This is correct to argue that parenteral vaccines can’t stop transmission of airborne respiratory infection, and therefore, can’t be mandated, since the only legitimate basis (collective benefit) for compulsory vaccination against airborne respiratory virus – herd immunity – can’t be achieved by means of the parenteral vaccines.
This is correct to argue that parenteral vaccines can’t stop transmission of airborne respiratory infection, and therefore, can’t be mandated, since the only legitimate basis (collective benefit) for compulsory vaccination against airborne respiratory virus – herd immunity – can’t be achieved by means of the parenteral vaccines.
But I would not argue that it is because of a type of antibodies induced by the vaccines (IgG instead of secretory IgA. You would not mention vaccinal IgG in the mucosa of upper respiratory tract (URT), had you known its neutralizing capacity and half-life). I would argue that health integrity in the URT is ensured primarily mechanistically (nasal hairs, mucus produced by goblet cells, ciliary beating of motile cilia, etc.) rather than immunologically. And even sufficiently primed secretory IgA and tissue resident immune cells in the URT would not protect against the infection when the mechanistic part is compromised.
Secondly, the immunological error was not the main defect that corrupted the pandemic response. The idea that public authority, which has not observed the patient can better protect and cure the patient than the GP who knows the patient, has done more harm than the virus itself. This pathogenic idea prevents informed consent, proper diagnostic and evidence-based treatment from normal functioning. Had the public authority retained the role of the GP’s assistant rather than the boss, then primary care would have prevented secondary care overload, need for vaccine passports and lockdowns.
Additionally, the public health authorities will have to admit that fooling (euphemizing) everyone that gene therapy or prodrug is a vaccine causes more confusion than clarity in a drug regulatory sphere. It will take some time to clean up the regulatory mess.
Well said and well explained. Your view about the perils of bypassing the GP in his patient care is a bullet point. By extension, I would say that whole pandemic response got botched because non GPs ( virologists, epidemiologists even cardiologists ) took charge of the medical administrations including specially constituted Covid committees in many countries. As a result, the patients were left in the lurch. The first response should have been to the patients - means treating the illness. Not worrying about people who were normal now, but could become a patient sometime in future. Live treatments versus vaccinations.
This is correct to argue that parenteral vaccines can’t stop transmission of airborne respiratory infection, and therefore, can’t be mandated, since the only legitimate basis (collective benefit) for compulsory vaccination against airborne respiratory virus – herd immunity – can’t be achieved by means of the parenteral vaccines.
But I would not argue that it is because of a type of antibodies induced by the vaccines (IgG instead of secretory IgA. You would not mention vaccinal IgG in the mucosa of upper respiratory tract (URT), had you known its neutralizing capacity and half-life). I would argue that health integrity in the URT is ensured primarily mechanistically (nasal hairs, mucus produced by goblet cells, ciliary beating of motile cilia, etc.) rather than immunologically. And even sufficiently primed secretory IgA and tissue resident immune cells in the URT would not protect against the infection when the mechanistic part is compromised.
Secondly, the immunological error was not the main defect that corrupted the pandemic response. The idea that public authority, which has not observed the patient can better protect and cure the patient than the GP who knows the patient, has done more harm than the virus itself. This pathogenic idea prevents informed consent, proper diagnostic and evidence-based treatment from normal functioning. Had the public authority retained the role of the GP’s assistant rather than the boss, then primary care would have prevented secondary care overload, need for vaccine passports and lockdowns.
Additionally, the public health authorities will have to admit that fooling (euphemizing) everyone that gene therapy or prodrug is a vaccine causes more confusion than clarity in a drug regulatory sphere. It will take some time to clean up the regulatory mess.
Well explained Janis.
Well said and well explained. Your view about the perils of bypassing the GP in his patient care is a bullet point. By extension, I would say that whole pandemic response got botched because non GPs ( virologists, epidemiologists even cardiologists ) took charge of the medical administrations including specially constituted Covid committees in many countries. As a result, the patients were left in the lurch. The first response should have been to the patients - means treating the illness. Not worrying about people who were normal now, but could become a patient sometime in future. Live treatments versus vaccinations.