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In my posting here on Apri 1st, I had indicated how I, in these three plus years, have been offering some new and different perspectives on this subject. In that post, I mentioned two points, the first questioning the need in 2020 to wait for new antivirals when the early disease presentations were very familiar. And the second, a bald particle structure for the virus, rather its precursor, that would look very similar to the free moving virus spike remnant - something I wrote in 2021. I would like to continue presenting my other thoughts here that might interest many of you. Please spare your time to read them. My organic chemistry perspectives.

Looking at the chemical structures of the 30-40 drug molecules that were successfully trialled for Covid in 2020 and early 2021 and looking at the chemical structures of over 600 drugs from those streams and others, I concluded that over three quarters of the 2000 odd drugs in use today could be antiviral by virtue of their shared nitrogen structures. The already known idea of Cationic Amphiphilic Drugs (CAD) being anti virals was based on this chemical structure features. I had a very simple chemistry explanation for their anti viral activity, an additional property to whatever their indications were - anti histamines, anti inflammatory, anti biotic, anti psychotic, immune modulating, respiratory conditions etc. Depending on their chemical structure, they would bond electrostatically with the cell surface and protect it from an approaching virus particle OR bond with the active spike segment of the virus and strip it of its attraction to the cell surface. Either way, the work of the virus is stopped. I have been requesting researchers to study such drug virus interactions by instrumental methods and also their in vitro activity against this virus - choosing a selection of 30-40 drugs from many different indications. It can open the flood gates of repurposed therapeutics.

My next point has been early treatments with these old school drugs and how this would stop the spread from a single family setting to the society at large. Here is how. As I said, most of these drugs, including the widely used ones like Azithromycin, Levocetrizine, Ivermectin, HCQ and the like, are actually anti virals, part anti virals. In combinations, they would provide enough anti viral fire power to a freshly infected patient in a household so that he cannot build any large viral load. So his exhale will be weak enough in viral loads not to cause an infection in the members of the household, but to enough to create natural immunity in them without getting sick. Without vaccination, just a simple course of treatment for one creates longer lasting and preferred natural immunity for a family of four or five. Extrapolate this to thousands of households, you will find the spread in the society has stopped, because a kind of herd immunity has set in. This is how, many countries including India where I come from drowned this virus in less than year starting mid 2021 - simple early treatments. Have you heard any one offering this scenario - simple medicines and treatments creating an eventual bulk natural immunity ? Why should one bring the entire population into a vaccine conundrum. Please note the key points here, early treatments and classical medicines. No vaccines, no steroids, no hospitalisations, no serious illness and by extension no deaths. Which other intervention can beat this one in simplicity, costs, accessibility and effectiveness ? Please ponder over.

I am looking to make one more posting soon.

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A small but important typing correction in the first paragraph, line 5. About the bald particle, which to me is a virus precursor moving in the open. I actually meant that this particle resembles the spike segment from the VACCINE, not virus. In June 2021, when I proposed this model in my mail to Dr. McMillan, the phenomenon of free floating ( both in the body and outside) vax spike segments were not known. Would any virologist amongst you like to discuss this picture further with me ? The proposal is not as outlandish as it immediately seems. It might even be a clue to the much contested origin of the virus.

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