Good explanation, can share this with a few people as they will grasp this better. Few of my older relatives struggle to understand a lot of the science and they need to get the basics so they can stay out of the shark pool. 😉

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Has there been an increase in Graves disease since McVax rollout?

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Very well explained by Dr. Lewis Coleman. This is how even mild symptoms are deceptive in repeat vaccinated people, when they also get repeat infections. The symptoms may not have anything to do with the clotting risks ahead. It is also necessary to study the nature of repeat infections in people who have not taken any shots in the last one year. Overall, the road ahead is clear. Stop all further vaccinations, use early treatments and classic URT medications rather than Paxlovid for those getting infected. Let the infection quietly spread to create better quality natural resistance in the population. But the west, USA in particular, is no mood to see the simple clinical logic. Omicrons have shown much of elsewhere that it can quit on its terms - not putting it in a perpetual squabble with the vaccine - but for some reason the USA wouldn’t let it go. Even after knowing that in this squabble, the virus is always the winner.

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