Yes, Dr. McMillan, Nitric Oxide really works. Humming is good and is available anytime, anywhere. For those who are too sick to hum, a red light NIR therapy pad also generates NO in your cells and dilates blood vessels. Great pain reducer plus kills the Covid.
He has an extensive biography in the back detailing the scientist who received a Nobel Prize for its use in healing: Neils Ryberg to numerous papers on how Near IR and Far IR makes significant change in nearly every disease state you can think of from Cardiovascular damage/disease to diabetes to muscle/ligament repair.
Here is the very latest paper on photobiomodulation (Red Light LL therapy) just published on Pub Med Central on Jan 1, 2025 by Satoshi Kashiwogi from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School:
I think Dr. McMillan is right: there are confections circulating this winter. One of the worst case scenario is when you get covid and another virus like the RSV in the same time. The reason this is pretty terrible is because having both in the same time doesn't respond well to even the most aggressive treatment protocol. And when you find yourself in this kind of situation you end up going to the doctor since you can't buy yourself over the counter corticosteroids inhalers. Once that is added to the protocol, the recovery is dramatic. I know this because I have experience treating double viral infections: it's very challenging to treat it without seeing a doctor. Let me say this: it's a humbling experience. It doesn't matter how much you know about alternative protocols, they can't save you like they used too without going to see a doctor. And scary.
How is anyone supposed to believe anything with all the lies we been given in recent years. So many doctors have spoken out about the invalidity of the PCR tests, so what does any of this really mean? So many people's immune systems have been damaged from the vaccination program over the years, including the flu shot. There is SO much more to this story.
You and Geert have been flogging that dead horse for 2+ years now... Oh yeah, sure: more PCR tests...that's the 'answer' right? Great idea, let's open more PCR testing streets, and reintroduce the QR 'Jew Stars' (a Social Credit System) to differentiate between the tested and the untested....? 🙄
Every time on this channel it's 'more horror stories for the vaccinated', similar to how the 'authorities' and MSM bombarded us with 'horror stories for the unvaccinated' from 2020 until today.
Why do you insist on keeping the 'fear' alive? Are you another gatekeeper/controlled opposition?
It feels a bit like "the boy that cried wolf," it's losing it's impact and appeal.
I guess it will soon be time for another 'real' PLANdemic under the 'expert' guidance of the Orange Warp Speed Pharma Puppet, because most people in the meanwhile have stopped believing in the first PLANdemic and the clotshots.
Here's my take (spoiler alert: have roll of tinfoil nearby 🤣) on this bio-genetic warfare:
Dr Phil, it's WillT. don't tolerate there disgusting attacks . they show no respect. obsessed with thinking they know better. point out they aren't learning the science and are behaving like childish bullies.
These are no horror stories Pal. Facts. But maybe you are the one which received Dummy lots or defect nanolipid-micellams and / or haven't been wrongly injected i.e. no bloodvessel got hurt. (Ca. 10% of intramuscular inj. hurt a vessel eapecially if no aspiration is informed. All these variablea lead to different AVE. Also the degree of plasmid contamination is different from lot to lot. What Dr. McMillan is doing is only give you information and/or tools to combat these consequences of te worlds largest human trial. If you don't like it stop reading it. Blame your government for all of this !
you pis off you disrespectful monkey. Dr Phil's helping people. go solve your tiny stupid demon opinions up you own bottom.somewhere else. or I shall taunt you a second time.
If they use a form of PCR to test the wastewater, don't you think that the cycles can be changed to get the desired result? There's an outbreak, there is no outbreak, then there's an outbreak again. They showed low covid in wastewater originally because they needed to show that the vaccines were working. Then they let time go by and when people weren't taking their boosters, they show that it's rising again. Makes sense, right? Problem, reaction, solution
Wait a minute! The curve for Covid, Flu, and RSV is the SUM of Covid cases + Flu cases + RSV cases, it is NOT the number of cases that are co-infected with all 3 at the same time. You can see that the rate of Covid=0.6%, the rate of Flu=6.0%, and the rate of RSV=1.0%. You add them up, and they come out to 7.6%. These are NOT co-infections, it is the sum of different people who each have one diagnosed infection, not all 3. Right? So this video isn't making sense to me. Dr. Philip, pleas explain, and if you misinterpreted this graph, please say so. Thank you.
Agreed. At best looks like a misinterpretation, at worse some deliberate reinterpretation. Hopefully the former, though none of it helps forward the case here once you see it.
hi Bobby. I am starting a group called the "science police". the aim is to get all the idiots on good drs channels like Dr Phil, to stop distracting and bing disrespectful, while commending the few people like you who actually want to discuss the science , like you just did . less than 5% of people in comments actually behave respectfully and aknoledge the professor.
the aim is to kickstart science again, since it's totally broken. 90% of commenters are conspiracy types , who are good at corruption , but terrible at science.
would you be interested in contributing to such an endeavour?if so, subscribe and let your skills knowledge and ethos being known.
I think there's a chance it's a case of the good doctor misinterpreting the combined data in the graph as a separate co-infected group of patients and not just the sum of the other 3 groups. Is that right Dr McMillan? Another case of not looking at the data closely enough or getting overly excited it supports your argument when it doesn't.
I'm guessing no one in hospitals is testing thoroughly enough for many co-infections to get picked up if they're going on - any one care to comment?
your financial health needs covid to make a dramatic return.
This channel is so bad these days that it makes me wonder if it was good at all during the early days. Makes me wonder if Shankara Shetty was actually legitimate.
the good doctor has provided huge quantities of good info from coss reactive immunity, to clot investigation, to vaccine harms. Dr Phil's Chanel is on par with Dr John's, in terms of persistent reporting and research
so you go take your stupid babyface judgemental "you know better" idiotic nonsense, and go stick it where the sun doesn't shine. cretin.
The son of man must be lifted up in the same way Moses lifted up the serpant, one must look to Immanuel for salvation and the one who solves all their problems.
People who have great faith in Jesus and are keeping on the watch just as people looked to the serpant of moses to save them, during this time, they would look to Jesus to save them when he returns.
People during this time would look to Immanuel rather than to the medical system or any form of man rulership even denomination leaders for salvation and to be healed, they would welcome Immanuels 2nd coming with "Palm Branches" as the festival of booths foreshadowed, you leave this system and flee to the mountains and stay there until Immanuel returns.
1. Fleeing to the mountain of Yahuah in a spiritual sense 2. Flee to the literal mountains away from this system and the people of this system. 3. Wait for Immanuels return.
When he spoke in Matthew 9:12, he spoke according to the education of ones he was speaking to, the Pharisees was hypocrites in more ways than one and they probably likely reasoned "our medical system is helping us, we don't need the messiah" they seem to be the type to believe in the works of their own hands will save them. The Pharisees often emphasized ritual purity and adherence to the law as a means to righteousness leading them to rely on human institutions and practices, including medical systems, for physical and spiritual well-being. Their focus on works and human efforts led to a belief that they did not need divine intervention for healing or salvation. Jesus frequently criticized the Pharisees for their hypocrisy, particularly their outward display of piety while neglecting the deeper matters of the heart (Matthew 23:27-28) In this context, Jesus' statement showed a critique of the Pharisees' reliance on their own systems and efforts, pointing out their failure to recognize their spiritual sickness and need for the Messiah.
I thought he'd arrived in the form of the new President of the United States Deep State Uniparty. You know, the one who last time around boasted how he had produced gene therapy treatments masquerading as vaccines at "warp speed. Get ready for yet more miracles of this ilk!
You need to change your prescription, doc. Stop shilling for the globalists and their ongoing efforts to force us into an all-pervasive and controlling digital gulag via a series of phony pandemics. A better "cure" for us all would be to urge your "fans" to persuade their governments to follow Donald Trump's bold example and curtail their social and financially catastrophic membership of the corrupt, Pharma-captured WHO.
if youtonk you know better, go do it yourself, ya dumb fuck.
you need to stop being a disgusting shit towards one of the leading COVID docotrs who has been here everyday doing all the work for you, keeping you up to date with the latest "mysteries" that all of you wankers listening never learn.
you still don't even know how jabs kill, and you don't know why half the planet was asymptomatic, and ypustill don't know how important nitric oxide is, you dumb fuck. an ypudon know what clots are made off.
and this is after Dr Phil has repeatedly told you you demonic moron.
Exodus 7:11 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "And Pharaoh called together the sophists of Egypt and the mediciners, and the Egyptians also made their apothecaries in the same way." Isaiah 47:9-15 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "9 And now suddenly these two will come upon you in one day: widowhood and childlessness suddenly will come upon you in your pharmacy, in the strength of your offspring, fiercely. 10 In the hope of your wickedness, for you have said, 'I am, and there is no other.' Because the prudence of these and your fornication are abominable to you, and you have said in your heart, 'I am, and there is no other.' 11 And loss will come upon you, and you will not know it, and you will enter into it, and suffering will come upon you, and you will not be able to be born clean, and loss will come upon you, and you will not know it.12 Now put in your clothes and your many medicines that you learned from your youth if you can be of use.13 Those astrologers of the sky raised and saved you, those who see the stars announced to you what is to come when I come to you. 14 Behold, all like dry stubble [twigs] in fire, they will be burned up and they will not deliver their souls from the flame, because you have coals of fire and you sit on them 15 These are your helpers in your transformation from youth, a man in himself has gone astray, but there is no salvation for you." Nahum 3:4 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "From the multitude of fornicators, a good harlot and a happy druggist, a nation that sells in its harlotry, and tribes in its medicines." Galatians 5:20 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "Idolatry, apothecaries, enmity, jealousy, angers, wrath, dissensions, heresies." Mark 5:26 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "And she had suffered much under many physicians and had spent all that she had, and was no better but rather grew worse." 2 Kings 9:22 (4 Kingdoms 9:22) Source: LXX (Septuagint) "And it came to pass when Joram saw Jehu, he said, 'Is it peace, Jehu?' And he answered, 'What peace, so long as the harlotries of your mother Jezebel and her many medicines continue?'" Revelation 22:15 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "Outside are the dogs, and the druggists, and the fornicators, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood." Revelation 21:8 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, the murderers, the fornicators, the druggists, the idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death." Revelation 18:23 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "And the light of a lamp shall shine in you no more, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall be heard in you no more; for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your pharmacy." Revelation 9:21 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "And they did not repent of their murders or their medicines or their fornication or their thefts." Job 13:4 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "But you are forgers of lies; you are all worthless physicians." Deuteronomy 9:27 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "Remember your healers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; do not regard the stubbornness of this people, or their wickedness, or their sin." Exodus 9:11 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "And the mediciners could not stand before Moses because of the boils, for the boils were upon the mediciners and upon all the Egyptians." Deuteronomy 18:10 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination, or tells fortunes, or interprets omens, or engages in pharmacy." Exodus 22:18 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "You shall not permit mediciners to live." 2 Timothy 4:3-4 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "For the time will come when they will not tolerate sanctifying teaching; but according to their own desires, they will heap up for themselves teachers to satisfy their itching ears. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and will be turned aside to myths."
Thanks for sharing Dr McMillan Much appreciated 🙏
Yes, Dr. McMillan, Nitric Oxide really works. Humming is good and is available anytime, anywhere. For those who are too sick to hum, a red light NIR therapy pad also generates NO in your cells and dilates blood vessels. Great pain reducer plus kills the Covid.
It is so simple and effective.
Forgive the comments by those who are not scientists. Who can blame them, they have been betrayed by the medical community.
I use NIR. Do you have info on NO2 generation via NIR ?
See my notes below.
Let me look through my books and papers and I will send some links.
Here is a book called Red Light Therapy Miracle Medicine by Mark Sloan, it came out in 2019.
He has an extensive biography in the back detailing the scientist who received a Nobel Prize for its use in healing: Neils Ryberg to numerous papers on how Near IR and Far IR makes significant change in nearly every disease state you can think of from Cardiovascular damage/disease to diabetes to muscle/ligament repair.
Here is the very latest paper on photobiomodulation (Red Light LL therapy) just published on Pub Med Central on Jan 1, 2025 by Satoshi Kashiwogi from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School:
Package of Pardon's.... How the humanity degraded into this level?
Thank you Dr. Phillip McMillian for your video...
Sincerity & truth seaker's... Lord loves...
I think Dr. McMillan is right: there are confections circulating this winter. One of the worst case scenario is when you get covid and another virus like the RSV in the same time. The reason this is pretty terrible is because having both in the same time doesn't respond well to even the most aggressive treatment protocol. And when you find yourself in this kind of situation you end up going to the doctor since you can't buy yourself over the counter corticosteroids inhalers. Once that is added to the protocol, the recovery is dramatic. I know this because I have experience treating double viral infections: it's very challenging to treat it without seeing a doctor. Let me say this: it's a humbling experience. It doesn't matter how much you know about alternative protocols, they can't save you like they used too without going to see a doctor. And scary.
Absolutely true.
Not least since the medical profession became the sales and marketing arm of Big Pharma and their latest batch of snake oil drugs.
I also found a Nitric oxide nasal spray called VirX on ebayUK
Found it works really well even when you feel like something is coming on.
I believe this is the mother company, and rather a good one to support:
I tried to contact Dr McMillan in April 2024 and wrote as follows:
"I listened to an interview with the CEO,
Nathan Jones, and founder of XLEAR and I
Immediately thought of you, Dr McMillan.
The product is a nasal spray and is linked to some excellent studies and ..... the US government regulators are fervently trying to ban it.
The interview was from Ranger: Mike Adams. I've followed him for years and he's first class."
My email bounced back. Better late than never!
How is anyone supposed to believe anything with all the lies we been given in recent years. So many doctors have spoken out about the invalidity of the PCR tests, so what does any of this really mean? So many people's immune systems have been damaged from the vaccination program over the years, including the flu shot. There is SO much more to this story.
Just observe the amount of sick going into hospital.
You and Geert have been flogging that dead horse for 2+ years now... Oh yeah, sure: more PCR tests...that's the 'answer' right? Great idea, let's open more PCR testing streets, and reintroduce the QR 'Jew Stars' (a Social Credit System) to differentiate between the tested and the untested....? 🙄
Every time on this channel it's 'more horror stories for the vaccinated', similar to how the 'authorities' and MSM bombarded us with 'horror stories for the unvaccinated' from 2020 until today.
Why do you insist on keeping the 'fear' alive? Are you another gatekeeper/controlled opposition?
It feels a bit like "the boy that cried wolf," it's losing it's impact and appeal.
I guess it will soon be time for another 'real' PLANdemic under the 'expert' guidance of the Orange Warp Speed Pharma Puppet, because most people in the meanwhile have stopped believing in the first PLANdemic and the clotshots.
Here's my take (spoiler alert: have roll of tinfoil nearby 🤣) on this bio-genetic warfare:
Don't mind being wrong here.
However, suppose this is right?
What are the strategies to mitigate?
Dr Phil, it's WillT. don't tolerate there disgusting attacks . they show no respect. obsessed with thinking they know better. point out they aren't learning the science and are behaving like childish bullies.
Dr Phil you are allowed to respond and communicate scientifically .
what happened to "lymphocyte infiltration" elephant solution?
These are no horror stories Pal. Facts. But maybe you are the one which received Dummy lots or defect nanolipid-micellams and / or haven't been wrongly injected i.e. no bloodvessel got hurt. (Ca. 10% of intramuscular inj. hurt a vessel eapecially if no aspiration is informed. All these variablea lead to different AVE. Also the degree of plasmid contamination is different from lot to lot. What Dr. McMillan is doing is only give you information and/or tools to combat these consequences of te worlds largest human trial. If you don't like it stop reading it. Blame your government for all of this !
you pis off you disrespectful monkey. Dr Phil's helping people. go solve your tiny stupid demon opinions up you own bottom.somewhere else. or I shall taunt you a second time.
If they use a form of PCR to test the wastewater, don't you think that the cycles can be changed to get the desired result? There's an outbreak, there is no outbreak, then there's an outbreak again. They showed low covid in wastewater originally because they needed to show that the vaccines were working. Then they let time go by and when people weren't taking their boosters, they show that it's rising again. Makes sense, right? Problem, reaction, solution
And you believe the PCR test?
silly person. you don't "believe" in PCR tests. non idiots evaluate their accuracy. silly person.
Wait a minute! The curve for Covid, Flu, and RSV is the SUM of Covid cases + Flu cases + RSV cases, it is NOT the number of cases that are co-infected with all 3 at the same time. You can see that the rate of Covid=0.6%, the rate of Flu=6.0%, and the rate of RSV=1.0%. You add them up, and they come out to 7.6%. These are NOT co-infections, it is the sum of different people who each have one diagnosed infection, not all 3. Right? So this video isn't making sense to me. Dr. Philip, pleas explain, and if you misinterpreted this graph, please say so. Thank you.
You are correct. It seems it's the sum of three.
Agreed. At best looks like a misinterpretation, at worse some deliberate reinterpretation. Hopefully the former, though none of it helps forward the case here once you see it.
hi Bobby. I am starting a group called the "science police". the aim is to get all the idiots on good drs channels like Dr Phil, to stop distracting and bing disrespectful, while commending the few people like you who actually want to discuss the science , like you just did . less than 5% of people in comments actually behave respectfully and aknoledge the professor.
the aim is to kickstart science again, since it's totally broken. 90% of commenters are conspiracy types , who are good at corruption , but terrible at science.
would you be interested in contributing to such an endeavour?if so, subscribe and let your skills knowledge and ethos being known.
I think there's a chance it's a case of the good doctor misinterpreting the combined data in the graph as a separate co-infected group of patients and not just the sum of the other 3 groups. Is that right Dr McMillan? Another case of not looking at the data closely enough or getting overly excited it supports your argument when it doesn't.
I'm guessing no one in hospitals is testing thoroughly enough for many co-infections to get picked up if they're going on - any one care to comment?
your financial health needs covid to make a dramatic return.
This channel is so bad these days that it makes me wonder if it was good at all during the early days. Makes me wonder if Shankara Shetty was actually legitimate.
I hope so - I really liked him and he had some good info early on. Don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater, just yet..
ypugo round throwing babies about. on this channel, we are doing frontline science.
stupid woman.
If you understood, knew, and wrote English correctly, you would know that this is a colloquial phrase :)
piss off silly woman who can't read English. you darkscripted morons pretend you cat read. you can.
lol, cat read... love it!!!
i love using the word "useless thinkers" and "demonic retards" to describe all of you types. it's scientifically fitting. !
the good doctor has provided huge quantities of good info from coss reactive immunity, to clot investigation, to vaccine harms. Dr Phil's Chanel is on par with Dr John's, in terms of persistent reporting and research
so you go take your stupid babyface judgemental "you know better" idiotic nonsense, and go stick it where the sun doesn't shine. cretin.
or I shall taunt you, a second time.
Numbers 21:4-9; John 3:14
The son of man must be lifted up in the same way Moses lifted up the serpant, one must look to Immanuel for salvation and the one who solves all their problems.
People who have great faith in Jesus and are keeping on the watch just as people looked to the serpant of moses to save them, during this time, they would look to Jesus to save them when he returns.
People during this time would look to Immanuel rather than to the medical system or any form of man rulership even denomination leaders for salvation and to be healed, they would welcome Immanuels 2nd coming with "Palm Branches" as the festival of booths foreshadowed, you leave this system and flee to the mountains and stay there until Immanuel returns.
1. Fleeing to the mountain of Yahuah in a spiritual sense 2. Flee to the literal mountains away from this system and the people of this system. 3. Wait for Immanuels return.
When he spoke in Matthew 9:12, he spoke according to the education of ones he was speaking to, the Pharisees was hypocrites in more ways than one and they probably likely reasoned "our medical system is helping us, we don't need the messiah" they seem to be the type to believe in the works of their own hands will save them. The Pharisees often emphasized ritual purity and adherence to the law as a means to righteousness leading them to rely on human institutions and practices, including medical systems, for physical and spiritual well-being. Their focus on works and human efforts led to a belief that they did not need divine intervention for healing or salvation. Jesus frequently criticized the Pharisees for their hypocrisy, particularly their outward display of piety while neglecting the deeper matters of the heart (Matthew 23:27-28) In this context, Jesus' statement showed a critique of the Pharisees' reliance on their own systems and efforts, pointing out their failure to recognize their spiritual sickness and need for the Messiah.
I thought he'd arrived in the form of the new President of the United States Deep State Uniparty. You know, the one who last time around boasted how he had produced gene therapy treatments masquerading as vaccines at "warp speed. Get ready for yet more miracles of this ilk!
Lol hell nah, political antichrists is what all these politicians are. Never put faith nor trust in them.
You need to change your prescription, doc. Stop shilling for the globalists and their ongoing efforts to force us into an all-pervasive and controlling digital gulag via a series of phony pandemics. A better "cure" for us all would be to urge your "fans" to persuade their governments to follow Donald Trump's bold example and curtail their social and financially catastrophic membership of the corrupt, Pharma-captured WHO.
if youtonk you know better, go do it yourself, ya dumb fuck.
you need to stop being a disgusting shit towards one of the leading COVID docotrs who has been here everyday doing all the work for you, keeping you up to date with the latest "mysteries" that all of you wankers listening never learn.
you still don't even know how jabs kill, and you don't know why half the planet was asymptomatic, and ypustill don't know how important nitric oxide is, you dumb fuck. an ypudon know what clots are made off.
and this is after Dr Phil has repeatedly told you you demonic moron.
Exodus 7:11 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "And Pharaoh called together the sophists of Egypt and the mediciners, and the Egyptians also made their apothecaries in the same way." Isaiah 47:9-15 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "9 And now suddenly these two will come upon you in one day: widowhood and childlessness suddenly will come upon you in your pharmacy, in the strength of your offspring, fiercely. 10 In the hope of your wickedness, for you have said, 'I am, and there is no other.' Because the prudence of these and your fornication are abominable to you, and you have said in your heart, 'I am, and there is no other.' 11 And loss will come upon you, and you will not know it, and you will enter into it, and suffering will come upon you, and you will not be able to be born clean, and loss will come upon you, and you will not know it.12 Now put in your clothes and your many medicines that you learned from your youth if you can be of use.13 Those astrologers of the sky raised and saved you, those who see the stars announced to you what is to come when I come to you. 14 Behold, all like dry stubble [twigs] in fire, they will be burned up and they will not deliver their souls from the flame, because you have coals of fire and you sit on them 15 These are your helpers in your transformation from youth, a man in himself has gone astray, but there is no salvation for you." Nahum 3:4 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "From the multitude of fornicators, a good harlot and a happy druggist, a nation that sells in its harlotry, and tribes in its medicines." Galatians 5:20 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "Idolatry, apothecaries, enmity, jealousy, angers, wrath, dissensions, heresies." Mark 5:26 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "And she had suffered much under many physicians and had spent all that she had, and was no better but rather grew worse." 2 Kings 9:22 (4 Kingdoms 9:22) Source: LXX (Septuagint) "And it came to pass when Joram saw Jehu, he said, 'Is it peace, Jehu?' And he answered, 'What peace, so long as the harlotries of your mother Jezebel and her many medicines continue?'" Revelation 22:15 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "Outside are the dogs, and the druggists, and the fornicators, and the murderers, and the idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices falsehood." Revelation 21:8 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, the murderers, the fornicators, the druggists, the idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death." Revelation 18:23 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "And the light of a lamp shall shine in you no more, and the voice of bridegroom and bride shall be heard in you no more; for your merchants were the great ones of the earth, and all nations were deceived by your pharmacy." Revelation 9:21 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "And they did not repent of their murders or their medicines or their fornication or their thefts." Job 13:4 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "But you are forgers of lies; you are all worthless physicians." Deuteronomy 9:27 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "Remember your healers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob; do not regard the stubbornness of this people, or their wickedness, or their sin." Exodus 9:11 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "And the mediciners could not stand before Moses because of the boils, for the boils were upon the mediciners and upon all the Egyptians." Deuteronomy 18:10 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination, or tells fortunes, or interprets omens, or engages in pharmacy." Exodus 22:18 Source: LXX (Septuagint) "You shall not permit mediciners to live." 2 Timothy 4:3-4 Source: Byzantine Text, mGNT, Textus Receptus "For the time will come when they will not tolerate sanctifying teaching; but according to their own desires, they will heap up for themselves teachers to satisfy their itching ears. 4 They will turn their ears away from the truth and will be turned aside to myths."
thankyou for respecting the doctor, thanking him, and talking the science. only 1% of people even manage that.
About cat's sinuses, my grandma uses em as a measure of culinary prowess. I can tell you all about it
Dr Phil does this entire presentation for you and all you have to talk about is cats sinuses?
what's your iq?