Good work Dr.McMillan


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VAERS reports evidenced how horrifically dangerous COVID injections are early on providing not just a signal but a continually blaring alarm, which is exactly what that system was designed to do. And before that infection fatality rate data clearly evidenced that the great majority faced no meaningful risk of mortality from COVID (by mid 2020!). No medical specialization and very little homework was needed to understand these realities, the information was accessible to any reasonably astute adult. The enormous error many made and all too often continue to make is believing politicians, government bureaucrats, big tech and politicized corporate media are competent, honest and worthy of trust. We now know they are in fact worthy of nothing but our disdain. In fact behavior of individuals in those institutions often evidences mental disturbance (pathological deceit, and worse) not simple incompetence. And note, as indicated in this Substack post they aren't getting better.

As for the so called medical "profession"....SHAME on the vast majority of them. It is hard to believe they could possibly be so obtuse which leaves cowardice as the explanation for their failure to protect those who trusted them from this mind numbingly destructive and often lethal medical fraud. They were, and are still, being attacked by demented political beasts but if they had all acted like competent, courageous professionals the ongoing mass maiming and killing of innocent human beings would have stopped long ago.

The extent of consequent liability, civil and in some cases criminal, is now so massive it is difficult to comprehend.

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Frighteningly true.

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A good friend suffered atrial fibrillation, then autoimmune hepatitis, then a heart attack, despite having the heart and arteries of an 18 year old.(per her cardiologist). When she asked her doctor if these events could be related to the covid injections, her doctor simply responded, “yes and yes”.

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You are definitely ‘over the target’ Philip. Keep up the brilliant work - your analysis and choice of guests has been outstanding. I regularly recommend your channel to enquiring minds.

Greetings from Melbourne, Aus.

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Thank you.

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You went wrong by posting on Youtube Phil

stick to Rumble and odysee.

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This, pardon the punt, is close to my heart. I refused the vaccine because I did my research and for one it was never. a vaccine. As it turned out when I was very young, a teenager, I had rheumatic fever which caused a Failure of unusually the aortic valve, normally its the mitral valve that fails. In December 22, 37 years after the operation to replace the aortic valve, at the young age of 19, I had to have another operation, because my aorta had become dilated. I was told by my GP, you must take the vaccine, you have heart condition. I refused, nothing made sense to me and having a degree in Engineering helped immensely in justifying my decision. The surgery conducted in. December 2022 involved a new ascending aorta and new mechanical aortic valve. Post surgery which went very well, the surgeon told me I was lucky man, and why, well the dilated aorta had already burst and the outer thin layer was all that was keeping me alive. My surgeon said to me several times I should be dead. Going by what happened to Victor I am quite sure I would be, if I had of taken the so called vaccine, which is really a gene therapy drug.

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Thank you for sharing.

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Well well well... The say that de vaccines are safe and effektive..... they haven´t presented any merits when a "medicine"/"vaccine" or a genetic preparate are safe... no deaths? no adverse events? OR 1 per million or 1000 per million severe events/deaths? And effektive+++ You will not spread the virus to other people ever OR within 1week, 1month, 1year,10years.... if the virus changes (mutates) will the "vaccine" still prevent infection created from the new strain? Is even with the rapid change of variants a possibility to be on par with the different variants.... we are om variant 3 now.... and the bivalent (v1+v2 50/50) seems not to been flying..... OR am I missing something.... the sooner we investigate things mentioned above the sooner we will have an effective cure.... any false information is easily debunked..... In a normal world scientists screams for money whenever there are a possibility to perform research..... compare to the not proven climate change things.... it has been much warmer and has been much carbon dioxid in play during some past periods.... hm.. can there be another reasoning behind the censoring? Beats me!

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I listened to the entire interview yesterday and bless those three for trying to warn others and to expose what has been happening. There are days where I tell myself we have to be living in a simulation or it's just one long, horrible dream, that there is no way doctors would behave so horribly and greedily, no way our voices would be censored like this for so many years now, but then the reality hits me and I don't have the greatest view of mankind these days. It's like a switch has flipped...like people's VMAT2 has been tinkered with (the "God gene")...no more empathy, only narcissism and greed.

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They can go and get well f ed.

Brother in law almost died

Cousins son almost died

Ex employee, spontaneous abortion

Colleague, so damaged cant legally drive

Friend, blood clot in brain.

Zero bad covid, not one person I know of from all these "antivaxxers". Zip, no hospital, no illness worse than a flu

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Sorry to hear.

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Thanks mate, they can't turn back time and all were coerced or lied to.

Bad times are coming because this is too large to be about money and they have brazenly been telling us what they plan.

You're obviously mate's with Dr Chetty, he gets it and was stating exactly what it is 3 years ago.

This is about power and domination, they are almost another species in their emptyness and distortion.

Hope you all continue with the blood microscopy, it needs credibility and exposure.

So few are worthy of the title doctor, thanks for fighting.

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Patricia Hooker

I had Stevens-Johnson Syndrome from the Astra Zenica. I made a report on the Yellow Card and then made F.O.I. request, I was told 15 cases of SJS had been reported in relation to Covid-19. vaccinations, however my request was then covered by a section 22, information exempt from disclosure from 14.7.21. Section 22 is part of the Official Secrets Act, one does wonder what’s going on here?


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Those parasites will do anything to brought you down because you are enlightened the people of the world. They created a virus and then created their silence killer vaccine , l have lost friends because of this vaccine, they are going to accomplish their the report global to the president 2000 agenda because people believe in healthcare workers so called doctors, pharmaceutical companies trained doctors to sales their products to us “ so called customers in their medical books" am not saying that the virus doesn’t cause problems but the elephant in the room is worse than the virus itself.stay blessed

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You didn't went wrong. Science is all about questioning and following the evidence no matter where it leads. The problem is with YouTube and all other social platforms that are actively censuring science in name of a new kind of religion named "The Science".

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Great Work of reporting. You did not go wrong. The censorship and violation of free speech is glaringly evident. 1984 seems to be the playbook.

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Utter, evil scum. It is difficult not to wish upon those who censor, and those who pull their strings, the same things that has happened to the sons of these two brave Mums. Some people may guffaw at this comment, but I really do feel that this is a spiritual battle between Good and Evil.

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Youtube needs to be sued by some organization (with fairly deep pockets) for causing harm by endorsing unproven statements of the government and blocking scientific discussion.

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In theory correct, in practice, difficult to execute.

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Dr M, thank you for Being YOU!

I am grateful for all you doctors of integrity 🙏🏻

I must say this: we all know YouTube is corrupt and part of the “deep state” so why are any of the Awakened Ones STILL on YouTube. There are other platforms of truth run by people of courage and honesty. Encourage their success and help with the demise & implosion of the YouTube cabal by moving your content elsewhere. I completely got away from Farcebook, PedoGram, and YT a couple years ago. I do consider myself better informed now and don’t miss the debauchery found on these social media sites. We know that very sick & dark people are behind the censorship and propaganda found on these sites. I am certain that if there are any “sleeper” ones following you on YT & suddenly can no longer find your content….they will start to question WHY. IMO. Bye for now.

Be well and be blessed ☮️

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Unfortunatley UT still has the highrst viewing audience, even if it stays up for a few hours, its still a win.

Also when it finally comes to the day of retrubution few can claim not to know

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