Insurance companies and embalmers were among the first to sound the alarm on the jab debacle. It's unreal that "white fibrous clots" are still deemed "conspiracy theories". Anyone heard of these prior to 2021?

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I don't know how long governments can hide the truth.

After receiving my first and second Pfizer vaccinations, I experienced DVTs, and my primary doctor dismissed the associated pain and Petechiae until I insisted on having a sonogram.

Hematology diagnosed me with antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) six months later.

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Too many doctors now appear to be "not fit for purpose".

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@Sieglinde Alexander ~ So very sorry to hear this . . . Have you found any protocol(s) that have helped with your symptoms?

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For the thrombosis, I received Heparin shots.

As far as I know, there is no established protocol or medication specifically for APS or Petechiae.

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Thanks for taking time to let us know. I hope the Heparin helps! 🍀

Also, in case you are interested, I have gathered a variety of vaxx-recovery resources here:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/65ab782ddcbf

Wishing you all the best!

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Thank you.

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I'd like to thank Tom Haviland for shining a light on this important topic. Your clarity, Tom in communicating the relevance of this issue is to be commended. And thanks to Dr McMillan for continuing to showcase research of great relevance.

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Thank you for reporting. Tom Haviland is doing incredibly important work.

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Very much so.

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The clotting issue is well understood and even somehow monitored by the leading regulatory authorities. Multiple regulatory criteria are put in place, but this has not avoided the issue. Priority of the regulatory authorities has been assessment of immunoglobulin and complement protein interaction with inoculated therapeutic agents. Clotting has been somehow neglected.

The issue is caused by excessive difference in charge of lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) and body environment, which leads to positively charged ion to attract the negatively charged forming ionic bond of larger protein complexes in serum. It is well documented that positively charged LNPs localize in lungs, while negatively charged LNPs localize in spleen. When the LNPs are not specially prepared, different charge between organ specific environment and LNPs triggers ioninc bonding between the LNPs and body molecules. Fibrinnogen has a net negative charge at physiological pH and contains domains with a high concentration of negatively charged residues. When fibrinogen binds positively charged LNPs (cationic lipids), this could lead to coagulation and platelet activation (https://doi.org/10.1101%2F2023.07.21.550080). Pre-treatment with anticoagulants before LNP inoculation can be easy, safe and effective method for avoidance of clotting issue.

The regulatory authorities were well aware of that. Therefore, certain regulations are put in place for LNP formulations, prescribing that ionizable lipids must be neutrally charged while in systemic circulation (pH above the pKa of the lipid, pH ~7.5), as well as able to become positively charged in the endosome (pH ~6.5) to facilitate membrane fusion and subsequent cytosolic release. The acid dissociation constant (pKa) is physicochemical property of the LNPs. Apparent pKa is an experimentally determined pH value of LNPs at which the numbers of ionized (protonated) and deionized groups are equal in the systems. Different techniques are used to ensure neutral charge of LNPs of mRNA Covid-19 vaccines (https://doi.org/10.1002/anbr.202300006) and to avoid fibrinogen driven pathologies (https://doi.org/10.1182/blood.2021014559).

However, the issue starts when LNP is inoculated. It is presumed that the LNP shall stay localize within specific tissues. But as it has been demonstrated, the LNPs may diffuse from the periphery and reach any organs in the body and stay within the organs for prolonged period of time. This is the problem with mRNA therapeutics since it is hard to control the translation locality, amount and duration. pH levels differ between tissues from ph 1 in stomach to ph 8.5 in colon. And when FDA-approved LPNs with apparent pKa between 6.5-7.5 reach those distant tissues having pH outside general physiological range, the problems are inevitable.

Additionally, acidosis (too low pH) or alkalosis (to high pH) can be acute states caused by metabolic, respiratory imbalances, lactate concentration after intense exercise, for instance.

Additionally, protein mistranslation may cause clotting issues as well.

The clotting issue with LNP administration can be significantly reduced when the administration is managed by GP who has evaluated the condition of the patient. When the administration of the LNP is mandated by someone who never met the patient and does not know the medical conditions, then problems are inevitable. Mandates are basically incompatible with precision medicine.

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While the survey data comes from a self-selected group of participants and is therefore not representative of all embalmers (nor of bodies that got cremated without a viewing), it is still relevant that they are finding unusual clots recently to an extent that it interferes with their jobs.

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Is it the spike in their body producing bacterial toxins forming these things? That they want us all to have.

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@Solo ~ Several of the articles I've collected in my "Red Pill" library on this issue attribute the clots to the spike protein. See the "Amyloidosis Research" section, in particular:

> Amyloid Clots: https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/64c19a153aec

> Library: BeyondC19.org

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Global Prion Disease Treatment Market – Industry Trends and Forecast to 2030


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Appalling! Just one more example of Big Pharma's #GravyTrain ~ #CauseThenCure

Thanks for sharing the link, Solo. I've added it into both of the following sections of my "Red Pill" library:

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/04c1303bcade

> https://workflowy.com/s/beyond-covid-19/SoQPdY75WJteLUYx#/1878787329b5

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You cant cure prion disease.

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Exactly. That's why I said "always fatal" in this section of my library.

But Big Pharma will certainly do everything they can to take advantage of the booming market "opportunity".

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Great work from Major Haviland!!

Few words about the clots, or first, what happens when blood is centrifuged under high G speed level ? The entire volume in the tube will separate into 3 portions, the lightest one being the s.c. platelet rich fibrin. That stretchy white substance is used by dentists, for example as a fibrin PLUG or biological membrane, for bone graftig, wound healing, etc. It is because that white clot is also rich in stem cells, growth factors and platelets, all apparently showing the element distribution from the above table. So what causes human blood to separate in phases like that? Sheer forces in centrifuge, OR narrowing the blood vessels due to artificial INCORPORATION of SARS-CoV-2 Spike proteins in the blood vessels membranes, maybe binding other macromolecules/agents/ions/etc. to it, while narrowing the free flow even more. BUT, the normal Spike, from the apparent virus, if it ever reaches blood (sci-fi..) it would ALWAYS need to come from OUTSIDE of the blood vessels. Which Spike will stay much longer in the blood vessel membrane, the normal/natural one OR the one from COVID genetically modifying injections, the one with the KV->PP mutation??? That was EXACTLY the point of designing the 'stabilizing' property of the Spike inside of the membranes in order to keep it there and apparently produce the antibodies for a long time.. It would also be harder to get degraded.. PLUS, if indeed the mod mRNA never get's degraded the expression of the Spikes on blood vessel surfaces will never end, leading to faster deaths...

When trying to ask even the geneticists here on this ss platfrom, why are they NOT looking for distinguishing of those 2 Spike versions in the human blood/human bodies??? One could even determine this way who got the jab and who didn't.. There is a strange silence, suddenly!! There was 1 publication on that topic, but it was GARBAGE. So why that silence?

Because it would possibly show that there is no 'normal spike', only the PP mutated/patented one from the genetically modifying injections!!! That's my personal opinion now, after seeing today the white fibrin clots on the dental adertisements(!!), while also having speculated on other mechanisms in the past in my substack posts...

There is way more proof there about the criminal intention from very begin of covid19, and the unimaginable cruel of the entire medical world, which is collecting their 'prizes' right now and preparing for even more in the future.

ANd strangely pub like this one:


describes the clots perfectly fine, BUT it subscribest it all to the natural Spike, absolutely never correlating it with the -pp- mutated SPike from the INJECTIONS!!! Once again, pre-medicated crime of infinite proportions!!!! And military soldiers, where are you to protect for body first???

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Here is a substack with it in.



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