It was the plan all along. Data can always be manipulated especially when only a small percentage actually understand it. Governments will learn nothing - surely you can see that now?

It’s about population control and is moving fast towards the final hurrah - HIVICRON

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As the pandemic started to spread I was rather cautious for 2 or 3 weeks because the virus might have been seriously dangerous, we just didn't know. However I did know corporate media is politicized trash, worthy of nothing more than disdain, so rather than being victimized by its manipulation and deceit I watched the world around me, which quickly evidenced that the virus was not wildly dangerous, and then took a look at a few infection fatality rate studies from reputable sources which became available by mid 2020. Fortunately at that point it was clear the virus posed no meaningful risk of mortality for reasonably healthy people, meaning the vast majority (essentially no risk for healthy youngsters). Nothing more than a serviceable grasp of grade school math and a little time was required to understand as much. Of course having gained that knowledge refusing to submit to injection with a radical new technology, absent any medium or long term track record or testing, was a no brainer.

Doing a little homework, while ignoring corporate media/politicians, can literally save your life amid the current political lunacy.

BTW, I tried to share this easily verified knowledge with people at the time but few listened. And yes, I now know two people seriously injured and three who I suspect lost their lives as a consequence of COVID injections, including a relative; who I tried to warn.

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I listened & watched also, finding it strange and the became suspicious when all the silly ads started appearing with somewhat known politicians, mayors, hollywood, etc. having offers of drinks, dinners, even paid for schooling (in other words almost begging) promoting and urging the jabs. The more I saw those "in charge" of this plandemic, the more I saw it to be questionable to our well being. I seemed obvious to me something was not right, as there had never been such a play presented as this cv19...... Then all the rules and regulations and shutting down our way of life??? Absolutely to healthy people trying to stay healthy by being OUTSIDE, SWIMMING IN OCEAN, KIDS PLAYING OUTSIDE, really?? The topper was to snitch on your neighbors if you saw them out or their kids, OMG!!!!

Then it became 1984 playbook !!!!

All THEY have accomplished is mistrust of doctors, MSM, any health advise, etc. I know people now who are afraid to go to the doctors & I know several that did, got the vax and now are D E A D !!!

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Really! This a topic for discussion? We all saw this horse leave the barn 3 & 1/2 years ago. What is there to discuss about it? They lied and millions died and millions more will die because they ALL have damaged immune systems and we have potentially lethal variants evolving every day. Let’s talk about a world that will soon have “billions” less people. The deed is done. Let’s move on please.

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Fisman is guilty of fraud and is therefore an accessory to mass murder. 20 million globally. Rancourt's analysis concluded 17 million globally as of September 2023. Here we are a year later and it's likely 20 million or more. 1 death for every 1100 jabs. Fisman is a mass murderer, along with Bourla, Fauci, Trudeau, and dozens of others.

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Sep 28·edited Sep 28

What a brave lady, we discovered it in 2020 and tried hard to wake up many Dr's and medical staff . The fraudulent people under estimated social news with many who knows, I see this as a possibility to multiply these good interviews with the possibility to wake up more and more. Like the Canadian Government the Dutch , the Australian and other governments continue to try to hold on their lies, but many more knowing might turn the course, I clearly see the WHO and WEF power play pushing their narrative. thanks .

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COVID-19 Vaccine Limited Immunity Durability Was Knowable from the Start: No Long-Lived Plasma Cells

Completely knowable from the first small trial.




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The absolute truth!

There was nothing new!

All a fraud!

This is typical gas lighting and propaganda.

Techniques used to distract people from the truth!

Wise Traditions Podcast Episode 491

Blowing The Lid Off Virology (Or Bird Flu Part 2)

with Jamie Andrews


There has never been a virus isolated and demonstrated to cause disease!

Love, Truth, Justice and Freedom!

All of Virology is a scam!

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"Were Covid Statistics Manipulated to take away YOUR Freedom?"

If we can agree false narratives are statistical manipulation, yes. The CDC had seemingly accurate statistics showing low mortality except for retirement aged folks. The media and gov'ts wanting to remove your freedoms only focused on case counts, which could be very high.

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As far as I remember, it was transparently reported early on that The Virus is mainly a threat to the elderly, but we had to do all these things to "save Grandma". Wear a mask to save Grandma. Kids cannot go to school because they might bring The Virus home and infect Grandma. And so on and so forth. It was later on that the narrative slowly shifted: Oh no, it's not just elderly people, some younger person somewhere also had a serious case of covid.

With the vaccines, the story is not quite the same but similar: First you had to take it to protect Grandma, but pretty soon it was like yeah, you still get covid, but that doesn't mean the vaccines don't work because you'll get a milder case and that's what counts so take another booster.

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Sep 29·edited Sep 29

It’s because they think we are useless eaters, there are too many useless eaters. Using our earths resources, breathing too much and setting the earth on fire. They want rid of us, “You will be happy and own nothing” that includes your life. They won’t fire psychopaths.

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"Doctors are either fraudulent or they don't know what they are doing"? No, Dr McMillan - they are fraudulent AND they do know what they doing. And that goes even more for the politicians and their medical/scientific gofers who have been pulling the wool over the public's eyes for the last four and half years of the Great Covid Con.

Wakey, wakey!

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An expert statistician brings out more professionally what we have known in these years as gut feeling from whatever we were reading and observing around us. What is actually needed is a psychiatrist’s, a mind reader’s analysis. The world response in early 2020 was largely driven by what the USA chose to do - like opening vaccine development and universal vaccination priority, like shunning early clinically sound treatments based on classical medicines and and past related research work ( cationic amphiphilic drugs), like the drive for totally new anti virals when no medical text book said that a new virus has to be tamed only by a new, designed anti viral. And the US response itself was framed by a few leading individuals ( all well educated and experienced), who quickly chose to toe the line of big Pharma who saw this a big opportunity for business, by dusting off its moribund, abandoned technologies. What was going through their minds when they ignored normal responses and prioritised unknown responses ? A different kind of professional is needed for this mind reading. Ok, let us pass 2020 and come to second half of 2021. By then, vaccination was in full swing in the rich countries and countries like India who had major production units. Many poorly vaccinated countries like in Africa were not feeling the heat of the ravaging delta wave everywhere. By mid 2021, many countries like India began prioritising early classical treatments, largely the initiatives of private doctors, but accepted much later by the government too. As a result, the delta wave was subdued as quickly as it was looming as a big threat. Later Omicron too was consigned to the pits by these countries. Much of this part of the world stopped talking about Covid in the public. It has remained so thus far. Thus, the experience of this successful, almost cost free closure of Covid from many other countries through later 2021, 2022, 2023 was before the authorities of the USA and the West, including their Presidents and Prime Ministers. This experience of discontinuing large vaccinations and repeat vaccinations and depending on early, old school treatments had solid clinical science reasoning behind it. All these administrations and their leaders are all well read people, they were all meeting their counterparts from the other parts of the world through these years. Surely they must have been inquisitive, wanting to know how those countries had succeeded, while themselves were continuing to be roiled by this virus, now in the form of the rather docile Omicron. What prevented them from reviewing and revising their decisions and priorities in 2022, 2023 and even in early 2024, by when many countries were two years free from this virus trouble ? Even their top leaders ? Why did they continue to be influenced by what has clearly failed their people ? What was behind the thought processes of the many of them, particularly by their well groomed leaders ? Yes, we know the common angles behind such a story, but what was the psychologist view of why they acted the way they did ? It would be interesting to know.

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UNCERTAINTY GRIPPED most governments, medical researchers, and the average citizen,,,, so 'the Establishment' response tried to quell the mass confusion/chaos in the name of mandating public safety measures first..... a panicked response, yes, but understandable.......

later, various officials began lying to cover their own embarassment at their panicked stumblings

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It was all Fear Mongering that caused the mass chaos & confusion, along with the 'trusted sources' they chose as discussed online at Event 201. They rehursted everything from how the news was to be presented to trusted sources so WE would believe the scam..... unfortunately millions did ! Now I hear they are already putting in some of our foods since they did such a bang-up job the 1st round that most don't believe "them" anymore , but some will still obey to keep their jobs to support their family or lifestyle.

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What I would like to see...is how many are connected to WEF ??

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But of course and from the beginning..

Imperial College of London math model based on faulty data.

PCR used to determine a case with no referenced and isolated virus genomic sequence.

It is in my mind based on these and other facts such as the existence of bacterial pneumonia cases MRI identified as Covid-19 ground glass opacity...that it had to be done to create a plandemic for the removal of human rights and more.

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In the absence of excess deaths anywhere in the world before 11 March 2020, how can anyone even claim there was a pandemic (or the basis for the WHO claiming one on that date)?

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