As my post concerning data from vaccine trials that is reported to show both concerning vaccine injury and vaccine caused deaths was not allowed to be posted on your youtube DeSantis petition video where you shared your vaccine "position" I will post it here for your "As You Will"

Pfizer "vaccine" trials show that for every 1 person saved from death from covid by the "vaccine" 7 people died from the "vaccine".

The reported all cause mortality data from the pfizer vaccine trials is telling as well as all the reported questionable conduct which took place during the trials. see the CCCA video linked below.

By the end of the 2 month "blinded" portion of the pfizer vaccine trial the ALL CAUSE MORTALITY count was 15 people had died in the vaccine group and 14 in the placebo group.

At this 2 month point with the unblinding of the trial the placebo group was given the option to take the shot.

By the end of the 6 month study time period 1 person had died from covid in the vaccine group (which now consisted of the initial vaccine group plus those in the placebo group who elected to take the "vaccine" after the study was unblinded) and 2 people had died from covid in the placebo group while

All cause mortality - 21 people died in the vaccine group, (including an almost 2 times higher count of cardiovascular event related deaths - 9 in the vaccine group vs 5 in the no vaccine group)

All cause mortality - 15 died in the control/placebo group

This could be understood as - within the pfizer trial, by the end of 6 months, for every 1 person saved from death from covid by the vaccine group ( 2 covid deaths in the no vaccine group vs 1 covid death in the "vaccine" group 2-1 =1 saved by "vaccine") 7 people died from the "vaccine" All cause vaccine group deaths 21 - the 1 covid death = 20 non covid deaths in the "vaccine" group vs no vaccine group total all cause deaths 15 - the 2 covid deaths = 13 non covid deaths in the no vaccine group. 20 - 13 = 7 additional non covid deaths in the vaccine group while saving 1 from covid death.

Any one wonder why pfizer and the damned fda tried so hard to delay the release of this "vaccine" trial data for decades?

These figures can be seen in the "Increased Risk of Death" portion from CanadianCovidCareAlliance video Published December 16, 2021 2,337,307 Views starting at 7:12 to 9:00 the first part of the video shows the increased risk of Illness.

"The Pfizer Inoculations Do More Harm Than Good" https://rumble.com/vqx3kb-the-pfizer-inoculations-do-more-harm-than-good.html


SEF Exactly. This is by far the single most important (scientifically solid) proof that our side should be posting and reposting everywhere we can until enough people know, but for some reason we have very little interest in it. If enough people knew of the mortality results in the "gold standard of evidence" clinical trials, the mRNA vaccines would be toast for sure and justice would very likely be served. Need to include the Moderna results too as they show the exact same danger signals as Pfizer but just a little less dramatically and hidden even better- the consistency between both trials is key. Here's how I like to summarize it:

In the Pfizer and Moderna "gold standard" RCTs, the vaccine groups had 4 extra non-COVID deaths for every 3 less COVID deaths overall (compared to the placebo groups), i.e. 4 killed for every 3 saved, even during the deadliest Alpha wave in winter 2020-21. The separate Pfizer and Moderna trials both showed a 15-20% increase in non-COVID deaths, and specifically a 40-50% increase in cardiovascular-related deaths, with vaccine versus placebo.

Pfizer: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2110345/suppl_file/nejmoa2110345_appendix.pdf - Table S4

Moderna: https://www.nejm.org/doi/suppl/10.1056/NEJMoa2113017/suppl_file/nejmoa2113017_appendix.pdf - Table S26

In fact, an FDA report contains even worse death totals for Pfizer's trial than the NEJM document above. https://www.fda.gov/media/152176/download - see page 7

The "4 killed for every 3 saved" statistic for Pfizer/Moderna combined is actually based on the NEJM document numbers that are less damning to the Pfizer vaccine. Using the FDA report numbers, the totals would be more like 7 killed for every 3 saved by mRNA vaccines.

SEF, Thank you for your analysis and links to studies I had not known about. Now with the reported decreasing near term morality from the omicron brand of cov2 the death data may be moving the all combined to "4 killed for every "less" than 3 saved". I post where ever I can - the facts and those who witness to "vaccine" injury and death both speak the truth.

I am very grateful I had the time to research these shots before the roll out and found facts warning against them and, after sneaking into the medscape site, early eye witness reports of "vaccine ", "clot shot" was their term, injury on the nurse and doctor only vaccine discussion page that did exist, for a time, after the start of the "mass shootings" with "spike shot" / "clot shot", All that and a severe reaction to the 2ed moderna shot my sister had showed, to me, there was no way these shots could be "safe and effective" and I did not take a shot. James

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I'm listening to Robert being interviewed by Dave Rubin this morning. How does a brilliant scientist like Robert take at least 2 mRNA vaccines, while in 04/2021 on one of Dave's platform's, VivaBarnesLaw.locals.com I was calling the mRNA vaccines Death, Murder and Genocide Shots? I am not at all involved professionally in the medical or scientific fields.

In August, 2021 I made a post to VivaBarnes about the mRNA vaccine requirements of the State of Israel of its Jewish citizens, 3 or 4 at time. In that post I adopted the phrase "The Haman 2 Holocaust" to describe what those vaccine mandates constituted. I chose "Haman" because he is an Old Testament figure in the Book of Ester. Haman was the right-hand man of the king who obtained an edict from the king to kill all Jews in the kingdom on a date specified.

So the conclusion I made was that Jews in Israel were murdering Jews in Israel, in August, 2021. Ask David Frei and Robert Barnes if I did not make that post, and routinely cited it since then on their locals channel. Which both have totally ignored.

Don't David Frei and Robert Barnes work for Dave Rubin?

Then, in an interview with Alex Jones in January, 2022, Dr Zev Zelenko made the following statement about the mRNA mandates by the government in Israel 5 months later, "What Hitler started, the Israeli government is finishing.".

I also noticed Dave Rubin say he did not take an mRNA vaccine. Dr Malone, I would query him more directly and harder about his reasons for not taking an mRNA vaccine. My personal opinion is that Dave Rubin, at 46 years old, is not old enough to make that decision on his own; that's just my personal opinion because I've yet to run into anybody who is my peer, other than Dr Russell Blaylock, who concluded by at least 04/2021 that nobody should take the mRNA Murder, Death, Genocide vaccines. Russell Blaylock's work for almost 20 years is why I knew I was not going to take any vaccines, none, not ever, voluntarily.

I will also point out too that Mossad and the IDF must be onboard with the Haman 2 Holocaust because I've yet to see any public announcements suggesting they are anything but 100% behind mRNA Death Shots in Israel. Kind of hard to believe, isn't it.

This is worth what you paid for it Dr Malone, and you allude to it in this interview when you spoke of your naivete, you, like billions of human beings, "impute the dictate of charity which thinketh no evil" to folks, like Albert Bourla, who do not deserve it any longer. It is my understanding that all of the mRNA manufacturers are led by Jews.

And if you'd like to get a more accurate assessment of what is going on in this world, I will consider giving it to you considering you've missed most of it for 3 years now.

No criticism intended by this, its just the cold, hard, sober judgment of "right reason" we all face in a world now that is experiencing Global Genocide at the hands of some bad Jewish people and others, and lest you think I am somehow anti-Semitic, 1) I've given to a Jewish charity in Israel, and 2) go back and consider the effect my August, 2021 post to VivaBarnesLaw.locals.com should have elicited, I was the first person I know of to call out the Israeli government in an attempt to save Jews in Israel, making it pretty difficult to call me anti-Semitic other than by a slanderer.

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