I recently called for October 7, to be the day that we acknowledge that the most common mechanism for death associated with the spike mRNA COVID-19 shots pertains to spike mRNA shedding from the upper respiratory tract through exhalation and the induction of sudden death in the recipient. As discoverer of the novel HERV-K102 virus anti-v…
I recently called for October 7, to be the day that we acknowledge that the most common mechanism for death associated with the spike mRNA COVID-19 shots pertains to spike mRNA shedding from the upper respiratory tract through exhalation and the induction of sudden death in the recipient. As discoverer of the novel HERV-K102 virus anti-virus protector system that generates "trained (INNATE) immunity" essential for recovery from COVID-19 and possibly survival of Homo sapiens over other hominins
[Laderoute, M. Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) of Infection into Macrophages Validates the Importance of HERV-K102 Particle Production for Pandemic Preparedness. Preprints 2023, 2023120185. https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202312.0185/v2.
DOI: 10.20944/preprints202312.0185.v2], it was in the sworn testimony on shedding risks [https://rumble.com/v51idm2-dr.-marian-laderoute-jun-01-2024-regina-saskatchewan.html] that for the first time evidence is provided consistent with HERV-K102 being shed through exhalation and triggering the interferon response and HERV-K102 activation in the new host, and that it is this which generates herd immunity. The problem of the spike mRNA shots is that it converts this protection mechanism into a bioweapon. Over 90 % of the deaths associated with spike mRNA shots relate to deaths after 62 days (ONS data first 17 months in England), indicating the major cause of excess deaths in 2021 to 2023 related to shedding. The cure was in fact worse than the disease in 29 countries [Sukura K, 2024]. It also may be that the sa-mRNA (self-amplifying) technology might greatly increase the risk of integration, increase the risk of direct vax death (under 62 days) and increase the risk of shedding deaths. It may increase the risks of integration if one survives shedding meaning eventual death. Doomsday scenerio I am afraid.
I recently called for October 7, to be the day that we acknowledge that the most common mechanism for death associated with the spike mRNA COVID-19 shots pertains to spike mRNA shedding from the upper respiratory tract through exhalation and the induction of sudden death in the recipient. As discoverer of the novel HERV-K102 virus anti-virus protector system that generates "trained (INNATE) immunity" essential for recovery from COVID-19 and possibly survival of Homo sapiens over other hominins
[Laderoute, M. Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE) of Infection into Macrophages Validates the Importance of HERV-K102 Particle Production for Pandemic Preparedness. Preprints 2023, 2023120185. https://www.preprints.org/manuscript/202312.0185/v2.
DOI: 10.20944/preprints202312.0185.v2], it was in the sworn testimony on shedding risks [https://rumble.com/v51idm2-dr.-marian-laderoute-jun-01-2024-regina-saskatchewan.html] that for the first time evidence is provided consistent with HERV-K102 being shed through exhalation and triggering the interferon response and HERV-K102 activation in the new host, and that it is this which generates herd immunity. The problem of the spike mRNA shots is that it converts this protection mechanism into a bioweapon. Over 90 % of the deaths associated with spike mRNA shots relate to deaths after 62 days (ONS data first 17 months in England), indicating the major cause of excess deaths in 2021 to 2023 related to shedding. The cure was in fact worse than the disease in 29 countries [Sukura K, 2024]. It also may be that the sa-mRNA (self-amplifying) technology might greatly increase the risk of integration, increase the risk of direct vax death (under 62 days) and increase the risk of shedding deaths. It may increase the risks of integration if one survives shedding meaning eventual death. Doomsday scenerio I am afraid.