Great discussion on this very important topic.

Last year I sent e-mails to over 30 newspapers in Finland, telling them about these white fibrous clots that the embalmers have been seeing.

The response ? Total silence. :D

For those who are interested, a few days ago I wrote two overview articles about these clots, one in English and one in Finnish.

Here is the English one:


And the Finnish one:


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did you explain inyojr letter how the science is progressing?

2021: “they are white and fiberous”

2022: “they are white and fiberous”

2023: “they are white and fiberous”.

2024: “they are white and fiberous”.

2025: “they are white and fiberous. and a bit amyloid!”

Did you encounter the great wall of silence/nobody responding? in the same way no doctors ever respond to science questions in any of their comments (except Dr Phil who occasionally writes a few word), so he's technically better than all the rest) .

is it all a big stupid comedy horror pantomime?


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ANA MARIA MIHALCEA, MD, PHD has several substacks and videos describing her work on rubbery clots and methylene blue dissolving them.

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that post is behind paywall and the pictures show actually NO clear evidence that what you say here is true indeed.. If the blood treated with MB is on the right, like the title says, then the white stuff is still there on the left!!!! Title says also "Essential Oils Help Too", well no picture of it... Another scam???

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Start at 41:00. she talks about EDTA and methylene blue treatment

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Yeah, I noticed that. She’s recently put most of her substacks behind a pay wall. It didn’t used to be like that.

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Interested in the failure to apply appropriate blood tests. I recommended these in April 2020, following the initial protocol of Paul Marik and Pierre Kory and based on the existing concept of the cytokine storm (CSS) that results in TTP among other things. The evidence for genetic predisposition was already available for all the other causes of CSS and the spike protein variant is simply another among many - if you like, thrombosis etc are the common endpoint of several different pathways. My efforts to convince government of all of this came to nothing, and my submission to the Hallett Inquiry here in the UK has similarly been ignored. Worse, there is still an official push to get everyone boosted, vaccine-wise, when there is clear evidence that M-RNA vaccines cause the endogenous production of spike intracellularly, of both an unknown quantity and of unknown duration - something which can only be described as madness.

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I would like the government to stop vaccinating the population - the elderly , are being diagnosed with all kinds of diseases that could be attributed to this Mrna vaccine . The majority of the public are clueless and innocent to the ramifications of taking the vaccine / developing severe illness from Covid 19 . I feel very sad and disgusted . It’s like having a bad dream that you cannot wake up from .

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just over a year ago I was prescribed hydroxychloroquine for psoriatic arthritis. I can confirm that my night time wheezes and need for a day time inhaler have gone. My bowel function is regular and normal where before it bounced from regular diarrhea to days of normality. I am prone to autoimmune disease that is clear. I had covid really badly during the initial delta wave I was pretty sick and for some time after. I am now leading a normal life. I am 71 yes I get tired but I groom dogs I do some gardening and I pace myself. I learned to do this as I am a post polio patient. I have not had covid since and I am not jabbed.

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The specialist has no explanation as to why my breathing has improved but I believe the treatment I am having for auto immune has had a lot to do with it.

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Dr Phillip, you need to investigate biomodulation as a mitigation strategy for targeting hydrogels and based on my observations and experience I can confirm laser therapy using 532nm green laser @ 50mW and 528Hz modulation. Most experts and researchers are not talking about this who may not know about or understand this protocol to deal with the clotting. Please, I hope this comment reaches you. Trust me, I've had the treatment and centrifuged the blood avoiding PRF and the laser therapy demonstrated high efficacy. This was also looking under darkfield microscopy to see the difference. Happy to share more info. This message needs to get to Dr Phillip and these professionals. This is firsthand information, I've done the therapy and centrifuging process. I spoke to 2 people who use bioptron light therapy device and those using the white light showed the same results so there is sonething to investigate here.

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brilliant plan, except, clots don't contain any hydrogels.

and this incredible effort you've put in wont go anywhere.

the obvious answer to clots, is stop the shots.

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Mr. Gerlach, the human body was already a contaminated NATURE BEFORE the genetically modifying injections, but NOW we got REPROGRAMMED human bodies for the production of the toxic spike 'thanks' to the covid jabs.. That difference between the 'NATURAL' PATENTED toxic Spike with -KV- mutation and the SYNTHETIC genetic version of it with -PP-(-Proline-Proline- mutation) from the injections, with the specific membrane 'docking' conformation, needs to be taken very much into the attention spot. Do the clots contain one or the other?? That would already answer the origin of the WHITE clots. ANother post discussed that issue:


Do the non-jabbed patients have equally the WHITE clots or the usual red gelly like clots? Also the fact that the white rubber builds inside of the blood vessels reminds me of umbilical cord, vessel within the vessel, which gene is responsible for it? Is it 'somehow' involved with covid, by actually deliberate design of a homolog section of that gene and building it into the SARS-COV-2 genome??

One more, the grandparents ~100 years ago, had less chemicals around and certainly didn't have 'their MD's'...

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Might want to lookup Morgellons syndrome and lyme disease as part of this horror story then perhaps take a look at the work of Clifford Carnicom (Carnicom Institute). It all will fall together with nanotechnology ie the biological-digital convergence nobody wants to extrapolate on.

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I know his work, for years... And all the official papers pushing it all on 'psychodrama', similar to the current situation. Sure geoengineering has to become another TARGET to get rid of, it is a global genocide. Just in general, right now, it is the genetically modified individuals, the covid jabbed, who are equally being sprayed on, and who are actually suffering most, according to every available statistics.

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which gut bacteria specifically produce B12??? trying to find it, good luck.. So just thinking, the very first one babies need/have/grow with, are BIFIDOS.. Is that's why every injected has ZERO bifido's???

Here one of the postst, talking about Bifidos at https://mejbcart.substack.com/p/insulin-sequences-within-the-universally


"Insulin sequences within the universally injected Spike? Clock gene, Ozempic, cancer, wars and the last call of the lost Bifidos: STOP ALL RNA-based products, NOW."

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Here is Dr Mihalcea talking to Richard Hirschman and discussing the clots and methylene blue and edta. 41:00

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