Yes, the virus can cause issues too, I love the way you're keeping this real. I'm day three of horse 🐎 med and steroids and haven't felt this good since a elephant mistake. Please keep working 🙏

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From mayoclinic.org : While anyone can develop dermatomyositis, it is more common in people 'assigned female at birth' (my emphasis). One of the biggest risks to society is the medical community abandoning the scientific method for political correctness. Take care of yourself and trust in the amazing immunity system God "assigned you at birth".

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I love Dr. McMillian’s measured approach.

I knew a young woman in the 1980s who died of a disease such as is here described; it was a terrible process from diagnosis to death. An unvaxed loved one is now suffering from aggressive ALS (long-term statin user, though.💔)

I recognize the Covid shots don’t cause every individual case, but any increase in these formerly rare and horrible conditions, and the mechanisms of how the jabs may be involved, should be aggressively investigated.

Dr. Geert Vanden Bosche has said that autoimmune disorders will be showing up more as time passes. Heartbreaking.

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My mom died in 2017 from Pulmonary Fibrosis following a decade of gold shots for rheumatoid arthritis. Horrible way to die as lung tissue turns to a useless scarred mass. Tragic that more people will get formerly rare diseases. Hopefully people are waking up to the "practice" of modern medicine.

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Interesting paper. Alarming increase post jab roll outs. I lean more toward "no virus" thinking, so the papers PCR for personal and background Covid rates are irrelevant, as we know the covid PCR is fraudulently used, wrong Cycle Thresholds etc and not even based on SAR-CoV2 but claimed Sars1. However, I am not denying these +ve people were sick with something and yes, such sickness could trigger autoimmune conditions. We also know legacy vaccines such as HEP B etc, are well known to trigger M.E/CFS, Lupus, Fibromyalgia, M.S etc etc. The new covid jabs use of immune bypassing to get the mRNA accepted, certainly appears to switched off the immune system so called, leading to rampant turbo cancers and a gamut of autoimmune attack, of any cells hich dare express the Spike proteins claimed mRNA/Viral Vector message. So I lean toward the shots being capable of triggering a myriad of horrible health conditions, which all looks natural, due to the spikes presence itself, and its cell surface presentation being targeted, as abnormal cells. Toll Receptor bypass and seemingly the immune system bypass, has effectively switched off all suppression systems bar autoimmunity attack. They are like devastingly subtle weapons with a myriad ways to kill you! I'm of the opinion its not an accident and they are all incompatible with all life and must be banned. Meanwhile Japan is warning of the REPLICON Self Replicating versions and massive jab factory ramp up, as is also Moderna boosting manufacturing plants for C19, RSV and Flu shots for later this years as Sasha Latypova writes of. Bad times ahead, especially if WHO get their treaty and we see a savage push for mandated vaxx passports or denial of access to society.

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Dr. McMillan, do you have any information about a possible relationship between Covid/vax and appendicitis or other digestive tract inflammation? I know of someone who needed an emergency appendectomy after a recent booster, and another who had severe inflammation of the colon after a booster.

Thank you for all your hard work investigating these tragic outcomes.

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Yes, in the context of prior immune issues in the gut, it can be exacerbated by vaccination.

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We are constantly being divided by taking sides on the choices we made during the pandemic, we need to understand whether exposed to the therapy or/and the virus both are man-made and designed for a purpose. Our World in Data has the figures at 7 million C19 deaths and 14 million excess deaths worldwide, not to forget the millions bankrupt, sick and suffering.

Thank you Dr McMillan for keeping us up to speed on current health issues. 🙏

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The supplementary data seems to show the timing of the vaccine and infection in relation to the onset of disease. (3 months before = onset of disease occurred 3 months after their 1st c vax).

Hence they have also added whether there was an associated flare of the illness alongside the timing in subjects who received vaccination following onset of illness. (Eg 3 months after, no flare).

This wasn’t clear in the video and I thought I would clarify.

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Thank you.

Should have highlighted it more in the video.

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Do you know if there is any evidence of this phenomenon in other parts of the UK or other parts of the world? Are we missing these diagnoses elsewhere or is this a true geographical clustering? And if so, why would that be? Genetics? Different variants? Vaccine batches? Some other environmental factor?

As a GP I have come across some unusual autoimmune and undiagnosed non-specific inflammatory conditions in people with a history of repeated mrna vaccinations. Sometimes there is a clear temporal association to the last booster and sometimes not. Some inflammatory conditions appear to have eventually resolved after many months, without diagnosis despite comprehensive work-up. Given the delay between vaccination and symptoms/ diagnosis it is very unlikely that symptoms/diagnoses with delayed onset would be yellow carded or an association suspected. Even less likely that causality would be agreed, and compensation paid.

Vigilance is needed as in cases where the sequence is vaccination - infection - disease or infection - vaccination - disease, it is likely that the focus will be on infection as a trigger, and vaccination history ignored. As such, the level of supplementary data provided in this study is invaluable and their scientific objectivity is to be commended.

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Suspect this is a global problem.

Most are unaware.

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I would like to know in history when Dermatomyositis first appeared and where and in what nationality and gender. Is this recent problem just located in this certain town or appearing in other locations?

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It would have been interesting to see a breakdown of the cases, and specifically deaths in the group with ILD, with regard to previous anti SC-2 vaccination .

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Dr Mike Yeadon and data analyst Joel Smalley do not believe sarscov2 exists. All adverse events, long covid and deaths due to the “cure” the mRNA covid vaxx as well as vector covid vaxx. So many say the virus has never been isolated. It would be nice to know if the fearmongering was simply used to usher in the vaxxes? Or was/is a real virus. Any thoughts? Four yrs on and so much confusion.

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DOC MALIK SUBSTACK Dr Sabine Stebel protein engineer

181 - Spike Protein


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I think the people to ask on that question is the DoD, and they aren’t saying much about anything right now. 🤷‍♀️

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The work of Jessica Hockett, Denis Rancourt, Fenton/Neill are of great importance. The latest article on the existence of a "novel virus" by the latter is well worth a read.

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I knew someone who had the shot and had an skin reaction red spots and swollen she was in the hospital I can’t recall how long.

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Dr Sabine Stebel SUBSTACK SKIN

Skin problems caused by Covid injections

Severe cutaneous adverse reactions (SCARs)


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She was interviewed by doc Malik couple days ago

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🔥DOC MALIK SUBSTACK Dr Sabine Stebel protein engineer ❤️

181 - Spike Protein


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I saw that. Thanks!! 🙏

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Further reading about MDA5 & autoimmunity. It's a fine balance:


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Is it 58 out of 60 people with this condition or 58%????

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