It's not that the "experts" continue to misunderstand! They just don't give a damn what Geert or anyone else says and will not be deterred from pursuing their evil agenda!
Sorry, not buying this, what we are going to be witnessing now is the effects/results of weakened immune systems, where people exposed to the effects of the spike/LNPs, mostly the vaxxed, but perhaps to a certain degree the unvaxxed, if exposure to "in the wild" spike and shedding from the vaxxed is able to cause this same weakening of the immune mechanism(s).
I don't really think that aerial exposure to Convid (if it really is out there) would cause that same damage/weakening of the immune system that the poison darts are able to inflict. The shedding of the LNPs, however might be capable of mimicking the bioweapon shots, given enough exposure to said shedding.
The clot-shots have been actively undermining the vaxxed for a few years now, and over the next years we are going to see the ill effects.
My 2-cents worth.
I was reading recently, going to try to find it, an article whereby they were explaining that the LNPs were being taken up by various cells of the immune system, and so of course, if these cells then begin to express foreign proteins on their surfaces, now you have the body's immune system attacking its own immune system.
Geert won't bow out. He's too tenacious and a bit relentless in his pursuit of answers to this atrocity that has been and still is being perpetrated on the entire planet.
He would do well to focus on therapy developments for the countless long vax sufferers, using classical/repurposed medicines. Both on the lingering vax spike segments and the cationic LNPs, which also is seen a pathogen here. He can take the help of very good clinicians cum researchers he has been in touch with …..Dr. McMillan, Dr. Chetty and others. Going after the past must be left to interested medico-legal people.
Unsure if broccoli is beneficial "against these viruses" however:
In reading a blog this morning, (the individual who wrote it has severe arthritis), according to an article (not cited alas...), eating a 1/2 pound of broccoli per day (yes, per day) "cures" arthritis.
And this individual who is very elderly wrote: "Wish I'd known this sooner". (I did not know either...)
That's all I've got, other than this anecdote:
My mum is nearly 92 & was double jabbed in 2021, & again in early 2022. Not my doing.
I finally spoke to her doctor, and in her presence, asking him, POINT-BLANK for his HONEST MEDICAL OPINION: he ADMITTED to her, that it's his MEDICAL OPINION, she does NOT require any more Pfizer "booster shots."
So that was a win. (So few wins.)
In any case, my extremely elderly mother is healthy. No 'side effects'. To my knowledge.
With that said: She eats at least 1 very large organically grown crimini mushroom per day, cooked "slow & low' in EVOO, with garlic & onions, as well as probably 1/4 pound of broccoli. Every day. (Along with a daily regimen of food which I can list, but that list is looong...)
My mum was never sick "during covid". Not even a sniffle. (She did not keave the "safety" of her home for 2 years though...)
She never gets sick now either. Other than being petrified of BECOMING sick, however that's a mental illness... 😉
Sulforaphane - the active component of broccoli and other crucifers - is known to be anti cancer. See below, good for arthiritis also. Structurally, it is a DMSO analogue, should’ve all its magic all round properties in many indications. It also has a thioisocynate group, in addition to the sulfoxide group. Chemically, this would make it a highly polar molecule, capable of tieing up the cationic spike segments of the virus, not giving it a chance to proliferate inside the cells. It would be interesting to know how it ties up the cancerous cells.
Yes, I have read it. I think there is another smaller one from Dr. Pierre Kory also. The sulfoxide dipole >S=O in DMSO forms a strong complex with water, each molecule of DMSO capable of complexing two molecules of water. The two liquids are totally miscible with each other in all proportions. In mixtures, at 2:1 (v/v) of DMSO:water, there is no free water available, having been complexed totally. So any organic matter ( cellular or small molecules) or inorganic ions like hydroxide ( NaOH), that would normally remain sheathed by water without DMSO, in its presence are bare, naked. That alters their subsequent reactivity pattern totally. In the case of cellular matter, this can open up possibilities of the matter undergoing biological transformations not possible under the sheath of water. This could be the reason for DMSO’s often incredible healing/therapeutic role. My PhD work ( in the erstwhile Madras in India), nearly 50 years ago, was on the physical chemistry of a group of organic reactions in various solvents/mixtures with extensive use of DMSO and aqueous DMSO. Many reaction features could be explained by the DMSO-water complex or strong interaction of the sulfoxide dipole with many organic substrates. I had noted only in passing its emerging medicinal properties then, particularly joint pains, but didn’t care to look further. I didn’t have any occasion to consider DMSO in my subsequent non drug industry research career for decades, until I picked up medicinal chemistry reading in my decade old retirement. I did recall however, during my PhD in the end 60s, a mid aged uncle of mine then who was a dispensing pharmacist, asking me small quantities of DMSO for his knee pain application. I realise now that it was the very early medicinal use to emerge. Those were non TV times in India and no internet, I wonder now how he came to be aware of this use. It seems to be a wonder molecule, but sulforaphane could be a user friendly molecule. Researchers should show that it does all the medicinal jobs of DMSO.
My niece just sent me a literature paper on broccioli leaves shown to be anti viral in influenza A. Yes, vegetable broccolis are tastier too besides being health packs. In active therapies, supplements may be better, instead of eating loads of the food material - w3 capsules for example. Even DMSO is available in user friendly packages, gels for example for external use. I feel sulforaphane could lend itself as convenient therapy material, if it is as good. Who knows, it might even be better in performance. It won’t carry the physical aversion that DMSO would carry in some users.
Incredible that the vaccinated chickens shed 10000x more virus than the unvaccinated. I am sure Dr Chetty was around A LOT of vaccinated people, and the fact he had the bioweapon covid before just compromised all his bodily systems to begin with.
Thinking this over some more- chickens live in horrid conditions. I think as long as the unvaccinated do not breathe in the farts of the vaccinated, then we may be okay. ;)
Having caught the disease naturally, the body's immune systems will have learned to deal with the entire virus and most variants as well. Also, the innate system will have gotten trained to deal with similar viruses much earlier.
True, but the reinfection rate is remarkably high, it's like the common cold that a person can get every new year even though they beat it the previous year. Either that, or the initial infection doesn't go anywhere and just lays dormant, like shingles or HIV.
i couldnt say for sure whether i have been infected or reinfected or it was pollutants, but i havent had any problems at all besides occasional sniffles that go away after a day. not vaxxed of course. others i know who were vaxxed are having symptoms of deeper illness like rashes, dizziness, POTS, cancer, etc in addition to seeing high titers of antibodies to spike
Why? He enlightened a few of us but alas, few wanted to listen, and even fewer implemented a risk mitigation strategy. Time will tell how this will work out, I hope that people were able to prepare while continuing their lifes. After all, ‘life happened while we made plans’ is a missed opportunity imo.
Yes, there is a small (?) probability that his prediction doesn’t pan out, but again: “probability of disaster X cost of preparing” far outweighs “probability nothing will happen X cost of preparing” imo.
In the past century there has been a complete disregard for understanding the importance and the vulnerability of our highly evolved multilayered immune system. Importance because it contributes to our resistance to illness, restoration of health, quality of living, graceful ageing and our very existence. Vulnerability because its disruption will contribute to illness, chronic disease, poor quality of living, premature ageing and our very extinction.
Unwanted interventions which disrupt and/or exhaust this highly evolved, integrated and delicately balanced system should never be encouraged.
Well said, Dr. Kannan, but how do we stop these unwanted interventions …… in this case orchestrated by well read medical professionals and researchers…….when just common scientific sense will tell you that such interventions are unscientific, unprofessional. How do you label such thought processes and behaviour from them. It is an irony, science is more involved and intense now, but can hijacked for short cuts.
The world is currently populated with ones who follow narrations and less of practioners.. This will change when the sick reach out to the latter for solutions
Practitioners - that is the issue in the USA, where the system hamstrings them, most of them. Many independent practitioners have done a good job in Covid years, but that tribe appears small - in a system dominated by medical insurance, big pharma and the like who in turn dominate the medical administrations. I don’t know how this will change for the better. I don’t know how this system works in Europe, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. But their Covid work was not good, indicating something amiss in those countries also. I do hope in the rest of the world, like in India, practitioners are free to use their clinical judgements. The medical administrations also were more open here, accepting changes in responses, as the Covid situation evolved for the better, with emphasis on early classical treatments. This brought down the need for hospitalisations substantially and the home care treatment costs were affordable for most people. And the govt health centres backed up the poor well with their free treatment offers. There could have been lot of failures, but the public interest remained in focus from every angle. This certainly wasn’t the case in the USA. The country needs to democratise its health care system, with more direct government interventions and support, adopting features from the poorer countries. As things stand, mass health care there is staring at breakdowns.
Whatever the threat of SARS-CoV-2, influenza viruses, the biggest single easily correctable cause of ill-health is that most people have only half or less of the circulating 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) 25-hydroxyvitamin D (as mentioned in "vitamin D" blood tests) their immune system needs to function properly.
There is very little vitamin D3 in food - fortified or not - or in multivitamins. Ultraviolet B exposure of ideally white skin can produce significant amounts of vitamin D3, but this is not available naturally in sufficient quantities except from high elevation sunlight on cloud-free days, without passing through glass, sunscreen or clothing. All such UV-B damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.
Fortunately, vitamin D3 supplementation is inexpensive, safe and readily available in quantities which are sufficient to attain at least 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Almost everyone in the world should be supplementing vitamin D3 properly. (The exceptions are those who get so much UV-B skin exposure all year round that their 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are 50 ng/mL or more - and they would be at less risk of skin cancer by reducing their UV-B exposure and supplementing vitamin D3 properly.)
50 ng/mL 25-hydroxyvitamin D only be attained with vitamin D3 supplementation in quantities well above the ca. 0.02 milligram, 20 microgram, 800 IU / day recommended by governments and many doctors. For 70 kg 154 lb body weight without obesity, 0.125 milligrams 125 micrograms 5000 IU vitamin D3 a day is a good amount. Approximately 1/4 of ingested vitamin D3 is hydroxylated, primarily in the liver, over several days to a week, and will attain at least the 50 ng/mL level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs to function properly. This takes 3 to 6 months to build up a steady level.
For clinical emergencies, average weight adults should take a bolus (large, single) oral dose of ca. 10 mg 400,000 IU vitamin D3 cholecalciferol. This will raise their level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D safely over 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L over (very approximately) 4 days or so.
The best approach, as recommended by Prof. Wimalawansa, is a single oral dose of calcifediol (which *is* 25-hydroxyvitamin D): 14 milligrams per kg body weight. For average weight adults, this is 1 milligram. This goes straight into circulation and so raises the circulating level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D safely over 50 ng/mL in 4 hours or so. Unfortunately, most people - doctors and pharmacists included - don't have a milligram of calcifediol ready to use, so the best approach for most people who have normal, unsupplemented, or poorly supplemented - and so low (e.g. 15 to 25 ng/mL) 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels - who have contracted sepsis, COVID-19, influenza, Kawasaki disease, MIS-C etc. is bolus vitamin D3.
"5000 International Units" of vitamin D3 a day, on average, sounds like a lot. An IU of vitamin D3 is 1/40,000,000 of a gram. 5000 IUs a day, on average, is a gram every 22 years - and pharma-grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram, ex-factory.
I am 67kg and supplement, on average, ca. 8000 IU a day. This is somewhat more than Prof. Wimalawansa recommends. My 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was around 96 ng/mL 240 nmol/L earlier this year. This is enough for many doctors to need an anxiolytic and to recommend that I stop supplementing entirely for while. They have not read the pertinent research, including on how the risk of dementia rises in direct proportion to how low the person's 25-hydroxyvitamin D level is:
You're right about vitamin D3, it would have saved many lives. That and antivirals would have made the deadly injections redundant, which is why they were suppressed. However, my understanding is that exposure to the sun, short of burning, is the better way of getting D3. Since I can't go out unassisted I'm taking 8,000 IU of D3 plus 1,000 IU of K2 (important to take with D3 to prevent calcification) a day.
Hi Graham, In the ancestral past, the great majority of the vitamin D3 came from the action of UV-B light, around 297 nanometres wavelength, on 7-dehydrocholesterol which naturally occurs in the skin since it is the last stage in one of two parallel pathways by which the body synthesized cholesterol (which is needed for cell membranes and as a precursor for several hormones). This light provides the right amount of energy to break one of the carbon rings. The resulting molecule changes its shape due to thermal vibrations and settles down to be vitamin D3 cholecalciferol.
The shorter the wavelength of light, the higher the frequency and the greater the amount of energy it imparts to electrons. (I don't believe in photons, but that is another story.) This is at the top end of the very highest frequencies of sunlight which reaches the Earth's surface. The ozone layer and the rest of the atmosphere absorbs it, and so if the sunlight arrives from a shallow angle, from closer to the horizon, it passes through more ozone and atmosphere which further reduces the amount of UV-B which arrives at ground level.
All UV-B (320 to 280 nm) breaks chemical bonds in other compounds, including DNA. So it damages skin, by killing cells, by other forms of damage and by causing mutations which can eventually lead to the cell becoming cancerous.
Our ancestors in Africa had sunlight most days most or all times of the year. So much so that they had strong melanin pigmentation (and, I recall, some other non-visible compounds which absorb UV-B) to protect their skin. With no body hair, and not much in the way of clothing or undercover housing during long work days, this was much more necessary than now, in Africa, with mass production clothing, housing, vehicles and perhaps sunscreen. Our African ancestors presumably had approximately optimal pigmentation for that high level of UV-B exposure, given that any more would have reduced their vitamin D3 supply excessively. Since skin damage is a direct result of the same UV-B absorption in the living parts of the skin, I think there would have been a compromise in which the amount of vitamin D3 produced was somewhat less than would have been ideal, on average, but was not disastrously low.
The only idea we have of African ancestral 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels is from Luxwolda et al. 2012 who found that the mean 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of traditionally living Maasai pastoralists and Hadzabe hunter gatherers was 46 ng/mL 115 nmol/L.
Monsoonal conditions for months in some parts of early human dispersion would have caused temporary drops in 25-hydroxyvitamin D, since its half-life, at healthy 50 ng/mL levels, is (very approximately) a few weeks.
Seriously low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels have been a problem for an increasing proportion of humanity since the migration to Europe and especially Northern Europe. There, humans evolved lower - to the point of none except for sun tanning - amounts of melanination, to maximise their vitamin D3 production with the shallow sunlight they received, only sometimes, and with none at all (in terms of vitamin D3 production) for much of the year.
While some of those white-skinned northern Europeans might have got a little vitamin D3 from fish, or perhaps from eating livers of mammals, their average 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels would have been a fraction of 50 ng/mL. Enough of them survived to be ancestors of much of humanity now, but they would have been much healthier with more vitamin D3 from either sunlight or supplements.
Miyauchi and Nakajima 2016 state that for people with white skin, the amount of vitamin D3 produced in their skin in a single day requires no more than 1/3 of the amount of UV-B which would cause the skin to become pink. The skin would tan and so require more UV-B to produce both the maximal amount of vitamin D3 and to become pink (sunburnt).
I don't have a reference handy, but I recall reading that Caucasian lifesavers in California averaged 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels not much higher than the 46 ng/mL reported by Luxwolda et al. Yet we know - or at least can reasonably infer - from the increase in post-operative infection risk observed by the Massachusetts General Hospital doctors (see link and graph at: which occurs the further the pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D level is below 50 ng/mL, that we should be aiming for at least 50 ng/mL, which means an average level significantly above 50 ng/mL.
Within some limits for eye and skin safety, sunlight and outdoors is surely good for health. There may well be other direct physical benefits of sunlight on skin, but the UV-B damage to DNA is a serious concern. Here in Australia, most people who are wise to the problems get their skin checked all over, every year or two - at least in their 40s and later. There are doctors who do nothing else but these examinations, with photographs of all parts of the skin so changes can be analysed correctly.
Except perhaps in equatorial areas with no monsoon, natural sunlight cannot be relied upon to produce sufficient vitamin D3 all year round to attain at least the 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs. UV-B lamps could be used, with eye protection, but these too cause skin damage and raise the risk of skin cancer.
Sunlight is natural, but it is not the healthiest way we can now obtain the vitamin D3 we need.
One partial exception to this might be that UV-B exposure of skin which is affected by psoriasis is known to be helpful. The most obvious mechanism which would suppress of psoriasis is that vitamin D3 is produced, in large quantities, by daily or fairly regular UV-B exposure, and that enough of it is hydroxylated to 25-hydroxyvitamin D in that skin, for it to be useful in the immune system there operating correctly, rather than attacking the body's own cells, which, broadly speaking, causes the psoriasis. Generally, as best I understand it from reading various articles, most vitamin D3 is hydroxylated in the liver to become circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, but a local process as just described can also occur and would explain some or perhaps all of the benefits of direct UV-B exposure. It might also kill bacteria or have other benefits.
However, I am not sure that such direct UV-B exposure of the skin is more effective than 50 to 100 ng/mL (125 to 250 nmol/L) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D produced primarily in the liver from ingested vitamin D3, or the still higher levels attained with the Coimbra protocol to suppress psoriasis and other auto-immune inflammatory disorders:
I have not yet found or read the best research on vitamin K2, however, it is widely regarded as having important benefits for the immune system as well as retaining calcium in the bone, while reducing the risk of excessive calcium levels in the bloodstream. Since higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels - such 150 ng/mL or more - raise the risk of excessive calcium levels, one or both forms of vitamin K2 (MK-4 and MK7) and I guess vitamin K1 are likely to be beneficial supplements for many people (except those being treated with anti-clotting drugs such as warfarin, which reduce the effects of vitamin K1).
I believe that long-term use of this 5000 IU vitamin D capsule, with 1 mg (milligrams = 1000 micrograms) iodine, 1 mg vitamin K1, 1 mg K2 MK-4 and 0.1 mg K2 MK-7 was an important factor in two people I know getting to their mid-nineties without a trace of dementia: In this instance I regard the brand name as truth in advertising. I now take one a day and a 50,000 IU vitamin D3 capsule twice a month, since these are the most cost-effective source of vitamin K2 I have yet found.
If this proves to be as deadly as may be expected, the establishment medical criminals will like direct the population to believe this surge is a completely different disease, such as Bird Flu.
I would suggest the greatest risk for the unvaccinated will be an authoritarian upsurge that will rival Hitler's Nazis and the Brown Shirts.
It’s striking and unbelievable how few people are aware of the mutations and negative possibilities afoot. Here in Western NC life is basically normal though inflation is hurting lots of people. As our economy (read: house of cards) moves along, a biological beast is growing in strength. This late summer/fall may be a very difficult time. ✨🙏🏼✨
I’d say total collapse is a possibility but not the only possible outcome. And perhaps as a thought experiment, to inquire, Fast Eddy, why you are so fascinated with that outcome (ie put the supportive data aside for a second)? And I say this talking partially to myself as someone who leans that way, too. Do we want collapse because it will help to solidify many of our beliefs? Or are we angry at the world and want justice? There’s something satisfying about the idea of collapse, and I believe it’s more than data showing that it’s a possible outcome.
Genetic therapy injected people are indeed getting sick, they still have small cough and sinus clogging and headaches. Could be flu, but sometimes they test positive (cheap lateral flow) for Covid.
have you ever looked at the dark field microscope views of blood Dr Ana Mihalcea has reported? She find self assembling structures EVEN in unvaxxed people. Dr David Nixon, in Australia has seen the same from rain collected from his roof...chemtrails are adding to our problems, these evil psychopaths MUST BE STOPPED....we must learn from countries who defeated communism, totalitarian, marxism, nazism regimes to know HOW we must take these demented people out
Only his deadline was not correct, and he explained well why that was the case. But for the time being, I wouldn't bet he's wrong. There are things already happening under the surface that are not yet visible for the majority, including you. By the time everyone finds out what's going on it's too late. And when that happens, will you please come forward and admit you were wrong? And Dr. Geert was right? That would be the right thing to do. One of the most unpleasant thing we all witnessed is people we all know, family members including, did not say even once to us: we are sorry for attacking you, judging you. You were right about the " vaccines". We wished we have listened to your advice and stay away from these dangerous shots. Please, forgive us. Did anyone ever said that to any of you in the last three years?
I would like to point out that an increasing number of people are experiencing salivary gland reduction after contracting COVID-19. Are these symptoms related to Sjögren’s disease?
Changes in the lacrimal, salivary, minor lip, and laryngeal/pharyngeal glands often result from conditions like autoimmune diseases. These changes include lymphocytic infiltration, acinar atrophy, fibrosis, ductal dilatation, and decreased secretory function. In autoimmune diseases such as Sjögren's syndrome, these glands can become inflamed and dysfunctional, leading to symptoms like keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes), xerostomia (dry mouth), and dry throat and larynx. Treatment focuses on symptom relief through artificial tears, saliva substitutes, and immune-modulating medications.
It is marked every year on July 23rd, the birthday of Dr. Henrik Sjögren (1899-1986), a Swedish ophthalmologist, who was the first person identified a group of women and correlated the triad of keratoconjuctiva sicca, xerostomia and polyarthritis, currently known as #Sjögren’s disease.
It's not that the "experts" continue to misunderstand! They just don't give a damn what Geert or anyone else says and will not be deterred from pursuing their evil agenda!
Have you ever asked -- why would they want to exterminate 8B people?
I did..
Sorry, not buying this, what we are going to be witnessing now is the effects/results of weakened immune systems, where people exposed to the effects of the spike/LNPs, mostly the vaxxed, but perhaps to a certain degree the unvaxxed, if exposure to "in the wild" spike and shedding from the vaxxed is able to cause this same weakening of the immune mechanism(s).
I don't really think that aerial exposure to Convid (if it really is out there) would cause that same damage/weakening of the immune system that the poison darts are able to inflict. The shedding of the LNPs, however might be capable of mimicking the bioweapon shots, given enough exposure to said shedding.
The clot-shots have been actively undermining the vaxxed for a few years now, and over the next years we are going to see the ill effects.
My 2-cents worth.
I was reading recently, going to try to find it, an article whereby they were explaining that the LNPs were being taken up by various cells of the immune system, and so of course, if these cells then begin to express foreign proteins on their surfaces, now you have the body's immune system attacking its own immune system.
Devilishly, cleverly evil bioweapon they've crafted here.
Of course Covid exists, our government used masses of tax payers money to buy millions of glass vials of it.
Hehe... yes, they certainly did.
Geert won't bow out. He's too tenacious and a bit relentless in his pursuit of answers to this atrocity that has been and still is being perpetrated on the entire planet.
He would do well to focus on therapy developments for the countless long vax sufferers, using classical/repurposed medicines. Both on the lingering vax spike segments and the cationic LNPs, which also is seen a pathogen here. He can take the help of very good clinicians cum researchers he has been in touch with …..Dr. McMillan, Dr. Chetty and others. Going after the past must be left to interested medico-legal people.
Thank you Phillip and Geert.
Due to both of you, and of course Shankara etc myself and my family are as prepared as we can be.
Man alive do I have alot of broccoli 👍
Is broccoli particularly good against these viruses?
Unsure if broccoli is beneficial "against these viruses" however:
In reading a blog this morning, (the individual who wrote it has severe arthritis), according to an article (not cited alas...), eating a 1/2 pound of broccoli per day (yes, per day) "cures" arthritis.
And this individual who is very elderly wrote: "Wish I'd known this sooner". (I did not know either...)
That's all I've got, other than this anecdote:
My mum is nearly 92 & was double jabbed in 2021, & again in early 2022. Not my doing.
I finally spoke to her doctor, and in her presence, asking him, POINT-BLANK for his HONEST MEDICAL OPINION: he ADMITTED to her, that it's his MEDICAL OPINION, she does NOT require any more Pfizer "booster shots."
So that was a win. (So few wins.)
In any case, my extremely elderly mother is healthy. No 'side effects'. To my knowledge.
With that said: She eats at least 1 very large organically grown crimini mushroom per day, cooked "slow & low' in EVOO, with garlic & onions, as well as probably 1/4 pound of broccoli. Every day. (Along with a daily regimen of food which I can list, but that list is looong...)
My mum was never sick "during covid". Not even a sniffle. (She did not keave the "safety" of her home for 2 years though...)
She never gets sick now either. Other than being petrified of BECOMING sick, however that's a mental illness... 😉
If you are going to eat broccoli - look into making broccoli sprouts - smaller volume - more Sulforaphane -
Sulforaphane - the active component of broccoli and other crucifers - is known to be anti cancer. See below, good for arthiritis also. Structurally, it is a DMSO analogue, should’ve all its magic all round properties in many indications. It also has a thioisocynate group, in addition to the sulfoxide group. Chemically, this would make it a highly polar molecule, capable of tieing up the cationic spike segments of the virus, not giving it a chance to proliferate inside the cells. It would be interesting to know how it ties up the cancerous cells.
Interesting. A Midwestern Doctor just wrote a whole substack on the wonders of DMSO.
Yes, I have read it. I think there is another smaller one from Dr. Pierre Kory also. The sulfoxide dipole >S=O in DMSO forms a strong complex with water, each molecule of DMSO capable of complexing two molecules of water. The two liquids are totally miscible with each other in all proportions. In mixtures, at 2:1 (v/v) of DMSO:water, there is no free water available, having been complexed totally. So any organic matter ( cellular or small molecules) or inorganic ions like hydroxide ( NaOH), that would normally remain sheathed by water without DMSO, in its presence are bare, naked. That alters their subsequent reactivity pattern totally. In the case of cellular matter, this can open up possibilities of the matter undergoing biological transformations not possible under the sheath of water. This could be the reason for DMSO’s often incredible healing/therapeutic role. My PhD work ( in the erstwhile Madras in India), nearly 50 years ago, was on the physical chemistry of a group of organic reactions in various solvents/mixtures with extensive use of DMSO and aqueous DMSO. Many reaction features could be explained by the DMSO-water complex or strong interaction of the sulfoxide dipole with many organic substrates. I had noted only in passing its emerging medicinal properties then, particularly joint pains, but didn’t care to look further. I didn’t have any occasion to consider DMSO in my subsequent non drug industry research career for decades, until I picked up medicinal chemistry reading in my decade old retirement. I did recall however, during my PhD in the end 60s, a mid aged uncle of mine then who was a dispensing pharmacist, asking me small quantities of DMSO for his knee pain application. I realise now that it was the very early medicinal use to emerge. Those were non TV times in India and no internet, I wonder now how he came to be aware of this use. It seems to be a wonder molecule, but sulforaphane could be a user friendly molecule. Researchers should show that it does all the medicinal jobs of DMSO.
Thanks for that wealth of information!
I would rather eat (organic) broccoli than take supplements or drugs regardless how effective or safe they might appear in studies. The story of DMSO being sidelined is also interesting
My niece just sent me a literature paper on broccioli leaves shown to be anti viral in influenza A. Yes, vegetable broccolis are tastier too besides being health packs. In active therapies, supplements may be better, instead of eating loads of the food material - w3 capsules for example. Even DMSO is available in user friendly packages, gels for example for external use. I feel sulforaphane could lend itself as convenient therapy material, if it is as good. Who knows, it might even be better in performance. It won’t carry the physical aversion that DMSO would carry in some users.
Incredible that the vaccinated chickens shed 10000x more virus than the unvaccinated. I am sure Dr Chetty was around A LOT of vaccinated people, and the fact he had the bioweapon covid before just compromised all his bodily systems to begin with.
Thinking this over some more- chickens live in horrid conditions. I think as long as the unvaccinated do not breathe in the farts of the vaccinated, then we may be okay. ;)
Having caught the disease naturally, the body's immune systems will have learned to deal with the entire virus and most variants as well. Also, the innate system will have gotten trained to deal with similar viruses much earlier.
True, but the reinfection rate is remarkably high, it's like the common cold that a person can get every new year even though they beat it the previous year. Either that, or the initial infection doesn't go anywhere and just lays dormant, like shingles or HIV.
i couldnt say for sure whether i have been infected or reinfected or it was pollutants, but i havent had any problems at all besides occasional sniffles that go away after a day. not vaxxed of course. others i know who were vaxxed are having symptoms of deeper illness like rashes, dizziness, POTS, cancer, etc in addition to seeing high titers of antibodies to spike
I hope Geert is not being threatened or is afraid? 😳 We all need him to stay strong during this teareny.🙏🏻
Why? He enlightened a few of us but alas, few wanted to listen, and even fewer implemented a risk mitigation strategy. Time will tell how this will work out, I hope that people were able to prepare while continuing their lifes. After all, ‘life happened while we made plans’ is a missed opportunity imo.
Yes, there is a small (?) probability that his prediction doesn’t pan out, but again: “probability of disaster X cost of preparing” far outweighs “probability nothing will happen X cost of preparing” imo.
He is irrelevant
He made his point. The rest is just vaccine injury and its complications. The rest of the world goes on with their lives.
Antibody Dependent Enhancement ?
In the past century there has been a complete disregard for understanding the importance and the vulnerability of our highly evolved multilayered immune system. Importance because it contributes to our resistance to illness, restoration of health, quality of living, graceful ageing and our very existence. Vulnerability because its disruption will contribute to illness, chronic disease, poor quality of living, premature ageing and our very extinction.
Unwanted interventions which disrupt and/or exhaust this highly evolved, integrated and delicately balanced system should never be encouraged.
Well said, Dr. Kannan, but how do we stop these unwanted interventions …… in this case orchestrated by well read medical professionals and researchers…….when just common scientific sense will tell you that such interventions are unscientific, unprofessional. How do you label such thought processes and behaviour from them. It is an irony, science is more involved and intense now, but can hijacked for short cuts.
The world is currently populated with ones who follow narrations and less of practioners.. This will change when the sick reach out to the latter for solutions
Practitioners - that is the issue in the USA, where the system hamstrings them, most of them. Many independent practitioners have done a good job in Covid years, but that tribe appears small - in a system dominated by medical insurance, big pharma and the like who in turn dominate the medical administrations. I don’t know how this will change for the better. I don’t know how this system works in Europe, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. But their Covid work was not good, indicating something amiss in those countries also. I do hope in the rest of the world, like in India, practitioners are free to use their clinical judgements. The medical administrations also were more open here, accepting changes in responses, as the Covid situation evolved for the better, with emphasis on early classical treatments. This brought down the need for hospitalisations substantially and the home care treatment costs were affordable for most people. And the govt health centres backed up the poor well with their free treatment offers. There could have been lot of failures, but the public interest remained in focus from every angle. This certainly wasn’t the case in the USA. The country needs to democratise its health care system, with more direct government interventions and support, adopting features from the poorer countries. As things stand, mass health care there is staring at breakdowns.
Whatever the threat of SARS-CoV-2, influenza viruses, the biggest single easily correctable cause of ill-health is that most people have only half or less of the circulating 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L = 1 part in 20,000,000 by mass) 25-hydroxyvitamin D (as mentioned in "vitamin D" blood tests) their immune system needs to function properly.
Please read the research articles cited and discussed at: .
There is very little vitamin D3 in food - fortified or not - or in multivitamins. Ultraviolet B exposure of ideally white skin can produce significant amounts of vitamin D3, but this is not available naturally in sufficient quantities except from high elevation sunlight on cloud-free days, without passing through glass, sunscreen or clothing. All such UV-B damages DNA and so raises the risk of skin cancer.
Fortunately, vitamin D3 supplementation is inexpensive, safe and readily available in quantities which are sufficient to attain at least 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D. Almost everyone in the world should be supplementing vitamin D3 properly. (The exceptions are those who get so much UV-B skin exposure all year round that their 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels are 50 ng/mL or more - and they would be at less risk of skin cancer by reducing their UV-B exposure and supplementing vitamin D3 properly.)
50 ng/mL 25-hydroxyvitamin D only be attained with vitamin D3 supplementation in quantities well above the ca. 0.02 milligram, 20 microgram, 800 IU / day recommended by governments and many doctors. For 70 kg 154 lb body weight without obesity, 0.125 milligrams 125 micrograms 5000 IU vitamin D3 a day is a good amount. Approximately 1/4 of ingested vitamin D3 is hydroxylated, primarily in the liver, over several days to a week, and will attain at least the 50 ng/mL level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs to function properly. This takes 3 to 6 months to build up a steady level. and includes New Jersey based Professor of Medicine Prof. Sunil Wimalawansa's recommendations for vitamin D3 supplemental intake to attain at least the 50 ng/mL (125 nmol/L) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, which the immune system needs to function properly, with no risk of toxicity and without the need for blood tests or medical monitoring. This depends on body weight and obesity status.
For clinical emergencies, average weight adults should take a bolus (large, single) oral dose of ca. 10 mg 400,000 IU vitamin D3 cholecalciferol. This will raise their level of circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D safely over 50 ng/mL 125 nmol/L over (very approximately) 4 days or so.
The best approach, as recommended by Prof. Wimalawansa, is a single oral dose of calcifediol (which *is* 25-hydroxyvitamin D): 14 milligrams per kg body weight. For average weight adults, this is 1 milligram. This goes straight into circulation and so raises the circulating level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D safely over 50 ng/mL in 4 hours or so. Unfortunately, most people - doctors and pharmacists included - don't have a milligram of calcifediol ready to use, so the best approach for most people who have normal, unsupplemented, or poorly supplemented - and so low (e.g. 15 to 25 ng/mL) 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels - who have contracted sepsis, COVID-19, influenza, Kawasaki disease, MIS-C etc. is bolus vitamin D3.
"5000 International Units" of vitamin D3 a day, on average, sounds like a lot. An IU of vitamin D3 is 1/40,000,000 of a gram. 5000 IUs a day, on average, is a gram every 22 years - and pharma-grade vitamin D3 costs about USD$2.50 a gram, ex-factory.
I am 67kg and supplement, on average, ca. 8000 IU a day. This is somewhat more than Prof. Wimalawansa recommends. My 25-hydroxyvitamin D level was around 96 ng/mL 240 nmol/L earlier this year. This is enough for many doctors to need an anxiolytic and to recommend that I stop supplementing entirely for while. They have not read the pertinent research, including on how the risk of dementia rises in direct proportion to how low the person's 25-hydroxyvitamin D level is:
You're right about vitamin D3, it would have saved many lives. That and antivirals would have made the deadly injections redundant, which is why they were suppressed. However, my understanding is that exposure to the sun, short of burning, is the better way of getting D3. Since I can't go out unassisted I'm taking 8,000 IU of D3 plus 1,000 IU of K2 (important to take with D3 to prevent calcification) a day.
Hi Graham, In the ancestral past, the great majority of the vitamin D3 came from the action of UV-B light, around 297 nanometres wavelength, on 7-dehydrocholesterol which naturally occurs in the skin since it is the last stage in one of two parallel pathways by which the body synthesized cholesterol (which is needed for cell membranes and as a precursor for several hormones). This light provides the right amount of energy to break one of the carbon rings. The resulting molecule changes its shape due to thermal vibrations and settles down to be vitamin D3 cholecalciferol.
The shorter the wavelength of light, the higher the frequency and the greater the amount of energy it imparts to electrons. (I don't believe in photons, but that is another story.) This is at the top end of the very highest frequencies of sunlight which reaches the Earth's surface. The ozone layer and the rest of the atmosphere absorbs it, and so if the sunlight arrives from a shallow angle, from closer to the horizon, it passes through more ozone and atmosphere which further reduces the amount of UV-B which arrives at ground level.
All UV-B (320 to 280 nm) breaks chemical bonds in other compounds, including DNA. So it damages skin, by killing cells, by other forms of damage and by causing mutations which can eventually lead to the cell becoming cancerous.
Our ancestors in Africa had sunlight most days most or all times of the year. So much so that they had strong melanin pigmentation (and, I recall, some other non-visible compounds which absorb UV-B) to protect their skin. With no body hair, and not much in the way of clothing or undercover housing during long work days, this was much more necessary than now, in Africa, with mass production clothing, housing, vehicles and perhaps sunscreen. Our African ancestors presumably had approximately optimal pigmentation for that high level of UV-B exposure, given that any more would have reduced their vitamin D3 supply excessively. Since skin damage is a direct result of the same UV-B absorption in the living parts of the skin, I think there would have been a compromise in which the amount of vitamin D3 produced was somewhat less than would have been ideal, on average, but was not disastrously low.
The only idea we have of African ancestral 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels is from Luxwolda et al. 2012 who found that the mean 25-hydroxyvitamin D level of traditionally living Maasai pastoralists and Hadzabe hunter gatherers was 46 ng/mL 115 nmol/L.
Monsoonal conditions for months in some parts of early human dispersion would have caused temporary drops in 25-hydroxyvitamin D, since its half-life, at healthy 50 ng/mL levels, is (very approximately) a few weeks.
Seriously low 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels have been a problem for an increasing proportion of humanity since the migration to Europe and especially Northern Europe. There, humans evolved lower - to the point of none except for sun tanning - amounts of melanination, to maximise their vitamin D3 production with the shallow sunlight they received, only sometimes, and with none at all (in terms of vitamin D3 production) for much of the year.
While some of those white-skinned northern Europeans might have got a little vitamin D3 from fish, or perhaps from eating livers of mammals, their average 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels would have been a fraction of 50 ng/mL. Enough of them survived to be ancestors of much of humanity now, but they would have been much healthier with more vitamin D3 from either sunlight or supplements.
Miyauchi and Nakajima 2016 state that for people with white skin, the amount of vitamin D3 produced in their skin in a single day requires no more than 1/3 of the amount of UV-B which would cause the skin to become pink. The skin would tan and so require more UV-B to produce both the maximal amount of vitamin D3 and to become pink (sunburnt).
I don't have a reference handy, but I recall reading that Caucasian lifesavers in California averaged 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels not much higher than the 46 ng/mL reported by Luxwolda et al. Yet we know - or at least can reasonably infer - from the increase in post-operative infection risk observed by the Massachusetts General Hospital doctors (see link and graph at: which occurs the further the pre-operative 25-hydroxyvitamin D level is below 50 ng/mL, that we should be aiming for at least 50 ng/mL, which means an average level significantly above 50 ng/mL.
Within some limits for eye and skin safety, sunlight and outdoors is surely good for health. There may well be other direct physical benefits of sunlight on skin, but the UV-B damage to DNA is a serious concern. Here in Australia, most people who are wise to the problems get their skin checked all over, every year or two - at least in their 40s and later. There are doctors who do nothing else but these examinations, with photographs of all parts of the skin so changes can be analysed correctly.
Except perhaps in equatorial areas with no monsoon, natural sunlight cannot be relied upon to produce sufficient vitamin D3 all year round to attain at least the 50 ng/mL circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D the immune system needs. UV-B lamps could be used, with eye protection, but these too cause skin damage and raise the risk of skin cancer.
Sunlight is natural, but it is not the healthiest way we can now obtain the vitamin D3 we need.
One partial exception to this might be that UV-B exposure of skin which is affected by psoriasis is known to be helpful. The most obvious mechanism which would suppress of psoriasis is that vitamin D3 is produced, in large quantities, by daily or fairly regular UV-B exposure, and that enough of it is hydroxylated to 25-hydroxyvitamin D in that skin, for it to be useful in the immune system there operating correctly, rather than attacking the body's own cells, which, broadly speaking, causes the psoriasis. Generally, as best I understand it from reading various articles, most vitamin D3 is hydroxylated in the liver to become circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D, but a local process as just described can also occur and would explain some or perhaps all of the benefits of direct UV-B exposure. It might also kill bacteria or have other benefits.
However, I am not sure that such direct UV-B exposure of the skin is more effective than 50 to 100 ng/mL (125 to 250 nmol/L) circulating 25-hydroxyvitamin D produced primarily in the liver from ingested vitamin D3, or the still higher levels attained with the Coimbra protocol to suppress psoriasis and other auto-immune inflammatory disorders:
I have not yet found or read the best research on vitamin K2, however, it is widely regarded as having important benefits for the immune system as well as retaining calcium in the bone, while reducing the risk of excessive calcium levels in the bloodstream. Since higher 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels - such 150 ng/mL or more - raise the risk of excessive calcium levels, one or both forms of vitamin K2 (MK-4 and MK7) and I guess vitamin K1 are likely to be beneficial supplements for many people (except those being treated with anti-clotting drugs such as warfarin, which reduce the effects of vitamin K1).
I believe that long-term use of this 5000 IU vitamin D capsule, with 1 mg (milligrams = 1000 micrograms) iodine, 1 mg vitamin K1, 1 mg K2 MK-4 and 0.1 mg K2 MK-7 was an important factor in two people I know getting to their mid-nineties without a trace of dementia: In this instance I regard the brand name as truth in advertising. I now take one a day and a 50,000 IU vitamin D3 capsule twice a month, since these are the most cost-effective source of vitamin K2 I have yet found.
If this proves to be as deadly as may be expected, the establishment medical criminals will like direct the population to believe this surge is a completely different disease, such as Bird Flu.
I would suggest the greatest risk for the unvaccinated will be an authoritarian upsurge that will rival Hitler's Nazis and the Brown Shirts.
It’s striking and unbelievable how few people are aware of the mutations and negative possibilities afoot. Here in Western NC life is basically normal though inflation is hurting lots of people. As our economy (read: house of cards) moves along, a biological beast is growing in strength. This late summer/fall may be a very difficult time. ✨🙏🏼✨
Total collapse is imminent
I’d say total collapse is a possibility but not the only possible outcome. And perhaps as a thought experiment, to inquire, Fast Eddy, why you are so fascinated with that outcome (ie put the supportive data aside for a second)? And I say this talking partially to myself as someone who leans that way, too. Do we want collapse because it will help to solidify many of our beliefs? Or are we angry at the world and want justice? There’s something satisfying about the idea of collapse, and I believe it’s more than data showing that it’s a possible outcome.
I am ok with collapse and extinction because then this will stop:
Industrial Farm Cruelty
Horrifying Animal Experimentation
Genetic therapy injected people are indeed getting sick, they still have small cough and sinus clogging and headaches. Could be flu, but sometimes they test positive (cheap lateral flow) for Covid.
have you ever looked at the dark field microscope views of blood Dr Ana Mihalcea has reported? She find self assembling structures EVEN in unvaxxed people. Dr David Nixon, in Australia has seen the same from rain collected from his roof...chemtrails are adding to our problems, these evil psychopaths MUST BE STOPPED....we must learn from countries who defeated communism, totalitarian, marxism, nazism regimes to know HOW we must take these demented people out
Maybe because he’s been wrong for 2 years now.
Only his deadline was not correct, and he explained well why that was the case. But for the time being, I wouldn't bet he's wrong. There are things already happening under the surface that are not yet visible for the majority, including you. By the time everyone finds out what's going on it's too late. And when that happens, will you please come forward and admit you were wrong? And Dr. Geert was right? That would be the right thing to do. One of the most unpleasant thing we all witnessed is people we all know, family members including, did not say even once to us: we are sorry for attacking you, judging you. You were right about the " vaccines". We wished we have listened to your advice and stay away from these dangerous shots. Please, forgive us. Did anyone ever said that to any of you in the last three years?
Read up on what can happen with Leaky Vaccines ...
How long was Cassandra wrong for? Till she was right....
LOL all doomsayers are eventually right.
I would like to point out that an increasing number of people are experiencing salivary gland reduction after contracting COVID-19. Are these symptoms related to Sjögren’s disease?
Changes in the lacrimal, salivary, minor lip, and laryngeal/pharyngeal glands often result from conditions like autoimmune diseases. These changes include lymphocytic infiltration, acinar atrophy, fibrosis, ductal dilatation, and decreased secretory function. In autoimmune diseases such as Sjögren's syndrome, these glands can become inflamed and dysfunctional, leading to symptoms like keratoconjunctivitis sicca (dry eyes), xerostomia (dry mouth), and dry throat and larynx. Treatment focuses on symptom relief through artificial tears, saliva substitutes, and immune-modulating medications.
It is marked every year on July 23rd, the birthday of Dr. Henrik Sjögren (1899-1986), a Swedish ophthalmologist, who was the first person identified a group of women and correlated the triad of keratoconjuctiva sicca, xerostomia and polyarthritis, currently known as #Sjögren’s disease.