I am glad that Dr. McMillan liked my earlier comment here. I am sure my writing in these four years would make a decent book, a common sense view of the pandemic, more to the liking of many commoners who take part in quality podcasts like Dr. McMillan’s. I don’t think any publisher would be interested but at 78, I am still fit, enthusias…
I am glad that Dr. McMillan liked my earlier comment here. I am sure my writing in these four years would make a decent book, a common sense view of the pandemic, more to the liking of many commoners who take part in quality podcasts like Dr. McMillan’s. I don’t think any publisher would be interested but at 78, I am still fit, enthusiastic about the subject and the science involved from my perspective. So I would attempt to make a compilation in the coming months. But I can be sure that I have not seen in the thousand odd comments or dozens of essays I have read some of the lines of thought or emphasis I gave in my writings. For example, often I questioned where was the need to wait for a new anti viral ( for several months) just because the virus was new, when 80% of its features were familiar ones from other known viruses including viral phase symptoms, treatment options with classical medicines etc.. A wait that turned out to be deadly costly in terms of lives lost. I have not read any one raising a view like this. The spontaneous answer to this question from the heart of any doctor would be “ yes, the wait was unnecessary and tragic”. As early as June 2021, I wrote to Dr. McMillan ( my first mail to him) that the particle that freely moves in the air and in and out of people’s respiratory tract could actually be a simple lipid globule with two RNA codes inside. The first code would create all the external features of the virus including spike proteins once the particle is lodged on the cell surface. The second code is for cell entry and viral replication using the cellular mechanisms. Not all such particles need to undergo this further metamorphosis. As much as 90% could be exhaled as such to be picked up by some one in proximity. This bald lipid particle would move freely outside, not substantially affected by elements, thus explaining its easy spread, unaffected by vaccines. Two years later, this description looks suspiciously similar to the behaviour or even the structure of vaccine spike remnants transmitting freely among people in proximity. Beyond this, it is biology and my imagination stops. Someone with biology background could pick it up. I also used to mention how this simple particle model would also explain how it is simply an allergen prompting body’s allergy response in the initial days. I have not read anyone talking about a structural feature like this. Omicrons fit this model even more closely.
I am glad that Dr. McMillan liked my earlier comment here. I am sure my writing in these four years would make a decent book, a common sense view of the pandemic, more to the liking of many commoners who take part in quality podcasts like Dr. McMillan’s. I don’t think any publisher would be interested but at 78, I am still fit, enthusiastic about the subject and the science involved from my perspective. So I would attempt to make a compilation in the coming months. But I can be sure that I have not seen in the thousand odd comments or dozens of essays I have read some of the lines of thought or emphasis I gave in my writings. For example, often I questioned where was the need to wait for a new anti viral ( for several months) just because the virus was new, when 80% of its features were familiar ones from other known viruses including viral phase symptoms, treatment options with classical medicines etc.. A wait that turned out to be deadly costly in terms of lives lost. I have not read any one raising a view like this. The spontaneous answer to this question from the heart of any doctor would be “ yes, the wait was unnecessary and tragic”. As early as June 2021, I wrote to Dr. McMillan ( my first mail to him) that the particle that freely moves in the air and in and out of people’s respiratory tract could actually be a simple lipid globule with two RNA codes inside. The first code would create all the external features of the virus including spike proteins once the particle is lodged on the cell surface. The second code is for cell entry and viral replication using the cellular mechanisms. Not all such particles need to undergo this further metamorphosis. As much as 90% could be exhaled as such to be picked up by some one in proximity. This bald lipid particle would move freely outside, not substantially affected by elements, thus explaining its easy spread, unaffected by vaccines. Two years later, this description looks suspiciously similar to the behaviour or even the structure of vaccine spike remnants transmitting freely among people in proximity. Beyond this, it is biology and my imagination stops. Someone with biology background could pick it up. I also used to mention how this simple particle model would also explain how it is simply an allergen prompting body’s allergy response in the initial days. I have not read anyone talking about a structural feature like this. Omicrons fit this model even more closely.