If the "experts" showed repurposed drugs like Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine were useful at fighting COVID, there would be no emergency use authorizations for the jab. Big Pharma would have missed out on tens of billions $$$.
That gov'ts around the world allow this to happen is the unforgivable crime.
Dr MacMillan, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Peter Mccullough and others who push the Comprehensive Treatment protocols and anti-vax message are all put in the category of "Mini Honduras"...to be censored, to be harassed, to be suppressed。 This is tragic.
The warning from Dr. MacMillan is stark..the world is heading for an even greater disaster in deaths due to suppression of information about effective multi-faceted treatment.
Honduras has the lowest Covid death rate, but their way of treating C-19 patients was rejected because science did not like to believe a third-world country could be scientifically accepted. What an absolute scandal and arrogance.
I am learning about the experience of Honduras in detail for the first time, but in the context of our Indian experience which I have followed closely and found it very similar, I have written several times including here that best medicinal experiences are a world good and must be adopted by everyone, no matter where those practices emerged from. More than arrogance, it was the prevalent medicinal system of the country that is to be blamed.
Keep up your good work, it is needed and appreciated.
Btw, you might want to check out Chlorine Dioxide and its almost complete ban/disinformation campaigns waged by almost all governments--due to its effectiveness and safety including Covid-1984.
I am not a medical practitioner, but a senior citizen retired organic chemist (PhD). Though I began communicating to Dr. McMillan, Dr. McCullough and others more than two years ago, only in these few months I have begun extensively writing into the sub stack presentations of Dr. McMillan and a couple of others. My views are highlighted by early treatments, anti histamines and URT medications, multiple drugs and multi mechanisms - the very points characterising the astounding story of Honduras. This was not rocket science, but common sense clinical thinking. This pattern you will find in India also, the breakthroughs beginning in mid 2021 in the midst of a devastating delta wave. That is when early treatments and multiple drugs including Ivermectin took over, thanks to the initiatives of thousands and thousands of private doctors. India’s absolute numbers are among the highest, but on a per million basis, it could be in Honduras league. After the first few months in 2022, Omicron is now here a whimper. Not 300000 deaths, I have stuck my neck out and said that every single of the million plus deaths in the USA could have been saved if this early treatment plus common medicine strategy had been followed in March 2020 itself, for which enough past work background was already known. For much of the first eighteen months of the pandemic, almost the entire world ( save Honduras ? ) was groping (not in the dark) when solutions were just behind plain sight.
Kudos to doctor Fernardo Valerio for his analysis and excellent understanding of C19 pathophysiology. I would argue that the most beneficial effects from the proposed multi-drug treatment for inpatient cohort were from steroids and anti-coagulants, and for out-patient setting – from anti-septics. Although Ivermectin is a wonderful compound, it could provide hardly any positive effect for the hospitalized patient in case of alfa, beta and gamma strains, simply because its administration was delayed. Therefore, heath authorities in other countries were reluctant to recommend it, and censors were keen to ban any discussion about it.
The issue with Ivermectin was because symptoms of SC2 start to appear from second day or later after infection. This is the time when PAK1 and PAK4 are already activated, and microvilli are already grown into motile cilia like structures.
If you wanted to enrol such a person into a clinical trial to prove the effectiveness of Ivermectin, then this all were in vain, because no matter how good or bad was the trial design, administration of Ivermectin could be started from day 5 onwards in best case scenario, usually from day 7, when steroids and anti-coagulants were needed for hospitalized patients, instead of antivirals and anti-inflammatory agents.
This problem was with most drugs against early strains of SC2. Because serious SC2 infection requires combination therapy using multi-drug treatment. And any clinical trial of a single agent generated poor results, when placebo got combination therapy.
This podcast is turning out to be close to my heart. Suddenly I find there is so much to share - that I have got to realise and understand in these three years and was struggling to find a forum and an interested audience to share. First it seems even Honduras didn’t get their calculations right in 2020 and until mid 2021. That drugs like Ivermectin, Azithromycin and HCQ were inadequate as single drugs, but needed in combinations supported by Montelukast, Levocetrizine, other anti histamines, Aspirin etc. In this phase of the pandemic, almost the entire world followed the Western drumbeat that there are no dedicated antivirals and so there are no dedicated initial/early treatment in this phase, leaving patients riding their luck, many in hospitals. Only sometime in the first half of 2021, did the medicinal community in many places realised this folly of following the drum beat and the realisation about the correct clinical options. I am surprised that Dr. Fernanado did not use anti histamines in his protocols, though colchicine could have provided some back up. Second in countries like India, even though doctors are formally registered with the Council, are free to follow their medicinal instincts, not exactly constrained from the top. Many suddenly thought of what is correct. Many could have been influenced by listening to people like Dr. Shankara Chetty. So switch to early treatments and classical medicines was not a government directive around mid 2021, whose emphasis continued to be vaccinations - first and second. So the adoption did not require politicians in power to be co-opted to the view. As it happened, towards end of 2021 and in the short Omicron burst in early 2022, govt too quietly adopted this protocol offering these medicines free to outpatients in community clinics. That such systems do not exist in the West, with their own checks and balances as necessary, is a leash on their populations.
During the first UK covid lockdowns - when there were restrictions on entering pubs - the British Government allowed British pubs to serve takeaway pints for the first time. Last month the British Government announced that the right to sell takeaway pints would end on September 30th.
Guess what?
A few hours ago the British Government announced that pubs will now continue to be allowed to serve takeaway pints until 2025. Why this sudden complete u-turn of policy?
The UK Government knows that another lockdown is coming?
If the "experts" showed repurposed drugs like Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine were useful at fighting COVID, there would be no emergency use authorizations for the jab. Big Pharma would have missed out on tens of billions $$$.
That gov'ts around the world allow this to happen is the unforgivable crime.
Dr MacMillan, Dr. Ryan Cole, Dr. Peter Mccullough and others who push the Comprehensive Treatment protocols and anti-vax message are all put in the category of "Mini Honduras"...to be censored, to be harassed, to be suppressed。 This is tragic.
Sadly true.
The warning from Dr. MacMillan is stark..the world is heading for an even greater disaster in deaths due to suppression of information about effective multi-faceted treatment.
There is no greater disaster than leaders ignoring options because of politics.
The outcomes are likely to be horrific.
Great article. Your podcast are the highlight of my day...........
Thank you.
Honduras has the lowest Covid death rate, but their way of treating C-19 patients was rejected because science did not like to believe a third-world country could be scientifically accepted. What an absolute scandal and arrogance.
So well said
I am learning about the experience of Honduras in detail for the first time, but in the context of our Indian experience which I have followed closely and found it very similar, I have written several times including here that best medicinal experiences are a world good and must be adopted by everyone, no matter where those practices emerged from. More than arrogance, it was the prevalent medicinal system of the country that is to be blamed.
Wonderful addition to this topic, thank you!
And so thoughtfully resourced with pdf and video!
Get free, stay safe.
Thank you.
Keep up your good work, it is needed and appreciated.
Btw, you might want to check out Chlorine Dioxide and its almost complete ban/disinformation campaigns waged by almost all governments--due to its effectiveness and safety including Covid-1984.
I am not a medical practitioner, but a senior citizen retired organic chemist (PhD). Though I began communicating to Dr. McMillan, Dr. McCullough and others more than two years ago, only in these few months I have begun extensively writing into the sub stack presentations of Dr. McMillan and a couple of others. My views are highlighted by early treatments, anti histamines and URT medications, multiple drugs and multi mechanisms - the very points characterising the astounding story of Honduras. This was not rocket science, but common sense clinical thinking. This pattern you will find in India also, the breakthroughs beginning in mid 2021 in the midst of a devastating delta wave. That is when early treatments and multiple drugs including Ivermectin took over, thanks to the initiatives of thousands and thousands of private doctors. India’s absolute numbers are among the highest, but on a per million basis, it could be in Honduras league. After the first few months in 2022, Omicron is now here a whimper. Not 300000 deaths, I have stuck my neck out and said that every single of the million plus deaths in the USA could have been saved if this early treatment plus common medicine strategy had been followed in March 2020 itself, for which enough past work background was already known. For much of the first eighteen months of the pandemic, almost the entire world ( save Honduras ? ) was groping (not in the dark) when solutions were just behind plain sight.
Agreed Moro.
Kudos to doctor Fernardo Valerio for his analysis and excellent understanding of C19 pathophysiology. I would argue that the most beneficial effects from the proposed multi-drug treatment for inpatient cohort were from steroids and anti-coagulants, and for out-patient setting – from anti-septics. Although Ivermectin is a wonderful compound, it could provide hardly any positive effect for the hospitalized patient in case of alfa, beta and gamma strains, simply because its administration was delayed. Therefore, heath authorities in other countries were reluctant to recommend it, and censors were keen to ban any discussion about it.
The issue with Ivermectin was because symptoms of SC2 start to appear from second day or later after infection. This is the time when PAK1 and PAK4 are already activated, and microvilli are already grown into motile cilia like structures.
If you wanted to enrol such a person into a clinical trial to prove the effectiveness of Ivermectin, then this all were in vain, because no matter how good or bad was the trial design, administration of Ivermectin could be started from day 5 onwards in best case scenario, usually from day 7, when steroids and anti-coagulants were needed for hospitalized patients, instead of antivirals and anti-inflammatory agents.
This problem was with most drugs against early strains of SC2. Because serious SC2 infection requires combination therapy using multi-drug treatment. And any clinical trial of a single agent generated poor results, when placebo got combination therapy.
Thank you.
See my comments in the boxes below. On multi drug treatments, I hold similar views.
Piercing insights .
HCQ and IVM and Vit D? Is that what was unsaid?
Much more than that. Take a look at the presentation.
You are not USA, your success does not count. USA is committing suicide with such arrogant attitude.
This podcast is turning out to be close to my heart. Suddenly I find there is so much to share - that I have got to realise and understand in these three years and was struggling to find a forum and an interested audience to share. First it seems even Honduras didn’t get their calculations right in 2020 and until mid 2021. That drugs like Ivermectin, Azithromycin and HCQ were inadequate as single drugs, but needed in combinations supported by Montelukast, Levocetrizine, other anti histamines, Aspirin etc. In this phase of the pandemic, almost the entire world followed the Western drumbeat that there are no dedicated antivirals and so there are no dedicated initial/early treatment in this phase, leaving patients riding their luck, many in hospitals. Only sometime in the first half of 2021, did the medicinal community in many places realised this folly of following the drum beat and the realisation about the correct clinical options. I am surprised that Dr. Fernanado did not use anti histamines in his protocols, though colchicine could have provided some back up. Second in countries like India, even though doctors are formally registered with the Council, are free to follow their medicinal instincts, not exactly constrained from the top. Many suddenly thought of what is correct. Many could have been influenced by listening to people like Dr. Shankara Chetty. So switch to early treatments and classical medicines was not a government directive around mid 2021, whose emphasis continued to be vaccinations - first and second. So the adoption did not require politicians in power to be co-opted to the view. As it happened, towards end of 2021 and in the short Omicron burst in early 2022, govt too quietly adopted this protocol offering these medicines free to outpatients in community clinics. That such systems do not exist in the West, with their own checks and balances as necessary, is a leash on their populations.
The idea was to kill people not save them.
During the first UK covid lockdowns - when there were restrictions on entering pubs - the British Government allowed British pubs to serve takeaway pints for the first time. Last month the British Government announced that the right to sell takeaway pints would end on September 30th.
Guess what?
A few hours ago the British Government announced that pubs will now continue to be allowed to serve takeaway pints until 2025. Why this sudden complete u-turn of policy?
The UK Government knows that another lockdown is coming?
Thank you.