Thank you for the long form interview. You showed much kindness. I wish all my fellow healthcare professionals could set aside programming/ personal opinions to dig deep like this.
Correlation does mean causation when you take into account the global deaths that are basically proven through correlating like Dallas insurance actuaries all the evidence is overwhelming. Anybody with only half a brain, knows this to be true and knows that the people in control of the governments worldwide are hiding this for many illegal agendas sadly hopefully one day soon there will be accountability. The people responsible have to face justice for any sort of trust to be brought back in to the system if it is possible at this point.
" Could the vaccine have triggered an immune response that contributed to his stroke?
Did repeated immune stimulation set the stage for an underlying autoimmune reaction?
Was his final illness an example of what I call the COVID Storm - a spike-triggered autoimmune response?
YOU betcha stethescope DR M ! i am a shining example of a health carer professional (RN) who suffered ALL HER LIFE with an autoimmune disease and many Medical doctors who IGNORED or did not understand autoimmune as well as they should have.
My history includes a UTI at 4 or 5 yrs n old and a sulfa based antibiotic. . at 75 I STILL remember the increasing pain when my mother had the drug refilled and poured it down my throat.i doubled up and told her it was making me feel worse. Then the Dr announced I must be allergic to sulfa drugs. ..............Then at 7 the tonsils came out and I was back in the hospital hemorrhaging the next day. i would come home from school with headaches complaining about the florescent lights.
Then a flu shot caused my entire arm to blow up like a balloon. Always pale , a Dr at work tested the PTT time of my blood and wondered why it did not clot until the extreme end of time limit.
a D and C followed my first delivery because of blood loss. However, I was back in the hospital ER a day or two days later because my veins had collapsed after losing so much blood. Two weeks later i signed myself out before the NEXT planned D and c aside from the fact they did not remove anymore uterine lining which could cause bleeding. 28 years of severe migraines, followed along with horrific joint pain ,especially in the hip joints. finally at 59 I underwent a total hip replacement and the surgeon remarked he never saw such joint destruction in someone my age.
I went to 3 Rheumatologists, four or five Dermatologists and many many MDs . My last MD suspected Lupus but the test proved negative. He prescribed Vicadin for ten years to keep me going. I never got addicted,
Then along came the Gain of Function Fauci pandemic. I did not take the jab. We used ivermectin paste and Dr Zelenko's Z Pac.
No congestion ,just good sleep for a week and not much of an appetite. Then after losing friends and relatives and neighbors who got the shots ,we moved.
What a blessing to find ourselves in proximity of a Dr AKA, "the covid slayer" who treats 4000 pts here for vax injuries. Many of who also have turbo cancers. So I went to her with my painful hands and wrists. She Ordered 33 blood tests and QUEST Labs had highlighted in RED "LUPUS" for three of them.
No one should take these mRNA shots because they cause inflammation adding to the inflammation that autoimmune sufferers already have .My new GP ordered hydroxychloroquine,
( Plaquenil) the safest and cheapest drug used for Lupus since the 1940s. It takes a long time to build up in the body but it protects the internal organs from damage because Lupus is one of five autoimmune diseases that can be fatal.
BTW my mother always told me to avoid Sulfa drugs Bactrim is another drug to be avoided..............and fresh eggs are often sprayed with a sulfa based antibiotic which they say depletes in 7 days ,so that explains why my arm blew up after a flu shot when they were still using eggs.
MY hip joints were destroyed by avascular necrosis from the anemia caused by the lupus that
kills the bone and cartilage.
RFK JR said no one with autoimmune disease should take these shots.
RFK JR announced that no one with an autoimmune disease should take these mRNA shots because they add to inflammation they already have from the diseases they have.
There are over 100 autoimmune diseases .WHY did the so called SCIENCE NOT WARN US?
Apologies for all I wanted to is a sad and painful story that could have killed me if I took the shots. Autoimmune diseases CAUSE inflammation in the bodies of those who are already victims of inflammations.
In hospitals here loved ones were offered ten thousand dollars IF they signed a CDC document promising NEVER to say anything negative about their deceased family members treatment or medication.
Sasha Latypova and Catherine Watt obtained the document from the CD with a FOIA request which Sasha displayed and told Drs Peter and Ginger Breggin on their podcast.
Better yet contact ginger and Peter Breggin and ask them to forward their interview with Sasha Latypova. Tell them you would like to hear what she said about the CDC document she obtained from the CDC that relatives of those who died from covid in the hospital signed for their 10 K payout. Meantime, I am going to look also though my old emails Because frankly, I want to keep that podcast also.
A male relative early 70s extremely fit and healthy lifestyle and diet, extremely positive attitude. Highly compliant with doctors.
In November was very ill with a virus and went for flu vaccine and COVID-19 booster, probably Pfizer, would have been about the 4th booster.
Within a few days silent heart attack and hospitalised a few days after that.
Released from hospital but then in and out, getting worse each time. LVEF was around 35 now down to 25. Troponin was off the charts - above 10,000 - and stayed high. Doctors agree there is an on going damage mechanism but can’t identify it. Considered myocarditis, amyloidosis. Nothing confirmed. We can’t see the notes so we don’t know what tests they have done. Cardiac biopsy scheduled. At this point he probably only has a few days to live. He is in a national center of excellence and being seen by internationally renowned cardiologists. They have “no idea” what the cause is.
Is it because they cannot accept the idea of idiopathic vaccine injury?
He will likely be dead in a few days. He is in the highest protocol cardiac ICU. I have considered reaching out to you, to Dr McCullough, Dr Kory, AMWD. But it’s most likely too late. And nobody wants to hear any suggestions. There is some kind of “Vaccine Derangement Syndrome” that makes people incredibly hostile to looking at a vaccine causation even when they have literally ruled out every other possible cause and are helplessly watching their patient die.
They do say they are open to the possibility of a vaccine injury but won’t share what they have done to eliminate that possibility.
I would like to know if they have done the immune marker tests from the recent Yale study.
He has responded to steroids administered as an immunosuppressant (only in the last week) which calls into question their finding that it is not autoimmune.
If autoimmune is ruled out I would like them to test for free spike protein or at least spike protein antibodies. I would like them to treat with spike protein binder peptides even just diagnostically. Instead he is just on the usual cocktail of heart drugs he has been on since admission (including digoxin as he reacted badly to the more modern one). And very belatedly steroids, which have provided at best a slowing of the deterioration into cardiogenic shock and multiple organ failure, which is what the ICU is trying to delay but admit they cannot stop.
I should add, recurrent AF though not at initial admission. It was the cause of the second admission about 2 weeks after the first. Cardioversion has been done several times but the AF keeps recurring. This is more evidence that (as the doctors agree) this was not a cardiac event but rather an ongoing continuous cardiac damage process.
Dear Dr Philip , as a bio-hacker , I discovered fibro-myalgia to be easily cured with simple supplements. I think maybe this could be relatent to helping people with vaxx side effects or long-covid . I hope this is a safe space to talk about such things ?
The NHS saved my life as a kid so I had absolute faith but over the years I started noticing changes that seemed odd. After getting really ill in my late 40's and finding all medical advice made me worse I decided my future was up to me. Fortuneately I had done under grad studies in Gen Biol so I could read and understand science papers ; an option an ordinary person would find very hard. To be honest, mostly reading the abstracts were sufficient to put me on the right track. I started self experimenting and soon started improving . I'm now 67 and can jump and sprint and require no meds. Dr Malone is now refering to people like me as " bio-hackers ". It's nice to get some recognition. I do feel frustrated though as so many of my contemporaries are suffering and being fobbed off with more pharmaceutical poison , like statins et al ? ! I wonder if there are more like me and what contribution we could make towards improving our Nations health ?
My Dad took a fourth against Lung specialists advice after reaction to third, because GP told him the Christmas variant in 2023 was bad. And in ten weeks he turned to a bag of bones and dropped dead on the 14.1.24 in front of my mum. He confessed to my husband just before Christmas he took another about the time of his rapid, sudden, unexplained decline and he when back to that GP several time and he did nothing and offered no help. As I was not in the room with them I can’t say for certain but I feel the GP just gaslite my dad on every visit.
I am concerned that it isn't only a storm, but a pathway to one.I feel so sorry for this lady and her loved one. She did everything she could and more to help him, and is trying to communicate her experience to assist others too.I hope she is alright and finds peace somehow. Thank you Dr. Mcmillan.
As a Bioenergetic Medicine Practitioner specialsing in Chronic Disease/ME/CFS for the past 30 years, the difference since the onset of Covid in reactivation of latent pathogens has been unprecidented in my experience. I have witnessed many patients with devastating life changing effects from having the Covid Vaccines and I myself had a severe response to the AZ Vaccine which I was forced to have as I was working for the NHS. I lost all feeling in both legs and one arm and had every single symptom on the leaflet and a Yellow Card exemption. I have had to be objective when assessing Long Covid patients, as other comorbidities need careful consideration as already expressed, and my success in treating ME/CFS has been so helpful, however, my personal findings are that Long Covid undoubtedly comes from the Vaccines as well as Covid. My cousin’s husband sadly passed away from LC complications, and my heart goes out to “Concerned” and all those who have lost their loved ones. Sadly there is much more hope and recovery options in supporting these poor patients outside the NHS than within, because they are unable to addess this causally. I assess key triggers of immune dysregulation interleukins, and analyse the whole body, and whilst AZ Vaccine appears the most prevelant disrupter, Pfizer and Moderna have also caused extreme reactions.
Thankfully it is now possible to turn most cases of LC and Vaccine Reactions around as there are many Worldwide pioneers and excellent Doctors and Practitioners, like Dr McMillan, who bring us a plethora of information to assist us to make good decisions about our health and wellbeing. Thank you Dr McMillan for your research and immense efforts to speak out 🙏
Thank you Dr. McMillan for your work and this courageous person for telling her story. It's not speculation, the vaccine causes a long, slow, steady inflammation resulting in cascading issues, like a wasting disease. Hearing the sound of 2 electric currents coming together before he died- how can that be explained. It seems illegal she can't get tissue samples from an autopsy.
The problem with saying something like that is that vaccines are not defined that way. It is like saying the vegan ate the steak. It isn't possible since a vegan is defined as someone who eats plant foods. If you take the word vaccine out of it then you are on much stronger ground. Without evidence of a virus there is not evidence of a vaccine.
Thank you for the long form interview. You showed much kindness. I wish all my fellow healthcare professionals could set aside programming/ personal opinions to dig deep like this.
What you are doing is the right way forward in my opinion it is devastating that the so called critical thinking community is not doing the same .
You have a target and you will be successful.
In the name of humanity you are truly one of the heroes in modern times.
Thank you for listening to the ones effected.
Thank you so much.
If you don't look, you won't find anything. No coincidences here.
Correlation does mean causation when you take into account the global deaths that are basically proven through correlating like Dallas insurance actuaries all the evidence is overwhelming. Anybody with only half a brain, knows this to be true and knows that the people in control of the governments worldwide are hiding this for many illegal agendas sadly hopefully one day soon there will be accountability. The people responsible have to face justice for any sort of trust to be brought back in to the system if it is possible at this point.
I don't think system will get better. These people have so much control of it. The only way is taking care of ourselves, I'm afraid.
I know that the vaccine took many lives
" Could the vaccine have triggered an immune response that contributed to his stroke?
Did repeated immune stimulation set the stage for an underlying autoimmune reaction?
Was his final illness an example of what I call the COVID Storm - a spike-triggered autoimmune response?
YOU betcha stethescope DR M ! i am a shining example of a health carer professional (RN) who suffered ALL HER LIFE with an autoimmune disease and many Medical doctors who IGNORED or did not understand autoimmune as well as they should have.
My history includes a UTI at 4 or 5 yrs n old and a sulfa based antibiotic. . at 75 I STILL remember the increasing pain when my mother had the drug refilled and poured it down my throat.i doubled up and told her it was making me feel worse. Then the Dr announced I must be allergic to sulfa drugs. ..............Then at 7 the tonsils came out and I was back in the hospital hemorrhaging the next day. i would come home from school with headaches complaining about the florescent lights.
Then a flu shot caused my entire arm to blow up like a balloon. Always pale , a Dr at work tested the PTT time of my blood and wondered why it did not clot until the extreme end of time limit.
a D and C followed my first delivery because of blood loss. However, I was back in the hospital ER a day or two days later because my veins had collapsed after losing so much blood. Two weeks later i signed myself out before the NEXT planned D and c aside from the fact they did not remove anymore uterine lining which could cause bleeding. 28 years of severe migraines, followed along with horrific joint pain ,especially in the hip joints. finally at 59 I underwent a total hip replacement and the surgeon remarked he never saw such joint destruction in someone my age.
I went to 3 Rheumatologists, four or five Dermatologists and many many MDs . My last MD suspected Lupus but the test proved negative. He prescribed Vicadin for ten years to keep me going. I never got addicted,
Then along came the Gain of Function Fauci pandemic. I did not take the jab. We used ivermectin paste and Dr Zelenko's Z Pac.
No congestion ,just good sleep for a week and not much of an appetite. Then after losing friends and relatives and neighbors who got the shots ,we moved.
What a blessing to find ourselves in proximity of a Dr AKA, "the covid slayer" who treats 4000 pts here for vax injuries. Many of who also have turbo cancers. So I went to her with my painful hands and wrists. She Ordered 33 blood tests and QUEST Labs had highlighted in RED "LUPUS" for three of them.
No one should take these mRNA shots because they cause inflammation adding to the inflammation that autoimmune sufferers already have .My new GP ordered hydroxychloroquine,
( Plaquenil) the safest and cheapest drug used for Lupus since the 1940s. It takes a long time to build up in the body but it protects the internal organs from damage because Lupus is one of five autoimmune diseases that can be fatal.
BTW my mother always told me to avoid Sulfa drugs Bactrim is another drug to be avoided..............and fresh eggs are often sprayed with a sulfa based antibiotic which they say depletes in 7 days ,so that explains why my arm blew up after a flu shot when they were still using eggs.
MY hip joints were destroyed by avascular necrosis from the anemia caused by the lupus that
kills the bone and cartilage.
RFK JR said no one with autoimmune disease should take these shots.
RFK JR announced that no one with an autoimmune disease should take these mRNA shots because they add to inflammation they already have from the diseases they have.
There are over 100 autoimmune diseases .WHY did the so called SCIENCE NOT WARN US?
BTW............Lupus should be tested during a flare because it hides in a remission period and most Drs do not seem to know that.
Last night RFK JR said anyone with autoimmune disease should NOT take the shots
Apologies for all I wanted to is a sad and painful story that could have killed me if I took the shots. Autoimmune diseases CAUSE inflammation in the bodies of those who are already victims of inflammations.
Do you KNOW if you have any of these?
Similar story here. Though I can’t bear to tell it yet.
Every voice needs to be heard to help with the healing.
100% the vaccine killed people immediately and their families were denies autopsies and told, "not related".
Those involved will never get the blood stains off of their hands “MacBeth”. They will see ghosts that will torment them forever.
In hospitals here loved ones were offered ten thousand dollars IF they signed a CDC document promising NEVER to say anything negative about their deceased family members treatment or medication.
Sasha Latypova and Catherine Watt obtained the document from the CD with a FOIA request which Sasha displayed and told Drs Peter and Ginger Breggin on their podcast.
correction.......the FOIA obtained Document came from the CDC
Did they hire a lawyer to sue the FOIA department for information? I've never had a FOIA request answered by the dept of HHS or the CDC.
David , This is Katherine Watt
Thanks so much, I will contact her
Better yet contact ginger and Peter Breggin and ask them to forward their interview with Sasha Latypova. Tell them you would like to hear what she said about the CDC document she obtained from the CDC that relatives of those who died from covid in the hospital signed for their 10 K payout. Meantime, I am going to look also though my old emails Because frankly, I want to keep that podcast also.
Ok here goes.
A male relative early 70s extremely fit and healthy lifestyle and diet, extremely positive attitude. Highly compliant with doctors.
In November was very ill with a virus and went for flu vaccine and COVID-19 booster, probably Pfizer, would have been about the 4th booster.
Within a few days silent heart attack and hospitalised a few days after that.
Released from hospital but then in and out, getting worse each time. LVEF was around 35 now down to 25. Troponin was off the charts - above 10,000 - and stayed high. Doctors agree there is an on going damage mechanism but can’t identify it. Considered myocarditis, amyloidosis. Nothing confirmed. We can’t see the notes so we don’t know what tests they have done. Cardiac biopsy scheduled. At this point he probably only has a few days to live. He is in a national center of excellence and being seen by internationally renowned cardiologists. They have “no idea” what the cause is.
Is it because they cannot accept the idea of idiopathic vaccine injury?
He will likely be dead in a few days. He is in the highest protocol cardiac ICU. I have considered reaching out to you, to Dr McCullough, Dr Kory, AMWD. But it’s most likely too late. And nobody wants to hear any suggestions. There is some kind of “Vaccine Derangement Syndrome” that makes people incredibly hostile to looking at a vaccine causation even when they have literally ruled out every other possible cause and are helplessly watching their patient die.
This is very sad.
Any medical issue within up to 4 weeks of a vaccine should be considered as a possibility of adverse effect.
They do say they are open to the possibility of a vaccine injury but won’t share what they have done to eliminate that possibility.
I would like to know if they have done the immune marker tests from the recent Yale study.
He has responded to steroids administered as an immunosuppressant (only in the last week) which calls into question their finding that it is not autoimmune.
If autoimmune is ruled out I would like them to test for free spike protein or at least spike protein antibodies. I would like them to treat with spike protein binder peptides even just diagnostically. Instead he is just on the usual cocktail of heart drugs he has been on since admission (including digoxin as he reacted badly to the more modern one). And very belatedly steroids, which have provided at best a slowing of the deterioration into cardiogenic shock and multiple organ failure, which is what the ICU is trying to delay but admit they cannot stop.
I should add, recurrent AF though not at initial admission. It was the cause of the second admission about 2 weeks after the first. Cardioversion has been done several times but the AF keeps recurring. This is more evidence that (as the doctors agree) this was not a cardiac event but rather an ongoing continuous cardiac damage process.
Dear Dr Philip , as a bio-hacker , I discovered fibro-myalgia to be easily cured with simple supplements. I think maybe this could be relatent to helping people with vaxx side effects or long-covid . I hope this is a safe space to talk about such things ?
The NHS saved my life as a kid so I had absolute faith but over the years I started noticing changes that seemed odd. After getting really ill in my late 40's and finding all medical advice made me worse I decided my future was up to me. Fortuneately I had done under grad studies in Gen Biol so I could read and understand science papers ; an option an ordinary person would find very hard. To be honest, mostly reading the abstracts were sufficient to put me on the right track. I started self experimenting and soon started improving . I'm now 67 and can jump and sprint and require no meds. Dr Malone is now refering to people like me as " bio-hackers ". It's nice to get some recognition. I do feel frustrated though as so many of my contemporaries are suffering and being fobbed off with more pharmaceutical poison , like statins et al ? ! I wonder if there are more like me and what contribution we could make towards improving our Nations health ?
My Dad took a fourth against Lung specialists advice after reaction to third, because GP told him the Christmas variant in 2023 was bad. And in ten weeks he turned to a bag of bones and dropped dead on the 14.1.24 in front of my mum. He confessed to my husband just before Christmas he took another about the time of his rapid, sudden, unexplained decline and he when back to that GP several time and he did nothing and offered no help. As I was not in the room with them I can’t say for certain but I feel the GP just gaslite my dad on every visit.
Sorry to hear.
I am concerned that it isn't only a storm, but a pathway to one.I feel so sorry for this lady and her loved one. She did everything she could and more to help him, and is trying to communicate her experience to assist others too.I hope she is alright and finds peace somehow. Thank you Dr. Mcmillan.
As a Bioenergetic Medicine Practitioner specialsing in Chronic Disease/ME/CFS for the past 30 years, the difference since the onset of Covid in reactivation of latent pathogens has been unprecidented in my experience. I have witnessed many patients with devastating life changing effects from having the Covid Vaccines and I myself had a severe response to the AZ Vaccine which I was forced to have as I was working for the NHS. I lost all feeling in both legs and one arm and had every single symptom on the leaflet and a Yellow Card exemption. I have had to be objective when assessing Long Covid patients, as other comorbidities need careful consideration as already expressed, and my success in treating ME/CFS has been so helpful, however, my personal findings are that Long Covid undoubtedly comes from the Vaccines as well as Covid. My cousin’s husband sadly passed away from LC complications, and my heart goes out to “Concerned” and all those who have lost their loved ones. Sadly there is much more hope and recovery options in supporting these poor patients outside the NHS than within, because they are unable to addess this causally. I assess key triggers of immune dysregulation interleukins, and analyse the whole body, and whilst AZ Vaccine appears the most prevelant disrupter, Pfizer and Moderna have also caused extreme reactions.
Thankfully it is now possible to turn most cases of LC and Vaccine Reactions around as there are many Worldwide pioneers and excellent Doctors and Practitioners, like Dr McMillan, who bring us a plethora of information to assist us to make good decisions about our health and wellbeing. Thank you Dr McMillan for your research and immense efforts to speak out 🙏
Thank you Dr. McMillan for your work and this courageous person for telling her story. It's not speculation, the vaccine causes a long, slow, steady inflammation resulting in cascading issues, like a wasting disease. Hearing the sound of 2 electric currents coming together before he died- how can that be explained. It seems illegal she can't get tissue samples from an autopsy.
No, they applied for the FOIA
request from the CDC and got it. Write to Sasha Latypova on her substack and ask her how they got the document.
The problem with saying something like that is that vaccines are not defined that way. It is like saying the vegan ate the steak. It isn't possible since a vegan is defined as someone who eats plant foods. If you take the word vaccine out of it then you are on much stronger ground. Without evidence of a virus there is not evidence of a vaccine.