How to tell your population you know exactly what's going on without telling them what's going on.

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Very true.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

We live in the most interesting of times indeed. Where does it go from here, I dare not imagine.

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The future is very bleak at this point.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

I am not surprised at all.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

30 to 29 is not a democratic decision, that's a symbolic win for a sports team -- it's not how you make fair or just decisions. I can't believe our institutions still work like this.

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Hi, Yes, I can explain why it is inappropriate to investigate the waves of excess deaths of frankly staggering proportions that cover pretty much every single country with widespread rollout but not, strangely, in those countries & continents such as Africa, which have seen both slow rollout AND no sign of excess deaths...

"Vaccine hesitancy". Any investigation into the excess deaths will inevitably implicate the vaccines & as such, cannot be performed without exponentially increasing vaccine hesitancy. And we cannot have that!

I'm now going to cut some words briefly out of this article to illustrate my point. You can find this article amongst several that I archived & discussed on my Substack in a piece titled "Don't Mention The Vaccines"

Okay? Here goes:

"In a statement, PHS (Public Health Scotland) added that there was also a risk that “identifying the vaccination status of the mothers, even at aggregate level, would result in harm to those individuals and others close to them (sorry, what??), through actual or perceived judgement of the effects of their personal vaccination decision”. "

And here's the clincher...

"Furthermore “the outcomes of such analysis, whilst being uninformative for public health decision making (sorry, what?), had the potential to be used to harm vaccine confidence at this critical time”."

So any study into the relationship between vaccines & neonatal deaths in Scotland CANNOT be performed because it might increase vaccine hesitancy.

Okidoki. If that does not implicate the vaccines in these neonatal excess deaths, then nothing does & nothing will. I for one implicate them in ALL excess deaths since the beginning of 2021 but of course there are bound to be other factors. It's just the vaccines are the most likely factor & probably the single largest driver of these apparently mysterious excess deaths.

Thanks for reading, please subscribe. It's subversive & it's free.


Don't Mention The Vaccines - https://alternativenarrative.substack.com/p/dont-mention-the-vaccines

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May 24, 2023·edited May 24, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

"Almost unbelievable". I am pretty sure that is a rhetorical question/statement and you know the answer better than most. The WHO has big plans and they don't want to mess them up.

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Australia is a commonwealth country, ties to WEF, through

Charles III. All 3 countries ignore deaths.

Thus, against the citizens. Citizens are slaves, no rights.

Very powerful, not sure what can be done. Keep reporting where you can. They'll block that also. Lots of $$$ for that.

Are they share holders?

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I have to say... it was pretty damn weird to watch London/Britain Covid rates rise and rise during and after delta. To me it appeared London was a transfer station for Covid Mules.

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Dr Philip McMillan asks:

"Can anyone explain why this research into understanding the cause of excess deaths is not appropriate?"


The criminal People RESPONSIBLE for these "excess deaths" already KNOW the answer - they KNOW they would have to go to jail for TERRORISM, MASS-MURDER and other crimes related to their DEPOPULATION-Agenda - so their way out is IGNORANCE & HIDING.

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Thanks Dr. McM.

Fairly certain they wouldn't bring their own ropes for the hangings!

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May 24, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

As a senator I would not want to incriminate myself by OFFICIALLY REVEALING THE TRUTH

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May 24, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Your chart of Australian data looks a bit off. How can there be data all the way to December 2023?

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The orange line was 2022.

Not sure why it appeared as 2023.

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May 23, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan




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May 23, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

It is just about money. Our so called democracies are a thin facade for the real power, which is the billionaire class. Their profits outweigh everything else.

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Sad but true.

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Every Greens senator voted no. Last time they get my vote.

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