The extraordinary rise in IgG4 is one important mechanism of post vaccination immunosuppressive findings

Yes - as you point out, it can dampen the hyperinflammation found in the second, severe hypersensitivity stage of Covid19 characterised by ‘cytokine storm’

But the long term danger especially from repeated dosing ( ‘boosting’) is persistent immunosuppressant effects, not a desirable status - and we could probably be seeing the aftermath

There are reports of strange cancers, rapid advances of extant malignancies, unusual infections etc that are probably adding to, if not the primary cause ( along with blood clotting issues, cardiac and other organ toxicities, neurological and psychiatric abnormalities, fertility and miscarriages etc ) the general finding of markedly raised excess mortality figures - not ascribable to Covid19 itself - after the vaccines were introduced

Several analyses describe the LNP/mRNA vaccines as the likely culprits and we must await full access to government statistics to be certain of causality

But it doesn’t look good to me

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Phil - you should make clear in the title that this is a finding after vaccination

Your title could be read to be a showing after the disease which wasn’t shown

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Noted after John.

Seems to have caught the attention incidentally.

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This article contests the belief that the Covid19 vaccines can in real life prevent hospitalisation and deaths


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"Serum IgG4 level predicts COVID-19 related mortality. (A) Serum IgG4 concentration, but not IgG1, IgG2, and IgG3, is significantly higher in COVID-19 non-survivors compared to survivors (p value < 0.05). (B) Increased serum IgG4 level (> 700 mg/L) and IgG4/IgG1 ratio (> 0.05) are associated with increased mortality in COVID-19 patients (p value < 0.05 for both survival analyses). (C) Serum IgG4 concentration positively correlates with serum IL-6 levels (p value < 0.05)."


"Despite intrinsic limitations mainly related to the limited number of patients enrolled, our study identifies IgG4 antibodies as a possible additional overlooked variable of the humoral immune response against SARS-CoV-2 associated with COVID-19 progression."


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And something else, it came to my attention, from Your study graphs, that IgG4 goes haywire one, two or even 3 orders of magnitude just after excluslivly mRNA boosters and totaly unintutivly not instantly but after 6 months when other 3 types of antibodies IgG1,2,3 settled down and normalise???

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A question was asked to a very good Immunologist some time ago when this study came out, more have come out since. They wanted to know about IgG4 switching. Below is their words.

The substack they shared was from 3 months ago about Immune Tolerance.

“Switching to IgG4 requires time, which probably signifies that Spike antigen from mRNA vaccines is being expressed for a long time. As the paper explains, high proportion of IgG4 (compared to other types of IgG) is not favorable for viral infections due to reduced Fc function, especially if these antibodies cannot fully stop the virus by neutralization, which is the case with COVID vaccines.

In the context of bee venom exposure in bee keepers (or allergen exposure), IgG4 antibodies are beneficial, as they can neutralize bee venom or block IgE. However, for viral infections for which they do not provide sterilizing immunity, they are not beneficial.

This finding pertains only to mRNA vaccines, but not to adenoviral vaccines or natural SARS-CoV-2 infections. However, if someone had mRNA vaccines and then developed a breakthrough infection, then IgG4 build-up still happens from the breakthrough infection as well.

It looks like mRNA vaccine technology needs to be phased out.

There’s also a good explanation on Igor Chudov’s substack.”

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“Switching to IgG4 requires time, which probably signifies that Spike antigen from mRNA vaccines is being expressed for a long time. As the paper explains, high proportion of IgG4 (compared to other types of IgG) is not favorable for viral infections due to reduced Fc function, especially if these antibodies cannot fully stop the virus by neutralization, which is the case with COVID vaccines."

Of course! Thank you. One of the things that perplexed me was why this large increase wasn't seen as the result of viral infection. I did some work when I was a technician (pre-Ph.D.) on Ig heavy chain class-switching back in the dark ages of the mid-90s. Yet the time factor went right over my head even though I had been worried that the mRNA was being expressed for a long time due to all that they had done to the construct to maximize efficient translation and increase stability. The details and facts will reveal themselves over time. We still don't know what we don't know.

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This is exactly what we should expect. The body naturally develops tolerance to repeated exposure to antigens

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Thank you.

Glad to see you here.

Planned to speak in the past, are you still open to that?

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If IGG4 is a marker of successful triggering of immune tolerance (in allergy desensitization), does this imply that recipients are developing tolerance to spike? Would this mean the recipient's body no longer clears spike efficiently and levels are higher? If spike is pathogenic, we know it is, then this would contributed enhanced and accelerated pathogenesis. This would also further dampen any response to reinfection, and the sphere of damage would expand more rapidly.

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"slow kill" covid

Immediate Virulence was "developed up" in the variants peaking with gamma /P1? note: chinese immune systems were protected, spared from all this as well as immune system complications arising from repeated agent Mrna injections.

Omicron was "evolved" from the original, somewhere for 2 years, gaining unprecedented transmissiblity and for, less immediate virulence, replication in the upper respiratory tract. biden tells all the pandemic is over. Very few now take advantage of the known, simple, real infection prevention measures available. Undamaged chinese immune systems developed immunity to covid when omicron passed through china. Omicron infects the multi-infected multi-vaxed immune systems of the "west" and remains doing far more damage than in china

china won "round covid"

The ccp / pla declared war on the US in 2019 then "corrected" their declaration to say "economic war". In 1999, two Chinese colonels wrote a book called Unrestricted Warfare, showing their considerations for "economic war plans" "Unrestricted War" "using all means ... to compel the enemy to accept one’s interests.” "According to the editor’s note, Qiao argued in a subsequent interview that “the first rule of unrestricted warfare is that there are no rules, with nothing forbidden.” That vision clearly transcends any traditional notions of war."

Unrestricted Warfare Chapter 1: The Weapons Revolution Which Invariably Comes First

Thus our country is flooded with fentanyl made from chinese ingredients if not from fentanyl directly exported from china and ..... ...

Think on the efficacy of inflicting mass "stealth" "slow kill" bio-weapon injury and disability upon the enemy population and workforce to maximize enemy resource depletion as a war tactic without the population really "knowing" vs using a higher lethality, non-stealth bio-weapon (possibly or actually demonstrated? with gamma/P1? to be inherently self limiting) to which the inflicted population could react to with real pandemic limiting countermeasures.

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I search with "sewage testing covid minneapolis" to arrive here


when I either mentally level out the peaks or "This graph is interactive: hover over points for more information, or click and drag to zoom in." or click on the top of the"viral load in wastewater" scale on the left of the graph and drag it down to flatten down the peaks (note: reload page when needed if quits responding. etc.

It looks to me that there is more covid in the population, more cov2 being replicated, on average over the years Ups and downs tracking with large metro area events such as the minnesota state fair and state athletic tournaments and it seems to go up and down on its own .......

producing more cov2 year by year

ps. I ignore the "fictional" "new daily cases" figure, for instance, less than 5 cases per 100,000 recently- though I hope.

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we tested our tap water via multiple tests, pcr and spit , all came back positive...... from a natural spring diverted through a pumping station in a very small town of 65 houses. No explanation as to why from the experts

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I understand why it is in the sewage waste water but in your spring or small scale water system? Contamination from septic systems would show with other markers.

Have there been any "fauci" sightings near your spring or pumping station?

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Ultraviolet B light attenuates the systemic immune response in central nervous system autoimmunity


Results: Regulatory T cells (Tregs), which are induced locally in the skin-draining lymph nodes in response to UVB exposure, connect the cutaneous immune response to CNS immunity by migration to the sites of inflammation (blood, spleen, CNS). Here, they attenuate the inflammatory response and ameliorate disease symptoms. Treg-inducing tolerogenic dendritic cells (DCs) were further necessary for induction of this systemic immune regulation by UVB radiation, because ablation of Langerhans cells abolished the UVB-induced phenotype. MS patients treated with UVB phototherapy showed an increase in induced Tregs and tolerogenic DCs accompanied by the downregulation of the T-cell effector cytokine interleukin 21. The treatment further induced elevated serum levels of vitamin D.

Interpretation: Local UVB radiation of the skin influences systemic immune reactions and attenuates systemic autoimmunity via the induction of skin-derived tolerogenic DCs and Tregs. Our data could have implications for the understanding or therapeutic modulation of environmental factors that influence immune tolerance.

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Very interesting.

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You are mixing different cats in the same Bag.

test is flawed because you are assuming that everybody is the same,

that same mRNA dose µg, produce same amount of Spike protein in everybody, and thats Not possible because genetic differences.

Normal distribution "bell curve", say that most people will produce average levels of spike protein with same mRNA dose, rare produce None, and rare produce 1000x.

if you produce 1000x there is a high probability you are already dead.

you need to find LD50 of Spike protein, "lethal dose for 50% of people" µg per kilo of body weight. any toxic chemical or molecule has LD50.

im sensitive to Spike protein, Not everybody is.

Spike protein is like a door Key, a Master Key that "opens all doors" in my body,

but does Not open any door in Virus deniers, and opens some doors in some people.

im always affected, virus deniers are Never affected, because genetic differences.

Every time i go out, people look normal, but i feel there is high levels of Spike protein everywhere,

usually when someone had a C-19 at the beginning 2020-2021, people cough dry, and sneeze, looks harmless, but to me was deadly if close, lately everybody is sick, and Nobody cough, and very rare sneeze, but i feel there is high levels of spike protein everywhere, coming from healthy people.

Anti-cough chemicals, suppress cough but Not solve flu, trick the body response, and some people get high if consume too much anti-cough liquid, because its a neural modulator chemical,

Normal flu cause irritation / inflammation by destruction of cell walls, eating Honey from Bee seems to glue to damaged cell walls and reduce cough naturally, because damaged cell walls are Not exposed directly to oxygen, like an open wound. instead Anti-cough molecule bonds to neuro receptors in the brain and block the body natural reflex signal, leaving exposed the damaged cell walls, completely different mechanism to stop cough.

IF IgG4 is activated with bee poison, is because Spike protein is also Toxic. some Pneumonia in babies is caused by toxic bacteria, Not virus, bacteria has a molecule in its outer layer that is toxic to lungs, molecules are like keys. mRNA Vaxxines are optimized to produce 1000x spike protein vs. normal virus infection, but problem is: Not everybody is the same, does Not react the same, not everybody reacts with severe inflammation to bee sting. same happens with vaxxine, Not everybody produce 1000x spike protein when injected with mRNA, 1000x optimization does Not work for everybody, thats why most people survive vaxxination, vaxxine is designed to target a certain population with specific genes, but is harmless to people with incompatible genetic. IgG is Not a direct way to measure Spike protein production by mRNA. is just to measure body response to a toxic molecule, completely different. but even if you are "incompatible" if you inject too much will reach LD50, same with any toxic chemical / molecule. question is ¿what is LD50 of Spike protein? the answer is already in bee, spider & snake poison research.

if the body produce more Spike protein, the body will produce more IgG4, because is toxic.

but most people do Not produce 1000x spike protein with same dose of mRNA.

there are 50 shades of spike protein production in humans, some produce 1000x, some produce 1%. because genetic differences. Anything kills if too much, including pure water "the source of life."

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Thank you for sharing.

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" Pneumonia in babies is caused by toxic bacteria, Not virus, bacteria has a molecule in its outer layer that is toxic to lungs,"

spike bioweapon contains bacterial Staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) - superantigen - an old school bioweapon in the bioweapon stockpiles in the world, undoubtedly in china.

Once a US mainstay and now?, undoubtedly still the US stockpile for research purposes, etc.



"A monoclonal antibody against staphylococcal enterotoxin B superantigen inhibits SARS-CoV-2

entry in vitro"


"We recently discovered a superantigen-like motif sequentially and structurally similar to a staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) segment, near the S1/S2 cleavage site of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which might explain the multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C) observed in children and the cytokine storm in severe COVID-19 patients. We show here that an anti-SEB monoclonal antibody (mAb), 6D3, can bind this viral motif at its polybasic (PRRA) insert to inhibit infection in live virus assays."


"Superantigenic character of an insert unique to SARS-CoV-2 spike supported by skewed TCR repertoire in patients with hyperinflammation"

"The binding epitope (my note: S1 subunit) on S harbors a sequence motif unique to SARS-CoV-2 (not present in other SARS-related coronaviruses), which is highly similar in both sequence and structure to the bacterial superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin B"

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In regards to Omicron suppressing the interferon answer an updated pre-print* of the "Netea group "The impact of BNT162b2 mRNA vaccine on adaptive and innate immune responses" might be interesting:

The authors have now performed measurements of the immune response at 5 time points:

-before "vaccination"

-3 weeks after vaccination

-2 weeks after the 2 vaccination

-6 weeks later before the booster

-4 weeks after the booster

Out came that interferon production is significantly reduced even 6 months after basic immunization

Thus, the authors conclude:

"Our data show that the BNT162b2 vaccine has effects on both adaptive and innate branches of the immune system.

Surprisingly, BNT162b2 vaccine induces significant changes in interferon production"


-So we have the fatal situation that interferon acting as messengers to initiate the initial immune response in various infections with viruses, fungi, or bacteria, is downregulated for a long period by vaccination and suppressed by the omicron variant

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Saw that paper and plan to cover it soon.

Thought it was too much to combine with IgG4 discussion.

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Dr. Mikolaj Raszek on Yet Another Study Showing 'Abnormal' IgG4 Antibodies in Nearly All mRNA Vaccinated Individuals

"They're suggesting that having too much antigen eventually will lead to T cell exhaustion, and if you have T cell exhaustion this is how you might start correlating that with development of autoimmunity...More and more scientists are becoming leery of these IgG4 antibodies that basically seem to be observed in almost all of the mRNA vaccinated individuals."


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If IIG4 binds spike protein is there any research suggesting that this reduces the toxic effect of the spike ie the arterial damage, or will the binding cause clumping of spike proteins.

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