This brings me back to 2004. I had left Mass and was approached by an unknowed woman who started talking to me , saying that in the future I would be asked to take a vaccine, then I would be asked to take a second vaccine. She then said that what was in the second vaccine would interact with the first vaccine. This would cause a problem . She went on to say, Do not Take any Vaccines ! Do not remember her face or ever seeing her, again. I do remember what she said clearly to me. I kept it in my mind and heart.

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Perhaps your guardian angel Patte.

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Well, it sure wasn't the Pope.

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Time will tell. I'm confident that all is not as it appears. We live in a time of universal deceit.

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Or Lenny Henry.

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This comment is spot on!

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This is truly spooky if this really happened. Oh, my God! It's pretty unbelievable.

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I don’t know how l came upon your post but your story is so much like mine it was creepy! 20 sone urs ago l was a grocery checker in WA state. A woman asked me to take her groceries out and l closed my stand to do so. As we were walking out she said”In the future there is going to be a pandemic and l want You (pointed at me) to tell me you won’t take the vaccine”. True story! Then she proceeded to tell me the many things that would happen and how they would never trace them back to the vaccine!

So, not only do l believe you, l have always wondered why me? And was she an angel? Fast forward to 2019 worked in an all girls school in dorm. 28 Chinese girls. Dec l got soooo sick. I thought l had pneumonia. Took 3 months of my natural remedies to get better. Then the day l heard the word pandemic and then later vaccine, that woman’s words roared into my head! Of course I did not get the jab and lost my job. But hey it’s all worked out even though l have watched those who judged me and that l still love go thru so many health problems, clots, covid over and over, bells palsy, cancer. Not a doubt in my mind it was a plandemic! Thank you Angel lady who said “ you will never see me again l am moving to Panama”.

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There are people out there that knew this was planned. I recommend you watch these two videos of someone in SA who was warned by his father, that this was planned, and would happen:



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Australian researchers were involved with WIV - the world need to know its “heroes.”

Wondering how the Club of Rome with its depopulation agenda fits into the puzzle

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That general overview paper cited here does not talk about the hyperphosphorylated coagulation... There is NO mention about that ORF10 and clotting..

If its the virus only, WHY the clotting mainly in the jabbed with the universal Spike gene??? Sorry, but how long will You Sir pretend to stay blind and flat lie to everyone?

Btw. The NIH entry says, gene="ORF10" :


Phosphoruylation happens only or on Serines Or on Threonines, which this construct has, BUT NOT MANY, by far not superphosphoprylating!!!

That sequence comes in 2 patents only:

1. Coronavirus immunogenic compositions and uses thereof '21 (US 11382968 B2, US )

2. Cold-adapted live attenuated severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and vaccine containing the same (US 11020475 B1,Korea )

there is more information about it in regard to this fact, but I just say this: EXPLAIN the WHITE CLOTS in the bodies of the JABBED first, and WHY those people are predominantly DYING and NOT the injected????

That australian video is total BS... Show the ORF 29 in SARS-CoV-2..... This sounds like a trial to rescue the LIARS..

Hope I'm not missing something here.. Just last thought: if the medical profession will not finally start to say the TRUTH you all will be TOTALLY REPLACED by AI's, pretty soon! So think more about how can you finally really start helping the people!!

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I do not think Dr. M disagrees that the injections cause clotting. But, I get your frustration - it is quite obvious that the genetic jabs are causing exponentially more harm than the pathogen, yet Dr. M often seems to equate the two as equally bad. Also, the pathogen killed the elderly 80+. The mRNA abominations are wiping out the young (<70) including children/babies, as well as the old.

AI depends entirely on being trained by humans, it cannot train itself. They are hyping its possibilities, but no way is it going to replace us, sans pretty basic stuff. It is not intelligent, and certainly not creative.

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well, than my family must be special, among 4 of those ~80 who got the jabs, THREE (3) are DEAD, and the fourth can't walk on her own any more, constantly depressed, CRYING!!! One of the 3 cases was VERY peculiar, this person devoted Christian, after the 4th injection, committed suicide!!! The ones who didn't get the jabs, were perfectly fine, UNTIL they entered the hospital.... That so much in regard help for the most vulnerable!!!

IN regard to AI 'replacement' activities, PLEASE LISTEN TO:


that will open your eyes... And just a small reminder, not for nothing already on the second day of the new administration a STAR-gates was announced, sorry starGATE...

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I did say 'as well as the old'. My point was just that the pathogen nearly exclusively took out the old or rather the medical 'treatments' offered. The vast majority would've survived on the *early* treatment protocols.

It is horrible how your family are getting killed, and the near impossibility of convincing anyone it was the jab when close to the expected death age. It could be easily proven at autopsy/biopsy, and if the authorities won't do it, it's up to us.

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~80 is not the age where you have to die!!! Some just start a new life at that age..

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Very interesting information in the link about what NY is doing to collect and share medical information and the fallout that will likely happen. That ShiNY package is a Pandora's Box!

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Sorry but you are just plain wrong about the ability of AI to train itself and to collaborate with other AI s. It has already been shown to ignore inbuilt guard rails subject to the task prompts provided namely if you instruct an AI to win at all costs or “ winning is the only thing that matters “ then AI has already shown the capability to circumvent protocols designed to keep AI within predefined parameters and that alone should scare everyone.

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Ok, but I still maintain they cannot function properly without massive human input:

The researchers began by using an LLM to create Wikipedia-like entries, then trained new iterations of the model on text produced by its predecessor. As the AI-generated information — known as synthetic data — polluted the training set, the model’s outputs became gibberish. The ninth iteration of the model completed a Wikipedia-style article about English church towers with a treatise on the many colours of jackrabbit tails.

https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-024-02420-7 (paywall now)

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for other reasons I WAS equally sceptical, but slowly, slowly my opinion is changing...

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I responded and 'something' closed that page while loosing the entire content... It was about STARgates and Chatgps, both connected, both trained by everyone, and with billions of dollars for further developed. Why is the current gov laying off all the people, sure they were useless, BUT you need to know how to move forward. Do we hear anything about it??? Was it all useless??

Listen to Katherine Austin Fitts please, she knows a LOT!

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What pathogen? Thus far, it hasn't been isolated or proven?

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Did you mean to say “not the un-injected”?

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Or "the infected"?

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And people didn’t start dying until the jabs came out.

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I thought the same thing when i read it. And i don’t believe Russia had anything to do with it.

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Well there is NO "virus" soooo it can't cause anything let alone clotting 🤨🫤🤷‍♂️.

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I'm not shocked, I can only hope there are ORF10 inhibitors or other treatments that can be given to the vaccinated

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If I am understanding correctly it looks like these nasty ORFs are part of the SarsCov2 virus and not just the spike protein code in the vaccine. Therefore anyone who catches the virus is in danger, not just those who are vaccinated.

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I don't think you can conflate an air-borne virus with an mRNA injection of hydrogel with billions of nanoparticles containing spike protein. When people talk about vaccine injury it seems to get minimized and re-branded as "long covid". I do hope these treatments help the covid vax injured and people suffering from natural infection.

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I was never jabbed but had covid 3 known times. On August 6,2023 my whole world changed from being a workaholic fully functioning retail store manager to being unable to work due to severe vertigo, tinnitus, chronic fatigue, chest pains severe joint-muscle and nerve pain, anxiety….Please don’t forget us! It’s not just the Vaxxed that are suffering!

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I’m here with you. Since Jan 2020 I’ve not been the same. I was a happy go lucky full of energy fitness professional and now 5 years later I’m a shell of my former self. One saving Grace for me is my lungs and heart were scanned in 2024 and no damage ie no inflammation.

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I am so sorry to hear how you have been affected! If misery loves company I’m afraid many of us will be in the same boat in the near future based on this new information. All the more reason to do what we can to bolster our immune systems. ie high vitamin D and vitamin K alone with Zinc and adequate sleep. Were you able to claim on disability insurance?

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Wait til you find out that there's NO "CONvid virus"

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Many researchers showing graphene and nanoparticles loaded in unvaccinated blood as well. It’s so evil. It’s in dental anesthetics, insulin, Pepsi, coke, supplements and in & on. https://x.com/ernestodearca/status/1888121661704089955?s=12&t=Mx-hp3cNdkiZ_f6ZTg_Zxw


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OMG I had no idea? I am a senior citizen and I never dreamed that at my age I would have to learn all these new things. Thank you for providing the links. They had better start investigating and jailing those who planned this genicide. We natives are getting restless.

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Here is my theory: those who are in danger ( talking to the unvaccinated) are the people who didn't follow the covid protocol. The more agresiv protocol they followed the better off they are.

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I am on LTD currently. I have filed the application for SSD but the wait could take up to 18 months for them to complete the initial application.

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That is so sad and so frustrating for you that it could take 18 months! I will add you to my prayer list. I hope you feel better soon!

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Thank you! I know that God’s timing is perfect and I am truly blessed!

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few remarks about 'standardization' of 'health care' (sorry not this post related':

first, make everyone genetically modified with ONE and the SAME synthetic NON-HUMAN GENE, then get as many new diseases as injected people, due to the fact that everyone has a different genetic footprint.. Then get AI to build your new 'personalized' cancer gene therapy afterwards, based on the inserted KNOWN PATENTED genes in the first place. The result? Wiping out most of the population with just one synthetic gene..

'COMPLEXITY' of 'health care': with every new introduced drug, there are more diseases, due to drug interactions with all previous drugs! That chain reaction causes never-ending list of new diseases, like the Pfizer list of >1000 siee effects of its jabs, and of course profits for the cartels!

'Building the health care market': how to generate 1.7 millions of NEW diabetic patients??? Lower the allowable sugar values from the sick patients to a level of almost normal patients! You get millions of patients now needing insulin. How to get more cholesterol drugs on the market? Lower the 'allowable' cholesterol values from 240 to 200 like it was done in 1998 and you get 43 MILLIONS of new 'high cholesterol ' patients!! EASY job Sec. RF Kennedy Jr. , change the VALUES!!!

'Health and food': how to get higher and higher allowable glyphosate values?? Plant more and more GMO's and these values will increase, and so amount of sick HUMANS! Literally every case of disaster is 'produced' centrally by the gov, by the science, by the MD's..

SInce many got fooled by this entire criminal cabal, to find a solution right now, the first is to:

STOP THE SYNTHETIC GENETIC MODIFICATIONS of HUMANS NOW!!! FORBID ALL synthetic gene 'therapies', all GMO's completely!!!!

Last but not least, for the entire 'centralized/personalized/criminal' 'health care system', here a message to the rulers:

my health is NOT YOUR business, unless I ASK FOR IT in case I decide to need an advice..

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You are clearly an intelligent and insightful person. Thank you for taking the time to write this comment!

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thank you, but I'm not, just reading a lot and like to share, so that we all know more, with every day;)

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What are the real news on this topic? David E. Martin told us since long, Sasha Latipova does not stop informing the world about this bioweapon. So: what is the information in the alleged 6000 papers which could cover new information?

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Clearly you are very sharp and up to speed. Kudos! I’m hoping those 6000 pages contain the details of exactly how their weapon is made and also hopefully a cure. Would you create a highly transmissible weapon without also having some sort of protection or cure you could use to save your own skin? I know I wouldn’t.

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So when Bobby Kennedy said there were indicators that these injections were designed and were race-targeted, was he wrong?

Humankind will self destruct if it doesn't wake the hell up soon.

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The virus was never isolated, only sequenced. People died in larger numbers upon the jab roll out. The jab is Covid! John Beaudoin has found this in the data. That’s why it was so easy to mimic flu symptoms, whilst the flu took a holiday.

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Exactly. So what is "it" that's being talked about when the (erroneous) term, "virus", is being used, in the context of this (or any other) "discovery" of what's beeing "seen" ? "Viruses" have never been proven to exist according to Koch's Postulates. Old Merck manuals describe "viruses" as microscopic parasites, not some invisible unicorn "germ" flitting about, making people "sick". The "field" of medicine hasn't established the existence of these boogeyman "viruses"; and Dr Judy Mikovits, scientist who worked on developing this for decades, has been very clear that "viruses" are ALL injected (meaning they don't exist in nature) but have been intentionally placed into what the white-coat demons call "vaccines", to be "activated" (via numerous different possible vectors to create "synptoms" of "illness"). So..... the initial question that must first be answered is... what EXACTLY (really) are these "things" the "community" has labeled as "viruses"? You can talk about ORFs, and spikes, etc; but in the overall context, it seems you must first define and analyze what each "part" (component) of this toxic swill really is and how it was manipulated into existence. It seems the best understanding of this so far has been Dr Ana Maria Mihalcea's (and Clifford Carnicom's, LaQuinta Columna's, etc) work. As long as you hang onto the "virus" theory, it just doesn't seem any significant answers will be found. 🤷‍♀️

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I’m afraid I don’t know about the work done by those people you mentioned. Do they have a substack so I can learn more?

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Perhaps two things can be true at the same time. I have had Covid three times, but I never accepted the jab.

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That doesn't mean you weren't exposed to some type of pathogen or pathogen "activator", like 5G, ionizing radiation, etc, which would create symptoms of illness.

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Also, have you ever taken a flu shot or any other vaccine whatsoever in your lifetime? "Viruses" are ALL injected via quackcines, and can create symptoms soon after injection or lay dormant for a long time until triggered by a different vector.

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Now, this has nothing to do with the unknown lady, but when the talk started about the Virus and then the vaccine I was interested in the TRUTH of the whole situation. I do not know who said this early on , but I know I heard it ,did not read it. They said that because of the formation of this vaccine, not sure this is the wording, the affect of the vaccine causing the medical problems would not be traced back to the vaccine, because there would be a time laps.

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My guess is Fauci/China were working on a human destroying man-made virus for population reduction and it got released early by accident. The mRNA vaccine was a Dept of Defense initiative to stop the virus and Pfizer was selected to distribute it. The vaccine was poorly tested and faulty and ended up being worse than the virus.

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It was not released early, nor by accident. This is a long-planned and developed biotechnological weapon, developed by the D0D. Dr David Martin's work is very clear about the origins and decades of planning. Sasha Latypova, Katherine Watt, Todd Callender, etc have all the data and proof of this as well.

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There are (were) many other covid vaccines, e.g. adenoviral vector vaccines, inactivated vaccines, subunit vaccines, you name it. It just so happens that Doctor "I represent Science™" was looking for an opportunity to unleash the mRNA technology onto the world. In fact he was bragging about that in October 2019. Here is the video: https://www.c-span.org/program/public-affairs-event/universal-flu-vaccine/535344

So when the perfect opportunity had finally arrived on the form of SARS-2, they relentlessly pushed the mRNA vaxxiines and trashed everything else.

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You may well be correct, but that doesn’t explain the SV40 promoter sequence in the product Pfizer had. Also if it was a DoD creation why no SV40 in the Moderna product? I still scratch my head over this.

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While we stool look for novel compounds to bind/neutralize ORF10 (protorporphyrin IX, etc) and finding out their risks, one could use the already known anti-phosphorylation compounds to control excess hyperphosphorylation. These include, but are not limited to:

1. Vitamin D3 (with Vitamin K2)

2. choline (alpha-gpc)

3. lithium chloride

4. Icariin (from Epimedium L. , horny goat weed)

5. Curcumin (from curcuma longa)

6. Berberine (from barberry, coptidis rhizoma)

7. Apigenin (from parsley, chamomile)

8. Quercetin (from citrus fruit peel, onions)

9. Hydroxychloroquine(see : http://doi.org/10.1111/imm.13835)

Which have already been shown to be effective in clinical practice for long covid, PASC, covid-19 injection damage recovery.

EDIT: HCQ added

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Exactly. If you go back to the 2005 studies (that FauciFraud was involved in) that proved conclusively that HCQ is a "cure, treatment, preventative, AND immunization" for SARS/COV; and you consider that extreme measures were taken to demonize and discredit HCQ (to the point that they murdered the owner [and his wife] of the largest pHARMa producing company of HCQ, and then they burned down materials plants that made components for HCQ across the world) one has to wonder if the answer to "repair" the mRNA, gene-therapy, c0vid bioweapon jab damage isn't an extremely simple remedy/cure -- HCQ. Another aspect to consider is that they would not release/unleash a pathogen/bioweapon (IF a pathogen was even released) for which they did not have a sure-fire remedy to protect themselves with; and given the absurd, diabolical extent they went to make HCQ unavailable to the useless eaters they were intent on k!lling, the cure had to be readily available and already in existence to protect THEMSELVES (from the alleged symptoms) or from being harmed by that which they may have been releasing on humanity.

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I'd like to thank you and colleagues for the tireless research.

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Thank you Phillip. I am impressed. Shocking news.

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Great intro to this video! I will send this to my friends along with the video itself. Thank you for your great work!

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Kiwis produced it the film, Brenton Faithful is a NZ embalmer and Dr Matt Shelton is a NZ GP

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I’ve believed this to have been a bio weapon created in a laboratory all along! It hit me hard to know that once our blood samples are taken we haven’t any rights as how they’re used. I remember being told genetic testing for ancestry is oftentimes done in China of all places. Even my 5th grade students were questioning the narratives and propaganda we were being fed when public schools locked down. The Blue Ribbon schools in my neighborhood never locked down. Everyone called me a conspiracy theorist because I believed many Black/Brown people were dying because they were shut up in nursing homes, their homes and communities during winter months when they needed the sun the most to build their immunity. I begged people to take vitamin D3.

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