Sep 7Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Thanks Dr McMillan--very interesting and am glad you are showing it.

I am not seeing how to join the webinar.

One suggestion, the digital framing that you were you are surrounded by in the screen is extremely distracting and "noisy". Its not working except making it look like your video is one continuous commercial instead of being able to focus on you or your subject material. I suggest turning it off more often and go full screen for majority of video. Just one man's thought.

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Sep 8Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Dr. William Makis MD made a video urging any involved personnel NOT to destroy the vials but get them out of the authority's control for later use. He even declared that whoever wants to reap huge amounts of money will see that selling these vials to researches will generate enormous profits in the future, comparable to crypto-currencies ...

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I am not offended. We need prayer because action is needed. We also need prayer for protection for those willing to take action. Praying does not imply passivity. I don’t have access to the vials so I will pray for the people who do.

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Oh my goodness. That is a good point. I know he has been risking his life. It ways heavy on my heart. But I didn’t think of the others. We have to pray.

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You still think that praying will change anything for the better ??? ... 🤔🤔🤔 No offense here, but current developments rather call for immediate action on a massive scale !!!

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Thank you! I love Dr. Makis. What a great idea he had to encourage people to save the bio weapons for future research.

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You're most welcome ...

I fully agree, but he's risking his life and the ones physically involved in hiding the vials ...

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Can you please link the Dr. Makis video that you are referring to? Thanks!

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I got it 07. Sept. 2024 from Forbidden Knowledge here on Substack. The video was cast on Forbidden knowledge TV and its link is:


Hope this helps and please let me have your feedback . Thanks !!

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Dr. Carrie Madej is one of the first medical doctors to look at the contents of the vials in 2022. She posted her results on Rumble warning people not to take the vaccine. She definitely was one of the first to take pictures of the parasites (worm like entities) and nanotechnology ( right angle structures) that were contained in the vials.

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Glad to see some people examining the jab products in detail under different conditions. Of course any products that were injected should be preserved for detailed examination and so that adverse effects can be correlated with batch numbers.

The products are documented to be made of highly charged lipids and mRNA segments. If you watch the explanation of how the lipid nano particles are made, it is clear that they are supposed to self-assemble! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GzZ670C_u8 It is chemistry, not magic.

The fact that the authors used strong solvents and organic substrate media means there will also be biological bits that will indeed start to grow in the right conditions. You will see crystals and complex shapes. This is the natural basis of primordial soup! The poor manufacturing quality (the military contracts under which these things are made does not require any level of purity, see Sasha Latypova's substack) guarantees that there will be impurities and contamination, including bits of graphene from the e-coli filtration process.

However they found no evidence of functioning nanobots, and certainly not anything that responds coherently to external communication. In short, this video feeds more candy into the irrational conspiracy theories than the rational conspiracy theories. The latter being profit-centered racketeering and corruption, of which we have plenty of prior evidence including criminal convictions.

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Thank you for that perspective.

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And here is some more basic chemistry to ponder over. Both the anionic soap ( sodium oleate/stearate) and the cationic common mouth wash ingredient, Cetyl Pyridinium Chloride (CPC), destroy this virus in seconds. Demonstrated in 2020 itself. Soap can solubilise the lipid viral shell, as well as destabilise the cationic spike segments by electrostatic interactions. The cationic CPC can also destabilise the cationic spike active sites by electrostatic repulsions. That is why I have been saying from early on that ionic structured drug molecules are the best against this infection. Shown by the proven success on massive scale with Montelukast sodium. They might work in long vax situations also by destabilising the lingering LNPs and spike segments from the vaccines.

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Any idea what is the nature of the lipids that constitute the lipid shell of the virus ? What happens to it when the virus particles have entered inside the cell. I do not think that the viral lipid shell is cationic, while the LNP casing of the vaccine particle is cationic. This lipid is purely synthetic, unlike any natural triglyceride lipids that we are familiar with. If the virus shell is also cationic, it have rendered the cationic active sites of the external spike proteins very unstable by electrostatic repulsions and the virus itself would be very unstable then. With our cell surfaces generally being anionic, the LNP could be the cause for the formation of unwanted solid deposits and structures in our blood stream. Yes, there are cationic lipids known in nature, like the lecithins in egg yolks, which our body is tuned to metabolise through evolution. We also know now most of these problems have their origin in the remnant vaccine particles rather than remnant virus particles ( the corresponding spike protein remnants). The vaccine manufacturers must explain why they chose such a lipid shell instead of something resembling the virus shell itself. And the m-RNA of the vaccine itself is under a cloud now, because of the use of N-methyl pseudouridine. Lot of unwanted basic chemistry at work inside these biologies.

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Sep 8Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Thank you Philip for your diligence and being prepared to be persuaded by the facts.

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Learning that any cupboards that are off limits are always the ones to open.

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Sep 8Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Thank you for your efforts doctor! Please invite Dr Geert, its high time he explains his changed instance on the timeline which might take much longer than initially thought

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Hope to do that soon.

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My husband received two of the conjabs from Modern.a in 2021. He went for a live blood analysis on July 15th, 2024. He got AFib immediately after his second conjab. I've cycled him through four different detox protocols, non stop. His live blood analysis showed clumping of his red cells around a nano-bot foreign structure with a funnel like appendage on the top and bottom. Really strange. I took photos, because few people believe this is happening. EVERY conjabbed person concerned about their health should get a live blood analysis done.

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THANK YOU FOR SHARING THAT VIDEO!!! I'd heard about researches in Portugal who had found nano-tech in dental anesthetics. Is this related to that instance? I think it was a study. If you have information about it could you share it here?

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Did you have your blood looked at also?

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Look at Dr. Ana Mihalcea's substacks. She's been looking under the microscope at this for 3 years. She also explains the connection to EMF's and 5G in particular

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Thank you, Dr. McMillan. Beyond smoke, there's seemingly a five alarm fire burning away here. It was clear from the start, given the targeted harsh censorship combined with some carefully-placed murders, that the nanobot theory in mRNA technology was 100% real. It's seemingly graphene based. It's probably graphene-oxide (GO) or graphene-hydroxide (GH) based, given the targeted killing and suppression of GH specialists.

As to what it does, there are various theories. Capabilities may include nervous system merging, RF reception & transmission, information processing, etc. If the system is GH-based, as seems most likely, then it could easily include a 'kill switch'. I.e. The correct EM pulse (as from a nearby wifi router or other RF source), possibly different for each targeted entity, ought to cause GH components to resonate and 'whirl', becoming tiny spinning razor blades in the infected body and delivering death by a thousand cuts. Several other more subtle mechanisms to design a kill switch exist, given known capabilities.

My background is in Physics, Biophysics, and ham radio.

Were I going to surreptitiously place self-replicating machinery into the bodies of 5 billion people then I'd certainly include a self-destruct switch in case they got annoyed at me.

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Nicotine is the cure and prevention....... :- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_SC7obaXro

.Graphene has been in flu shots for ages !

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I think Dr. Ardis is onto something with the whole synthetic snake venom idea :) I was doubtful at first, but people have had startlingly positive results from nicotine. He mentioned efforts by governments: Australia, New Zealand, UK and Canada to ban nicotine. To me that's a sign of what the creators of this Plandemic already know. His book is coming out in a few weeks and he has a lot of information on his website.

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That is the reason for the strong push on 5g ! The graphene bots can be externally controlled !

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thank you for sharing this information. I was allways wondering how these sharp graphen-blades might cause harm inside the body. From where and how would they get their momentum? Now you provided me with a comprehensible explanation.

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Bruce, this global agenda seems to be a test balloon for the future. All of the various AE per the lot variations shows they were trying things out. This is a nitemare.

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Nightmares end when one awakens. This goes on in the waking world ...

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Shame on all who have shared the nonsensical microscopy “study” of evaporating Covid19 Jab samples claiming “Self-assembling Artificial Constructions” and other weird descriptors.1

Young Mi Lee describes herself as:

a practicing physician specializing in obstetrics and gynecology, and is also a reproductive endocrinologist; because of her work over the last three years she has become an expert in stereomicroscopy and in the microbiology of incubated COVID-19 injectables, especially, Pfizer and Moderna

Daniel Broudy describes himself as having:

a doctorate in applied psycholinguistics

and this should ring alarm bells:

His research integrates research in cognitive linguistics, developmental and social psychology, semiotics, and communication theory as an effort to describe the ways in which centers of power organize campaigns of persuasion and engineer consent for policies and actions across cultures.

Here is some real science published 32 years ago.2

Can you guess why Lee and Broudy don’t mention it?


They done played ya'll!!!

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The lesson from the pandemic is not to ignore anything.

I acknowledge that they are not experts in the field but my instinct is that they were supported in setting up the study by experts in the field.

The real scientists cannot publish as it would damage their careers.

Just look carefully at the science to see if it makes any sense.

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The "Nanobot" Paper - Rasserische, misinterpretaton of well-known data

Cholesterol crystals promote cardiovascular disease by activating the immune system


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Dear Dr. McMillan,

Except for a linguistics and an Ob-Gyn as authors, the Publisher does not seem to be very trustworthy. And well, even the authors did not said anything about "nanobots" as in some news titles, they only said "nanobot-LIKE" things.

To be open-minded is good, but in this case, there's not really anything to look at.

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So the injections was about gaining control of the bodies of the barnyard animals?

Nah... they already control the barnyard animals... no need to robotize them

This theory is nonsense ... and it always was nonsense

Spew from the Ministry of Truth ....

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I looked at the references. Some were surprising to be included in a research paper. But there are still unanswered questions. Since Covid was a military operation and 5G was rolled out at the same time, traditional science is corrupt, ingredients were not disclosed and weird clots are a new problem, there is legitimate concerns that no one is addressing. Covid taught us that anything is possible at this point.

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I have explained in great detail... the purpose of this global military operation ... but nobody likes the truth...


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well. I agree with some of your posts. But the Extinction plan is not really convincing.

- I'd say whatever they plan, it's related to Digital ID and Vaccine Pass, which I call Beast System.

The thing is: if they plan for an Extinction plan, why bother creating all those Beast System, with HUNDREDS of vaccines waiting ahead (for mpox and bird flu)?

- The good explanation for all this is: TOTAL-CONTROL and more MONEY.

- They want to digitalize and control every person, just like in an Animal Farm.

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They already control everyone ... look how easy it was to convince 6 billion + to inject Rat Juice.

It's called The Ministry of Truth -- which owns all the news outlets


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What part of the plan don't you agree with?

Let's start with:

Conventional Oil Sources peaked in 2008 and the Shale binge has now spoiled US reserves, top investor warns Financial Times.

Preface. Conventional crude oil production may have already peaked in 2008 at 69.5million barrels per day (mb/d) according to Europe’s International Energy Agency (IEA 2018 p45). The U.S. Energy Information Agency shows global peak crude oil production at a later date in 2018 at 82.9mb/d (EIA 2020) because they included tight oil, oil sands, and deep-sea oil. Though it will take several years of lower oil production to be sure the peak occurred. Regardless, world production has been on a plateau since 2005.

What’s saved the world from oil decline was unconventional tight “fracked” oil, which accounted for 63% of total U.S. crude oil production in 2019 and 83% of global oil growth from 2009 to 2019. So it’s a big deal if we’ve reached the peak of fracked oil, because that is also the peak of both conventional and unconventional oil and the decline of all oil in the future.

Some key points from this Financial Times article: https://energyskeptic.com/2021/the-end-of-fracked-shale-oil/

The Precarious State of the Shale Oil Industry:

Try to get your head around the idea that by 2027, US tight oil production might be 12 MM BOPD, not the 9 MM it is now, which is what cheerleaders say it will be, and that means we'll actually have to find and extract 12 MM BOPD... before we can ever grow the new 3 MM. Man, that is a slew of new wells! Thats gonna take like...four times the HZ wells we've already drilled in the US.

Where? https://www.oilystuff.com/single-post/the-hamster-wheel

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Actually, the authors do mention the hypothesis that what they observed may just be salt and cholesterol crystals on page 3, right before the Materials and Methods section. They reference a popular discussion in this direction by pathologist dr Ryan Cole.

The authors are free not to agree with the position "it's all cholesterol crystals." They are also free to be wrong. Even if this turns out to be the case, I don't think it makes the work worthy of the vitriol or insinuations in your comment. I read through the paper. It does not read like the type of scientific literature I am used to reading and I would have written it very differently, but I am still willing to respect people's work.

The fact that a cognitive linguist participated in writing a medical paper does not ring any alarm bells to me by itself. I work in a highly interdisciplinary field (surgical robotics) and I have considered conferences focused on language resources or computational linguistics as a venue for some of my work even just last year. I think for credibility it would be more important to notice that Daniel Broudy has successfully secured a professorship in Japan, even if in an unrelated field.

There may be other reasons to oppose or doubt the paper, but your argument so far is not convincing to me.

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I am pleased that Nurse educator Dr John Campbell has deleted his video and thank everyone who did their own thinking, attacked it, and those who shared my critique1 as part of the pressure applied to get to this point.

I know some of my friends contacted him privately with their misgivings.

Many scientists are available to advise John before being tempted to launch such videos in the future.


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FYI - I am not Geoff.

But yes... ya'll got played... what else is new

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Groupthink can happen on all sides of a debate, and latch on to any of the positions. People can end up seeing enemies everywhere. Sometimes wolves are there, and sometimes it's just some harmless person with a little less competence or a little less experience than those who established themselves as judges. My issue is with writing with contempt about others and about other people's work or efforts. Scientific discussion does not need contempt, and when emotions are stirred that way nothing good comes from it.

Campbell deleted the video and "my friends agree with me" is not an argument. As you write, "pressure [has been] applied to get to this point." There is no pressure needed when one can make an argument on the merits. I think that instead of putting forth a lot of criticism on the authors' background and their imagined intentions or attacking how (im)precisely a cognitive linguist can help a native speaker of Korean describe their technical lab work in English, a few reasoned paragraphs on why the authors' interpretation of their data is wrong would go a lot further.

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It's true all the proof are in the USA patents! 😈 👉 💥 🐀 🐁 🐁 🪤 Support Todd Candeller's clouthub.com to get all the Satanic Ratts arrested Nuremberg 2.0 style globally 🕺 🎶 https://rumble.com/user/Vaxxchoice

share this to save the world 😏

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Thank you for your post Dr. McMillan! I'm happy to see more people talking about this phenomenon. La Quinta Columna / Orwell.City has been questioning and researching in this area since 2021. Just sharing this in case readers want to check out their findings. https://www.bitchute.com/video/bhkhVwyssqLR/ and they have websites. We should be enraged that self-assembling nano technology is being inserted into our bodies with shots we've been practically forced to take.

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Many people think these self-assembly nanoparticles are science fiction. In reality, they’ve been used in various manufacturing processes, including pharma, for decades.

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I had the honor to be in touch with the australian/japanese/american group of scientists who were having access to the covid injection vials, human injected and free blood, and who also had microscopes. What I had is a lifelong experience in crystallization of biological molecules (proteins in the first place) and publishing many of the resulting 3D structures in scientific journals. What I was missing in the collaboration with these scientists was a 100% clear unbiased control, which would exclude contaminants from air, and chemicals used for the injections production.

For example, if you investigate 5G influence on certain liquid, it would make sense to investigate separately it compounds, the entire mixture with and without 5G. THe samples would also need to be shielded from not only other fields, but equally from AIR inflow, which then changes concentration in these tiny droplets, which then causes the rapid crystallization of the salts and appearance of the 'nano-robots', crystals in the first place which needs identification as bots... Did anyone take one of those crystals and somehow confirmed that? The spiral structures are very unique, and it would be interesting to see, if they are formed alone in the injections, or only AFTER mixing the injections with body-like fluids?

Both Pfizer AND Mod-E-RNA contain phosphates, extremely fast 'outcrytallizing' salts... That not to say, it is essential to investigate this stuff, in particular NOW, when it is suppose to be destroyed and replaced with what??? In Oct Japan releases SELF-replicating modmRNA agents, and this would be the end entirely, as it is partly already... Dr. Rose wrote about the Japan release just today:


All one can say is, it becomes increasingly IMPORTANT to stand against ANY gov program/tests/etc. related to ones own health.

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Thanks for this. I appreciate your courage in discussing this.

Possibly related— just an excerpt (it's quite long)—

"ULTIMATE Covid Vaccine Magnet Stuck To Arm At Injection Site Compilation #MagnetChallenge (Updated)"

Tim Truth, posted May 12, 2021


Hat tip: https://www.howbadismybatch.com/


FIRST EXCERPT - (series of video clips)

TEXT ON SCREEN: Magnets Stuck to Vaccine Injection Site ULTIMATE COMPILATION

BROWN HAIRED WOMAN IN SLEEVELESS T-SHIRT: I could feel the pull. [places small magnet on her bare shoulder; it stays in place] AH!!! OH MY GOD!!

[cut to new video]

WOMAN WITH TATTOOED ARM [placing refrigerator magnet on her bare shoulder]: What's the actual

[cut to new video]

MIDDLE-AGED BLONDE WOMAN WITH MAGNET ON BARE SHOULDER: Something's not right. Now I'm scared. I mean, why does it go like a nail going in there?

[cut to new video]

BROWN-HAIRED WOMAN, MAGNET ON BARE ARM: [recording of singing]: [inaudible] the magnet.



[loud beeping]

[screen shows a man's bare arm]

MAN'S VOICE: What the fu—



MALE FILMMAKER'S VOICE AS VOICEOVER [to a series of photographs of magnets on people's arms]: People around the world are taking to the Internet to report a very strange phenomenon. They are reporting that magnets are sticking to where they received their covid 19 injections in their arm. And oftentimes they have video evidence to back up their claims. Oftentimes these people say that they're not conspiracy theorists or anti-vaxxers, which makes sense given the fact that they've taken the vaccine.

Upon posting previous versions of this compilation video, people have reached out to me with their own testimony and their own experiments. For example, one man reached out and said his wife tried it with a normal fridge magnet and it stuck to her arm. He says when he passed the magnet up the arm, the only place he got resistance is the place where she got the jab.


MAN'S VOICE: This video is my attempt to document this phenomenon in terms of the videos and the images that are popping up on the Internet. Let's dive in.

[cut to new video]


WOMAN WITH DARK HAIR [standing in a kitchen, addressing the camera]: I recently just got the covid vaccine, like last month, and I wanted to try it out and see if that was true. So I have a magnet here. It's an actual magnet, I just got it off my fridge. This is the arm I got the covid vaccine on, so I'm going to see if the magnet sticks to my arm and if it does, then what I heard is true. So I got the vaccine like somewhere back here. [she places the magnet on the outside of her upper left arm, and it sticks]

[she opens her mouth wide in silent astonishment]

No! You're kidding. It, like, I slide it down, it stops right there. Like, I can feel it.

[she opens her mouth wide, silently, and then covers her mouth with her hand]

[cut to new video]



MAN'S VOICE: [inaudible] covid test.

MIDDLE-AGED BLONDE WOMAN WITH MAGNET ON BARE SHOULDER: Why does it, why does it feel like a nail going in there when that magnet doesn't cause it. I can take—

[2 beeps]

Something's not right. Now I'm scared. I mean, why does it go in like a nail going in there? Cameron, don't touch it, please!



[cut to new video]


YOUNG WOMAN IN GREEN HAT AND GREEN BIKINI TOP [magnet stuck to her shoulder]: Ain't that some sh#t! Oh my God—



WOMAN IN MELON-PINK SLEEVELESS TOP [silently puts magnet to her right shoulder, it falls off. Puts it on her left shoulder, it sticks. Puts it on her right shoulder again, it falls off. ]




MAN'S VOICE: So come on, let's see it.

WOMAN IN WHITE DRESS: I didn't believe it.

MAN'S VOICE: You didn't believe me. That they are implanting in you microchips. Magnet—

WOMAN IN WHITE DRESS: It's not a fu#king microchip. [she holds her sleeve up so he can place the magnet on her shoulder. It sticks.] It's not—

MAN'S VOICE: Fu#king magnet! It's a—

[cut to new video]


WOMAN IN BLACK SLEEVELESS TOP: [refrigerator magnet placed on her shoulder falls off]


[refrigerator magnet placed on shoulder of woman in black sleeveless top falls off again]

WOMAN'S VOICE: And this is where she— the arm—

WOMAN IN BLACK SLEEVELESS TOP: Put it on the right place.

MAN'S VOICE: This is where she got the shot. [magnet placed on the woman in black sleeveless top's other shoulder sticks to the skin]

WOMAN'S VOICE: Got the shot.


MAN'S VOICE: [places magnet on her arm; it sticks] Right here. It shows. And it shows.

WOMAN'S VOICE: That would be the only reason why [inaudible]

WOMAN IN BLACK SLEEVELESS TOP: It's sticking! Why would it stick, Mom?



BLONDE WOMAN IN BLACK MASK: Here's is the magnet. This is the arm I got the Pfizer shot in. And there it is. [shows magnet stuck to her arm; moves her arm up and down, but the magnet stays on her arm]

WOMAN'S VOICE: Come closer.

BLONDE WOMAN IN BLACK MASK: Stuck into my arm, where I got the shot. And here's the magnet on the arm I didn't get the shot [thump, as the magnet falls to the floor]. You go figure it out. We're chipped. We're all fu#ked.

[cut to new video]


[camera shows a hand placing a magnet on a bare shoulder]

MAN'S VOICE: Keep pushing and then it stays. And flip it.

SECOND MAN'S VOICE: [inaudible] It kind of wants to stick.

MAN'S VOICE: It's weird. Almost wants to stick on the bottom side. It—


MAN'S VOICE: — it pushes. Then when you get a little higher—


MAN'S VOICE: It wants to stick.

SECOND MAN'S VOICE: There's a, there's a positive and a negative charge.

MAN'S VOICE: Now, now it's, it's, it's still pushing.

SECOND MAN'S VOICE: But then flip it over. [he removes his hand: magnet stays on arm]

MAN'S VOICE: Huh! You got chipped! Yes you did. Oh ho ho ho! Man.



[camera shows a woman's bare shoulder with a refrigerator magnet stuck to it]

MAN'S VOICE: There you go. That's stuck there. The more you move it across the more it's sticking. It's like it's in different places. This is my mom. She had the Pfizer vaccine. Last dose was when?

MOM: Eighth of March.

MAN'S VOICE: Eighth of March. So a couple of weeks ago. See, that's really sticking there now. Try to stick it on her arm. [he tries to place the magnet on the other arm, it falls to the floor.]

[MOM now has the magnet on the top of her hand. She turns over her hand and the magnet falls off]

MAN'S VOICE: I don't know what to say about that, guys. I don't know.



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