Aug 17Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Thank you Philip - Liked your introduction. I have exactly the same sarcasm . . . . and your explanation, theories are very important - they raise questions. I believe these dark forces will not give up, they seed antigens into the public as much as they can. We are being poisoned anyway by the stuff tjey spray into the atmosphere and some scientists find in our darkfieldmicroscopic clinic (even under unvaxxey) or simply into the water or food. However - they won't get "sick" as well and since they breath same air, drink same water, eat same food - there is always an antidot: Whether its IVM, HCQ/Zn, ClO2 or other chemical neutralisation and the only thing we should do too is to find ways to "neutralize" their doing on an individual level. That can happen by knowing what they do and then we know what do to. Stay on organic food, avoid foods from huge concerns like Nestle, or where Bill Gates is involved (spraying food, vegetables...), drink safe water ..... etc. . The devil is upon us and he is indeed powerful. So watch out and listen to some angels like Philip, Shankara and many orhers trying to mitigate.

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Thank you.

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Aug 16Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Like COVID-19, MPox seems to affect a very specific group, but Big Pharma's proxies like WHO need to get as many people as possible jabbed. Like everything, follow the money.

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Aug 17Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Am I right to hear that this mpox is transmitted by close contact? Am I right in thinking that ‘Close Contact’ is a euphemism for STD, and possibly touching the pustules of an infected person?

If so why will everyone need a vaccine? I lived through the whole lifecycle of AIDS with no vaccination and sticking to only one sexual partner since before AIDS started.

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Excellent point.

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Aug 17Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Thank you for explaining this is fairly easy to understand terms without “dumbing it down”…..and for the info on the adenovirus vaccines🤔😊

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Aug 17·edited Aug 17Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Dr. McMillan, you are WRONG(!!!), please check your books, POX viruses belong to DNA family of the so called POX viridae species...... Here a link for yo to the NIH data base with its sequence:


more on the bioinformartics can be found in my 2 YEARS old post:


That all not to say that your issue abut asking for covid injection status, is completely justified. BOTH RNA and DNA represent GENETIC MATERIAL which can be translated inside of cytoplasm in different ways. Also, SPike itself contains multiple NLS, s.s. nuclear localization signals, which allow it to cross the nuclear membrane, and that is equally troubling!

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My apologies.

It is a DNA virus, but replicates in the cytoplasm.

That is the unusual characteristic and may be relevant to evading cellular immune mechanisms similar to mRNA vaccines.

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Thank you for the answer. The viral DNA actually goes first into nucleus, according to the CONCEPT of virologists, and the entire replication process suppose to mimick the one of our own, human genome. That DNA has to produce mRNA (in order to assembly any proteins), which then leaves the nucleus and gets translated in the cytoplasm. The translated proteins return back into the nucleus (each with NLS motif), where they help form the PROGENY DNA, which then apparently leaves the nucleus again in order to build rest of the viral proteins, which at the very end assembly in nucleus actually, from which they are released. Obviously as an enveloped virus monkeypox will tear apart all the membranes at the end, while stealing material needed for its own envelope,... The main idea of virologists was/is to introduce a genetic replicating self-assemblying machinery (that's what viruses do) with pathogenic properties while carrying into the host the foreign DNA/RNA, all genetic material. That's the major point, to have those 2 types of viruses to now 'infect everyone' because of the specific nuclear polymerases around which can replicate all types of foreign GENETIC material in 'all directions', thus delivering a complete GENE MODIFICATION TREATMENT to all humans, thats called EUGENICS. That's my take on the entire criminal murder endeavor which started with 'covid'.

For the reference here of all what I mentioned, please check out the 'Clinical Microbiology made ridiculously simple' by Gladwin and Trattler, reviewed by countless PhD's and MD's...

Thank you again for your attention.

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I didn’t get the Covid jabs and I won’t get this jab either.

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I'd like to connect a few dots about veterinarians, monkeypox and the Astra Zeneca/Oxford jabs:

(1) The Astra Zeneca/Oxford jab is made from chimpanzee poop.


(2) Can chimpanzees carry/get infected with monkeypox?" Answer: YES! Chimpanzees DO get monkeypox. Don't believe me? Just do your own Google search.

(3) It would ONLY take a couple of batches of Oxford/Astra Zeneca jabs contaminated accidentally (or intentionally) with monkeypox to seed monkeypox virus in the Covid-jabbed population, who then would spread it to others, especially at times and places when their resistance to disease is lowered, like at a series of "rave" parties with lots of random sexual hook-ups.

(4) It is interesting that the Astra Zeneca/Oxford jab was predominantly used in Europe more so than in the United States. And where did the monkeypox cases first start appearing? Yes, you guessed it ... in EUROPEAN tourists at the gay rave parties in the Canary Islands.

Conclusion: I blame the Astra Zeneca/Oxford jabs for seeding monkeypox into the human population, and then, of course, the casual sex with multiple partners caused monkeypox to spread around even more so.

And please also NOTE that AstraZeneca drugmaker has pulled its Covid-19 shot from all markets citing declining demand (not citing the disastrous side effects, LMAO).

"AstraZeneca to withdraw Covid shot"


WARNING: So REMEMBER ALWAYS: If you let someone inject you with a jab derived from ANY animal, DO NOT BE SURPRISED if you subsequently contract an animal disease, as "vaccination" is one of the routes for animal diseases to "jump" into humans ... And IMHO this is also why VETERINARIANS always seem to understand what is happening so much sooner than M.D.s whenever a new disease first appears in humans!

Fortunately most straight AND gay Europeans do not attend orgiastic rave parties in the Canary Islands which, for Bill Gates, Matt Hancock and Fauci, must have been a devastatingly huge disappointment.


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not to discredit the connection between monkeypox and chimpanzees, but your:

"Just do your own Google search."

in case of 9/11, gives:

"The September 11 attacks, commonly known as 9/11, were four coordinated Islamist terrorist suicide attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States in 2001. On that morning, 19 terrorists hijacked four commercial airliners scheduled to travel from the East Coast to California."

=> COMPLETE LIE. That's why stopping using google, OR NOT advertising for it, is essential

ANyway, the SARS-CoV-2 Spike sequence injected into billions have many common grounds with Monkeypox, HIV-1... Here some analysis:



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I don't disagree at all with your condemnation of Goolag. I admit I use it sometimes. I should have phrased it as "Just do your own internet search" or "Just do your own research." Unfortunately "Google" for many normies is synonymous for internet search, just as the brand "Kleenex" is used instead of asking "Do you need a facial tissue?" It would be nice if Google were as DEAD as censor Susan:


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Hello Dr McMillan.

Could you please explain if it’s true and how it’s true whether the covid vax actually does prevent people from getting seriously ill such that they don’t need to go to hospital. It occurs to me that if it was true, the death rate and hospital intakes for Covid should have been close to zero once the vax was widely deployed. But I don’t recall that there was any difference in hospital admissions between before the GMO was deployed and after. If there was no difference, this poison reduces the innate resistance against getting covid at the next contact and doesn’t not even prevent serious adverse symptoms once the disease has been contracted initially.

Can you talk about this please? If my suspicion is right, the GMO didn’t save any lives at all.

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You hit the nail on the head. Your doubts are well proven. So why repeat the whole sordid saga against monkey pox, even if it seen to work ?

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It seems this species has gone so far out on the limb, to the narrowest point of the branch before falling, flying, jumping off in this analysing, AI, social media attention that our other side of our thinking brain can remind us that viruses have been around and gotten this species to today. One day maybe we can think in our right brain and thank nature for all it's development in getting us to another point and sooner man's greedy Roman Empire Evil dark side collapses, the butterfly will appear and show it's beauty out of the muck. Like Dr.Elisabet Sahtouris the evolutionary biologist has been trying to say. The time for new ways for our species to thrive and continue has come. The conquer control of the old is collapsing to make way for the new.

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I feel that the scale, spread and intensity of the virus is not that high to warrant bulk vaccination. Best to fix some repurposed drugs quickly, so that the infection can be handled at individual level. Don’t know why WHO gave a world wide alert. I was also wondering whether, with international participation and support, should not WHO lead efforts on repurposed drugs for such infections as the m-pox, with early treatments. The symptoms and presentations are well known and if they are attacked early with established medicines, the body will gain more focus on neutralising the virus on its own, providing in the process even natural immunity for the future. Instead of wringing one’s hand because there is no specific antiviral and letting a patient count his luck. This must become an universal approach in any new infections in future. Another point is that these viral infections can quickly spawn secondary bacterial infections, often the presentation can be a mixed infection. In Covid, we have seen how many label anti biotics, like Azithromycin, Doxycycline, Levofloxacin etc work as anti virals also. So, anti biotics become frontline medicines here. This calls for a fresh perspective on anti biotics use.

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Covid vax seems to protect against everything ……since when, Dr. McMillan? If it does protect against monkey pox, I think the whole text book chapter on vaccines have to be completely rewritten. There cannot then be a case for dedicated vaccines, even though it has been the norm in these 100 years of vaccines. Without being cynical if it works, let us not continue with the havoc it had created in these three and half years. The m-RNA technology should not be touched for atleast ten more years, until all its loose ends are acknowledged, more identified, everything corrected and its safety proven beyond doubt. If at all, just keep it to the labs for vaccine repurposing studies and concepts. Researchers can however readily look at repurposed drugs for quick use, as well as more suitable candidates among the established vaccines for repurposing on this new infection. Look at BCG vaccine, for a start. Also, the dozen odd vaccines that are part of the universal vaccination programmes both in the West and in the global south countries. I think a quick rapid fire lab confirmation is possible with a few of these. Repurposing studies on vaccines must get serious.

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Hope you noted the sarcasm.

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Honestly, I was so much taken by surprise with that comment it didn’t strike me that it could be sarcasm. After flagging the vaccine for months in so many presentations !

Ok, good. But I think there is some merit and scope in the repurposing of existing vaccines, atleast those that have stood the test of time. I do hope that the thought catches the attention of researchers. As with repurposed drugs, there will be lot of time saved on the safety profile.

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as the scare was there in 2022, here is small summary of some bioinformatics investigation into Monkeypox and SARS-CoV-2 injected Spike genome:


should be useful. Didn't listen to this talk yet though...

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