Dec 3, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

The NZ government does not own this data, It belongs to THE PEOPLE of NZ.

PS: It's high time they got rid of this 'Te Whatu Ora' nonsense and called it the Health Department.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan


Roger S. Meacock BVSc., M.R.C.V.S.

Quantum Veterinary Medicine




If you have recognised behavioural and cognitive changes in people recently the following video might explain some of them...


Listening to Dr Kevin Mc Cain the reason for the neurodegeneration is primarily due to prion formation and amyloid. This would appear to be the primary aim of the spike protein bioweapon.




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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

For those who don't do video:

"Emergency Update!!! New Zealand Whistleblower Raided!!!"

Alexandra Bruce, December 3, 2023


Hat tip: https://markcrispinmiller.substack.com/p/winston-smith-arrested-by-new-zealand


LIZ GUNN: I'm Liz Gunn and this is an emergency call around the world from New Zealand. Today is Sunday the 3rd of December 2023. I'm out in the car that we have. I've had a call to say that the whistleblower who has put out the crucial information exposing the covid lies, exposing the information that he had working for the Ministry of Health in New Zealand,* has had his house surrounded by police at 2:15 today.

It has been swarming with police. The time now is almost 5 o'clock. I have not gone public yet because I wanted not to inflame the situation, but why are the police there, still? And this I heard 10 minutes ago, as well as that 10 minutes ago the second person who backs up that whistleblower, and one of the people who contacted me along with the whistleblower, has had her house now surrounded by police. So those two people are no longer available to talk to us and I must put this message out to the world.

I would remind the new New Zealand government under Luxon** that you must get out the truth and show you are different from the tyrannical Ardern government.*** This is a massive challenge for you. This is where you show New Zealand what kind of a government you will be. And particularly you, Winston Peters.****

Winston, I came round to your house on the eve of putting the information out. I reached you by phone on message. I said, I have something very important to offer you.

You got into government promising New Zealanders that you would stand up for what we call the freedom truth-telling movement, that you would put out a full covid inquiry. The whistleblower tried to reach you as well. I gave him your number. And he said that he would give you all the information. We were both willing to give you the first drop and make you the hero politician of the world. We are still willing to do that, but I am calling on you, Winston. I am calling on you. Help these people. Make sure Luxon calls off the police. Make sure they are freed immediately. Make sure that this whistleblower is honored as a New Zealand hero for telling the people of the world the truth.

The eyes of the world are upon New Zealand, Winston Peters.

Not only that, on a personal note, Winston, you know, as I do, my father in the 80s stood by you when no one would listen to you, when you wanted to get the Wine-box Information* out. That involved a whistleblower. It was my father who advised Peter Williams to also stand next to you. And it was they who said to the braying press, wanting your blood, Winston should be honored for putting this story out. Well, here it is, karmically, now, I call on you to return that favor that my father did for you.

And beyond that, Winston, I did an incredible interview** for you at the beginning of the election campaign that helped you get into government. There is no doubt about that. I am asking you, Winston, show that you really meant what you said when you stood in this election and got all those freedom votes.

Beyond that, New Zealand and the new world, you must send messages to this new government under Christopher Luxon, care of the New Zealand Parliament in Wellington, around the world, demanding that the whistleblowers be freed, and me too, if they come for me. This is absolute tyranny.

There are two things that play here. Yes, the Ministry of Health data is important to protect the privacy, but there is a greater importance. The greater importance is if a government is shown to be criminal, then it is absolutely essential that the people of that country find a way to expose that criminality, and that is what I have done here as a reporter, as a journalist. That is the journalist's role and that is what the whistleblowers have done. That is what whistleblowing is about. This is major criminality on a level of Watergate.

It's also major truth-telling showing the world what is been done in terms of murder around the world.

You either stand by these whistleblowers or you are going to see this sort of tyranny come to your home, your door in future years, and if not you, the doors of your children. We will all be prisoners in future years if the world does not stand by and with and stand up for these whistleblowers.

Help New Zealand. We are in dire straits if this new government perpetrates the tyranny and brutality of Jacinda Ardern's ghastly government. This is the challenge. This is when it really counts.

Please help. Contact Winston Peters, care of the New Zealand Parliament, demand that he stand up as well. It is crucial, it is crucial that they are freed.



#   #   #


* Gunn refers to the interview she conducted with "Winston Smith," a data administrator for the Ministry of Health. It was posted to the Free NZ Media rumble channel on November 30, 2023. See:

M.O.A.R (Mother Of All Revelations)

November 30, 2023


** Christopher Luxon was officially sworn in as Prime Minister of New Zealand on November 27, 2023.



See also: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/christopher-luxon-sworn-in-as-new-zealand-prime-minister-says-priority-is-to-improve-economy/ar-AA1kzsPy

*** Jacinda Ardern served as prime minister of New Zealand 2017-2023.



**** Winston Peters is the leader of the New Zealand First Party. As of November 27, 2023 he serves as Deputy Primer Minister of New Zealand. see:


* Wine-box information refers to the Wine-box Inquiry. See:

Report of the wine-box inquiry / Commission of Inquiry into Certain Matters Relating to Taxation.

"On the 16 March 1994 Winston Peters sought an inquiry into what he called the Cook Islands affair and tabled documents in the House. The Government instituted an inquiry into the actions of the Inland Revenue Dept. and the Serious Fraud Office in their dealings with the transactions referred to in the wine-box documents, and, if as a reult [sic], any changes to the criminal or tax laws should be made."

— Source: https://trove.nla.gov.au/work/24375426

** Liz Gunn Interview with Winston Peters

FreeNZ Media, March 31, 2023


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Dec 4, 2023·edited Dec 4, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

I assume everyone knows that Winston Peters is the NZ Depty PM. "Winston Smith" is the assumed name of the anonymous whistleblower, and is adopted from the name of the hero of George Orwell's famous novel 'Nineteen Eighty-Four'. In the novel, Winston Smith tries (unsuccesfully) to stand up to the tyrannical government, which was also his employer. The government department in which the fictional Winston Smith worked was known as the Ministry of Truth. His job was to rewrite historical records to create a fake history aligned with government policy.

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Thank you.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Thanks Phillip for posting this. Everyone please share

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Tyranny. Happening everywhere, slower in the U.S.

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Dec 3, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

This is New Zealand. I hope you will be able to see the film "River of Freedom" as this Island has been (and still is) under strong political management to keep people from finding out the full truth and information. And most don't even care to search for the full information.

It should be full informed consent, even teens of 14 plus can get a vaccine if a healthcare worker believes it is safe. Parents are not consented....

And there is more to come. I hope this 'new' government will investigate the mandate in full form as it is /was not according to human rights!

People are dying of heart failure, stokes and also the healthcare is worse due to delayed services and no access to a GP and/or ED (waittime can be 12 hours)

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Shocking: New Zealand whistleblower reveals more than 20% of those who took Pfizer vaccine died within a week

“When I looked at the data, which is part of my job, I noticed some discrepancies regarding the dates of death, people who died within a week of vaccination,” the whistleblower said.

Illegal trade permit for Pfizer and Moderna

What a mess is coming to light about the corona policy! On Wednesday, November 22, admissions from the European Medicines Agency (EMA) (HERE) regarding the authorization of the experimental corona injections were announced via a press conference. Which clearly shows that neither the injections nor the QR codes were necessary because the EMA had already ruled, before all campaigns were rolled out, that the mRNA injections could not stop transmission. When the misleading, lying campaign “You're doing it for someone else” started, the EMA should of course have taken action, but Big Pharma's influence on this institute is apparently so great that it remained silent.

In this broadcast, Willem Engel and Maria Louise Genet explain how the marketing authorizations of Pfizer and Moderna were unlawfully granted. This video is only dutch speeking https://odysee.com/@Voorwaarheid:1/2023-11-23-WillDoFreedom-Onrechtmatige-handelsvergunning-Pfizer-en-Moderna:a?src=embed&t=12.876693

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I thought whistleblowers were protected under NZ laws. Does this mean no one can speak up about any other misjustice?

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The law here is utterly broken. Workplaces are toxic anyway, even before covid. Judges are shoulder-tapped and conflicts of interest abound. Be under no illusion: nz is corrupt.

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Dec 5, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

I can't help wonder if the Eugenicist that ran the Covid19 Plandemic would be highly disappointed if the figure of 10 million was not a gross underestimation

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

There is a point in time when those pushing charges for those that publishing the truth, will themselves face criminal charges for Perverting the Course of Justice. I believe we are rapidly approaching that point.

Whether or not those charges will progress to the Hague under the Nuremberg Code is a matter that will effect whether there will be justice for the millions that have be victims of this genocidal eugenics of multimillionaire Globalist Criminal Elite.

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Completely agree.

If data was hidden, charges should be applicable.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Oh my God. There seems to be still a big battle ahead of us towards truth revelation. We’ve been living under very dark and dangerous times.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

Thank you for publicizing this, in as much as this is possible. It is simple, relevant information that needs to come out and be immediately digested by every sentiant being who is in danger of having one (or another) of these jabs pointed their way.

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Certainly needs to be shared.

NZ represents pure data on vaccination prior to infection.

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan


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Do we now have news media controlled by the STATE? Like China and N Korea

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Dec 4, 2023Liked by Dr Philip McMillan

I wonder if the agreement NZ signed to purchase the vaccines included a promise to share vaccine safety data only if given permission? I believe in some cases the purchasing governments were not allowed to quality test the vaccines, so that is why I wonder about this.

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Interesting point.

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People should be rewarded for telling the truth, not jailed.

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