How do we know it's reinfection causing the heart damage and not the injections? Seems like a lot of correlation. The reinfections seems only to happen to the vaccinated and immune compromised. So if one is to get reinfected, do you blame the infection or do you blame what caused you not to be able to fight the infection?

The 3rd most common adverse reaction to the COVID injections is infection with COVID. So is it really COVID infection or the injections causing all the exact same symptoms of infection?

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Excellently put. Precise points. In highly revaccinated countries, it is difficult to ascribe any lingering/ new effects only to reinfections. To understand, look at this geographical context. India ( where I am from) had a massive Omicron wave in Jan-Feb 22. But with the experience earlier of beating down a treacherous delta wave with early treatments and conventional URT medicines, this Omicron wave too was contained very quickly. The case count became insignificant thereafter and once for all. By then only 15% of the population had the third shot (AZ) and revaccinations practically stopped thereafter. Not that there were no reports of cardiac situations here linked to infection or vaccine, but practically minuscule, compared to the high profile observations in the West. Why did not Omicron become such a long term threat here ? Was the vaccine remnants, in some people, exacerbating the behaviour of Omicron variants to increased cardiac incidences ? Biology on a biology ? Is it possible to study the properties and behaviour of Omicron in a Petri dish and microscope in the presence of vaccine remnants like the spikes ?

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95 masks help reduce the probability of getting infected.

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Did Fauci get covid after West Nile Virus? That would be rich. Does anyone know if Bill Gates ever got sick of anything? He does look a lot older.

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He never got covid. And I'm sure he got the placebo. This is the kind of man that's hard to fool. He reads too much, and especially too many books. Anyone who reads that much, could have easily figured it 2020 already that mRNA technology is a dangerous and toxic one that never worked. That's why it never got approved. Shame on the media for failing at a historical job: telling people the truth about the mRNA.

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Agreed, but sometimes these arrogant left-brained pricks get so confident in their technologies, they think they can fix stupid with more complexity, or they get blind-sided with something simple. Anyone with a balanced brain (ie emotionally and spiritually balanced) can see the potential problems right away.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

Do u really think Fauci had 6 boosters! - shouldnt think he's been anywhere near his 'Experimental Solution'

I think you need to be concentrating your efforts on whats going on in Gujaret, India


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I was in a remote part of northern India last month ... I asked a taxi driver if it was possible to choose not to take the Rat Juice Toxic Injections .... he spoke good English but seemed not to understand the question...

After rephrasing a few times I realized that he understood but that he could not fathom that anyone would not take it ... (Safe and Effective right).... finally he responded with --- everyone took it and if you tried not to you were heavily fined... so everyone took it.

If they all took it in the Ladakh region ... then without a doubt the entire country was shot up with the Toxic Rat Juice...

Hopefully the story you reference indicates Ground Zero for the beginning of the extermination https://fasteddynz.substack.com/p/the-ultimate-extinction-plan-uep

Humans are vile, stupid beasts... the only solution is extinction

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If course he doesn't understand the question:-). If you call it " rat juice", how can he?:-). Call it what it is: a highly toxic experimental injection. However, the only name for it people understand is covid " vaccines".

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I actually called it the covid vaccine... for clarity

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Please order ,"The NEW Order of the Barbarians" on amazon or from another book seller.

It stems from a seminar my long time friend Randy Engel's Pediatrician for her six children went to in the late sixties. She was an award winning reporter during the Vietnam War . She encouraged the MD to make an audio of what he saw and heard .Then she made it into a booklet which everyone should read to understand what we are living through and to understand just who is behind it all.

The booklet spells it out clearly and should remain in every family as a reference.

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Here, and Sage HANA has done a few SUBSTACK with the audio recordings..

The “New Order of Barbarians”

This is a transcript of the "New Order of Barbarians." Dr. Richard Day's speech on March 20, 1969

Everybody has a right to live only so long.


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I am aware BUT the audio is confusing compared to the 11 dollar booklet which is a quick and easy reference. It was republished recently.

The print version is much better.

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New Order of Barbarians 1988

Thats one I just downloaded.

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what people do not realize is that Planned Parenthood is behind so much of this. They WANT late term abortions to harvest organs and several OBGyn 's have been caught on tape selling these organs for there stem cells for around 17 thousand. Their clinics supplied birth control pills back in the early seventies during school hours when school nurses would drive them to clinics unbeknown to their parents .

A senior student in the HS my older daughter went to, died of a stroke from the hormones in the pill. As a nurse I witnesssed Doctors screaming at young teens in an ER being used as a birth control clinic, because they did not understand how to take these pills. The Women's Long Term Initiative, which was a large clinical trial for hormonal replacement pills for menopausal women in the beginning of this century, had to be cut short because the women were having heart attacks and strokes and getting cancers ! But they are still prescribed and contain the SAME hormones that are in birth control pills.

Bill Gates father was the President of the Rockefeller owned Planned Parenthood and who do you think is dosing with Lupron and encouraging transgendering during school hours now?

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Thank you Someone.

I have always told the truth because it is God I fear and not man.

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I don't believe he even got one jab !

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My family was one and done with C19 thanks to the amazing immune systems God gave us. I'm not hopeful actual science will prevail over Big Pharma's corruption to force more jabs for equity.

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I never had Covid shots and got “Covid” pneumonia, a dvt and tachycardia which became POTS. Horrible

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I think someone has been compromised and has joined the WEF NWO worldwide globalist Cult of psychopaths pushing the Agenda 21/30

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Thank you, Dr. McMillan. I was excited to see your recent 13-minute YouTube video on the importance of the "embalmers' clots" generated approximately 500,000 views (and 5,000 Reader Comments).

I wrote a summary of the key points you made in that presentation and included some of the most astute Reader Comments. I thought your readers and viewers might be interested in my article. I continue to think a REAL investigation into these clots is the easiest and fastest way to stop these mRNA shots - which should be our No. 1 objective.


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Thanks for sharing Dr McMillan

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How does anyone know if it’s omicron or a different strain when you’re infected? I’ve never been infected or tested or jabbed.

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The jabs WERE the "Omicron varient"

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Thank you for being one of the few doctors who did not stop being able to think critically after getting their degree. The world needs doctors like you!

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About two years ago, I posed the question: Could the Thymus be affected by COVID-19?

Today, I have some answers:

Murine study shows that SARS-CoV-2 induces thymic atrophy and impairs T cell development


A key factor driving thymic atrophy in the study was interferon-gamma (IFN-y), a cytokine that plays a central role in the immune response. Elevated levels of IFN-y were observed in the thymus following SARS-CoV-2 infection. The study revealed that IFN-y was critical for the atrophy process. When mice were treated with an anti-IFN-y antibody, the thymic involution was significantly reduced, pointing to the cytokine's pivotal role in the destruction of thymic tissue during infection.

Continue reading: https://www.thailandmedical.news/news/murine-study-shows-that-sars-cov-2-induces-thymic-atrophy-and-impairs-t-cell-development

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@everyone A chilling read!

Depopulation Jab

Georgia Guidestones before being blown up said to keep the world population in harmony with nature at 500,000,000 = half a billion.

World population approx 7-8 billion.

They have a cunning plan 😈

Covid 1984 is just the Flu re-branded so that the Evil Luciferian FreeMasons WEF New World Order can murder the masses for the Depopulation Agenda!

Jacques Attali, 1981, then adviser to François Mitterrand wrote this:

"In the future it will be a question of finding a way to reduce the population. We will start with the old, because as soon as he exceeds 60-65 years man lives longer than it produces and it costs society dearly.

Then the weak and then the useless ones who bring nothing to society because there will be more and more of them, and especially finally the most stupid. Euthanasia targeting these groups; euthanasia will have to be an essential instrument of our future societies, in any case.

We will of course not be able to execute people or make camps. We will get rid of it by making them believe that it is for their good.

Too large a population, and for the most part unnecessary, is something economically too expensive. Socially, it is also much better for the human machine to come to an abrupt halt rather than gradually deteriorating.

We won't be able to pass intelligence tests on millions and millions of people, you can imagine!

We will find something or cause it, a pandemic that targets certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus that will affect the old or the big, it doesn't matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and the stupid will believe it and ask to be treated. We will have taken care to have planned the treatment, a treatment that will be the solution.

The selection of idiots will thus be done on its own: they will go to the slaughterhouse on their own. "

[The future of life - Jacques Attali, 1981]

Interviews with Michel Salomon, collection Faces of the future, editions Seghers.

Scientists challenge fundamental precepts of virology. Do viruses even exist?


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