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It doesn't appear to me they learned anything. From the onset the ones with the megaphones including academic doctors, media and public health officials including those from the WHO all felt we didn't lockdown early and hard enough and that if we didn't have vaccines "ready" to shoot up people.

Given the empirical evidence and observational reality that lockdowns led to all sorts of nasty collateral damages and unintended consequences further compounded by unethical mandates eradicating informed consent and medical autonomy , you would think experts would show some level of humility and introspection on the foolishness of forming public health policy in a state of hysteria and moral panic.

Nope. Instead, they're doubling down if we're reading the rewriting of pandemic handbooks are any indication from the WHO's pandemic treaties right down to the recent updates in New Zealand - sure to be followed by other countries. They're CLOSING down any loopholes that led to dissent or the questioning of authority. The top-down approach is going to harden and lead to even worse outcomes. They're going to force vaccine passports for an unproven mRNA platform among other things including stricter quarantines. It's truly baffling that they can't see how bad this is. They took all the worst lessons and are using Covid as a template for future viruses (which I don't believe pose an existential threat to us as a species). Think of it. They've removed the need for TRIALS (thus eliminating any kind of safety mechanisms) and setting up (read the Prep Act) future responses by declaring an emergency and authorizing any kind of vaccine under an EUA. Safe and effective my fricken a**. Vaccines are now a combination of sheer profiteering and dogmatic quackery.

Francis Collins admitted they applied a myopic approach to Covid. In such a statement, he indirectly confirmed Sweden was right.

All this confusion and negative tradeoffs from inflation to excess deaths (including suicides, vaccine injuries/deaths can be reasonably attributed to the response. I mean, who in their right mind could possibly think a vaccine passport for a "vaccine" that's been shown to not stop transmission or prevent anything in any statistical meaningful manner is appropriate?

This is why they're loosening the standards of scientific standards. RCTs are out and observational studies and mathematical models are the rage. in other words, quackery and garbage have entered medicine. And you're a racist for thinking otherwise. Look at the psychotic screeds that come out of the mouth of Peter Hotez. And that dangerous little man has influence.

Tell us you're not in bed with pharma without telling us you're in bed with pharma. It's classic merging of state and corporate interests as defined by fascism. Except here it's medical fascism. You will have no say about what goes into your body. it's mad.

They're responding to opposing views in the worst possible way. They're framing it as a war on 'disinformation' which is a sure way to further worsen outcomes and trust. You can't apply a hammer to such issues.

Then they wonder why trust is eroding. It's all going to get worse before it gets better. This generation of health officials believe in all sorts of non-empirical applications in dealing with health. They have littler regard for OVERALL public health and are focused in all sorts of idiotic things like 'social justice' as part of what constitutes health. I reject this.

Good luck rebuilding trust. The fact Bill Gates is the second largest donor to the WHO should raise alarm bells. If you think a convicted felon with Aspergers and sociopathic tendencies means well and isn't driven solely by the profit motive, you need to stay away form jobs that profile human nature.

Before COVID I was fine with the system even though I had some suspicions and reservations but nothing to make me a 'recalcitrant'. Now they made a 'conspiracy theorist' of me and quite frankly everyday I feel more and more comfortable that we're run by fools, sociopaths, psychopaths, and hypochondriacs who think paternalistic health is sound.

Just an opinion. One in which makes me a 'threat' ro public health. I'm open to be told I'm wrong but I'm just reading and listening to what the people in power are saying - and reading between the lines with a critical and sober view.

As an aside and more cheerier note, I'll be visiting England/Scotland in August. Looking forward to it.

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I'm in Ireland...a similar "health" system as the NHS. I agree with every single word. I was always cautious but I wasn't a conspiracy theorist or anti- vaccine, for that matter. I spent lockdown researching vaccines, joining journals and other research sites to read the papers. Now, I'm completely anti any vaccine. As for 'my body, my choice'!!!! We had the vaccine passport in Ireland. Regrow trust???? How??? When we now know how fully propagandized theyve become? When we now know how little doctors actually know about health??? And how they dont know how little they know....that makes them very dangerous.

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In one of his stand up jokes, Joe Rogan said (and I paraphrase), "Before Covid I would have told you vaccines were the most important invention in human history. After Covid I don't think we went to the moon."

Pretty much this.

Among other events.

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Among the administration’s ill advised responses, I would forgive the lock downs and masking mandates, not the vaccine priority. Making it the exclusive priority was even worse, as it meant ignoring the needs of the sick and early treatment protocols. Completely against the ethics of medicine.

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