Oct 1Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

I think the 215 vaccine doses story was a man forging vaccine cards to obtain freebies for each vaccination. Do you really think any person could survive 215 doses?

How does LLPC/non-LLPC correlate to the spike protein antibodies test? If spike protein goes up after vaccination and comes down later, would it maintain a high % in the LLPC?

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It seems the immune system is resisting keeping long term memory on the spike protein. Similar to bacterial endotoxins.

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Thanks, it makes sense but if spike protein goes up after vaccination which causes endotoxin issues, then spike protein is cleared from the body over time, then I would expect the body would reduce endotoxins as the spike protein decreases and is eliminated. Some other theories to consider- cytotoxicity of the lipid nanoparticles (when are these eliminated from the body?) and the spike burning endothelium, in effect causing a 3rd degree burn of this tissue (Does not heal on its own, requires excision and grafting).

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I don’t suppose you have contacts from whom you could possibly find out? I’d love to know the answer.

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Sep 30Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

As LLPCs are not memory B cells (so, the former are cells which produce antibodies for a longer term): As far as I understand it, there might be a different explanation of what will be going on. Namely: tolerance. This might come into play when looking at the failure of keeping LLPC going - in the bone marrow. I speculate: could there be a connection to the immune tolerance of anti-spike IgG4? Just wonderung…

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Checked the point about tolerance as well.

Even IgG4 plasma cells can end up as long term memory cells.

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This topic is everything - but not an easy one…


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Well, goodness me, Big Pharma has hit on their panacea for long term wealth. “The population ‘has’ to be regularly injected to ‘remain protected’ “ Big Pharma would say. Except, I still have yet to see any evidence that these injectables actually do prevent people ending up in hospital. Please can you provide the link to the podcast which shows that hospitals don’t get vaccinated patients suffering from C19 anymore, not since 2021, and those few patients that they do get are the unvaccinated. I must have missed it.

Any company is only there to make money, no company provides a service for the good of society. If society does benefit, eg fire extinguisher manufacturers, then that’s a bonus - but if they didn’t make a profit they would stop making them.

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All power to you. Please keep asking the hard questions. All this misery will be out in the public domain one day just as it has with HIV in imported blood which kept on being imported from the same source for years after the problem was known about. It’s truly horrific.

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Dr McMillan, I have a question for you, again. Until you explained this paper the thought was that having had 4 mRNA injectables when the next C19 infection comes, should it breakthrough the mucosal barrier, the immune system would make IgG1 and 80% of those would be against the Wuhan variant as the immune system doesn’t forget once primed. Does the immune system make these IgG1 antibodies using these LLPCs? If so the number of IgG1 being made against the Wuhan variant should be close to zero. If it has been demonstrated that indeed 80% are the Wuhan type during an infection, then can you please explain where the memory database is (memory T-cells?). I’m at a loss as to understand where LLPC fit into the memory system in relation to the memory T-cells. Oh, it’s all so complex but I’m trying my best to learn how the immune system works. Thank you.

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