Of course. The tumblers are still turning at the Covid Casino. As Geert says, only Nature can end this pandemic. Nature is pitiless. Get my drift?

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Even nature has been MANipulated on this casino planet. Guess that free will of our own Power is playing out. Reptiles can live underground for ONLY so long after they have poisoned their systems. Wikipedia must have a new definition for insanity! AI. Can't get more artificial than that! Mother Gia has gut issues that require our powerfully charged batteries to help her out with, clean up with our heart helping hands. Over bloated agencies are exploding , stand clear from their fallout.

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Please stop calling these frankenjabs "vaccines". Are you not aware that,, even according to the US DOD which oversaw their manufacture and rollout, they are bioweapons? All your scaremongering stuff about new strains of the never-isolated virus eventually producing a catastrophically virulent strain are mere speculation. Whether by accident or design you are driving people into the arms of Big Pharma and their fellow conspirators in a crime against humanity for which not a single individual has so far been brought to book. Stop feeding the beast! I suggest you study the Substack investigations of Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt and recommend your subscribers to do the same.

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Sasha banned me for prodding her to reveal how she got her hands on ultra top secret contracts that implicate the DOD in crimes against humanity ....

I asked her why she was not sharing a cell with Assange... and the seemed to trigger her.

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See data consistent with the second dose (related to the onset of spike IgG1/3 antibodies after the second dose of the spike mRNA vaccines) with the selection of variants here: https://hervk102.substack.com/p/did-the-second-dose-of-mrna-covid.

The issue of ADE and loss of innate immunity (which provides heterologous protection against all-cause mortality including COVID-19 mortality) is also covered in this preprint: Laderoute, M. Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) of Infection into Macrophages Validates the Importance of HERV-K102 Particle Production for Pandemic Preparedness. Preprints 2023, 2023120185. https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202312.0185/v2.

DOI: 10.20944/preprints202312.0185.v2.

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For Canada, I was able to correlate the initial appearance or subsequent dominance of variants (alpha then delta) with two relevant parameters of vaccination: when the majority of the vaccinated (generally over the age of 60) received the second dose (ie., two dose to one dose ratio became greater than 0.5) or when there was a loss in negative all-cause mortality (ie., when there was a loss in true protection afforded by trained INNATE immunity). In either case these parameters indicate the time at which with the onset of the spike IgG1/3 antibodies caused antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) of infection of SARS-CoV-2 into the macrophages signalling the loss of heterologous protection against all-cause mortality. Since the spike IgG1/3 antibodies were derived from the vaccine, vaccination against spike protein caused the selection of variants and prolonged the pandemic.

[Ref: Laderoute, M. Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) of Infection into Macrophages Validates the Importance of HERV-K102 Particle Production for Pandemic Preparedness. Preprints 2023, 2023120185. https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202312.0185/v2.

DOI: 10.20944/preprints202312.0185.v2.

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Very concerning. Is VAIDS going to become a reality?

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"As you may recall, during the height of the pandemic, we were bombarded with claims that the unvaccinated were responsible for driving variants. But scientifically, that narrative never made sense. How could individuals who haven’t developed any immune pressure drive variant evolution?"

If I remember correctly, the logic behind this was that if you're vaccinated, you can't get infected. Only The Unvaxxinated get infected, and The Virus can only mutate when people get infected, so it must be The Unvaxxinated that are driving these mutations. Of course that's utter nonsense since the vaccines don't prevent infection, but somehow that seemed to be their argument.

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Immune systems "vaccinated" to respond with IgG4 antibodies that tell the immune systems to tolerate this virus or that emerging cancer. OK to IgG4 tolerate some pollen or something else that is not too harmful. NOT OK TO TOLERATE THAT WHICH IS DANGEROUSLY HARMFUL TO THE BODY.

Natural viral evolution and "vaccinated" immune system viral evolution and viral evolution in otherwise damaged immune systems are constantly being collected and taken to "THOSE LABS" where they "worked on" and released back to evolve in the human population to continue "their" evolution or die or to head back to one of "THOSE LABS". Shocking Truth Revealed

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In highly revaccinated situations, any talk of the virus ( from reinfections) must include possibilities of the vaccine spike protein remnants and even the remnant cationic LNPs influencing the formation of new variants in some people and spreading from them. In those contexts, one cannot think of the virus behaviour in isolation. An exasperated view that only nature can close this virus also doesn’t help. Solutions must be devised to securely flush out these remnant pathogens are top priority. The interaction between these two pathogens, one natural (?) and one synthetic, is the clue to devising the solutions. Also population geographies where vaccinations did not go beyond two shots about three years ago have not experienced any rebound from this virus. It is almost history there, the virus. That is another clue. Like in the case of repurposed drugs , only those free and committed researchers can unravel this connection. We shouldn’t leave them as mysteries. Unless we want to keep looking at nature endlessly to bury this virus. One immediate step towards this objective is to institutionalise early classical treatments on those getting fresh infections. This is how in many low vaccinated/revaccinated geographies, one could stop endless formations of omicron variants.

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Your first sentence is what I am concerned about- shedding from the vaccinated or transmission of God knows what due to their compromised immune systems. I have never been vaccinated or got covid, but whenever I go out for something to a supermarket or restaurant, I come back with a slight headache or tiredness. I can't even run sprints outside like I used to even though my diet and health modalities are way better than ever. It seems we have to detox daily and keep our systems running clean.

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i kind of agree with you on this as when im near someone who as a cold or ill in another way i almost can feel the illness trying to infect me ,its a weird one with the covid shedding theory as this would mean no ones safe unless a anti-dote was invented and give to the ones pushing the jabfest [as in the elites and government cronies ] so they couldnt be affected from being near the normie sheep

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I think if the antidote was as simple as say a lemon, we would have figured it out. Maybe it's something obscure and basically unattainable by normies like us, like blood transfusions from young children. The more I learn about the elite and potential handlers above the elite with their rituals, the more I think this may be feasible, and may even explain the trafficking and missing people each year. I wouldn't deny the existence of reptilian aliens at this point.

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It need not be that every time you are in a supermarket or a restaurant you catch shedded vaccine spike from someone. Statistically, it should be a lesser possibility. And chances are that in such settings you will be mostly asymptomatic after that mild exposure. Is it some kind of an allergy, those symptoms ? You must take a good clinical opinion. Please see if you can get one from a FLCCC panel doctor by contacting them. They might even advise you on a simple protective nasal spray, either before or immediately after your return home. That simple step is safe and well worth it, even if you have to take it a few times in a month. Please give it a try and after a while if you feel you have resolved the problem, you may post your story here for the benefit of us all here. Please take care.

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You are absolutely correct, I think when I remember to take precautions it helps, but the nasal sprays (I tried all kinds, xylitol, iodine, etc) all give me a sneezing fit or snot blowing which doesn't feel good. I found that tobacco snuff from the Amazon really works well for me (just one blow each nostril), but this I also forget to take half the times I go out because it is not very expeditious or convenient (gathering and placing the powder in a self blowing tube and blow each side and putting everything away).

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3

It was obvious from the start that 'vaccinations' that didn't stop contraction, would be the same as not finishing a full course of antibiotics and hence would lead to evolutionary pressure. (And that's without all the other effects from the 'additives' in those vials.)

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