Sure do wish I could afford to upgrade to paid but such is life. I am begining to sense this will eventuate in being the biggest experiment ever visited on mankind on a global scale. I thank God there are good men like you fighting for The Truth. God have Mercy on us all. Amen

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Dec 27, 2023·edited Dec 27, 2023

Another very important set of interviews!!!

Just before Christmas a very important but frightening study came out on the topic of cardiac damage through virus persistance in myocardial and endothelial cells https://www.cell.com/iscience/fulltext/S2589-0042(23)02718-9

Though up to now merely being „proof-of-concept“ study the implications for every person with one or more infectons, and perhaps all vaccinees, as they merely measured the spike-protein, are ground breaking. Who will be affected, and when? Awesome but yet aweful study results! Scientists now must confirm or reject these results in big cohort studies!!

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Dec 28, 2023·edited Dec 28, 2023




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The simplest and logical biomarkers of spike protein risk are those determining the deficiency in immunoregulatory mechanism (low activated VitD levels and low TREGs) and high non specific inflammatory state (high ESR )

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In essence the source and longevity of spike protein is possible from transfection of lipid nanoparticle mRNA both by the host cells and the microbiome. And the persistant spike protein levels can also result from integration of the mRNA into tissues and organs having less regenerative capabilities, viz cardiac myocytes (trigering myocarditis) and exposed vascular smooth muscle cells (trigering microclots)

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Second News letter from VEDICINALS

Google drive link for publications and News letters

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Jan 9·edited Jan 9

Where does the spike come from?

Was part of the answer not already described by dr. Bruce Patterson? Persistence in some immune cells, possibly because they are not destroyed by other immune cells and the affected transfected cells live longer than they are supposed to? His research does not exclude other options such as transfection of bacteria, so could be both?

SARS-CoV-2 S1 Protein Persistence in SARS-CoV-2 Negative Post-Vaccination Individuals with Long COVID/ PASC-Like Symptoms (2022, preprint)


"SARS-CoV-2 S1 and S2 protein were detected in CD16 + monocytes using flow cytometry and mass spectrometry on sorted cells." & "Upon isolation of the protein, we demonstrated by LC-MS that these CD16+ cells from post-vaccination patients also contained S1 protein months after vaccination."

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Jan 13·edited Jan 13



Brigitte König, Ph.D






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Does anyone know what they are using to free up the spike protein from endothelial cells and then bind to it so it leaves the body? Joachem mentioned it towards the end... I've read other doctors using nattokinase, bromelain, NAC, and even cholestyramine.

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Thanks Dr. McMillan.

Question: Is there a test for acquired innate immunity to covid (versus vaccinal immunity)?

GVB's book makes a reference to this as does Dr Rennebohm on his website: "It would be ideal if people could be tested now to determine the extent to which they have already developed effective naturally acquired immunity (as opposed to vaccinal immunity) against SARS-CoV-2. Unfortunately, such testing is quite limited." I also recall a Japanese study where the scientists measured this.

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Dec 29, 2023·edited Jan 5

Don’t know if this is of any interest they do loads of tests, they are shut for Christmas 5th January they are open again.







COVID-19, coronaviruses, influenza viruses, rhinoviruses, RSV (respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), metapneumovirus (MPV) and many other viruses are the cause of sometimes severe respiratory infections.


The immune system in viral infections


We humans have developed a sophisticated immune system to cope with all kinds of infections. A central role The most important players in viral infections are the T cells, the macrophages and also the granulocytes. However, the proper activation of naive T cells, macrophages and also granulocytes is a basic prerequisite in the fight against viral infections including the new coronavirus, COVID-19


"Functional sensitivity" of CD8+ T cells”


During the initial phase of a viral infection, the number of CD8 + T cells, which play a central role in virus Defence, increases significantly. If functioned properly, the CD8+ T cells induce cell death (apoptosis) of the virus-infected cell after activation by releasing the highly toxic content (Perforin, Granzyme) of their cytotoxic granules. In addition, they initiate the formation of TNF-alpha and IFN-gamma. IFN-gamma is a very important cytokine in the context of a viral Defence reaction. It protects the previously uninfected cells from infection with the virus, increases the Defence performance of the CD8+ T cells and calls on other cells to support virus Defence. TNF-alpha assists in the destruction of the virus-infected cell.


We have developed a test system that analyses the functionality of CD8+ T cells in a viral attack, especially the respiratory tract.


Requirement: "functional sensitivity" of CD8+ T cells; Price: €199


What are the benefits of the "functional sensitivity" testing of CD8+ T cells?


Antiviral drugs are hardly available because the virus very quickly develops resistance to the antivirals. The use of the host's own immune Defence system through vaccination and subsequent formation of antibodies would be another effective approach to combatting viral diseases. Unfortunately, the virus escapes the antibodies because it constantly changes its surface and is then hardly recognised by the antibodies. As soon as a virus has entered a cell, the infection can only be eliminated by a cellular response (T cells, macrophages).


The "functional sensitivity" test objectively indicates whether and to what extent (quantitatively) the CD8+ T cells can react to the attack of a virus. Since the function of T cells, especially the CD8 T cells, is significantly influenced by cellular bioenergetics, the "functional sensitivity" of the body's own CD8 T cells can be positively influenced. This is achieved in particular by strengthening the mitochondria, which coordinate the cellular bioenergetics.

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It is unlikely we will ever determine whether the symptoms are caused by the virus's DNA or the DNA present in the vaccine.

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Dr. McMillan, I truly appreciate your and Dr. Brogna and Joachim Gerlach's research.

Given the lack of medical consensus on the origins of the spike protein, widely noted in COVID-19 and vaccine-related cases, patients like myself have been compelled to independently seek relief, delving into various treatments for symptom alleviation. For over two and a half years, I've endured persistent cytokine-related health issues, including encephalitis, severe skin reactions, rheumatoid arthritis, and significant skeletal muscle weakness.

What is particularly disheartening is the reluctance of primary care physicians, often the initial medical contact, to acknowledge any link between these symptoms and the vaccine. They consistently dismiss requests for mineral deficiency tests that could track essential health markers, even in the presence of gastrointestinal symptoms like diarrhea or constipation, bloating, or abdominal pain. In my experience, a laboratory test I funded revealed elevated Ferritin (https://swaresearch.blogspot.com/2023/12/hemochromatosis-iron-overload.html), and iodine levels and a stark deficiency in Zinc (https://swaresearch.blogspot.com/2023/12/zinc-deficiency-and-benefits.html), which might have offered crucial clues. It was my persistent effort, despite intense pain, that led me to further testing, eventually resulting in diagnoses of, thrombosis, irregular heart palpitations, antiphospholipid syndrome (APS), and lupus.

My primary concern now revolves around apoptosis, the irreversible death of brain cells and neurons, which has the potential to impact both grey and white matter. This condition could escalate to more severe neurological disorders, including dementia or Alzheimer's disease.

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It's strange how youtube censors some videos and not other videos.

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Wonderful session, a lot of ground breaking and critical research being brought to the public. Thank you very much for continuing this.

I look forward to the second interview when Dr. Brogna's followup paper comes out, and also when others review the results and expand the research.

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