DON'T believe this news about Dr Andreas Kalker. This article was purposely made to misrepresent his character and the to try to defame his credibility on Chlorine Dioxide. The business insider, is known to LIE about the innovations on alternative medicine. If you PERSONALLY contact Dr Andreas Kalker, he will EXPOSE ALL THE LIES MADE AG…
DON'T believe this news about Dr Andreas Kalker. This article was purposely made to misrepresent his character and the to try to defame his credibility on Chlorine Dioxide. The business insider, is known to LIE about the innovations on alternative medicine. If you PERSONALLY contact Dr Andreas Kalker, he will EXPOSE ALL THE LIES MADE AGAINST HIM on the phone to you. I know of MANY OF PEOPLE personally, have have ALREADY COMPLETELY CURED ALL THEIR AILMENTS WITH ONLY CHLORINE DIOXIDE. Real life results, DONT LIE!
DON'T believe this news about Dr Andreas Kalker. This article was purposely made to misrepresent his character and the to try to defame his credibility on Chlorine Dioxide. The business insider, is known to LIE about the innovations on alternative medicine. If you PERSONALLY contact Dr Andreas Kalker, he will EXPOSE ALL THE LIES MADE AGAINST HIM on the phone to you. I know of MANY OF PEOPLE personally, have have ALREADY COMPLETELY CURED ALL THEIR AILMENTS WITH ONLY CHLORINE DIOXIDE. Real life results, DONT LIE!