Very informative video, thank you. There are many in Australia who want the scientific and medical research done but when the govt and fellow socialists stop the work being done, or stop the release of information, we seem to be on our own in this mess. Time will tell.
It is interesting that the Lancet was so swift in assessing this preprint as having a technical problem, which I can’t imagine is true with the authors in question. I wonder who it was in the Lancet who took this decision and what their qualifications are. Alas science doesn’t work on discussion anymore, just censorship. Meanwhile the Naked Emperor Substack reports revelations by the chief British architect of the government nudge policy deployed during the pandemic. Nudge happened, just like in the Nazi era and still is but the actions of the Lancet and social media is not nudge, it is blatant censorship to eliminate opposition to their nefarious narrative.
I am a member of a Facebook group whose members are parents of children who are school refusers. At the beginning of the Panicdemic I posted several posts attempting to calm down the panic and spread a little reason.
I commented at one point that we could not expect a vaccine for several years as the safety protocols would typically take around six years to complete for a brand new vaccine.
As part of this, in order to determine if the work could help short cut development, I took to researching the the original SARS outbreak, 2003, and found about a dozen papers involving the vaccines developed for the virus.
A clear third of the papers I found mentioned studies that had to be shutdown because the animal test subjects were dying of acute autoimmune responses.
I believe, but cannot confirm, that these were mRNA vaccines.
This was in March 2020. At the time I was not recording details of my finds, saving URLs or downloading the papers. I had no reason to believe that the same ten minute Google search wouldn't find me the same papers anytime I looked. of course in September when I did look again they could not be found.
At that time anyone who remembered these papers was ridiculed and marginalised. Just as anyone who remembered that as great as vaccines are, they are not always successful and even vaccines for well understood conditions are sometimes removed for adverse reactions. Like the odd flu vaccine or the polio vaccine that actually caused an outbreak of polio in Africa, was decried as an antivaxer.
Later. Robert Malone gave his reasons forgiving up on mRNA, and as the adverse reactions began to become public knowledge,any of these reactions looked to be similar to those in the missing papers.
The animals experienced pulmonary immunopathology after they were challenged with the virus. The most commonly implicated factor was vaccines that used nucleocapsid protein. None of the studies I read used mRNA vaccines.
My own research on the development of the Spike Protein. Were two findings. One I traced the Patents back to a foreign patent in 2002 where the DOD and US Patent data was added. The second based on the past experience in Patent search. Was a Patent violation in 2012. This patent had left out all patents prior to that date. Siting as new claims the creators of Spike Protein. Ignoring prior art.
Because there’s no such thing as Covid 19 or any other virus for that matter it certainly was the injections that murdered hundreds of millions of people all over the Earth. And it was certainly done on purpose
Thanks Dr Mac. Do you have an opinion on the Manufacturers now saying that the new 'more durable' shots will produce T-cells and the implications of the previously postulated hyperactivity of T-cells from the first round of shots?
I have a new onset of tooth grinding with second Moderna shot, with HA and feels like brain is burning with decrease STM lost , ear itching , draining with inability to sleep.
The late German Prof. ARNE BURKHARDT did a smaĺler population of Autopsies in 2021 and he came to roughly the same number: 2/3 of examinations were death through vaccination. Evidence was esch time the affected organ (mostly heart) along with further complications and his colleage Prof. LANG delivered lateron the evidence that the "army of lymphozytes" found in affected organs where due to partly massive S-Proteine presence. Prof.. Lang had to find a method to prove presence of S Proteins (this was a novelty in pathology) because critics could say that the massive presence of lymphozytes could be because of something else not Spike Protein. He wanted to erase these doubts and found the prove he was looking for. So the evidence through Burkhardt & Lang is breathtaking and undisputable.
Hi Philip. Could you send me a link to your ACE2 mediated COVID autoimmune disease research paper please. I would like to read and fully understand it. I am a Dr of Biological science with some molecular biology knowledge, so I’m sure I should be able to follow it enough to explain to others on another site I am on. Thanks
A so-called "C-virus" has NEVER existed and neither have any other so-called fictitious "viruses"!!!!
Everything takes place in chemically prepared cell cultures and just by the way, cell cultures of embryonic tissue, cancerous tissue, stem cells or monkey cells with which each time this fraud takes place and whose properties are totally different from those of adult human tissue with addition of chemicals, antibiotics, penicillin, trypsin, bovine serum, etc. etc. have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with reality or with science!!!!
Very informative video, thank you. There are many in Australia who want the scientific and medical research done but when the govt and fellow socialists stop the work being done, or stop the release of information, we seem to be on our own in this mess. Time will tell.
It is interesting that the Lancet was so swift in assessing this preprint as having a technical problem, which I can’t imagine is true with the authors in question. I wonder who it was in the Lancet who took this decision and what their qualifications are. Alas science doesn’t work on discussion anymore, just censorship. Meanwhile the Naked Emperor Substack reports revelations by the chief British architect of the government nudge policy deployed during the pandemic. Nudge happened, just like in the Nazi era and still is but the actions of the Lancet and social media is not nudge, it is blatant censorship to eliminate opposition to their nefarious narrative.
I am a member of a Facebook group whose members are parents of children who are school refusers. At the beginning of the Panicdemic I posted several posts attempting to calm down the panic and spread a little reason.
I commented at one point that we could not expect a vaccine for several years as the safety protocols would typically take around six years to complete for a brand new vaccine.
As part of this, in order to determine if the work could help short cut development, I took to researching the the original SARS outbreak, 2003, and found about a dozen papers involving the vaccines developed for the virus.
A clear third of the papers I found mentioned studies that had to be shutdown because the animal test subjects were dying of acute autoimmune responses.
I believe, but cannot confirm, that these were mRNA vaccines.
This was in March 2020. At the time I was not recording details of my finds, saving URLs or downloading the papers. I had no reason to believe that the same ten minute Google search wouldn't find me the same papers anytime I looked. of course in September when I did look again they could not be found.
At that time anyone who remembered these papers was ridiculed and marginalised. Just as anyone who remembered that as great as vaccines are, they are not always successful and even vaccines for well understood conditions are sometimes removed for adverse reactions. Like the odd flu vaccine or the polio vaccine that actually caused an outbreak of polio in Africa, was decried as an antivaxer.
Later. Robert Malone gave his reasons forgiving up on mRNA, and as the adverse reactions began to become public knowledge,any of these reactions looked to be similar to those in the missing papers.
The animals experienced pulmonary immunopathology after they were challenged with the virus. The most commonly implicated factor was vaccines that used nucleocapsid protein. None of the studies I read used mRNA vaccines.
My own research on the development of the Spike Protein. Were two findings. One I traced the Patents back to a foreign patent in 2002 where the DOD and US Patent data was added. The second based on the past experience in Patent search. Was a Patent violation in 2012. This patent had left out all patents prior to that date. Siting as new claims the creators of Spike Protein. Ignoring prior art.
Thank you for sharing
when the "methodology" reveals The Hidden Truth - the hiders disagree with the methodology
Because there’s no such thing as Covid 19 or any other virus for that matter it certainly was the injections that murdered hundreds of millions of people all over the Earth. And it was certainly done on purpose
Shock, horror! The study has been withdrawn from Lancet.
Thanks Dr Mac. Do you have an opinion on the Manufacturers now saying that the new 'more durable' shots will produce T-cells and the implications of the previously postulated hyperactivity of T-cells from the first round of shots?
48 p hardcopy printed yesterday.
I have a new onset of tooth grinding with second Moderna shot, with HA and feels like brain is burning with decrease STM lost , ear itching , draining with inability to sleep.
The late German Prof. ARNE BURKHARDT did a smaĺler population of Autopsies in 2021 and he came to roughly the same number: 2/3 of examinations were death through vaccination. Evidence was esch time the affected organ (mostly heart) along with further complications and his colleage Prof. LANG delivered lateron the evidence that the "army of lymphozytes" found in affected organs where due to partly massive S-Proteine presence. Prof.. Lang had to find a method to prove presence of S Proteins (this was a novelty in pathology) because critics could say that the massive presence of lymphozytes could be because of something else not Spike Protein. He wanted to erase these doubts and found the prove he was looking for. So the evidence through Burkhardt & Lang is breathtaking and undisputable.
Thanks Dr. McM.
Hi Philip. Could you send me a link to your ACE2 mediated COVID autoimmune disease research paper please. I would like to read and fully understand it. I am a Dr of Biological science with some molecular biology knowledge, so I’m sure I should be able to follow it enough to explain to others on another site I am on. Thanks
A so-called "C-virus" has NEVER existed and neither have any other so-called fictitious "viruses"!!!!
Everything takes place in chemically prepared cell cultures and just by the way, cell cultures of embryonic tissue, cancerous tissue, stem cells or monkey cells with which each time this fraud takes place and whose properties are totally different from those of adult human tissue with addition of chemicals, antibiotics, penicillin, trypsin, bovine serum, etc. etc. have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with reality or with science!!!! etc. etc.
The movie on Youtube Was about this