I am extremely relieved you are still with us Shankara.

When I started the video I was not watching but immediately thought you sounded like you had been ill.

I will be passing this interview onto a freind that is a senior surgeon who also spends alot of time in the ED department (NZ)

Thanks to the efforts of many doctors and scientists I can hold a reasonably understandable conversation with surgeons, ICU nurses, midwives and GPs that I know.

I come from the plumbing industry and enable their work by construction of laboratories and hospitals. With regard to laboratories I find myself fixing basic non compliant installations on a regular basis.

I remind these so called tradesman that without sanitation there is no civilization, but it falls on deaf ears as I'm sure it does with your fellow doctors.

Thank you both.

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You are so right. It is proper sanitation that enables all of us to stay well. Grateful to the tradesmen who work to help us maintain health.

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Jun 27·edited Jun 28

I hope one day Dr Chetty will be given the recognition he truly deserves. Thank God he is well. Thank you Dr McMillan for giving him this platform. I would be surprised if Dr Chetty is vaccinated, there is a higher skepticism in South Africa of vaccines (due to big pharma vaccine abuses in the past) and I would imagine he would share this skepticism. Since he had an initial Omicron infection, I am surprised and disappointed that he did not have more natural immunity. Although in his practise, he no doubt comes into very close contact with very ill C19 patients and possibly encountered a very high viral load and a more potent variant? According to Geert, those with a prior infection and those with prior infection who then had a 'vaccination' , are considered to be the one's with the stronger immune response to new variants. I did wonder if Dr Chetty could possibly have had a reaction to prednisone or the other medications he was taking - on top of the C19 infection? Although he did have a toxicology test so presumably any serious side effect would have shown up. Regarding Dr Chetty's severe neurological reaction - if Geert's prediction is correct - and Dr Chetty's reaction was not due to prednisone - I dread to think how these neurological/ spinal cord symptoms will adapt and develop with new variants. If I understand Dr Chetty, he is saying that this biowarfare (C19 & vaccine) was designed to target pre-existing genetic weaknesses in individuals (heart, brain, blood, lung) and then with each new subsequent C19 infection the spike protein will target those weak areas causing even further damage. This being the existential threat that is absolutely invisible. Is this why there appears to be a higher incidence of stroke, turbo cancer, cardiac injury. Using our genetic pre-dispositions against us. In addition, if I understand correctly - different bio-engineered variants could be released that would target certain groups of pre-existing conditions. With natural infections the body may have the strength to overcome these infections - however with the vaccine - which may now be part of our genetic make up / within our cells - this becomes a challenge that has never been faced. I am very glad Dr Chetty finished on an optimistic note.

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His neurologic issues are no contradiction to Geert‘s hypotheses! Everything Geert is teaching the public is a matter of POPULATION LEVEL consequences. Of course, there will be unvaccinated persons to be able to contract Covid, severe Covid and of course sequelae of this nasty, mankind-aimed spike weapon. Most unvaccinated will be protected - but not everyone. As Shankara - and you - pointed out, it depends on everyone‘s genetic background.

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Jun 29·edited Jun 29

I’m not suggesting the neurological issues are a contradiction to Geert’s hypothesis. The point I was trying to make was if the virus’ symptoms are becoming more neurological as the strains become more pathogenic and deadly - it raises concerns about the potential extreme nature of these neurological disturbances for those with a genetic predisposition for neurological conditions.

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I totally agree. And this is what I am perceiving since a year or so in patients being vaccinated and getting infection(s) by the Omicron descendents. Especially people (collegues) with already existing diseases (epilepsy, Parkinson‘s - to name just 2) got worse after getting Omicron-based Covid after 3 or 4 modRNA shots.

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Thank you Dietmar. There appears to have been little natural immunity for Dr Chetty - this is what made me think it could have been a reaction to the medicine he was taking. Or he was exposed to a very high viral load or a particularly malignant variant. If Dr Chetty is correct then it appears to be a form of eugenics, directed evolution, transhumanism. But try suggesting this in mainstream media comments and it will be laughed at. It seems entirely plausible to me.

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

I guess you will know this video clip from Shankara Chetty from 2021. In 10 minutes he explains what is going on with the virus and the „vaccine“. Time has moved on - but I don‘t see where he would be wrong at that time - and where it still holds true. https://rumble.com/vs7qvc-dr-shankara-chetty-the-aim-is-to-kill-billions-without-anyone-noticing-usin.html

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Jun 30·edited Jun 30

Thank you for sharing this, I hadn't seen it. There will be consequences for this evil. Surely!

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God Blesses you Dr Chetty, thank you for what you do as well as Dr McMillan.

Meanwhile the American Academy of Family Physicians sent the family doctors this email.

How much more evil can this become? Where are we heading as humanity? The AI will be taking over people's brains and independent thinking. Is it all a careful plan to end the life on earth and humanity as it has existed?

CDC Recommends All Americans Receive New COVID-19 Vaccines This Fall

The New York Times (6/27, Mandavilli) reports, “All Americans ages 6 months and older should receive one of the new Covid-19 vaccines when they become available this fall, scientific advisers to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Thursday.” Many “Americans have acquired layers of immunity against the coronavirus from repeat infections or vaccine doses, or both. The vaccines now offer an incremental boost, remaining effective for only a few months as immunity wanes and the virus continues to evolve.” But “across every age group, a vast majority of Americans who were hospitalized for Covid did not receive one of the shots offered last fall, according to data presented at a meeting of the C.D.C.’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.”

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Just to clarify, Dr Chetty was never vaccinated? Also, he was not on any prophylactics like IVM? I heard HCQ and zinc, so not sure if he was on anything else? Not even vitamin D? Dark skinned people need more D than average, what was his levels? Curious why he also went on prednisone and aspirin? Why not proteolytic enzyme like serrapeptase, lubrokinase, and nattokinase?

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I ageee with you Phillip. As a clinician and follower of your videos, Shankara projected a clearer and focused aura in the way he spoke and the synthesis of all the forces that very likely are operating against is. Wonderful interview! It seems like reinfecfions can bring on similar clinical presentation as the first which is VERY interesting. And the focused neurological symptoms is also quite interesting and easily missed if you do not have “covid/vaccine” effect in your differential.

What was the name of the alternative to heparin to use when platelets are low?

I will share this link far and wide


What was the name of the alternative

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Dr. Shankara seemed to be referring to some kind of possible nefarious behavior by which he thinks at least some people may now be primed targets in some way, but I don't understand what he was talking about. Any light you could shed on that would be much appreciated.

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I would have to listen again but if I recall he was linking our genetic predispositions to certain Illnesses and covid virus/ vaccines targeting different people in different ways which was interesting to me. Geert has spoken about MHC differences among different people affecting their susceptibilities from an immunologic perspective

And it was nice to have the clinical input from Shankara I thought Dr Chetty was quite insightful and not holding anything back during the interview.

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Hey Jon, How are you reading Geert’s recent posts and overall evolutionary of virus?

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I’m not seeing any real change, TJ. I think he just sees HIVICRON as inevitable and it’s just a matter of when it emerges. I’m not sure how bad he thinks the tragedy will be, I think not as bad as some people are projecting but that could be wrong.

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Thank god you made it. Now we know 1.) There is serious stuff still around

2.) You were right 2 years ago when you told me that Omicron & successor do have neurological impact - ......and it even hit yourself

3.) Geert's predictions are not to be put aside

4.) Shankara's prophylaxis works but it it is week to compensate the reaction power of the S-Protein . . . . probably ClO2 in higher doses could oxidize that sh..... or high dose Methylenblue 1% solution (both orally - ClO2 given every 60 - 90 min and MB maybe 3 times a day) could do better.

5.) d-Dimere is crucial !!

6.) Before taking subcut. Heparine check Angiogram of brain

7.) Yes - most probably we ve been primed - a bad thing for a few.

I think a lot of people die now suddenly because NOBODY checks what you guys discuss here. Every car mechanic works better than the broad average of MD's for whatever reason.

Shankara - was he ever vaccinated ? Sorry I forgot this "detail" . . . :-)

Thanks Philip - excellent investigation of this empiri🙏🙏🙏

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Brilliant video - well done and glad that misdiagnosis was stopped which inturn didn't allow an ending that would have been tragic to say the least.

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I remember a debate not that long ago between Dr. Philip and Dr. Geert. Dr. Geert is convinced that the healthy unvaccinated people will not have any severe illness if they get covid. But dr. Philip didn't agree with him. I'm so happy that Dr. Chetty is well and alive. But how did he became so ill if Dr. Geert is right? I don't think Dr. Chetty took the covid shots, therefore he should have never become so ill. Thanks God he survived. We are all happy for him. He is a great doctor. He's also kind, brave, smart, and generous. He's someone very special, one of a kind.

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i believe he took 1 covid shot. but i might be wrong....

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Thank you your reply.

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To fully understand the MacMillan/Chetty interview, I would like to know Dr Chetty's Covid jab status?

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See my comment above.

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The news about Dr. Chetty’s sudden illness was shocking and frightening. That God, he recovered well, guided by his own experience of treating thousands of patients. For people with non medical background like me, a few things in his episode were puzzling and needed to be better understood. And a few questions too. First, his Covid vaccination status. Hope this wasn’t the cause. Second, what was the anti histamine he used in the first few days of mild dull symptoms and and why only HCQ ? Why didn’t he add Montelukast to his prescription in that phase ? Along with Azithromycin, this has been the work horse everywhere. I am afraid, his anti viral charge fell short in those days, leading up to enough viral load build up to trigger some unexpected events after the 8th day. I feel that atleast three part anti virals are needed in that initial phase, one of them has to be Montelukast, the second an anti histamine like Levocetrizine and the third can be HCQ/ivermectin. That much fire power is needed to smother the viral build up to well contained levels. Hope some of you, possibly Dr. Chetty himself, would clarify on this stand. The run of Omicron since early 2022 in many countries with low vaccinations/ revaccinations has not caused serious illness episodes in the population, unlike in the West with high levels of revaccinations. The last two years have been eventless. The impression was that Omicron did not have the second serious phase, the autoimmune phase, of the variants of 2020 and 2021. The West atleast had an adverse factor, repeat vaccinations, though denied officially and everything assigned on people with pre-conditions. How come someone like Dr. Chetty became suddenly susceptible to an adverse phase of this infection ? What was the cause of his sudden rise of d-dimer levels to as much as 6000 ? Is it possible to bring it back as quickly as he could get it ? My then 85 year old brother, in May 2021, had a d-dimer of 2000 plus, his only major symptom in a Covid infection, he was kept under observation for 3 weeks precisely for that. It took six months for him to get back to 200. My suspicions about this is his two AZ shots in early 2021. Since mid 2022, he was getting treated for Parkinson’s that was assigned to his blood clots from his infection months earlier, though my suspicion again is about his vaccine shots. Hope Dr. Chetty continuously monitors his blood clot situation because of its long term implications. And what could have caused his two days of being unconscious in the ICU ? Puzzling. We will pray for his normal health for a long long time.

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We are all connected by a common thread. We will use this thread to bind the venom. We will put the venom where it can no longer hurt anyone or anything ever again. Wakan Tankan, let it be so. Blessing and protection Dr McMillan. Blessing and protection Dr Chetty. Thank you both.

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When more virulent forms of the virus in 2020 and 2021 caused at worst only type 1 hypersensitivity conditions, I am at a loss to understand why the milder Omicron infection should cause him such severe presentations as unconsciousness, as long as two days in one episode. And he wasn’t vaccinated. Was this event virus triggered or is there any other background medically ? An antiviral like HCQ didn’t prevent him from progressing to a more severe episode, but then the very high d-dimer ? Only doctors like Dr. McMillan or Dr. Chetty himself should clarify if they saw such high d-dimer in their Covid patients. We have read many people reporting on their conditions or of others they know, but this is the first time, I am hearing of such high d-dimer. We would all be much beholden, if Dr. Chetty himself explains in more detail such unusual test results. I would request him to write about it with his views in these comments box, when he feels free and normal. He needs to be following up upon himself for a long time.

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More about D-dimers please.

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I am not from medicine, so what I know is very general. It is test parameter about blood clot levels in the stream. Presume it will be micro clots. All will have some clots harmlessly floating around and the normal max is 200. Anything well above it is a matter of concern. In 2021, my 85 year old covid positive brother had 2500, his only concern. In 3 weeks in hospital, it was brought down to about 600 and it took about 6 more months to reach normal levels. Clot dissolving medications were needed. Lucky he didn’t have a stroke and heart attack as a result, but in 2022 he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s, doctors attributing it his covid infection. But both for hospitalisation in 2021 and his PD diagnosis a year later, I suspect his two AZ shots just weeks before he was hospitalised in May 2021 and his third shot end 2021 for his PD presentations six months later. Luckily, it has stayed on at Level 1. Dr. Chetty had a frightening 9000, it seems like a very rapid development. Not sure if this led to his three episodes of unconsciousness, particularly the third one for two days. It could have been a near stroke. Unlike my brother, he wasn’t vaccinated, so it is a surprise that his mild Onicron infection caused this. Very likely some other underlying cause. We must all be relieved that he came out unscathed and is fine now. But he needs to keep monitoring his parameters and look for other clues. I also could not figure out how his d-dimer quickly came down to more normal levels.

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You both are on my prayer card….The LORD is with us. Thank you for your insights into the effects of this bioweapon. It is a comfort to know that the Bible says that “no weapon fashioned against us will prosper…”. Thank you LORD Jesus. He gave that to me when I struggled through the Delta variant. There are 2 things no man can touch: “the day of our death and our spirit” Giving thanks to you both… for helping me continue to live. Praying for Dr. Chetty too to be fully healed. Sending love and prayers.

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I will add further to my comment recorded here earlier. He says his post 8 th day serious presentations ( largely neurological) looked like hypersensitivity 3rd level. He had it once two years ago. It means he has some inherent proneness. He needs to figure it out, as a long term measure. Did he use the same early medications ( HCQ + Zn) then also ? Level 3 indicates very high viral load build up and in the run up, the symptoms looked mild, but not benign. It means that his early treatment protocol was grossly inadequate. Do the blood clots also form swiftly, in a matter of a day or so, around that 8 th day viral load high ? I have seen an April 2021 infectious diseses journal paper of multi drug therapy to prevent hospitalisations in ambulatory patients comprising Azithromycin, Montelukast, Ivermectin and Aspirin. It was also found that asthma patients on long term treatment with Montelukast had significantly lower incidence of Covid 19 infection. We now know these drugs were world wide warriors against Covid.

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It should be remembered that SARS CoV-2 has already reached max viral load by the time symptoms show and what happens after that including the clotting is the aftermath and wreckage caused by the immune response. There is no 8th day viral peak.

What is fascinating about this whole episode is the diversity or heterogeneity of the human response: due to genetics, epigenetics, cross reactive immunity from prior infection and life time exposure to environmental factors. Some get benefit from certain drugs others don't. If you ever look at a forest plot and the branches extend widely across the benefit /no benefit zones, it is anybody's guess where you are going to be!

Interesting too that he sees prophylaxis as having little value.

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V interesting comment.

Dr.Chetty is adamant about the 8th day so can we have more on this, other than outright divergence?

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Jul 2·edited 25 mins ago

It was Moro who introduced the 8th day viral peak. Chetty was referring to the peak consequences of the immune response. the viral kinetics and dynamics of this virus have been well characterised since the first half of 2020. There are no studies supporting a peak late in the infection. This was online May 2020 - obvs we have a lot more info now


The reason it spread globally is its profile is the exact opposite to the original SARS of twenty years ago. The peak occurs before symptoms appear, so people are unwittingly spreading it. Whereas for SARS it peaks >7 days after symptoms show so can be contained because you know who is infectious. Failure to respect this fact has led to millions of deaths that may have been avoidable with proper public health. You could of course argue that the weak will eventually be taken regardless of our efforts. That is what nature does; pathogens cull the weak from the population and those that can adapt survive.

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I agree that Dr. Chetty’s severe presentations were a kind of immune response. We have heard of breathlessness or breathing difficulties in millions of severe covid cases, but his neurological response seemed a step ahead, unusual. I also agree that this is not a direct virus effect, but does viral load maximum, whenever it happens, not have something to do with the kick on of autoimmune trigger ? I strongly believe it is so. It also means that small viral loads are not sufficient to trigger the autoimmune response. If it were, this disease would have been almost entirely auto immune, not a viral respiratory condition that metamorphoses into severe autoimmune condition in some. So limiting viral build up with adequate/powerful anti viral medications in the initial days is an insurance against any severity later. I concede there could be exceptions to this rule, often inexplicable, and Dr. Chetty could have been one such rare case. On the face of it, his early medications seem inadequate, even by the standards of his successful treatment of thousands of covid patients. As I felt in another earlier comment here, his trigger could have been not the viral exposure at all. Are any dormant triggers known in medical science that can suddenly manifest themselves the way they did in him ? He had had one such episode, albeit small scale, two years ago.

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Jul 1·edited Jul 1

"So limiting viral build up [ ] is an insurance against any severity later."

I think that is always true for any such infection, IF it can be achieved.

I don't think we really know a whole lot. If anything this pandemic has highlighted how little we know, and immunology is so complicated that immunologists are endlessly confusing themselves, as well as us.

What I find extraordinary is the diversity of response. Nearly 50% of the population don't get an infection, even when deliberately inoculated in challenge studies. So a large portion are wondering what all the fuss is about.

"nasopharyngeal immune infiltration occurred early in samples from individuals with only transient infection and later in samples from individuals with sustained infection. High expression of HLA-DQA2 before inoculation was associated with preventing sustained infection."

--Lindeboom, R.G.H., Worlock, K.B., Dratva, L.M. et al.

Human SARS-CoV-2 challenge uncovers local and systemic response dynamics. Nature (2024).


Then you have those who are infected but (initially) are asymptomatic and later are seen to have brain damage. The diversity of response list goes on....and on.

If Dr Shankara Chetty had an autoimmune condition, there wouldn't be an immediate recovery. He's lucky he can get the appropriate response from a medical team. The standard response is to refuse a d-dimer saying it isn't clinically relevant and if we had results they wouldn't know how to interpret them. Medicine is not equipped to deal with the future challenges at all.

I think Chetty's response won't be explained just by low expression of HLA-DQA2 for example. Probably some additional factors. Not knowing his history, it is hard to postulate what might be a trigger, though I suspect he has an additional genetic susceptibility.

Pretty shocked to hear that he had seizures in an early Omicron phase, that rendered him unconscious. He has been interviewed many times since and hasn't said a word.

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Dear Dr. McMillan,

Thank you for informing us about Dr. Chetty's recent experience. Please convey my best wishes to him for a full recovery.

Everything Dr. Chetty described resonates deeply with me. I have personally experienced several instances of brain pressure followed by blurred vision. During these episodes, I could function physically but lost my sense of identity, unable to recognize myself in the mirror. Since then, I have been diligently researching and undergoing various tests, including blood tests, MRIs, and sonograms. Although tests like ANA, PCR (positive), and D-dimer indicated abnormalities, the MRI results were inconclusive. However, one significant finding was consistently low cortisol levels.

Through my research, I have discovered that both viruses and bacteria can affect the hypothalamic system. Unfortunately, I have not yet found medical professionals who confirm this connection. Two years ago, I observed similar symptoms in friends, noting their behavior became more defensive and sometimes aggressive. Cortisol tests revealed that most had high adrenaline and low cortisol levels.

I have written two summaries on the topic of viral infections and the hypothalamic system:

The Most Overlooked and Underdiagnosed Symptoms: A Closer Look at Hypothalamic and Thyroid Issues: https://swaresearch.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-most-overlooked-and-underdiagnosed.html

The Interplay Between Viral Infections, Autoimmune Disorders, and the Hypothalamic-Thyroid Axis: https://swaresearch.blogspot.com/2024/06/the-interplay-between-viral-infections.html

Best regards,

S.W. A.

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Could Dr Shankara been poisoned?

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I don't think so. He had covid infection. Only those who took the covid shots have been poisoned.

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infected most probably ... targeted infection.

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Thank You Dr.'s for this very interesting reporting, THANKS GOD Dr. Shankara is back but it must have been very dramatic! It is pity, that the solutions are mainly official drugs here, no cayenne, turmeric, ginger, garlic, Vit E, cinnamon, gingko biloba, enzymes, aloe, melatonin, etc., etc....

Strange, exactly 4 weeks ago I also got infected, while working for my unjabbed 94 years old incapacitated aunt, who due to shedding got couple of strokes, and after a blood transfusion last Nov, got heart attack and stroke in the same time... Anyway, the dates or reactivation of her episodes, frequently on the 13th of certain month, seems to be extremely odd. That's clearly NOT a natural event! In her case she is surrounded by people with Iphones, has a 5G cell in front of her house, press button device for constant monitoring, and 2 smart meters right on front of her main door, with her bed ~4m away... ANyway, Dr. Bronstein a the very begin of covid gave away his advice, nebulising H2O2, directly into nose. I added some iodine, EO's and colloidal silver and had NO bronchial issues at all, the first time.... This last 'covid' was also pretty different, lot of VERTIGO and weakness..

Years back, I was working on, never published though study, which dealt with electric dipole moments of macromolecules and their complexes. After going through many 3D data, it looked like, for example FSH and its receptor, are having their electric dipole moments perfectly aligned to each other. In order to build a complex their relative orientation will be driven by their electric dipole moments. The same is with hemoglobin and oxygen, and even DNA polymerase has a dipole moment perfectly aligned to the bound DNA inside....

With one word, the lack of consciousness, i.e. lack of oxygen kind of indicates 'stuck hemoglobins', exactly to what people with microscopes observe, no more free floating oxygen finding molecule.

If it is indeed all due to the venom compounds in the injections, Spike sequences (and there are, posted quite few on it..). which instantaneously coagulate the blood, how about nasal spray with glutathione and EDTA in it, the best venom neutralizer out there....

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Is there a glutathione with EDTA nasal spray available? Great thinking BTW

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What are EO’s? Did you use the 3% h202?

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