Oct 2, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

I was gobsmacked when I heard this morning that the Nobel prize is being awarded to the makers of this vaccine, considering the profound damage that it has done to humanity.

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In reality the damage has just started.

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Very true. There is this real risk of turning the principles of medicines and treatments on its head now, with this misplaced exuberance on m-RNA. There should be strong push back from the more discerning section of medical community. The need for vaccines as a mass intervention, only intervention, in situations like 2020, have to be contested.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

I wrote this to The Hindu, a leading, old English daily in this part of India. Need to see if it gets published as a letter tomorrow. Here is the text. “ The award of Nobel Prize for the developer scientists of m-RNA technology looks controversial and premature after the performance of the m-RNA covid vaccines in bulk. Their share of downsides have been as much as their claimed upsides. The biggest one is that it can leave remnants of spike proteins in many parts of the body. With repeat vaccinations, these remnants can take long term residence in the body. With covid, this can lead to long covid like conditions, that have been roiling the population in the West. This can happen in any m-RNA application and the potential unintended consequences remain unexplained/unexplored. If the award is for a concept, it could have come long ago. In any case, many proposed novel concepts in science remain unrewarded. If the award is for the claim of saving millions of lives in covid by preventing serious illness, that one must go to early treatment protocols with commonplace medicines instituted by tens of thousands of doctors in many countries by mid 2021 that subdued the delta wave quickly from its rampaging presence and practically drove out Omicron in 2022 from them. Countries that depended only on repeat m-RNA vaccines haven’t got out of the Omicron rut yet.

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FYSA Pfizer is a major Karolinska donor.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

I'm shocked, deeply shocked. Oh well, the Nobel significance and reputation had a good run.

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The Nobel Prize has been a joke at least since they gave the Peace Prize to Barak Obama....(Obama had only been President for less then a year and was involved in 2 wars).

Purely a political gesture.

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cant you see the PEACE in the extrajudicial killing of US Citizens (al-Awlaki + his son) + the tens of thousands of 'military aged males' (fed gov speak for a man over age 13) who met their maker at the end of obama's prolific droning of the middle east?

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

They also paraded the Buffalo Bills player that had cardiac arrest on field then came his respiration . eiht months later dressed him up paraded him all recovered then out again then this past sunday dressed him ready play while trying to convince the next round of shots.

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Oct 3, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Altered mRNA technology using pseudouridine for delivery into the body is not a new technology. The laureates published their discovery in 2005. Therefore, there is no hurry in this regard. This year’s decision is not something extraordinary. There is a long history of similar Nobel committee’s decisions for promotion of discoveries that are hardly investigated and effects on the human body poorly understood – consider 1948 prize to P.Mueller for promoting DDT use, 1949 prize to A.E.Moniz for inventing lobotomy, etc. Nobel committee is known for its bias towards discoveries instead of inventions that are entertaining instead of beneficial to humanity.

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Brilliant Janis.

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Oct 2, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Discraceful they have been politically leaned on

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I bet that it didn’t take much “leaning”.

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Oct 3, 2023·edited Oct 3, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Timely replay. Experienced a bit of nostalgia with your opening music too ;)

Glad he mentioned the drug repurposing strategy as his first preference, and the early safety concerns and his caution at that time. Would be useful to link to his subsequent article following up where he recommends not to continue administering the mRNA jabs.

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The Nobel Peace Prize 2009

Barack H. Obama

Nobel Lecture by Barack H. Obama, Oslo, 10 December 2009.

A Just and Lasting Peace

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, distinguished members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, citizens of America, and citizens of the world:

I receive this honor with deep gratitude and great humility. It is an award that speaks to our highest aspirations – that for all the cruelty and hardship of our world, we are not mere prisoners of fate. Our actions matter, and can bend history in the direction of justice.


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Arrests would’ve been more appropriate than an award.

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My ten cent.... I do think this Mrna will become a major player in treatment....But they are at least 20 years ahead of their understanding of our immune system and genetics in general.

If you understood genetics as they claim, you would know how to remove it when needed, as it is, there maybe people out there, that not only have this intergrated into them for life, but are capeable of passing it on to their offspring.

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Contrast this m-RNA vaccine with Ivermectin - both award winning discoveries and from the West. The later is even honoured with its own world day, a measure of its immense value to mankind, over a long time. A role it continues to have to this day. A rich plume to its rich cap as an anti-infective was added by tens of thousands of intrepid doctors in many parts of the world in this pandemic - it was a leading medicine in fending off covid and banishing the virus from their midst in the process. Surprisingly a world scale accomplishment dismissed by the West by tabooing the molecule for covid treatment - in favour of the controversial m-RNA vaccines still struggling to save their public from the virus, but enjoying an unearned stand on the podium.

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Did either Katalin Karikó or Drew Weissman mention Dr. Robert Malone anywhere?

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This prize may be retracted soon. The TRUTH will come out.

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Is it possible for Dr. McMillan to get the two award winning scientists for an interview and seek their honest opinion about how the first world scale application of the methodology discovered by them i.e. these m-RNA vaccines, have panned out ? I am sure they have been watching these vaccines in public action from the beginning, early 2021. Did they anticipate if the proteins created in the cells by m-RNA would linger on ? Did they feel correct about the choice of spike proteins as the target of creation by m-RNA of the vaccines. After all they were pathogens, I don’t know if ‘live. Was this a good idea, as the down sides became clear quickly into mass vaccinations. Were non pathogenic, yet characteristic other proteins of the virus a better option for the vaccine ? There are so many questions. In public interest and as the first set of experts, their opinions will have a keen bearing.

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