Patients with depression usually use selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors which stimulate cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway that is potent activator of regulatory and effector T cells to prevent hypersensitivity, hyper-inflammation and coagulopathy during infection with SC2.

I would argue that anxiety and fear-related disorders are caused by dysregulation of endocrine system. A good strategy for prevention of severe Covid-19 for such patients is diet change: from carbohydrates to protein diet. Carnivore diet for instance. I lack data to explain the molecular mechanism of that, but cortisol, B0AT1, GABA, glutamine have roles in all that.

I noticed anecdotal case when patient with adrenaline rush had asymptomatic C19, while surrounding individuals had mild to severe C19. Therefore, overactive adrenal glands are not always predisposition to severe C19.

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There are many factors that contribute to weakening of the immune system, and increasing vulnerability to myriad diseases. They also contribute to synergistic interactions, as discussed in the following.

An OpEd titled "Have we entered a self-sustaining modus operandi for COVID-19?" has been posted recently on Trial Site News (https://trialsitenews.com/have-we-entered-a-self-sustaining-modus-operandi-for-covid-19/#comments). It addresses potential consequences of COVID-19 "vaccinations" followed by repeated boosters. Because most of the critical infrastructure personnel in the USA (doctors, nurses, military, law enforcement, teachers, pilots, etc.) were required to receive the initial COVID-19 "vaccinations" in order to remain employed, and are being required to get the boosters to remain employed, the consequences for the USA could be catastrophic if the scenario posited in the OpEd comes to pass. Recent events suggest we have entered the initial phases of this scenario.

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