Jun 6Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Ok, the virus was modified and proof that biologists from the Wuhan lab were in Saskatchewan taking back the Saskatchewan bat virus to Wuhan. They were sick in the Agriculture Canada facility in Swift Current Saskatchewan. They had a program where they allowed scientists from China. Unbelievable how they know this connection between Canada and China on the plandemic . That's how you know all the WHO connected countries are in collusion. Moderna is a company created by the CIA. This is known. Event 201 plandemic war game proves all connected initiated individuals. This absolutely disgusts me! Moderna, WHO or WEF are even involved in the last 5 year of lies and plandemic creation!

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Jun 6Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

So nice to see and hear and one on one conversation with Dr. Smith. I watched her on zoom in the very beginning and thought what a wonderful presence and knowledgeable feel I got from her.

Trust and tunnel vision of finding what you are looking for is so right. We are just now understanding the human nature of being human.

I was just listening to an evolutionary cognitive psychologist, and how he has changed his belief in consciousness now. He said the data is there now, it's his emotional state that will need to catch up to his discovery. I love Dr. Smith truth in reminding us, all nations and their cultures our birth given rights to believe in what is best way for us. The middle ground way, like you are saying connecting our right and left in this new discoveries while the old paradigms seem to be collapsing in chaos. Like inside our bodies if we are in a anxiety state, you think that is it.

Going through this shift as are awakening, seems to be the game in town now. Opposite of fear is love. Like Elizabet Sahtouris stated years ago, we need to become the butterfly out of the muck.

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This is all about big $$$ and high tech security/ transhumanism & forcing evolutionary biology. ..

they are nothing about ❤️❤️❤️

It’s a depopulation event.

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Avian Influenza

What's all the hype about?




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Prion group



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Are you insane 😳. Do you know what these psycho paths have in store for us 😳

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Jun 6Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Really good interview. Life IS intelligent.

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Thank you

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Jun 6Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Hmm duck's dying in a market again.... labs all around world doing gain of function. Cleavage sites man modified.

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Jun 6Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Dr Jennifer Smith is a bright, warm light in a dark, cold world. Thank you once again for helping us understand. You are TRUSTWORTHY. And I might add, beloved, to me. Grazie mille!

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Jun 6·edited Jun 6Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Great interview, so much good sense!

On the subject of herd immunity to respiratory viruses, Sunetra Gupta explains it really well in this mini lecture:


Her explanation seems to fit well with real life observations, especially the update about seasonality affecting the herd immunity threshold:


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Jun 6·edited Jun 6



As I suspected.... died of comorbidities with significantly suppressed immunity.

My condolences to his family and friends, but it looks very much like we're being set up.

Keep your eyes and ears open and BS detector 💩💩💩 switched up to max. You know what's coming...

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Are these people for real 🤷‍♀️

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MERYL NASS SUBSTACK bird flu Mexico man

Desperately seeking a bird flu death, WHO claimed one in Mexico (H5N2)--but the Mexican health minister called bullshit: man died of other causes


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There was NO Covid pandemic

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I agree. Anyone paying attention and looking outside the paradigm of GOF and deadly pandemic viruses should read the work of Norman Fenton, Jessica Hackett, Denis Rancourt, JJ Couey etc. The data does not suggest a risk additive pathogen circling the globe causing havoc but rather manipulation of PCR, iatrogenic harm, false classifications across the board and more.

Are there pathogens out there? I think so. But the degree of certainty and the oversimplifications around the fidelity of viruses, pandemics, and immunology that have been presented and continue to be portrayed seem to have been wildly exaggerated.

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WHO private organization justifying it corrupted existence

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What they have in store for us in NOT peace & love

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Go away. The answer is NO

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

Does anyone know if there have been any studies between unvaccinated and vaccinated birds? With human vaccine trials they vaccinated the control group fairly early on in the name of “moral dilemma” destroying the evidence. It seems odd to me that “Birds such as ducks and other migratory birds generally do not fall ill or die when infected with influenza viruses” and with “testing in the laboratory, we had viruses that could kill a 100% of the birds within 24 hours”. These groups seem to be on opposite ends of the spectrum and hence my question.

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Isn't it AMAZING how Dr. Smith got us to SEE the connection of a BIRD FLU.... associated with a cow in the current storybook reading. You do wonder if the earth axis has tipped us over and viewing this upside down in a different lens? Or all those chemical spraying, sugars, and so called food in our USA systems is playing out right before some of our senseless/ senesces!

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Thank you Philip for always discussing up-to-date topics. Very informative and very helpful.

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See if this link works, Dr. McMillan. Also, Dr. Smith, please let us know what you think about this pre-print. Thanks! Mel

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What I heard from the McCullough group last week, was that H5N1 has been experimented on in mallard ducks who have wide migratory patterns. The biolab working on the pathogenicity of “highly pathogenic H5N1” is, I am told, in Athens, Georgia, not that far from us here in South Carolina. You can be sure “they’re” working on it. I agree not to take the bait or to be fearful. Plus, ivm, HCQ, and Nitazoxanide can all help to quell RNA viruses such as avian flu. Hang in there, folks. Cheers and thank you for a wonderful presentation.

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I worked at the Poultry Diagnostic Research Center which is across the street from the SEPRL in Athens, GA during my Master's program. We also worked with H5N1 avian viruses from SE Asia at St. Jude's in Memphis where I managed the BSL3 lab. Supposedly the first cases of this clade of H5 appeared in the PNW. These were actually H5N2 and H5N8 viruses. Avian H5N1 didn't appear in poultry in the US until February 2022. At least it wasn't detected until then.

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Thanks, Jennifer. What do you think of the preprint I posted above? If you have any comments on it, I’d sure appreciate it. Are you still in Hawaii or did you move? Loved your presentation!

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