Dr Philip Mc Millan thank you for your dedication, someone asked you on one of your videos recently.

“Is there a spike protein test available that can indicate its prevalence in the body”

You said “ In theory yes, not yet available”

There is a lab and most probably more out there.


Quantitative determination of free SC2 spike protein in plasma/serum, exosomes, immune cells, urine.

Detection of SC2 RNA in stool (persistence) and sperm cells (persistence)


MMD WEBSITE Laboratory


Brigitte König, Ph.D


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Philip, I think a really useful question to ask Geert would be to ask about veterinary analogies to what is going on now. Both mass vaccination and coronavirus vaccination have long histories in a veterinary setting, doubtless with more experimental practices and even less regard for the welfare of the vaccinees. Have we not seen what can happen before in animals? And if not, why not? Was the interaction of innate and adaptive immunity different somehow?

I know Marek's virus in chickens is mentioned in some settings (a disease that became more virulent following mass vaccination, though in that case in such a way that was more harmful to the unvaccinated) but I've not heard it compared to our current predicament. No doubt there are similarities and differences, but why? And there must be many other examples.

Given Geert's veterinary background (that we rarely have rarely heard him discuss) I would be grateful if you were able to raise this angle.

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Many heart-wrenching comments. I hope most people recover but many unfortunately may not.

That's how modern-day totalitarianism looks like. Not tanks blocking an intersection, but government/industry coordinating media, tech firms, politicians, and the many willing executioners.

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Great information as usual dr

Totally agree with your balance,it’s for dr’s like yourself to weed out those payed off dr’s that still push this clear problematic MRNA treatment.

I’ve told all now 44 friends and family to run alternative treatments past their cancer doctors.

Crazy how many of them will not comment of the MRNA jab and the clear (coincidence)🙄,of the explosion 💥 in stage 3/4 cancers post MRNA jabs

A few report that their oncologists are supportive of alternative treatments.these dr’s clearly act on their hippocratic oath

But still most refuse to even enter into conversations regarding any treatments apart from chemotherapy,radiotherapy and immunotherapy.

So, so sad when it’s now common knowledge that treatments like ivermectin and fenbendazole protocols are saving now ,thousands of lives especially against these so called turbo cancers.

Caused my MRNA treatments.

Keep spreading the truth of information 🙏

God bless all you, your family and all those in the pro life fight 🙏

Happy new year 🥳

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Thanks for your New Year's compilation! Very intense it was, 2023. And I agree with your expectation that 2024 is likely to be probably even more intense. I hope we all live though it. Do have a good New Year's, you and your family.

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