Locking people up in their houses and starving them to death works great! Starvation and suicide have saved so many people from Covid and even more horrifying fates, like cancer and listening to a Joe Biden speech.

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Zero COVID policy doesn't work ... period. Not for China. Not for anyone. Any suggestion that it might supports the violations of human right used to try to achieve what is a totally nonsensical policy anyway. How a Dr could consider writing in support of such a policy, even vaguely, beggars belief. When natural immunity is more than capable of coping and there are totally effective treatment options possible, there is no case to suggest any type of "vaccine/gene therapy" is necessary. Let's stick to the proven science.

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Strange how this doctor, in 2020, was featuring so many people who were into early treatment and then standard measures to deal with respiratory viruses and now he thinks maybe zero covid is worth it if it can avoid even mild illness? all the horror of zero covid because it's so important to make sure that no one ever catches this thing, even if almost everyone has the ability (if not messed with) to handle it and move on? wtf :(

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Sweden already did the work for us. Lowest excess mortality in Europe. No masks, mandates, lockdowns, and limited passports if at all.

China is a dismal failure.

The only thing to ask is why are they doing it? Do they know something we don't?

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Zero covid policy is no free lunch. Its human and economic cost to China should have been huge. Much much more than the one from a normal encounter with the virus like any other country. So it is not a policy for the future for any one. Technically it prevented the Chinese population from having any kind of natural protection from past exposures when Omicron struck them a few months ago ferociously. Their vaccine based protection from the past also had disappeared. Omicron had a free run, the population quickly got herd immunity that was enough to force Omicron withdraw as quickly as it stuck them. Technically, this was a classic example of a full scale, pure herd immunity at work. Very little fresh vaccinations would have taken place in that quick surge. On the face of it, China can claim to have had the last laugh. But it would not admit its horrendous cost. So next time, like Sweden, we should allow the infection to spread to generate quick herd immunity. But unlike Sweden, institute early effective treatments regimen, to take care of the sick.

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China....hummmmm it's all so interesting....what more truths will show up? That's the thing..truth always finds it's way up to the top .... and then logic is there ..... what amazing times we are in

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We already have a working mucosal defense system, that just needs proper support in the form of good nutrition (especially vitamin D and low carb diet), an unpolluted environment, and a healthy active life. 97% of people were immune to severe Covid19 due to previous coronavirus exposure and possibly SARS-Cov exposure. There were promising early treatments for those at risk, that merely needed government support for research and proving and scaling up. No vaccine was ever needed.

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So China could be looking towards a bright future, while the rest of us could be facing long-term disability...

Imagine if the West had to rely on aid & medical support from China (& even Russia etc.) in the near future. How ironic that would be...

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This man made “virus” has @ LEAST a 99.7% survivability for the vast majority of mankind. NONE of what was perpetrated by global elites (masks, distancing, lockdowns, “vaccination”) was @ all about public health or a “pandemic”. It was & is a scam & depopulation agenda.

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Did the CCP hack your account?????

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From what I understand, antigen-specific antibodies that generate in the mucosa are short-lived at best (as opposed to those that generate systemically as a result of viremia). The primary response to a coronavirus therefore appears to be cellular (NK cells and Tcells) not humoral . There are the broad-based innate antibodies at the mucosa, also. In addition to that, it seems the development of long-term immune memory (which would be the goal of vaccination) requires the activation of Tcells as well as the LINKED recognition of a bouquet of viral epitopes (primarily functionally-constrained proteins) via HLA receptor protein display of infected cells, interferon signaling, and apoptosis, by which the cellular contents of infected cells come into contact with Bcells at the mucosa and then, ultimately, the lymph nodes, (where the Tcells also activate Bcells). These mechanisms would not be sufficiently triggered through ANY replication-deficient vaccine, and would therefore be reliant upon adaptive antibodies, which do not seem to last and are neither sufficient or necessary to abrogate an infection.

So, while these mucosal vaccines might be less likely to be harmful from an AE standpoint, their effectiveness could be quite limited and here still might be issues of ADE or OAS if they do target a very narrow range of structural epitopes.

At this point, I would also think that due to random mutation and recombination (especially of the notorious spike), that SARS Cov2 has become, at least for the previously infected/recovered and likely for the uninfected/untransfected, nothing more than a common cold, like its relatives. Obviously, it is capable of causing repeated infections but is essentially harmless/more of a nuisance (and unlikely to to be ever "vaccinateable". Whether this bears out for the repeatedly boosted and transfected is another matter. Just a few thoughts based on my readings etc.

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You will be able to compare Ad5-nCoV in China and BBV154 in India. Both are replication-deficient adenovirus vaccines that encode the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Both countries are the first to authorize nasal C19 vaccines. Both have different epidemiological policies.

Does anyone know any non-replicating vaccine that was capable to vaccinate human population out of pandemic?

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