. As for repeated infections from Omicron variants, it is now like cold. There is no limit on how many times you can catch cold in a year. However, one security measure for these times. If you catch cold/ throat symptoms, go for a set of classical medicines straightaway - montelukast, azithromycin, levocetrizine and the like. If it is omicron infection, it gets nipped in the bud. This drill need not be eternal. For a few years, until Omicron has disappeared in the horizon.

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Yes I too found it bizarre seeing the long queues of people lining up to receive the dangerous procedure of nasal rape to supposedly discover if they had a disease you otherwise would not know you had. Even my own step brother and his new wife got the jabs ("to travel") despite my warnings, and even now with his wife losing several fingers and fighting to keep her feet, he refuses to question the jabs.

I hope he reads the info I send, and at least doesn't get more shots, you can lead a horse to water.

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Sadly the establishment in every key sector is riddled with puppets of the psychopathic globalist criminal elite. The UN was set up to oversee the genocidal crimes against humanity that are clearly being ramped up in this end game of the parasite caste. Even if an awakening in some nations saw the Bankster/Robber Baron puppets being swept out of positions of power, the Trillionaire demons would stop at nothing to remain in overall power. Contrived wars, the massive invasions of western nation by hundreds of thousands of single men of military age or even Chinese troops in UN uniforms could be used to enforce the will of these demonic psychopaths.

It is plain that ordinary working class people are considerably more aware of what is happening than are the middle class who stubbornly cling to their ridiculously delusional belief "not in this day and age", they need to wake up to the chilling reality that they and their one eyed attitudes are the greatest problem.

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Good discussion. It is a puzzle how the doctors world over fell behind the vaccine line of thought so quickly and so completely in those early times. So what if it was a new virus ? So what if there were no specific antiviral immediately to that virus ? The symptoms and its presentations were all familiar ones. Why didn’t the doctors believe that they could be handled by familiar respiratory medicines ? Why didn’t the doctors take the sound clinical view that the outbreak was a disease first, the sick coming to them were the first priority and the worry about the spread in the population was not the first one. Even the medical administrations everywhere, led by epidemiologists for this purpose, were myopic - in similar vein. This went on for at least sometime into 2021, everywhere, as the physical measures could not control the spread, nor would the vaccines in early 2021 and there was this horrible death toll everywhere. People thought there were no medicines or treatment for those getting very sick. Once the realisation dawned by mid 2021 in many parts of the world that this could be treated like a common respiratory infection and private doctors took control, the story changed. Not in the West, even until now, where the doctors lacked freedom to use their clinical judgements and toe the official line. What froze all those doctors to think and act like doctors in those early times ?

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