Thank you Dr McMillan, for searching for the truth! Yes, we definitely need transparency... Good news from Idaho. They had stopped the Covid vaccines from being distributed from their clinics!!

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Thanks be to God!

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Thanks for this very interesting discussion Philip and Lisa, and for alerting us to NFPs.

It’s bewildering how the WHO has this power over us without our consent, with ‘our’ governments apparently consorting with the WHO behind our backs, and setting up mass populations to be exploited by deliberately manufactured crises.

It seems to me we should be getting on the front foot and attacking the WHO for the damage it has wrought by the declaration of the SARS-CoV-2 PHEIC, aka ‘FAKE’, which has looted the people of the world, and sought to enslave them via a social credit system under the guise of surveillance/vaccine passports. This is the biggest crime of all time.

It is shocking now to discover that many of the institutions in our countries have been captured and are not working in the best interests of the people, eg the medical profession which has injected people under coercion and mandates, trashing voluntary informed consent; the legal system that has facilitated this travesty; the research sector that serves pHarma; political parties which appear to have been infiltrated by vested interests, i.e. the World Economic Forum; and the mainsteam media that has spread propaganda and mis/disinformed the public. Even the churches have betrayed the people by collaborating with draconian impositions that undermine humanity.

How do we the people effectively pushback against this treachery?

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None of our current crop of politicians know about it.

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Thanks Lisa for another informative presentation. I had only vaguely heard of these before and didn’t realize how secretive the existence of, let alone the location of, these nodes of tyranny infrastructure, was.

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"The biggest crime of all time." 10-4 on that.

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Dr. McMillan: This fills in a few gaps I had in my book and corrects two of my misconceptions. The rest of the substack Doctors and researchers have been invaluable. So thank you. https://youtu.be/TcbuqQd57rY?si=Kc-ukoltYBz09--A

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Dr. McMillan

I am sorry. Maybe it is a coincidence but whenever someone's info helps me the censorship gangs attack them. It just seems to happen often.

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Dr McMillan, your question about how many of the other organisations that privately fund the WHO are funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is spot on! I just looked up GAVI (who are the 2nd biggest private funder behind B&MG) and the B&MG Foundation is the top listing under "Core partners". So basically, the WHO is mostly funded by B&MG and the member countries are beholden to them.

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According to David Martin when the WHO was formed back in the 1950’s it was considered to be a criminal organisation,contravened the Sherman act etc. Setup by the Rockefeller’s/Rothschild etc for the distribution and dumping of drugs out of Europe on to unsuspecting other countries. Check it out please.

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I will. Thank you.

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DOD, DARPA and the Pentagon are behind this disaster. DOD contracted for the Jonestown Jabs to be manufactured. Just follow Sasha Latypova's Substack as well as her website. She connects the dots on this subject.

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Dr McMillan, good morning. I’ve just seen this news item in the link and in the text it says that the mouth cancer is connected with HPV. Okay, it may be the virus but I now know that the HPV injectable is based on a genetic modification of something - sorry, rubbish memory for specific details. Could you please do a video on this topic and get into the weeds with HPV, the injectable, the adverse reactions of the injectable, and if the injectable could create cancer (presumably by oral s@x, but may be not) and if the injectable can cause cancer and gets going whether the test for HPV causation could be confused with identifying the true virus being the cause when actually it’s the injectable? Do we think that the high IgG4 levels as a result of the mRNA injectables are enabling the higher tongue cancer rate, or could the true source be the mRNA injectable but because of the HPV injectables that the HPV proteins are being misidentified as being the source of the disease?


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But WHO did not recommend locking down, as I recall, correct? I am confused as Denmark did lock down a lot of society.

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Not being able to find out who is actually in charge and caused and managed this genocide/democide is part of the game they play. No one is responsible, everyone is responsible. It just somehow happened and it's safe and effective and we had good intentions and we never forced anyone to get the injections or they'd lose their job.

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Excellent discussion! Thanks for this elucidation of so many key points!

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Phillip........I do have a good memory, and at the start of the Jab rollout and lockdowns, the WHO did not advocate for all to be injected, and had some reservations about locking down all of the people.

They did however quickly jump on the prevailing narative.

This suggests to me that they were not the source of the chaos, more likely it came from the UN and their insane ideas for the future of mankind, of which the WHO is a usefull player.

All of the crazy ideology we are seeing at the moment, are listed as objectives for the future of mankind, in their agenda publication, using sweet words, like equallity, which translated means, everyone gets it, if they want it or not. Read.......this is not about humane concerns....Its a buisness model, where we are to be treated like cattle.......One big problem to this idea, is the cattle dont live long enough to show any side effects, to this strategy.

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The WHO is part of the United Nations. So this edition applies to the WHO too. See

http://www.truedemocracy.net/td-17/index.html It's a small edition, because the thesis was is easy to prove. It only contains scholarly research/articles.


Arlene Johnson



To access the rest of my work, which is also top secret history, click on the icon that says Magazine. It's free.

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This is a VERY IMPOTANT subject. But how many can or are willing to watch for over an hour.. PLEASE produced a shortened nuts and bolts only 20 minutes Thanks

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You have only given more specific details of how the whole influence chain rolled in this pandemic that we have known, with the big Pharma at the top. Let me configure the story. On the one hand, China stunned the world with its crippling lockouts into believing that is how the virus can be handled. Its announced/gleaned numbers were always low and the world thought that is the way to do it. This suited big Pharma, waiting on the wings to push its rush developed products like vaccines and new anti virals. Both happenings stifled any opening for repurposed medicines and treatment, leaving the sick to their luck. Deaths rained as no attempts were made for early treatments on the priority of saving the sick first. The world literally froze clinically in 2020, looking at vaccines as the life line. The vaccine was a life line for political leaderships too in some countries. But this hold lasted for only till about mid 2021 in the peak of the delta wave. From then on, the biology of the virus versus vaccine issue split the world into two camps. The poorly vaccinated and not highly revaccinated countries that also took to early repurposed treatment could literally be from the virus by about mid 2022. This seems to be a largely people’s writ and involving thousands of private doctors and the government had to loosen the WHO line of repeat vaccinations. People in the West and rich countries could not break the stranglehold line of repeat vaccinations. The rut still continues in those countries. The early months of the pandemic belonged to those influential self serving groups world over, has been continuing in parts of the world and has been broken free in other parts of the world. But these influential groups like WHO, national medical and health agencies, big Pharma, the private donors/foundations cannot forever be looked at by the world as adversaries. In the context of repurposed medicines as the saviour for the World, they have an outsized role to play.

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Big Pharma is not at the top of the influence chain.... DOD, DARPA, and the Pentagon are at the top of this epic disaster. Follow Sasha Latypova's Substack and her website. She connects the dots better than anyone on this topic.

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They have lost all credibility. They're done

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I would like that to be true. People have short memories, there's always a distraction and three card monte is the game they play. the propaganda and mind control never stops.

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