How many more families have lost a loved one because their government told them the covid vaxxes were safe and effective. We cannot allow those responsible to literally get away with murder.

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It still is pushed in BC Canada..because we have a ridiculous provincial government ( former Premier John Horgan) & current premier Eby and health officer Dr Bonnie Henry.

So bad that Telus and the Govt funded a film called Our Time to Shine..to honour Bonnie Henry....which just aired at the Victoria ( B. C.) Film Festival...beyond despicable given the deaths and harms from these shots!

Health workers are still required to be up to date with these covid jabs..it is an absolute Crime..

They also push people to get Flu and RSV shots along with Covid shots!!

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Correction...on the film title.." Our time to Be Kind"..

..dr henry always told the public " to be kind" in her propoganda daily media pushes all during covid..

She and others have NEVER acknowledged their errors!!!..

The public still don't know about the thousands of pages of adverse effects of Pfizer documents that they tried to hide until 2075...

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If all HC workers stay home issue is resolved in 24h. Demand also autopsies of all sudden, unexpected deaths of HC worker and report must be made public. Stay home until these criminals accept. . .

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Ok we all feel sorry for every person young and old who were part of this eugenics experiments. It’s really sad and bad that the health care has turned evil. So now I hope there are more people with their eyes opened to this tiereny. So now what? I hope things will be handled in a different way with the next plandemic.🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Hetty is a brave lady. She is right about the ripples from a life lost. Every life lost because of these jabs is sending out ripples in ways we cannot know. The monsters who deliberately did this will face justice in the next life if not in this.

Listening now to Heather tell her story. God bless her and her son.

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Appreciate the input.

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Heather amd Hetty my heart goes out to you both and i am deeply saddened for your sons. But your courage and their sacrifice will be revered by humanity and future generations for sure. For sure you are not alone. Thank you Dr Ed for the courage, determination and the support you have provided to them.

Philip thank you and god for bringing you all together to expose the undeniable and much needed truth. Your relentless crusade to bring about the facts will definitely put a stop on our fraternity from sleep walking and living in denial.

Philip we are witnessing the existential threat to homeostasis of the cellular and humoral immunity with the uncontrolled expression of the rogue spike protein. both by transfection (via the mRNA lipid nanoparticles vaccine) and transduction (via the adenovirus vector vaccine). While the younger population carry with them an advantage of high immunocompetency against the pathogen , they are faced with a significant disadvantage of overactive immunity and cytokine mediated cellular inflammation when their body is overwhelmed with high load of pathogenic antigen which evades the innate immune system. Lets not ignore the fact that infection is localised and the vaccine is systemic.

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Thank you Kannan.

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Yes we are getting pretty darn close to what's happening. I would suggest you also watch on youtube under Dr John Campbell, "White Clots Common" along with "New Disease" Perhaps Dr. McMillan is aware of the recent findings if not, please take the time to watch.

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Yes, add it to the list. The “concerns” are mounting up!

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This was a very powerful video. Thankyou Dr. Philip for bringing these people together. Dr Ed. Thankyou so much for standing up. How anyone can not agree with your statements is beyond me. I have seen other presentations from you and you will always have my respect and admiration. You are a good fellow.

Hetty and Heather - you are brave, eloquent and so deserving of justice. I wish I could help you and meet you personally because what you are doing is so powerful. Hetty your comment about sacrificing a child for the "rare" reactions has hit me so hard. It's Sophies choice.

Philip I think this is your best video and needs to be shared by everyone.

Thankyou all and I hope you find peace one day.

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In Germany 2 weeks ago there was a report on TV about the critics of this crime who are claiming for punishment for the perpetraters (politicians). In this ugly report they stated that 127 dead victims in more than 190 Million injections (as was stated by the Paul-Ehlich-Institut, the last time in April 2023) are really tiny. They didn‘t even mention that every single victim, which was sacrificed, was a beloved one in their families (apart from the fact, that there obviously is something wrong with this small number…). Regardless of whether the numbers are 127, 500, 1000 or 10000: every victim is one to many.

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Excellent point

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Well there is something wrong with those numbers when you look at the numbers of “excess deaths” that are being charted for each country. The worst in Europe is Portugal who had the highest percentage vaccine take up, in the 90 percentile I understand. Excess deaths across Europe are UP TO 12% I read, per country. So take those excess deaths and if you autopsied those individuals what would you find?

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I know. Everything our officials are telling us is ridiculous and without any valid sampling of the necessary data. You could call it...whatever you want.

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Now been censored on YouTube.

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Did you upload the video again - in a shortened version? Which section did you cut out?

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Cut out the discussion on Ivermectin.

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Exactly what I was thinking during the live presentation: mentioning IVM will cause trouble……

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And that’s a disgrace because it’s a very helpful treatment. And I have no doubt the day will come when they’ll be clamouring for it. I see on DATA REPORT, there is a serious situation that has developed in Texas and the host was concerned that there might be a new Varient on the rise because the numbers had been going down. If there is indeed a problem, antivirals prophylactically are essential and that’s the best one. The thing that amazes me is that no one is going to be immune from this so who do they think they are helping by shutting down information? They will be in the line of fire also. I guess the only ones who will not suffer is the AI they use to create the algorithms. The crass stupidity has to be seen to be believed. Or do they just not want most of us to survive which sounds very conspiracy theorist and I am not of that ilk. Mind you, that’s what I, think. If I open my mouth elsewhere I will be told that I am, a conspiracy theorist that is. Or worse.

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As Philip often replies: „Appreciated!“

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You should know these powerful elites likely have a closet full of Ivermectin at the ready. They are not in the line of fire. They just don't want you to know about it.

Ivermectin will always be shunned and disparaged. It is a very powerful threat to big pharma's pocketbook, not only concerning COVID, but with many other pathogens as well. Who knew there was something out there, that would obliterate getting sick from a cold or flu? I certainly had no clue. All those years getting sick quite frequently, dealing with the public, could have been avoided. And it is more important than ever, that we all have it handy in our medicine cabinet.

More info at... https://ohbaby.substack.com/p/why-everyone-should-have-ivermectin

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I anticipated the censoring much earlier. It‘s a shame and an insult to humanity and sience!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Dear Dr McMillan, one solution to auto immune disease is to do a keto or even better, a carnivore diet. Please look up pod casts on this. It is truly amazing. There are lots of well known DOCTORS who podcast on this. Plus Michaela Peterson (Jordan Peterson's daughter) and Jordan Peterson himself have both overcome all their auto immune problems by doing carnivore. I am a Cambridge University educated retired solicitor who studies alternative health. I have an 18 year old son with bipolar, and keto/carnivore is transformative for him. I made sure he wasn't covid vaccinated of course. My point is there ARE solutions for auto immune problems. Love your work! Keep it up! Caroline x

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Excellent Caroline.

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You are absolutely correct Caroline eating fresh and wholesome home cooked foods in whatever regime works is essential but you have to go further than diet if your child has had Covid and I do hope he has not. For the rest of us, who have had Covid and or the jab, and with sons in the 18 to 39 cohort, we particularly have to get the circulating spike proteins out of their our bodies not to mention out of our own to stop it doing harm to the body’s organs and brain, storing up trouble for down the line, - and not that far down the line by all accounts - and diet will not do that. Look at https://drmyhill.co.uk/wiki/Vedicinal_9_for_Long_Covid,_Spikopathy_and_Me. Vidicinals 8 protocol can work with this and is also very useful for Long Covid patients and as a treatment when and if you contract Covid. In addition Augmented NAC, high levels of Vitamin D3, Vitamin C and a number of others. The website Vidicinals 8 has the information. I have put my son on this protocol and will continue for a couple of months, as advised. After which, I will be seeking the correct tests to ensure that his heart is safe and so also is everything else. Best wishes.

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It is evil and driven by funds from pharma!!.. it is an absolute Crime against Humanity...

Media and governments and hospitals are paid by pharma and the elites who push jabs for every little thing!!..

The censorship of experts and the new " misinformation" labelling is off the charts!!..

There is an actual depopulation agenda that is running behind the scenes. It is a massive driver of the calculated distribution of these bioweapons..

It is very hard for the public to wrap their head around this evil..but many of us awake folks understand this..our heart breaks for your trauma and for the courage needed for you doctors to raise your concerns!!.thank you for your heroic efforts to share this with the public....may Victor RIP..knowing his story lives on..


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Hetty..I am so sorry for your loss..my deepest condolences to you and your family and your son's girlfriend on this absolute tragedy.....totally agree with your " greater good" comments!!..

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Dr McMillan, I have been following/watching your YouTube Channel and going back and forth catching up on previous ones that I missed before I found your channel. Having a 25year old son, I am most grateful to you for all your investigations - very careful in my opinion - that have given me access to this information plus the tools to do something about the repercussions both from Covid itself and the vaccines. I have passed the report around, thank you. We could spend eternity raging against the authorities and the situation but that will not protect us or our families. I notice in many commentaries a lot of effort, by people, goes into this. However, practical steps are what we should be taking since time is passing and there are, in addition to this very compelling case - the one case that it seems has been investigated and analysed, scientifically as a tip of the iceberg berg- there are many more, as you’ve discussed that occur later on in the course of years, post vaccination. And many more harms accruing over time from both Covid and the Vaccine not to mention the potential threat of a new more virulent Varient. So, what I am asking people to do is to take action and offer each other support to commence dealing with this as populations of thinking people rather than getting caught up in anger and frustration in, “ rage against the machine”. Act, to protect family and friends wherever you can. Most people are too frightened to even begin to want to think about this and those of us who do are liable to be called cranks and conspiracy theorists. But, that’s not a good enough reason to do nothing or keep one’s mouth shut. There are tools available and people need to know about them to treat the suffering and to prevent further harms from the internal ticking time bomb that many of us carry. I thank you for all your work. Your clear, unvarnished, accounts of the science. Your concerned dedication to clarity and the pursuit of truth and for bringing together so many highly respected, experienced professionals to open up this conversation for the people who matter; the general public. Kind regards

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Thank you very much.

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Open World Covid Official Narrative Audit - OWCONA - https://www.linkedin.com/groups/12894261/. Millions concerned... Millions too scared to take action...

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The histological images you are presenting here: are they all from this single case or are they taken from Arne Burkhardt‘s repertoire? In the preprint there are no images being presented.

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All from this case.

We have early access to the images.

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Very powerful interview, thank you Philip. Hetty spoke so eloquently about her son. Her description of the VAERS team suggesting she took counselling really says it all. The idea that no pathologist in the US would look for her and she had to get his tissue samples sent to Germany. The same problem here in the UK. I share Ed's despair at how doctors are no longer being allowed to simply put thier patients first. Thanks for posting a pdf of the paper - do you have a link yet for the online preprint?

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I told everyone before the vaccines were even rolled out, that if there were to be a vaccine for this to NOT accept it into their bodies. You must open your mind and look behind the impulse for what is behind this. You must look into the past so you can understand the present and future. I have read the ancient scripts, the scrolls, tablets, gospels, lectures and many,many books. When one impulse exceeds balance, the scale tips to one side. The power shifts to one side. And if left alone, it grows out of control like weeds in a garden if the garden is not attended to.

There was never a virus. There was only a vaccine. There were not excess deaths while this so called virus was running rampant. The only difference was the reporting of deaths across the globe to everyone where before the deaths across the world were not reported in the way the were. So it gave the illusion that many were dying during that time. The flu deaths and average deaths each year were right around the same if you look at death graphs and charts in the prior years and compared during "covid". The media reported deaths day in and day out across the globe, so all could see the count on the television screen to scare everyone. There was a bit of bump in deaths but his was due to fear and fear alone.

Now, I will tell you that the impulse behind this, the reason for the vaccines and future vaccines, is to remove YOUR SOUL. To remove, block and disrupt your ability to discover your true self. keep the masses addicted to materialism and never seek the power within. When it is said that this is a spiritual war, it is indeed correct.

Most will come back at me and discount what I say as craziness. But I assure you, I am speaking the truth. I have read the books foretelling this very thing.

Look up Rudolf Steiner`s book "Destroy the Soul with Vaccines". If anyone has not noticed, there is surely a lot more people showing satanic sides and wearing clothing representing the devil and satanic worship. Especially those in movies, music and television. And while this is happening, they are trying to rid the world of Christianity.

The majority of the world population was primed to fall ill from this vaccine, by means of medications, toxins in the food and water, fake gmo and processed foods. Also the flu shots. The massive campaign beginning almost 20 years ago pushing the flu shots hard every season. Right around the time the idea came to fruition to vaccinate the entire world with new mrna technology. Look up the Fauci dossier by Dr. David Martin. It details the patents held on the vaccine and every component of it dating years before it supposedly was made. How can you have a patent on something that isnt made yet? Why were there hundreds of investors and big tech companies investing in the vaccine back in 2005? The whole thing is a sham. Designed to keep you sick, dumb and dependent on their system. To control every move and decision you make. To track you and keep you in the collective consciousness.

Do NOT allow anyone to get another vaccine. especially your children.

They are lying to you.

The want to remove any concept you may have of the the Christ. The Christ within you.

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Ryan Cole is the pathologist who would have investigated, but we didn’t know about him back then. Everything, information etc was so hard to find back in the early days of this virus. It was cleverly censored.

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