Nobody I know who didn't get COVID injected is having any unusual difficulty with routine winter illnesses. I do however know two heavily injected friends (including "boosters") who recently had very serious problems; one pneumonia and the other an apparent viral illness lasting weeks which got so bad that she had to ask friends for help, which we happily provided. I also have family and friends who were injected once or twice and none are having any unusual difficulties with contagious disease this winter.

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Still needs caution as multiple other viruses and bacteria are circulating.

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The good doctor McMillan. Product of his education and professional peers, as most all with doctorial higher education backgrounds who learn more and more about less and less he's burdened by his faith and trust in a system he's invested so much of his self-identity and self-worth in he is stuck in a failed paradigm of understanding human health in the EBM rubbish that man controls the natural world and manages microbial life by concocting potions and restricting human behavior. Either arrogant or forgetful that God is in control, not man, of things we really do not understand. Germ theory is strong in this one, cooties gonna get you. True health is found in harmony with nature, shaping the terrain of our bodies and minds, not trying to control that which only God is in control of. Good Doc, I'm pulling for you, I know you're trying to make sense of it all and help your fellow man, but there's only so much lipstick that can be put on the pig of allopathic medicine; you're still kissing a pig to embrace its teachings so much. Prayers.

But I really came here for the headline to share with readers exactly who Ursula von der Leyen is. Not a good person. Not a person who serves God, Almighty. A person who serves the same dark, malevolent powers her parents, grandparents and great-grandparents served. As well as who her husband is, his parents, grandparents and great-grandparents served. And as the eugenicists they are, their belief system informs that they are fruit that doesn't fall far from the tree they originate from. Continuing the family business. And perhaps more gentle readers than I will be able to wish and pray for them in the same manner that they would've wished and prayed for Dr. Viktor Brack and Dr. Joseph Mengele. Because those doctors were peers and colleagues of the grandparents of both Frau Ursula Albrecht (von der Leyen) and hubby Herr Heiko von der Leyen.

While I don't rely on Wikipedia for any information that has been politicized, has a narrative to tell instead of "just the facts" it is a good initial resource to learn about the family and education of public figures.

Here is Ursula von der Leyen's Wiki:


A rather gilded life, a blueblood and filled with aggrandizing self-importance. Prone to Superiority Complex's.

But who is her father, Ernst Albrecht? Gilded life blueblood. Politician. With interesting values:


"Albrecht made Hans Puvogel his minister of justice. During his tenure, Puvogel was particularly active in combatting notions of more liberal penal and rehabilitation systems. He had already set out justification for his stance in a 1935-1936 doctoral thesis. There, he wrote of the “inheritance of criminal tendencies”, of “constitutionally predisposed criminals” and “inferior people”, who would have to be “eliminated from the community”. “Only a person of value to the race” would have “a right to exist within the national community”.

The state government under Ernst Albrecht used every opportunity to court former Nazis. In a 1978 speech, Deputy Premier Wilfried Hasselmann (CDU) greeted the Association of Knight's Cross Recipients, a league of former Wehrmacht (Hitler's army) officers and SS men, certifying that they had “shown courage and given an example to others”. Hasselmann declared he was “deeply impressed by the solidarity of your order. You have fulfilled your duty as soldiers in an exemplary manner. This will continue to be evident to a younger generation”.[4]"

FF - Ursula's father's values included eugenics, the elimination of "inferior people." And recruited former Nazi's to support him, his agenda. Those are some very interesting family values for a leading politician who embraces totalitarian governing models!

More interesting tidbits about Ursula's and her father, Ernst, that provide insights as to what makes her tick:


But, what about Ursula's grandfather, Carl Eduard Albrecht?:


Well lookie there! A German psychologist and psychotherapist (mind-farkery pro), and medical doctor. Actively practicing during the 1930's...when more doctors were early members of the Nazi party, not just the late arrivals who were followers or coerced.

Why did so many German doctors join the Nazi Party early?

International Journal of Law and Psychiatry, October 3, 2012


"During the Weimar Republic in the mid-twentieth century, more than half of all German physicians became early joiners of the Nazi Party, surpassing the party enrollments of all other professions."

Ursula's husband's family were stern Nazi's in WWII. Joachim Freiherr von der Leyen ruled Galicia Ukraine...*Ukraine!*...in a civil capacity for the Nazis during WWII. Oversaw the massacre of Poles in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia! A war criminal!


They also run a Euthanasia Program called "The Institute for Typhus and Virus Research." Euthanasia is a eugenicist's favorite way to kill off "useless eaters" from the gene pool.

And of course, Herr Heiko von der Leyen, is a doctor and scientific director of the US biotech company Orgenesis, which specializes in cell and gene therapies and is a frontrunner in the development of RNA COVID vaccines. Von der Leyen represents Orgenesis:


Nazi's. Literal Nazi's. Practicing a new and improved 21st-century version of Brack/Mengele's allopathic EBM and Goebbel's science of psychology-based propaganda.

Maybe readers will be gentler than I in wishing and praying for Frau Ursula's better health. I'm not so gentle like that. Nor would I have been praying for the health of Mengele/Brack or Goebbels.

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Thanks for all this info !!!

History repeats itself ...

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Under the YJCMTSU category, my latest LinkedIn email notification on January 3rd suggested I link up with...Ursula von der Leyen! And Bill Gates!! And Vivek Ramaswamy!


Tells me I've been browsing/searching/writing about her enough to trigger the LinkedIn cookie algorithms without my anonymity protected. Ooops.

Tim Tebow is an odd one. And I've never heard of John C. Maxwell, but he has a big following.

LinkedIn does this type of cookie surveillance for their algorithms. I've found some very interesting ones before, too. National security agencies, contractors, schools that are hotbeds of clandestine evil I poke around about. The Watchers. Letting me know they're Watching. Hi!!!

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👍👍👍 !!!

Don't link-up with UvdL !!!

She currently seems to have a kind of severe pneumonia and is "unfortunately" unable to follow her duties in Brussels ... 🤣🤣🤣 FIVE goons replacing her ...

Hopefully she is fully waxxed and boosted and will add to the statistics. Just sayin' ...

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Great exposè Klaus, thank you.

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Rise of the Fourth Reich.

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Ding, ding, ding! Vee haaf a vinner!!

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Been planned since before Hitler lost. Kissinger I believe knew the money trail and the corporate takeovers it enabled.

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Indeed I follow Dr Mcmillan because he is an intelligent man of good conscience that tries to make sense of the Covid Coup D'état through his professional training, but with the true intent of a healer. His suggestion of humming is in itself a perfect example of his great worth, even to those of us that look at the clear motives of corporate Pharmaceutical based health care with great concern for the well being of humanity.

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Could it not be that the cause of the current pneumonia epidemic is the mRNA vacinations that followed the covid-19 period? Here in the UK the authorities are not talking about the pneumonia epidemic. Why. They want everyone to know about covid and its aftereffects. They try to suppress everything about the side-effect of the vaccines.

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Doc, please stop the covid19 story, and answer that ONE QUESTION: HOW MANY covid19 shots did she get??????????? That's essential, since as you will see, will be in my next hopefully soon post, H5N1, any flu, any of those viruses targeting lung tissue, have a timely reason. Why covid injections first? To embed the Spikes, GLYCO-proteins in as many cellular membranes as possible. Also if the genetic code persists, why was it made of a single stranded POSITIVE RNA type? So now negative-sense, single-stranded, segmented RNA genome of HxNy viruses, all of them, can generate proteins binding to the very heavily glycosylated Spike ankered in the membranes and allow entry, on top of all the membrane proteins binding to the scialic acid and related sugars, thus POTENTIATING the infection immensely....That type of RNA must have a special meaning, which needs more thinking... Is that why everywhere there is a talk about H5N1, in particular here:


That just in addition to the other things you are mentioning, unfortunately NOT telling much about the already genetically modified human bodies after the covid Pfizer/Mod-E-RNA shots.

I'm not MD, just logically I'd say, those currently sick people need huge amount of enzymes disactivating/chewing up the Spikes AND deglycosylating agents which will prevent the sticking and opening of all cells... ZERO sugar diet, of course.. And they need it FAST with VitC+Mg in the same time to give as much energy as possible to get over this fight. Just in case graphene is involved, inhale H2O2... That's all only my op-IN-I-on.

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I would doubt very much she got the shots. If she did, it would suggest there's a split in the ranks somewhere. She could, of course, have had a taste of their own medicine and been shed on with the spike protein.

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What makes you think she got any shots?

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that's why I asked the question first, and made the comments based on 'yes'.. Follow some top deaths in the last 4 years, there is quite a bit of 'believe in the new technology' ... Just speculating, OK?

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I will check out your stack.

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Thank You, hope you like at least some of it.. Oh, I'm sure Walensky and Fauci, DIDN't get it, they know too much what's in it and what it does... Germans are way more brainwashed in terms of 'oh, it comes from America, must be good'...

I can't stop counting how many already died down there, including 3 ~80 years old of my own family members..

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What do you think is going on with the royal family?

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Phillip, please stop talking about "super spreader" events - that's a pack of lies!

Look up the Gallops Island experiment (and hundreds since). Every one has failed to prove that colds, 'flu or anything else including covid can be transmitted.

Look at the Sea Diamond and the Ruby ships facts: almost all of the closely packed passengers and crew never got sick!

We had a testing pandemic with a fraudulent PCR test, we never had a pandemic of any illness!

Come on, stop this nonsense now!

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well, we had universal genetically modifying injection 'therapy', none of these MD's want to talk about... Just wonder why??? Did they never learn in the schools what RNA/DNA does and how it works??

PLUS, you can be totally alone, sit in front of the computer, and suddenly start sneezing, coughing, and have difficulty breathing... Nobody is around! Where does that comes from?

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Artificial fog .. the plasticized, crystals accumulated in yards are toxins.

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Kathleen Philips bingo!!

We’ve had a lot of very strange colourful skies morning and night followed by a very unnatural abundance of fog making people ill.

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Hi, Doc. Did you forget to say, "Don't take the frankenjab"? We know from events over the last four years that these weaken the immune system, leaving one more susceptible to all kinds of pathogens - not least those that cause pneumonia. Forewarned is forearmed.

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I do not believe for 1 minute that she had pneumonia! It’s a psyop to push more vaccines and anti virals

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My Non Medical Opinion is about 10 Safe & Effective Boosters would fix her up just right. The more the merrier.

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As with all these conditions that have always existed like Autism, it’d be interesting to know what the background rate per 1000 for each age cohort was before / post treatment. Of course like autism any correlation will be dismissed, the only correlation they ever seemed to like was the pandemic of the unvaccinated - of course for that data was manipulated massively excluding vaccinated from statistics from 1st shot until 14 days past the 2nd shot. The longer this drags on, the more obvious this has been a scam from the outset.

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I very much like your suggestion of humming, while I'm sure the Nitric Oxide is part of the benifit, I'd suggest it has a far wider range of benifit, both in reducing risk of infection and in general well-being. It would I'm sure also direct conscious vibrational healing to the upper airways and perhaps even the brain stem. Also concentrating on reproducing harmonics that are known to be highly beneficial to physical, mental and spiritual well being will always be of benefit.

There is also the "Om chant" that ends in the nasal passage.

The daily chanting of Om will give peace to your mind, body, and soul. In ancient times, the Om mantra was chanted to form a connection to one’s inner energies or the soul. It features in a number of ancient mantras for the transformation of the mind and body and can be chanted by itself for overall mental well-being. It is believed that this sacred syllable is present and active within all of us and will reveal itself most effectively through Om meditation.

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Worth reading: Human metapneumovirus - what we know now


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I agree. It's worth reading it. I took a look at the abstract.

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L.o.l., get REAL-- Von Der Leyden's vaxxed to the max. She's prob'ly on, what, her 9th, 10th, 12th "booster" shot now?? Hah ha hah hah haaaah!!

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Jan 5Edited

Where does Dr. McMillan discus nitric oxide therapies? I just got over a bad sore throat and lung and nasal infection. I'd like to read ways to treat it next time. I already take the right amount of Vit D (10,000IU), Magnesium (400mg), Vit k2 etc. I see the humming comment below as one way.

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Sorry to hear about your infection. It's never pleasant. I would say that it's a miracle you were able to recover with so little. There is much more than one can do in such case. The best treatment protocols that I created for my family include: much higher doses of vitamin D, high doses of vitamin C ( every two hours), multivitamins, zinc, vitamin B100, B3 and B12, vitamin E and A. On top of it there are also supliments such as Quercitin, Natokinasse, Turmeric, Bromelaine, Omega-3, probiotics, Taurine, Creatine, whey protein. My personalized protocol also includes antiviral and antibacterial herbs such as: lomatium, golden seal, licorice, Astragalus, Rhodiola, mullein, marshmallow, oregano softgels, mint softgels, thyme, green matcha, coltsfoot tea( this tea is very good for coughing and if you have lots of pflem), elderberry, elder flowers, hibiscus and some more. Many are in capsule form and others are tea. I also like to use syrups that have special medicinal plants in them such as chrysanthemum and honeysuckle and especially elecampane. The other important thing I use is inhalations with essential oils: peppermint, eucalyptus, camphor, tea tree oil. I also use them in a vaporizer over night because they help you heal while you are sleeping. This winter I had to use something I have never used before with remarkable results: nebulizer with colloidal silver, to calm down coughing fits that caused breathing problems. I was impressed by how fast the nebulizer worked. Last but not least, I always use the power of acupuncture. There is a cheap and highly effective acupuncture pen that anyone can buy on Amazon and learn to use. I've seen "magic" happening with this little pen. When the Tylenol failed to bring down a high fever in a 10 year old, it was the acupuncture pen and nothing else that worked. In 20 minutes the fever went down from 40 to 37. This has been my personal experience, and all the information I posted is not advice. I simply wish to share with all of you what worked for me and my family. One last thing: I always use in such cases mushrooms: cordyceps, to protect the lungs, and Reishi to protect the heart.

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search his archives

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So I am now to believe in an isolated "virius" known since 2001 being detected in a short gene sequence using PCR. I'm also likely to see the ground glass opacity in the lungs and that the good doctor (assumption on my part) being well read, will request a major and immediate trial of HBOT as theraphy in a fully randomized clinical trail..

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HMPV is not normally an issue and circulates across the world. Suggests a change in population immunity.

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